King of Gods

Chapter 974

“It’s over.”

Zhao Feng’s thunderous voice, like thunderclap, aroused in the Soul world of everyone on the battlefield.

Seventh Prince team members, feel the Soul level, a murky heavens dark earth, thunder and lightning roar.

“Dark Soul Saint Lord”

Jiang Hao complexion was shocked and looked towards Dark Soul Saint Lord in the deep pit, which was deformed by Zhao Feng.

“Dark Soul Saint Lord also lost”

Seventh Prince stood on the steel city wall, his eyes were dull.

Below the city wall, the terrifying radon that hid the sky and covering the earth struck layer after layer like a tsunami.

Even if Dark Soul Saint Lord was not defeated by Zhao Feng, Seventh Prince and the others on the city wall would soon be unable to resist the fierce offensive of the Demon Beast group.

“He junior …”

Jing Feng Saint Lord also stopped attacking and looked towards Zhao Feng.

With such a big gap between the Demon Beast group, the reason why the Seventh Prince team dare to fight with the Ninth Prince team is to rely on the two Saint Lord Battle Strength in the team.

Today, Dark Soul Saint Lord and Yu Mian Confucian scholars join forces, but they are quickly defeated by Zhao Feng.

No one can imagine what kind of fighting happened between the three.

But everyone’s goals slowly shifted to Zhao Feng side Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly and Small Thieving Cat.

The auxiliary ability of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly is known to have a certain effect on Saint Lord.

There must be something special about the gray cat.

Maybe in the battle, Zhao Feng also came up with other Spirit Pet.

Otherwise, Zhao Feng alone cannot defeat Yu Mian Confucian scholars and Dark Soul Saint Lord.

But even so, Zhao Feng’s strength is very terrifying.

“Zhao Feng”

Shi Yulei complexion was surprised and admired.


Old Ying didn’t know what to say for a moment.

They all followed Zhao Feng’s instructions.

In their thinking, Zhao Feng’s strength should be able to contain Dark Soul Saint Lord and Yu Mian Confucian students, just wait for the Demon Beast group to break through the steel city wall.

Unexpectedly, they blocked Jing Feng Saint Lord for a while.

Zhao Feng solved the Dark Soul Saint Lord and Yu Mian Confucian scholars.

Even if Zhao Feng’s injury is completely recovered, it is not possible to be so fast.

“Not planning to leave? Then I’ll kill you”

Zhao Feng glanced at the members of Seventh Prince, Saint Thunder Body Thunder Light skyrocketed.

In the pit in front of Zhao Feng, there was also the conscious Dark Soul Saint Lord, who suddenly showed fear.

Obviously, the first of Zhao Feng’s killings is to start with him.

Ninth Prince team members, listening to this sentence, my heart burst into excitement.

A member of Seventh Prince, complexion is extremely ugly, and Zhao Feng is definitely qualified to kill.

On the battlefield, the atmosphere was extremely silent.

“Let’s go, His Highness Seven”

Behind the city wall, Yu Mian Confucian student slowly flew up, his chest shirt broke, revealing the defense armor inside.

But even with the defense armor, Zhao Feng’s strength assault is enough for Yu Mian’s Confucian scholars.

“Without a Saint Lord Battle Strength, we cannot defeat the Ninth Prince. The second part of the distance is over. There are three days left. Now save the strength, maybe there is still a chance.”

Yu Mian’s Confucian voice echoed in the minds of other members.

“Let’s go, Lu Tianzi”

The white jade long sword in Jing Feng Saint Lord’s hand disappeared.

Lu Tianzi bowed his head in shame and left the battlefield.

Seventh Prince, Zhang Yi and the others also left the steel city wall.

In fact, when Dark Soul Saint Lord was defeated, they knew that there was no hope.

It’s just that everyone is unwilling to accept the reality of being defeated by the Ninth Prince team.

You know, Ninth Prince is seventh in the ranking of intelligence organizations, and Seventh Prince is third.


Ninth Prince looked towards the steel city wall in front, and the strange buildings in the city wall.

Regarding the fortuitous encounter in the city of Fours Heavens Secret, he heard many Imperial Uncles say many times, but they also did not enter into the.

In addition, the Quartet Heavens Secret City is also the third stage of the ‘Prince Game’.

In other words, Ninth Prince currently has the qualification to participate in the ‘Prince’s Game’.

“Go, hurry in”

Old Ying participated in Crown Prince Trial, mainly to help Ninth Prince, but at this time, he couldn’t wait.

Heavens Secret Clan’s legacy city, he never entered into it, there must be a lot of unknown information, Antiquity secret.

Then the members of Ninth Prince were excited and entered into the Heavens Secret city.

The pattern of the Quartet Heavens Secret City has also changed for the first time.

It was Seventh Prince who left, and Ninth Prince who entered into it.

“Seventh Prince team, actually lost”

“Zhao Feng’s Demon Beast group has a decisive advantage”

“No, importantly, Dark Soul Saint Lord was defeated by Zhao Feng”

On the side of the three princes’ coalition, many experts were shocked. No one thought of such a result.

To this day, they have not captured the 8th Prince’s Heavens Secret city.

A team of Ninth Prince defeated Seventh Prince, which ranked higher.

“Second Imperial Brother, do we want to change the target and attack Ninth Prince?”

Fifth Prince said carefully.

Ninth Prince and the Seventh Prince team, just after the war, Demon Beast has been damaged, and some members should also have some injuries.

“No, they have too many Demon Beast groups, and Zhao Feng’s strength is not weaker than the average Saint Lord.”

Second Prince shook his head slightly.

When Heavens Secret City occupants change, Heavens Secret City will be closed for one day. During this time, the Ninth Prince team may exchange more Demon Beasts and defense formations.

And, at this time, the Seventh Prince team has left Heavens Secret City, and they will not give up.

Second Prince and the others had to proceed with caution.

“Hmph, this is also good. After all, the third link is not a herd. Ninth Prince is less threatening to us.”

In the city of Heavens Secret, Thirteenth Prince pretended to be careless, coldly snorted.

“Really strong strength”

Yu Tianhao’s eyes have always locked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s performance in battle was clear.

Zhao Feng Body Possession rushes to recultivation. Although it is only King Realm, strength is more terrifying.

Not far from the front of the Steel City, there are many steel houses and buildings, which are accommodations for members who live there.

Ninth Prince walked into a room and came to a stone platform to fake the Crown Prince and cover it up.

Suddenly, the city wall of this Heavens Secret city closed automatically.

“This protection mechanism is only one day, and the second part of distance is over. There are still three days. Don’t take it lightly.”

Old Ying said at this time.

Zhao Feng nodded slightly, this rule is very humane, so that the prince team who has just experienced the war has time to prepare for cultivation.

“Okay, next, let ’s find our own opportunities. After the next day, we must come here to gather.”

Old Ying expression was excited. After speaking, he also left quickly.

Afterwards, everyone left, exploring this wonderful city.

Outside Heavens Secret and the city wall, it’s totally two worlds.

It is quiet and peaceful here, prosperous mysterious, there will be no war, and there will never be danger.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat was very excited and gave Zhao Feng the way.

As last time, the two first came to a bookstore and bought a city map.

After sweeping a glance, Zhao Feng sent this Heavens Secret city, which is slightly smaller than the Heavens Secret city at 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land last time.

But thinking that there are four of these Heavens Secret cities here, I haven’t bothered about these.

“Go to Spirit Pet Park”

Zhao Feng told Small Thieving Cat.

Small Thieving Cat is a little helpless. The resources obtained in Immemorial’s legacy Space are controlled by Zhao Feng, and it can only follow Zhao Feng’s pace.

“Excuse me, do you need to take care of pets, or raise or buy?”

A small old man walked slowly.

Zhao Feng took a moment’s notice and took care of Spirit Pet. He can understand that he put his pets here and gave them treatment and care in Spirit Pet Park.

But what’s going on in cultivation?

“Spirit Pet training is a special way to train your pet, strengthen some aspects of it, or give it new capabilities.”

old man slightly smiled, explain slowly.

Zhao Feng clicked nodded, and he understood.

Cultivation is to stimulate the inherent potential of Spirit Pet.

However, Zhao Feng felt that it would be better to implant a powerful Bloodline into the pet. The effect is better than the cultivation, and it does not take long.

“I need three Great Emperor-class flying Spirit Pets”

Zhao Feng explained the intention.

“it is good”

The old man reached out a little, and a white light screen appeared in void, with countless Demon Beast icons on them. These icons flickered quickly. Soon, there was only flying class Great Emperor Spirit Pet.

“This price”

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

Demon Beast on the light screen, the species is very rare, but in terms of price, it is much higher than Zhao Feng’s Heavens Secret City, which was entered into the last time.

However, Zhao Feng is rich in resources now, and the expenses of the three Great Emperor-level Spirit Pets have not gone into trouble with the old man.

In the end, Zhao Feng picked three slightly more common Demon Beasts.

After leaving Spirit Pet, Zhao Feng had three dragon jade guards in his hands.

Subsequently, three flying Demon Beasts, each grabbed a guard jade with their paws.

call out

The three Demon Beasts flew into the sky and left the range where Heavens Secret is located.

“This is the last three dragon jade guards”

Zhao Feng whispered.

Starting from enters into the Imperial Family Tomb, Zhao Feng won eight guard jade dragons from other teams.

When he was on the same team with Zhou Su’er, Zhao Feng spared four pieces of dragon jade to Ancient Dark-Green Demon Bird in his spare time, and three of him flying in the Imperial Family Tomb, tame the heart Demon Beast.

Later meeting with Old Ying, Zhao Feng in Immemorial Dreamland, tame the heart took a black eagle, and once again took out a guard jade.

After meeting with the Shen Jizi team, time was short, and Zhao Feng didn’t find the flying Demon Beast.

Now that enters into the Heavens Secret city, Zhao Feng has also dealt with the last three pieces of dragon jade.

“I believe in the end, my Spirit Pet should give me some surprises.”

Zhao Feng said to himself, slightly smiled.

The dragon jade can only absorb Dragon Destiny Qi all over the body automatically. Zhao Feng holds nine dragon jade alone to absorb Dragon Destiny Qi, and it will not increase.

Therefore, at the beginning, Zhao Feng made a plan to collect Dragon Destiny Qi by flying Demon Beast.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat jumped in front of Zhao Feng.

“Going to forge the building?”

Zhao Feng understands what Small Thieving Cat means.

There is still a lot of time left, and Zhao Feng first followed the meaning of Small Thieving Cat.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat jumps into a tall tower building.

The forging building is mainly the customization and strengthening of equipment.

“What can I do for you.”

A big, dark-skinned machine middle-aged, faintly opened the mouth and said.

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