King of Gods

Chapter 969

“With your God Eye, I can get rid of ‘Samsara of Death, and get reborn”

Great Emperor of Death’s excited face.

This is his only chance


The new Death’s Gaze, and Gaze of God’s Eye, two terrifying Eye Strength Will invisible collisions, all around void gold purple black mist twisted, terrifying aura from the Soul level, making Fangyuan thousands of miles into the restricted area.


Zhao Feng’s Soul, all Thunder Calamity shone at the same time, the entire Soul is more like a thunderbolt creature, and the lightning filaments spread within the Soul, fully resisting the erosion of Profound Truth of Death.

At the same time, Zhao Feng urged Saint Thunder Body regardless of cost.

Today, he compares with the Great Emperor of Death in staying power.

If he first took the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death into the left eye Space, it would be his victory.

If before that, Death’s Gaze of the Great Emperor of Death erodes his vitality and even Soul, it is the victory of the Great Emperor of Death.

However, the situation is very bad

Soul Will of the Great Emperor of Death, equivalent to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s Gaze of God’s Eye also borrowed plagiarize from the Great Emperor of Death.

Therefore, the Great Emperor of Death is very resistant to Gaze of God’s Eye.

At this time, the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, with only the skull part, was dragged out.

And Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, can’t support it anymore, the Lightning Marks above is getting dim.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng with a ‘Thunder Soul Body, and Soul’s weakness is relatively slow.After all, in Zhao Feng’s Soul, numerous God Tribulation Thunder Strengths are imprinted. Under the long-term interaction, Zhao Feng’s Soul even became infected. A little Profound Truth of Destruction.

“Your level of life and Soul are stronger than I expected, but they just let you linger on the edge of death fear for a while.”

The Great Emperor of Death sounded at the Soul level.

The Soul of the Great Emperor of Death has been dragged out, but his both eyes always stare at Zhao Feng, the endless Profound Truth of Death, encircling Zhao Feng layer by layer, slowly swallowing.

At the same time, beyond a thousand miles.

“Her Highness Nine, proceed with caution”

Old Ying anxiously reminded.

“Zhao Feng, I’ll help you”

Ninth Prince’s voice of remorse was heard.

I saw Ninth Prince holding the Crowning pseudoprint of sparkling and translucent glower flickering, from which an invisible golden glow emerged around Ninth Prince’s body, which outlined the dragon mark phosgene.

Relying on the guardianship of Dragon Destiny, Ninth Prince enters into the Great Emperor of Death and Zhao Feng’s into the War Zone.

“Ninth Prince”

Zhao Feng was a little stunned in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was dying for Death’s Gaze, faintly felt Ninth Prince, and the fake seal of ‘Crown Prince’ in his hand.

The rays of light of the Crown Prince’s fake seals have weakened a little.It should have consumed a lot in the confrontation with Dark Soul Saint Lord, otherwise the battle between Old Ying, Ninth Prince and the others and Dark Soul Saint Lord will not be so It’s almost over.

“Ninth Prince, don’t come over”

Zhao Feng saves Soul Will and sends out a faint voice.

Dragon Destiny Qi, in the hands of Imperial Clan Bloodline, can be transformed into the power of Dragon Destiny to enhance its Battle Strength.

But Ninth Prince itself is not good at the Soul level, and cannot have much impact on the war situation, but wastes Dragon Destiny Qi.

“Hmph, is not good at the Soul level. Even if I rely on the strength of Dragon Destiny to improve the Battle Strength, it will not affect me.”

The Great Emperor of Death coldly smiled, ignoring Ninth Prince completely.

Ninth Prince, as if he had not heard the words of the two at all, relied on the protection of Dragon Destiny, and slowly approached, until distance Zhao Feng a hundred miles away.

Suddenly, from the Crown Prince pseudo seal of Ninth Prince, a Pure Crystal bright light glow was emitted, and the dragging room left a trace of Golden dragon mark, which instantly landed on Zhao Feng body.


A layer of golden glow, accompanied by dragon mark phosgene, surrounds Zhao Feng all around.

“Zhao Feng, I can only help you get here”

After doing all this, Ninth Prince took the faint ‘Crown Prince’ false seal, and evacuated quickly.

“Damn, this kid”

Great Emperor of Death is cursed.

This layer of Dragon Destiny has a strange strength comparable to destruction and death, which instantly reduces the power of the Great Emperor of Death Death’s Gaze.

Zhao Feng both eyes was unwaveringly sturdy, spurring Eye Strength Will, dragging Soul of the Great Emperor of Death.

Unfortunately, the power of Dragon Destiny can only be used for temporary protection. If Zhao Feng can use the power of Dragon Destiny, then he can use it to increase the power of Gaze of God’s Eye.

“Hmph, even if it is the power of Dragon Destiny, there are times when it will perish”

The Great Emperor of Death coldly snorted, and Soul Eye Technique of Profound Truth of Death strengthened one more point in the dark body eyes.


Zhao Feng’s body surface’s ‘Dragon Destiny’ protection also began to dim.

But at this time, the erosion of Zhao Feng’s body and Soul was very small.

“No, Death’s Gaze of the Great Emperor of Death uses Profound Truth of Death to the peak, and my Gaze of God’s Eye just incorporates the unique Dao of Illusions, and at this time the Soul Will of the Great Emperor of Death is completely ignored My Illusion Technique ”

Zhao Feng used this short security period to quickly think about countermeasures.

In Imperial Family Tomb, even Saint Royal Capital cannot enter into the, the power of God-Slaying Arrow reaches the level of Saint King, naturally it cannot be cast.

Moreover, even if God-Slaying Arrow is used, it does not really kill the Great Emperor of Death, it is meaningless.

But Zhao Feng, what else can we do to solve the crisis of alive or death?

“What? Did you give up resistance? Haha”

Great Emperor of Death Feeling the appeal of Zhao Feng Gaze of God’s Eye, it suddenly weakened and burst into laughter.


The Great Emperor of Death ice-cold sounded.


Zhao Feng all around, the power of the dragon mark was also eroded by Profound Truth of Death.

In an instant, the endless Death Strength, like millions of poisonous snake python, entangled Zhao Feng again.

Vitality disappeared, Soul withered …

“Eye of Death, with Profound Truth of Death, what about my God eyes?”

Zhao Feng felt the death strength of all around, endless, and raised a question in his heart.

“If this is the case…”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, suddenly flickering mysterious light glow like amber, his blond hair, floating without wind.

In the Left Eye Space, mysterious golden sphere fluctuates, layers of mysterious profound mystery, like the qualitative Golden ripples that contain everything in the world, penetrate everything and diffuse.

“God … eyes … points … solution”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, suddenly a strange purple golden light wave rotates, the speed is extremely fast, as if the particle structure obtained by decomposing Zhao Feng before, all flashed through again.


In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, the suction that dragged the Great Emperor of Death suddenly disappeared

The golden ripples of layers of transparent Void diffused from Zhao Feng’s Left Eye and instantly penetrated the Great Emperor of Death ten million times.

“What? Is this?”

The appeal of Zhao Feng Left Eye disappeared, and Soul of the Great Emperor of Death returned to the black robe body.

But this layer of mysterious profound mystery, I do not know what kind of golden light of strength, made him very uncomfortable.


Great Emperor of Death found that his body disappeared a little bit

The fine particles that are invisible to naked eyes disappear slowly, as if the original originally did not exist.

At the same time, the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death also began to disappear …

Everything, everything, of the Great Emperor of Death is disappearing.

“This, what is this strength?”

Great Emperor of Death called out in horror.

His Profound Truth of Death is to make all Matter and Soul slowly age and go to extinction.

However, Zhao Feng’s mysterious strength at this time made the Great Emperor of Death completely invisible.

It’s like a person, looking at his hands, suddenly disappeared, his feet suddenly disappeared, everything related to himself disappeared

In the end, the Great Emperor of Death will leave nothing and completely disappear in this space.


In the Left Eye Space, mysterious golden sphere fluctuates countless Golden light waves at any time and integrates into Zhao Feng’s Left Eye.

“Eye Strength Will, consumes fast”

Zhao Feng was startled.

God Eye decomposes, instantly urges strength in mysterious golden sphere, and dissect and analyze the Great Emperor of Death whole body.

It stands to reason that its power is completely equivalent to Death’s Gaze of the Great Emperor of Death at this time.

However, in the face of Death Strength, Zhao Feng’s body and Soul have countermeasures.

And the Great Emperor of Death, can only watch everything about him, and gradually fade away.


The body of the Great Emperor of Death is completely decomposed, leaving only the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death floating in the air.

However, Zhao Feng still observed that the particles of the broken Immortal Samsara Body were still slowly gathering, trying to restore the complete body.

It’s just that under Zhao Feng’s God’s eyes disintegration, Immortal Samsara Body, the speed of recovery is not as fast as decomposition.

“Great Emperor of Death, slowly disappear into this world.”

Zhao Feng ice-cold’s voice came.

“How is this possible? Your God eyes, even if awakened again, cannot have such a strange strength.”

Great Emperor of Death.

He was afraid because of the disappeared Immortal Samsara Body, but he didn’t recover.

The Great Emperor of Death even doubted that if he disappeared slowly, he would recover again in ‘Samsara of Death’.

And Zhao Feng, always facing resistance to his Death’s Gaze.

Although Zhao Feng and Saint Thunder Body completely disappeared at this time, the body was a bit skinny, and Soul Lifespan was reduced by thousands of years.

However, the entire body of the Great Emperor of Death is gone, and Soul is gradually transparent

The disappearance of Soul causes the Soul Strength to weaken and the power of Death’s Gaze to gradually decrease.


Zhao Feng felt that his powerful Eye Strength Will was almost exhausted, and a tingling sensation struck from Left Eye.

If this is consumed, Zhao Feng loses more, and even if the Great Emperor of Death is completely decomposed, it will still be resurrected in ‘Samsara of Death’.


Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will, touch mysterious golden sphere again

Under the vision of the left eye, the rate of Golden ripple fluctuations increased sharply.

The Soul of the Great Emperor of Death disappears more quickly.

“This this……”

The Great Emperor of Death with unying and indestructible Soul and body has never been so scared.

“Immortal Samsara Body, not recovered yet”

Great Emperor of Death both eyes suddenly stopped Death’s Gaze.


The bleak Soul of the Great Emperor of Death turned into a dim light, ready to rush away.

“Want to go? Huh”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, regardless of the consumption of Eye Strength Will, and cast God’s eyes again.

A strong appeal, generated from Zhao Feng’s Purple Gold Left Eye

Zhao Feng has been prepared for a long time and will not let Yuan Soul of the Great Emperor of Death escape easily, as he did last time.

Once the Great Emperor of Death, enters into the Left Eye Space, Zhao Feng will keep him imprisoned and not let his Soul die. The Great Emperor of Death will not be resurrected in ‘Samsara of Death.’

Suddenly, the void interface faintly produced a wave of vagueness, emitting an irreversible ultimate strength in the dark.

Above the weak Emperor of Soul, a pair of Hell dusk-like Eyes appeared slowly, among them, a circle of black silk fine lines, like alive or death Samsara, spinning quietly and never non-stop.

“His alive or death is under Samsara of Death.”

(Double monthly pass, last three hours of the month —)

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