King of Gods

Chapter 958

Blood Devil Assault, in conjunction with Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.

When he can start, he can launch an unparalleled explosive power to gain an overwhelming offensive.

Its instantaneous explosive power is equivalent to urging the ‘Akayu glass body’.

However, the shortcoming is that the outbreak time is short. If no significant effect is achieved, it is not very useful, but it consumes Bloodline Power.

Tie Lingyun performed ‘Blood Devil Assault’ twice, and all this was completely captured by Zhao Feng.

After the battle, through the analysis of the left eye, this mystery was completely analyzed and copied.

“Haha, okay, I can fight hard. Among the younger generation, except Xuanyuan Wen, you are the second.”

After being shocked, Tie Lingyun was more excited, so terrifying a powerful opponent, and a Bloodline that was more perfect than herself.

For a long time, there was no such brisk fight.


In the state of Blood Devil Assault, Zhao Feng rushed into the clouds, and the red blood wings dragged a gorgeous Blood Marks. The Bright-Red Blood Sun phantom behind it suddenly bloomed a layer of gold blood light, like Immemorial Golden Crow, rising gradually .


Zhao Feng left a group of dazzling blood yang at high altitude, and his silhouette rushed down instantly, dragging a string of shocking red flames.

With this blow, Zhao Feng’s speed, attack, and eruption pushed to a peak.

Zhao Feng can feel that Blood Devil Assault, under the impetus of his perfect Blood Devil Sun, seems to boost its level of power instantly.

This time, the terrifying power carried by Zhao Feng, even Ling Tianyun had to be careful.


A few ten zhang of Flaming Wing Dragon appeared at the foot of Tie Lingyun.

Flaming Wing Dragon whole body The scale armor is red, the wings of the dragon are huge, and the flames are soaring. Under the flapping of the wings, numerous waves of flames swept the heaven and earth below.

In addition, Tie Lingyun standing on the Flaming Wing Dragon has a subtle increase in momentum, as if she can borrow the power of the Flaming Wing Dragon within the body.


Tie Lingyun took the Flaming Wing Dragon to the sky.


Two blood red mans, fight with again.

Bang laugh

A number of crimson blood glows passed through the Quartet, and then a Thunder Fire storm swept away, a void, and a trembling sound.

“Since you want to fight in the air, I’ll accompany you in a happy battle”

After a fight with, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, once again dim, Zhao Feng used Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique to rise to the sky.

He found that in the state of Blood Devil Assault, not only the explosive power of Bloodline has been increased, but also the Bloodline characteristics of the perfect Blood Devil Sun have been improved.

That split second, he took three times the Life Essence qi from Tie Lingyun’s body and reduced the consumption of ‘Blood Devil Assault’ again.

At the same time, the effect of ignition is more obvious.

But this increase only exists under the Blood Devil Assault.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Immediately after the Blood Devil Assault effect disappeared, Zhao Feng urged flying secrets, and strikes down.

Tinker Bell

The two changed from low-altitude combat to high-altitude combat, just like Golden Crow’s confrontation with Fire Dragon.


Zhao Feng casts Blood Devil Assault again, shaking with Tie Lingyun.

Although Tie Lingyun is standing on the Flaming Wing Dragon, she can borrow the power and power of the Flaming Wing Dragon. Under the collision, there is also the powerful physique of the Fire Dragon to relieve the assault.

But in contrast, he lost his speed advantage and could only stick to his position.

And Zhao Feng’s red Thunder Light wing, combined with Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique and Thunder Wing Spatial Flash, the speed is particularly flexible, and the explosion of Blood Devil Sun will increase the speed to peak.

Speed ​​can increase burst, burst can increase speed

Each stroke of Zhao Feng’s is a dive from high altitude, using Thunder Wing Spatial Flash and Blood Devil Assault, switch.

After a fight with, immediately flashed back, preparing for the next dive outburst, taking control of the overall situation.

“Really strong, Zhao Feng pulled back the disadvantage and became the active side”

Shi Yulei was shocked, and he didn’t feel a little admired for Zhao Feng.

If he faced Tie Lingyun, he would only be beaten passively, but now it looks like Tie Lingyun is passively fighting back.

In the younger generation, to such an extent, he can only think of Xin Wuhen.

“Zhao Feng is sharpening his Bloodline Power”

Old Ying nodded slightly, finally understand why Zhao Feng did not use Bloodline Eye Technique.

He can perceive that Zhao Feng’s use and control of Blood Devil Sun is more adept and minimizes consumption.

Zhao Feng Now that he can learn the Bloodline secrets of Tie Family, it is not difficult to learn the Bloodline control skills of Tie Lingyun.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s grasp of the battle situation is very powerful.

“It’s very bad to go on like this”

Tie Yunhuo both eyes insight into everything, Zhao Feng’s Thunder Wings, with other Secret Technique, flexibility is too strong, speed stands on a commanding height.

Tie Lingyun relied on the strength of the giant dragon, but did not have an instant advantage, so she fell into a passive position.

Although there is no tendency to lose today, Tie Lingyun’s ‘Akazu Glazed Glass’ is also reaching its limit.

On the other hand, although Zhao Feng can suck blood back to the Yuan, it is still not enough to make up for the Origin Energy he consumed.

If it is consumed like this, the key to determining the outcome is to look at Zhao Feng’s Origin Energy and towering clouds.

Everyone below, watching this fierce Bloodline battle, virtually aroused a spirit of fighting spirit within the body.

Ding Dong

Tie Lingyun once again defended with Zhao Feng and felt a huge outbreak of assault.

But no one knows his aggrieved.

Zhao Feng’s attack point is very special.

Every time he fights with, he has a feeling that the attack can’t do full damage.

It’s like Zhao Feng’s attack, straight to his weakness.

“Good solid True Yuan”

This is Tie Lingyun’s second feeling.

Zhao Feng has been in flight and Saint Thunder Body since the beginning.

Even if the perfect Blood Devil Sun is able to draw Essence Blood Origin Energy from him and supplement True Yuan, it should have been exhausted.

However, he did not know that since Zhao Feng recultivation, the foundation has been very stable, and even suppressed Realm, consolidating the quality of True Yuan.

Coupled with the speciality of “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng’s True Yuan quality and quantity, even some Great Emperor, are far worse.

Tinker Bell

Tie Lingyun’s glazed flames soared again, and the giant dragon under him looked a little tired.

His red jade glazed body, almost ready to reach its limit, will continue to cause damage to the Bloodline source.

Tie Lingyun’s eyes calmed down, ready to look for opportunities, a blow to the world


Under successive heaven shaking crit.

A moment

The vast yellow sand heaven and earth, a violent sensation.


Somewhere over the little world, it suddenly shattered.

The strength of the small world is in chaos, and the intangible destruction of the storm is about to begin.

“Not good, this small world is actually affected by the fighting between these two people and will be broken.”

On the Tie Yunhuo side, a Saint Lord sighed in exclamation.

“Zhao Feng and Tie Lingyun’s fight with is too dense, and most of them are concentrated in a certain range, causing great damage to the space structure of the small world.”

It stands to reason that this small world is still equivalent to stable and complete. Now that this is the case, Old Ying instantly analyzed the reason.

“Still going to fight?”

Shi Yulei was a little surprised.

The small world is broken, so in the future, both of them will be in danger.


Suddenly, a group of Dao of Fire aura hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed to the battle between Zhao Feng and Tie Lingyun.

A raging glass of flames enveloped and bound them completely.

After all, Blood Devil Sun is not suitable for protracted warfare. The two are already an arrow at the end of its flight. Facing Saint Lord’s Blood Devil Sun strength, their resistance is weak.


Tie Lingyun’s red jade glass body was suppressed.

“It’s over, old man’s dragon jade, I’ll give it to you”

Tie Yunhuo dropped his guardian dragon jade, took a deep look at Zhao Feng a glance, and took Tie Lingyun and two other players to rush up to the small crack in the sky.

“Elder Yunhuo, can you tell how much Zhao Feng’s True Yuan is left?”

Tie Lingyun is a little unwilling, this battle is more difficult than he imagined

Zhao Feng’s strength in all aspects is far beyond his imagination.

He also saw that the key to the final victory and defeat is his ‘Red Jade Glazed Body’ and the quantity of Zhao Feng’s True Yuan.

“I can’t see it, but you did your best and he still has a lot of reservations”

Tie Yunhuo shook her head slightly.

When he went to the battlefield just now, he realized that Zhao Feng had some vigilance against him, but was still very calm and calm.

As if he got rid at that time, Zhao Feng was sure to resist it.

After listening to Elder’s words, Tie Lingyun was a little hesitant, and just wanted to refute, but was interrupted.

“He also has Bloodline Eye Technique”

Iron Elder Yunhuo’s voice came into Tie Lingyun’s mind lightly.

Then Tie Lingyun’s eyes calmed down.

Playing too fast, he actually forgot, Zhao Feng has an Eye Bloodline that is no less than the perfect Blood Devil Sun.

“However, in this battle, your Bloodline is awake again …”

Tie Yunhuo leads the team and disappears in this small world


Zhao Feng low roaring sound, followed by a warm and shiny dragon jade, burst out from another crack.

At the same time, Old Ying and the others also left from the entrance

When the crowd appeared again in the Forest of Covering the Sky, the silhouette of the Tie Yunhuo squad was no longer seen.

“Ninth Prince”

Zhao Feng handed in jade pendant directly

“Brother Zhao”

Ninth Prince shook his hands slightly.

Although from enters into the place to this day, he has taken over the dragon jade from many members.

But for the first time, dragon jade felt so heavy

“Let’s get here first and take a break”

Old Ying looked towards Zhao Feng.

After all, the next activity is mainly Zhao Feng, looking for Demon Beast, and increasing the strength of the herd.

If Zhao Feng is seriously injured and not in the state, how can he do it.

At this time, Zhao Feng and Already became the team, second only to his core characters, and there could not be any difference.

“Okay, all our members gather, it’s time to discuss, and the next action is coming.”

Shi Yulei agrees.

Zhao Feng’s strength, giving him an inexplicable peace of mind, and even faintly felt that Ninth Prince already has the qualifications to compete with the top Fifth Prince.

In the dense forest, the Ninth Prince team is temporarily resting.

Zhao Feng naturally understood everyone’s meaning, without the slightest hesitation, sitting cross-legged, taking some Baiyuan honey juice, treating injuries and recovering huge consumption.

Blood Devil Sun, an explosive Bloodline, is very easy to leave hidden dangers afterwards, especially under excessive triggering.

In the battle with Tie Lingyun, Zhao Feng gained a lot.

Not only took control of Blood Devil Sun Bloodline’s control methods and some techniques, but also ‘Copy, Blood Devil Assault’, a great secret to assist Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also noticed that Tie Lingyun further awakened Bloodline because of his stimulation, and his strength would have a qualitative leap.

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