King of Gods

Chapter 973

“courting death”

Dark Soul Saint Lord was also angry, Soul Strength surged, and a dark gray short sword in his hand directly drawn a hidden dark ripple.

This dark ripple, extremely thin, is just like the sharp Blade Edge, streaks from void, exudes the heart-warming Soul aura.

Dark Soul Saint Lord does not believe that Zhao Feng District King can solve the black robed man.

It must be that members of Ninth Prince teamed up to fight him back and helped Zhao Feng to defeat the black robed man.

On the other side, between the palms of Yu Mian’s Confucian scholars, he hit a palm shadow of the Golden Pattern, matching the attack at the Dark Soul Saint Lord Soul level.

call out

Zhao Feng looked towards the attack of the two, without dodging, as if they had not seen it, they rushed directly to Yu Mian Confucian students.

“Hehe, really courting death”

Dark Soul Saint Lord can’t help ridicule, even ordinary Saint Lord, dare not ignore his Soul attack directly.

But Yu Mian’s Confucian complexion became deeper.

Zhao Feng’s strange behavior made him very disturbed.

How could there be such a Beast Taming Master in the world, who did not take the initiative to attack Saint Lord, even ignored the attack of the two of them.

This behavior, in the eyes of outsiders, is deliberately seeking death.

call out

That dark ripple, Zhao Feng Soul’s moment, Zhao Feng immediately operated Soul Will, protecting Soul.

But obviously, this will not stop the attack of Dark Soul Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will was scratched, this dark ripple, then tangent to Zhao Feng’s Soul.


Instantly, within Zhao Feng Soul, countless Thunder Calamity imprints.

All Thunder Calamity imprints flow inside Zhao Feng Soul, gather at the position where the inky wave blade cuts, and crush it.

But all this seems to outsiders. Zhao Feng seems to have done nothing. Then, he went to Zhao Feng’s Soul attack and disappeared, as if throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

“How can this be?”

Dark Soul Saint Lord felt that Zhao Feng was running Soul Will and resisting his Soul attack.

That Soul Will was vague and powerful, but it was impossible to resist his Soul attack.

call out

Zhao Feng kept the speed and resolved the Soul attack of Dark Soul Saint Lord. The next moment, he directly hit Yu Mian’s white Golden Pattern and the palm shadow.


White Golden Pattern network palm shadow, directly broken.

Zhao Feng was drawn from the white sky smoke.

“Not good”

Yu Mian confucian complexion earthquake, felt a hint of crisis.

The attack between him and Dark Soul Saint Lord was actually resisted by Zhao Feng.

At this point, Zhao Feng’s goal is precisely his

“White jade Feng Ling Palm”

Yu Mian hurriedly launched several Palm Techniques.

That moment, nearby heaven and earth, seems to be stuck in a swamp, and there is even the illusion that time is being slowed down.


Several Golden palms, twisted, plunged into heaven and earth, blasted into Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s speed and movement suddenly froze.

With this gap time, Yu Mian Confucian scholar teleportation backwards.

“En? This Palm Technique …”

Zhao Feng gave a light sigh. The Palm Technique performed by Yu Mian Confucian scholars at this time was exactly the same as the f Heavenly Palm developed by Little Kun Yun.

However, with Yu Mian’s Confucian Concept, this Palm Technique poses no threat to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng once again inspired Saint Thunder Body, a thunderbolt physique force pattern, diffused all around void, and produced a thunderous thunder.

“Dark Soul Saint Lord, what’s going on?”

At this point, Yu Mian asked immediately.

Dark Soul Saint Lord’s attack did not seem to have much impact on Zhao Feng.

“Hmph, boy, leave it to me”

The Dark Soul Saint Lord complexion sank, without explanation, and attacked Zhao Feng.

This time, he doesn’t care.

His attack was so easily resisted by Zhao Feng, which made him lose face.

At this time, Zhao Feng was also breaking away from Yu Mian’s Confucian Palm Technique Concept seal.

Zhao Feng complexion complacent, looked towards Strike Dark Soul Saint Lord, Left Eye flickering its dreamy and blurred dark gold glaze.

“Soul Mess”

The powerful nether purple Soul Strength, directly covered in Dark Soul Saint Lord body by Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will.

“Really strong Eye Strength Will”

Dark Soul Saint Lord was shocked. Dark Soul Saint Lord knew that he still underestimated Zhao Feng.

Dark Soul Saint Lord was hit by Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, and suddenly felt a little baffled in his body. Holy Force and Soul Will fell into chaos and were out of control.

And Zhao Feng, rushing from the side of Dark Soul Saint Lord to Yu Mian Confucian scholars.

“The kid’s Eye Technique actually worked for me”

Dark Soul Saint Lord felt that the whole body didn’t listen, and watched Zhao Feng flew past him, trying to show attack, but the rhythm was half a beat slow.

“What are you doing, Dark Soul Saint Lord?”

Yu Mian Confucian complexion Yin.

Dark Soul Saint Lord actually passed by Zhao Feng. There was no attack between the two.

If Yu Mian did not notice the fluctuation of Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength, he would even think that Dark Soul Saint Lord is a spy hiding behind Seventh Prince.

But Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, how could it work for Dark Soul Saint Lord

“Let Seventh Prince Concede”

As Yu Mian’s Confucian scholars were thinking, Zhao Feng’s voice sounded directly in his mind.

Yu Mian immediately felt the Soul level, such as Wan Lei Pentium, a tingling of paralysis.

When he regained consciousness again, a powerful Saint Thunder Body was crushed directly, making him feel depressed and difficult to breathe.

Yu Mian’s Confucian complexion was frightened, and I personally experienced Zhao Feng’s Soul accomplishment.

He finally knew why Dark Soul Saint Lord would hit Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique.

Yu Mian Confidence immediately backed up, and a cyan spell appeared in his hand, which depicts countless weird runes, strong Holy Force fluctuations, making Zhao Feng shocked

However, from beginning to end, Zhao Feng clearly captured everything that happened to Yu Mian’s Confucian students.

When Yu Mian Confucian student came up with this cyan charm, Zhao Feng was ready.

“Spiritual Thorn”

In Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, Xun shot an ice-cold gold purple water crystal spike, rushing into the Soul plane of Yu Mian Confucian scholar.


The intense tingling at the Soul level interrupted the actions of Yu Mian Confucian scholars, and the spell was not released.


Zhao Feng fanned his wings, crushed them with one punch, terrifying the physical force, directly flying Yu Mian Confucian scholars into the city wall, alive or death is unknown.

Then, Small Thieving Cat landed on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, holding the cyan charm on his paw, as if showing off one’s military strength.


Standing against the Seventh Prince and the others of Demon Beast on the steel city wall, he directly saw Yu Mian Confucian scholar flying by his side, his heart was shocked, and he immediately looked towards the far-off battlefield.

Jing Feng Saint Lord was entangled by members of the Ninth Prince team, mainly Shi Yulei’s defense, and the besieging of the crowd, Jing Feng Saint Lord also fell into a passive situation for a while

Jiang Hao and Lu Tianzi were surrounded by seven Earthquake Golden Ape.

Since the successful silk raid by Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, the two have gradually become vulnerable.

Then, it is only Zhao Feng who has blasted Yu Mian Confucian students.

“Ah, Zhao Feng, I killed you”

Dark Soul Saint Lord growled angrily.

It was such a shame that Zhao Feng actually dropped Yu Mian Confucian students in his presence.


Zhao Feng coldly snorted and turned and looked towards Dark Soul Saint Lord.

After solving the think tank of the Seventh Prince team, there will be no variables.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges, purple golden light flows, and a trace of dark gold Thunder Calamity ripples.


A completely transparent dim Thunder Fire, with the aura that destroyed Thunder Calamity, was bombarded in the Dark Soul Saint Lord body.

Dark Soul Saint Lord, it feels that Wan Lei cataclysm calamity is bombarded within the body, and the Soul Eye Fire, which is integrated into Thunder Calamity, continues to burn and spread.

But after all, Dark Soul Saint Lord is a Saint Lord who is good at Soul Type. He has a Saint Body. Whether Soul or the body, he has strong resistance to Wind-Thunder Eye Fire.

At the moment of his recovery, he directly stroked the dark dagger in his hand, trying to interrupt Zhao Feng’s offensive.

I saw that the extremely thin and extremely dark wave blades penetrated void and drew from all around to Zhao Feng.


Facing Dark Soul Saint Lord’s all-around attack, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will suddenly struck out, carrying infinite lightning, and collided with Dark Soul Saint Lord’s attack.

The appearance of Zhao Feng Soul Will makes those who are at war feel the Soul level, the thunder and lightning continue to tremble, and the mind is trembling.

“This, is this Zhao Feng’s Soul Will?”

Jiang Hao, who is still fighting against Earthquake Golden Ape, can’t help step back.

“Really strong, don’t tell me, is Zhao Feng really solving the black robed man by himself?”

Lu Tianzi was shocked. At this time, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will was not weaker than Dark Soul Saint Lord.


At the moment of Zhao Feng Soul Will’s appearance, beside him, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly of blue crystal emerald green, flashing transparent wings, a piece of translucent colored pollen, forming a layer of gorgeous whirlwind, swept towards Dark Soul Saint Lord And go.

“Not good, my Mystic Light Holy Force and Soul”

Faced with the pollen of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, Dark Soul Saint Lord couldn’t avoid it.

The pollen of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly penetrates the Matter Soul level and has a certain effect on Mystic Light Saint Lord.

call out

After Choi Meng pollen poses a certain threat to Dark Soul Saint Lord, Zhao Feng figure flashes appears in front of Dark Soul Saint Lord.

“Yin Soul assault”

As Zhao Feng approached, Dark Soul Saint Lord sneered, Saint Lord-level Soul Will, turned into a dark Malicious Ghost, and rushed out.

Obviously, the effect of Caimeng pollen on Dark Soul Saint Lord is very small, and he also intentionally waits for Zhao Feng to approach.


Zhao Feng coldly snorted, facing the Soul attack of Dark Soul Saint Lord, regardless of it, overbearing a punch and blasted out.

On the Soul level, Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body, the Thunder Calamity branding shines again, to the maximum extent, the Soul Will mystery of Dark Soul Saint Lord is defeated, and the remaining Soul Will assaults, strikes on Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body, the damage caused is also Very limited.


Dark Soul Saint Lord was punched by Zhao Feng in a boxing, body fiercely hit the ground.

“How is that possible? Actually resist my Soul attack again”

Dark Soul Saint Lord has a Saint Body and Zhao Feng punched him, causing little damage.

However, Zhao Feng’s Soul’s accomplishments really shocked Dark Soul Saint Lord. Although his assault is not the most complete state.


When Dark Soul Saint Lord hit the ground, Zhao Feng came to him. Both fists carried the infinite Saint Thunder Body and exploded again.


Dark Soul Saint Lord, screaming again and again.

Good at Soul Domain, level of life, naturally is the short board of Dark Soul Saint Lord.

“It’s over.”

Zhao Feng’s thunderous sound, like thunderclap, on the battlefield, everyone’s Soul level was startled.

The entire battlefield suddenly quieted down

The screams of Dark Soul Saint Lord are also clearer.

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