King of Gods

Chapter 987

鈥淕ood job, Zhao Feng鈥?/p>

Ninth Prince cannot help.

So far, Old Ying and Jing Kai have won two games each. Su Qingling, under his command, avoided fighting as much as possible without losing or losing, and Zhao Feng won three games.

In this way, his team, already, won seven innings.

Such achievements should be considered the best among the four princes.

Ninth Prince naturally understands why.

Old Ying was able to win both games smoothly because of his careful command.

Because Ninth Prince only needs to focus on Old Ying and Su Qingling, it is naturally easy.

The rest of the prince team, enters into the maze, are at least five or even six, and the Thirteenth Prince team has the largest number, with seven enters into the moving maze.

The other princes observed several people at the same time, but also communicated with them and conducted commands.

“Abominable, Zhao Feng”

Thirteenth Prince suddenly cursed.

The members of his maze met Zhao Feng again and lost.

“Third Highness, this Zhao Feng seems to trouble our members intentionally”

“This Zhao Feng is so abominable, we didn’t offend him again”

Thirteenth Prince behind, several members said a few words.

As soon as Thirteenth Prince complexion was black, he also discovered that Zhao Feng seemed to deliberately target his members.

“Hmph, want me to lose?”

Thirteenth Prince angrily snorted.

“Saint Lord Black Devil, Zhao Feng is on your right”

Zhao Feng’s duel scene, the end, return to the moment of the maze, Thirteenth Prince will direct the route to Saint Lord Black Devil.

In his team, there are two Saint Lords who enters into the moving maze.

Only these two Saint Lords could defeat Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng saw the black Lord Saint Lord approaching him, took the initiative to avoid, and looked for others nearby.

As soon as the scene duel is completed, he will randomly appear in the maze, and Saint Lord Black Devil is very difficult to find him.

Unless Zhao Feng appears next, next to Saint Lord Black Devil.

“En? Another Saint Lord”

Zhao Feng was shocked, quickly changed his course, and temporarily avoided it.

I saw a white thunder that ran through the maze.

He had old gray hair, but his expression was abnormal.

This person is a member of the Fourth Prince number 1 expert, Heavenly Floating Palace Wan Lei Saint Lord.

The approach he took at this time was the same as Zhao Feng had just imagined. He went straight in the maze, and whoever he met, he was.

After avoiding Wan Lei Saint Lord, Zhao Feng continued to find the target.

“Still the team members who resolve Thirteenth Prince and 8th Prince first”

In the third link, only two princes were able to qualify, and it was decided based on the victory of all members.

The two princes with lower wins will be eliminated.

Therefore, he must reduce the number of wins for these two princes.

The only way was for Zhao Feng to take the initiative to fight them and win.

According to the number of wins, it is still fair to decide the outcome.

Because of the number of people, the fairness of the game has little effect.

Too many people may win more times, but may also lose more Dragon Destiny Qi. In this way, the fourth link will undoubtedly lose.

This link mainly tests the prince.

Not only to command members to get more wins, but also to ensure the amount of ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’.

This requires very rigorous and decisive thinking analysis.

“Dragon Destiny Qi from Ninth Prince, too few”

On the one hand, Zhao Feng wants to reduce the number of wins of these two princes, on the other hand, he has to plunder more Dragon Destiny Qi.

Otherwise, why did Ninth Prince defeat Fourth Prince?

Although Zhao Feng’s flew Demon Beast and took the Dragon Jade to collect Dragon Destiny Qi, Already had two Spirit Pets and encountered unexpected.

When these two Spirit Pets were killed, Zhao Feng happened to be busy, so there was no time to help.

Therefore, Zhao Feng cannot rest his hope entirely on the Spirit Pet body.

In addition, if the third link cannot be won, Zhao Feng’s collection of Dragon Destiny Qi will be useless.

鈥淵u Tianhao鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng startled, Yu Tianhao was approaching him very quickly at this time, it should be 8th Prince who was pointing the route.

“That being the case, let’s do it again”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

He still remembers Yu Tianhao’s declaration of war against him during the battle for places.

Naturally he will not don’t give face.

鈥淶hao Feng鈥?/p>

Yu Tianhao expression was shocked.


all around The scene changes.

The two appeared in a courtyard, all around the golden hall of splendorous and majestic.

“Zhao Feng, let’s have a showdown.”

Yu Tianhao both eyes Fighting Intent heaven shaking, an endless Will strength, wants to break out of the body.

“I think so too”

Zhao Feng within the body Bloodline, faint boiling.

But at this moment, a big Clan Qianjin Young Lady, tender face was slightly angry, and walked quickly.

“I want to watch Spirit Pet Showdown”

The Qianjin shouted directly at Yu Tianhao and Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng and Yu Tianhao looked at a glance, and apparently planned to ignore the Clan Young Lady, fight first and then talk.

“You two, aren’t I the Beast Taming Master in Clan? I want to watch the Spirit Pet showdown now”

Qianjin Young Lady was even more angry when they saw no reaction.

“And you, it’s upset to see you, I really don’t understand how there is such a ugly Beast Taming Master in Clan”

After seeing Zhao Feng, the Qianjin Young Lady seemed to be even more angry. He was abusive at Zhao Feng.

Yu Tianhao suddenly startedled, scene duel, the characters in it, how can there be so much discrimination against Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng was speechless. Even if the characters in the scene discriminated against him, he didn’t have to use his appearance every time.

Give Yu Tianhao sound transmission immediately.

Yu Tianhao seems to understand, understands towards this thousand gold, said with a slight smile: “Young Lady, we have something now, can we wait a while, we must perform Spirit Pet showdown for you

Yu Tianhao repeats Zhao Feng’s words completely.

He also knows that you cannot do as you wish gets rid of the characters in the scene.

“This one鈥︹€?#8221;

Qianjin Young Lady, watching Yu Tianhao’s Eye deeply, pretty face slightly red.

Zhao Feng had a happy heart. Sure enough, non-player characters in the scene would have a good impression on Zhao Feng’s opponent.

“No, I want to watch the Spirit Pet showdown”

Qianjin Young Lady complexion changed, again.

“Yu Tianhao, then I’m sorry”

Zhao Feng shook the head.

The scene duel, the plot setting, is relatively rigid, and it seems that it cannot be changed.

Zhao Feng waved his left hand, and a Little Feng wolf appeared.

Yu Tianhao complexion gloomy, brows tightly frowns, he felt that his True Yuan and Bloodline seemed to be bound by some rules and could not work.

But he also does n鈥檛 have Spirit Pet

“Admit defeat”

After a long time, Yu Tianhao bowed his head and spoke unwillingly.

He didn’t expect that he and Zhao Feng would start such a scene confrontation. In the end, he lost to a King-level Demon Beast.


A stream of Dragon Destiny Qi flows into Zhao Feng’s escort dragon jade, and Yu Tianhao disappears in this space.

“Hey, this is your money”

Qian Jin Young Lady saw Zhao Feng very unpleasantly, left a few precious ore, and left.

Then, the all around scene disappeared, and Zhao Feng returned to the maze.

“Sure enough, luck is important”

Zhao Feng sympathized deeply with Yu Tianhao, and even he felt that Yu Tianhao lost some injustice.

“Dragon Destiny Qi in dragon jade is about to reach its limit”

Zhao Feng pauses temporarily and returns Dragon Destiny Qi to Ninth Prince

In the end, Zhao Feng left XNUMX% of Dragon Destiny Qi.

call out

Zhao Feng acted again, looking for other members.

“Zhao Feng already won seven games in a row”

Shi Yulei can’t help exclaim.

Except for Zhao Feng’s record, Saint Lord also won five games in a row.

Wan Lei Saint Lord is not only strong in strength, but also involved in astronomy Geography and Spirit Pet medicine ingredients.

“Even Jing Kai also has a record of three wins and one loss”

Ninth Prince was excited.

Su Qingling, under the fine command of Ninth Prince, did not have any record.

“Fourth Prince, the Ninth Prince team is a bit weird, with a high number of wins”

Fourth Prince behind, a Quasi-Saint Lord asked, his eyes looked towards Zhao Feng walking in the maze.

“That’s fine. If Ninth Prince can qualify, then in the fourth link, he will definitely lose.”

Fourth Prince spoke as he talked with the members of the maze.

“Well, they only have four people in the maze, and the collection of Dragon Destiny Qi has limited efficiency.”

Senior Brother Zhuge agrees with Fourth Prince.

Ninth Prince’s Dragon Destiny Qi is too few to almost crown Crown Prince.

the other side.

Thirteenth Prince gnashing teeth, staring at Zhao Feng, “This kid is really targeting my members”

His members, if removed from the showdown with Zhao Feng’s, are still very optimistic.

But Zhao Feng, every time he finds his members, but his members, every time he loses to Zhao Feng.

Not only wasted time, but also ‘Dragon Destiny Qi.

“This Zhao Feng, don’t tell me is Chester?”

Thirteenth Prince suddenly tapped.

He pays close attention to Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng’s action was very fast, and the goal was very obvious, just like Zhao Feng had a map of a maze.

Zhao Feng once again defeated opponent and returned to the maze.

“鍜? Xin Wuhen”

Zhao Feng’s left eye, through several walls, found a silhouette of Xin Wuhen.

He pondered for a moment and rushed straight to it.

“Xin Wuhen, come and fight between you and me”

For Xin Wuhen, Zhao Feng would not carelessly, and did not have the confidence that he would win.

But Zhao Feng’s really wanted to see Xin Wuhen’s methods, and wanted to learn something with him.

“Zhao Feng’s Voice”

Xin Wuhen’s ears moved slightly.

In the maze, the transmission of sound is also greatly suppressed.

“it is good”

Xin Wuhen got route information for Fourth Prince and turned to fly.

At a corner, the two met, and the scene around all of a sudden changed.


A continuous mountain of darkness.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen appeared on a flat rock.

There are two broad and spooky mountain roads in front of which are strewn with numerous skulls and bones, and there are hidden ghosts calling from the depths.

Directly in front of it, there is a cave on a dark, huge mountain soaring into the clouds. Inside it is flickering with the ghostly Ghost Fire, a spirit of evil and turbulence.

The two were behind, there was a Minister of the Kingdom, and countless elite Swordsman.

“Two warriors, please rescue His Royal Highness Princess from the black iron giant dragon, and the king will repay it.”

At this point, the minister spoke.

“This duel is also good”

When Zhao Feng remembered the duel he started with Yu Tianhao, he didn’t want to laugh.

“Just so, there are two routes here, it depends on who rescues Princess first.”

Xin Wuhen is very interested in this plot.

“Okay, there are five hundred elites here. It’s up to this warrior.”

The Minister’s expression was excited and looked towards Xin Wuhen, as if all hope were pinned on his body.

“As for this warrior”

The minister looked towards Zhao Feng, and slightly wrinkle, as if he was very skeptical of Zhao Feng’s ability.

“Only a hundred elites left, I leave it to you”

The minister shook his head slightly and said reluctantly.

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