King of Gods

Chapter 970

“His alive or death is under Samsara of Death.”

Above the weak Emperor of Soul, a pair of Eyes like Hell dusk appear slowly, among them, a circle of black fine lines, like alive or death Samsara, rotates quietly, never non-stop.

A thousand miles away, just after breaking away from the devastation of Zhao Feng God Eye and Profound Truth of Death, he fell again into the abyss of Samsara, and the whole world was dim, as if imprisoned forever.

When Zhao Feng touched the dark yellow eyes of a pair, it seemed that he had arrived his own afterlife, with a circle of black fine lines in his eyes, just like his life track, containing the invisible alive or death philosophy.

“Is this Eye of Samsara?”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Have the ability to make Soul undying and indestructible, have the ability to create Immortal Samsara Body, and even other abilities that Zhao Feng does not know.

At this point, the Cross-Space Strength of Eye of Samsara actually came to the Imperial Family Tomb.

But Eye of Samsara’s goal is not Zhao Feng, but the Great Emperor of Death.

Suddenly, in Eye of Samsara, there was a burst of superb Eye Strength Will, and Zhao Feng’s Soul Will a while.

In the Eye of Samsara, a force of Samsara attraction suddenly appeared.

Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, slowly pulled away from the suction of Zhao Feng Gaze of God’s Eye, was dragged upwards by a stronger attraction.

The appeal of this Samsara, To surpassed Zhao Feng’s Gaze of God’s Eye.

After all, before Zhao Feng, he had performed God’s eye decomposition, which almost exhausted Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will.

At this time, Zhao Feng, already was overdrawing Eye Strength Will.

Hu hu

At the same time, the ‘Immortal Samsara’ of the Great Emperor of Death also began to condense in the air, slowly recovering, and wrapped around the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death.

After all, Zhao Feng has long stopped God ’s eyes from breaking down.

Seeing this, the Great Emperor of Death was lightly relaxed, and he originally thought that the disappearing ‘indestructible Samsara body’ would not appear.

From this point of view, even the power of God Eye after Zhao Feng’s transformation, he could not kill him who fell into ‘Samsara of Death’.

“Zhao Feng, my pursuit will never stop. After you leave the Imperial Family Tomb, I will be staying at the Saint Lord-level Immortal Samsara Body, waiting for you”

Great Emperor of Death conforms to the attraction of Eye of Samsara, and slowly breaks away from Zhao Feng’s Gaze of God’s Eye, enters into the Samsara of Death.

Zhao Feng complexion gloomy.

The Soul level of the Great Emperor of Death reaches Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment. If you obtain the ‘Immortal Samsara’ body of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, its Battle Strength will inevitably increase greatly.

At that time, the Great Emperor of Death was not only powerful at the Soul level, but also its Death Strength at the Matter level, which could also pose a huge threat to Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body does not yet have Indestructible Physique. Once destroyed, does Zhao Feng want Body Possession recultivation again.

Seeing the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, including the Immortal Samsara Body, slowly enters into the Eye of Samsara above.

Zhao Feng expression changes suddenly, both eyes are extremely determined.


Zhao Feng’s Left Eye no longer works, Gaze of God’s Eye stops and slowly closes.


Great Emperor of Death See Zhao Feng suspend Gaze of God’s Eye, can’t help laugh at it.

He originally belonged to ‘Samsara of Death. Even if Zhao Feng is intact, his Gaze of God’s Eye cannot defeat the appeal of Samsara of Death.


Zhao Feng’s Left Eye opened, a delicate light gold ripple beam shot out suddenly, shining on the head of the Great Emperor of Death Soul and penetrating Soul

“what is this?”

Great Emperor of Death for a moment, this strand is not like Matter, nor Soul’s strength, penetrates everything, and does not cause any impact, as if it does not exist in this space.

But even if it has an impact, what about it?

The Great Emperor of Death was useless to Zhao Feng’s, ignored it, and smiled.

Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, fell into the ‘Samsara of Death,’ and obtained the Immortal Samsara Body. After that, he will never die. How can Zhao Feng take him?

“break down”

Zhao Feng spit the word lightly, and the light golden light beam shot from his Left Eye moved abruptly, drawing a circle along the right eye part of the Great Emperor of Death Soul.

God’s Eye Decomposition has been performed on the Great Emperor of Death before. At this time, the decomposition ability is used without any hindrance.


With a look of disdain, the Great Emperor of Death suddenly felt a strange feeling in Soul.

“this is?”

Great Emperor of Death expression.

his left eye, watching a strange terrifying picture.

He actually saw his right eye and floated out.

His Eye of Death was through Soul Inheritance, so he was resurrected and still owns Eye of Death.

At this time, there is a hole in Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, which is the position of his right eye.

In front of Soul, an Eye of Death floats in the air

“Void Matter Transfer”

The floating right eye of death, all around, a wave of Space ripples.

Great Emperor of Death As if thinking of something, expression frightens.

Although Death’s right eye rushed out of his Soul, there was still his Soul Will on it.

“Burst, Self-destruction”

The Great Emperor of Death can also be linked to Death’s right eye.

Just destroy the right eye of death and it will reappear from ‘Samsara of Death’.

But next moment

Right eye of death, disappeared

The connection between the Great Emperor of Death and the right eye of death disappeared instantly

“Zhao Feng, my Eye of Death, where did you hide my Eye of Death?”

The Great Emperor of Death ignited the failure of Eye of Death, snarled and growled suddenly, his face twisted, like a lunatic.

It has always been his Pursuit Zhao Feng, who tried every means to capture ‘Ninth God Eye.’

But now, his right eye of death was taken away by Zhao Feng, and he couldn’t bear this blow.

He knew the power of Zhao Feng God’s eyes, the disappearing Left Eye, must be hidden somewhere by Zhao Feng.

“How is this possible? You actually dug my Eye of Death? It’s impossible”

The Great Emperor of Death was almost insane. Soul, together with his body, was struggling madly. He wanted to break away from the attraction of Eye of Samsara and went straight to Zhao Feng.

He couldn’t understand what kind of strength this mysterious beam was, and actually separated his Eye of Death from his Soul.

Great Emperor of Death, desperately struggling, almost working Profound Truth of Death against Eye of Samsara.

But how could the Great Emperor of Death break free from Eye of Samsara.

“Zhao Feng, also my Eye of Death …”

Great Emperor of Death is completely inhaled into Eye of Samsara.

“Hehe, next time you come, remember to give me another Eye of Death”

Zhao Feng’s joyful voice came out, thanking the Great Emperor of Death.

Losing an Eye of Death Great Emperor of Death, Death’s Gaze’s power is greatly reduced. Even if you own the Immortal Samsara Body of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment next time, Zhao Feng need not be afraid.


Eye of Samsara, who absorbed the Great Emperor of Death, looked at Zhao Feng a glance, then slowly closed and disappeared into void.

“Eye of Samsara”

Zhao Feng chewed four words lightly, fell from the air, and sat on the floor.

His Eye Strength Will and strength in mysterious golden sphere have already been used up, but in the end, Zhao Feng also performed a Gaze of God’s Eye and decomposition.

At this time, the tingling and drowsiness of Left Eye hit the sky and covering the earth.

Zhao Feng immediately took some treasures of medicine ingredients.

At this time, he was very weak, and was eroded by Profound Truth of Death. Both the Soul level and the life level declined.

Fortunately, in these two aspects, Zhao Feng’s foundation is very stable. As long as it is properly adjusted, it can be restored in a short time.

Zhao Feng quickly runs Wind Thunder of Wood, with the treasures of medicine ingredients, toning the body and Soul.

After a while, his skinny body slowly recovered as usual.

Zhao Feng’s body is extremely restorative, as long as there is enough vitality, it can recover on its own.

“I don’t know what this Eye of Death does to me”

Zhao Feng’s consciousness, momentarily enters into the Left Eye Space.

Above the mysterious golden sphere, a Eye of Death in the Soul state floats quietly.

There was also Soul Will of the Great Emperor of Death, but it was completely suppressed.

“After recovery, use Thunder Calamity Strength to expel Death’s Will on it, but Eye of Death in Soul state …”

Zhao Feng whispering softly.

Zhao Feng once obtained the remnants of the ‘Eye-Snatching Forbidden Technique’ from the storage ring of Three Eyed Holy Child. The above only has some theoretical knowledge and has not been practiced.

And these theoretical knowledge are just eye-catching analysis at Matter level, relatively low-end.

What Zhao Feng is getting now is Eye of Death in Soul state.

“Once it fails, Eye of Death may be destroyed, then Equivalent to return the Eye of Death to the Great Emperor of Death”

Zhao Feng sank in his heart.

Even if Zhao Feng had a complete eye-catching method, he would not dare to implement it rashly.

In the end, Zhao Feng could only place Eye of Death in the God Eye Space.

At least, the trouble of the Great Emperor of Death can be regarded as a solution. He who has only one Eye of Death can hardly pose any threat to Zhao Feng.

In a green emerald green bamboo sea.

In front of an old man, there is an imaginary Eye of Samsara.

Suddenly, in the Eye of Samsara, a black robe body was lowered.

“Your freedom ends here”

old man said quietly.

“No, no, Zhao Feng has taken away my Eye of Death, and I have to take it back, and take away his God eyes,”

Great Emperor of Death kneels on the ground, praying in pain.

“You can’t succeed”

The old man complexion is dull, a pair of dim and deep eyes, looked towards the distance.

“No, if you give me the Immortal Samsara Body of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment at the beginning, I will not lose”

The Great Emperor of Death growled suddenly, with resentment in his heart.


In both eyes of the old man, the circle of black texture suddenly rotates.

“Ah, no”

Suddenly, the Great Emperor of Death body, the black rune spell on Soul, the flickering dark yellow light, and an irresistible Strength of Samsara burst out.

The body Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, twisted, tearing slowly.


The body of the Great Emperor of Death, along with Soul, was shattered in the inhuman torture.

In the next moment, a dark shadow appeared in the Eye of Samsara of the old man.

Then, the old man slowly walked to a bamboo house, “disciple, tell your teacher about your dream of yesterday”

“it is good”

Inside the bamboo house, a young girl was wearing light green green garments, a pair of bright eyes like a limpid autumn water clear pond, green silk like willow leaves, floating quietly, and smiling, giving a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

“In the dream, my City Lord father, let me Competition for Groom Selection, and at the end of recruiting, came a green hair one-eyed youngster. I ca n’t remember his name.”

(At the beginning of the month, it ’s a bit late to double the monthly ticket update, and there is something during the day.

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