King of Gods

Chapter 957

A scorching terrifying aura spread out like an assault wave.

The dark yellow Gobi Desert was instantly plated with a layer of bright red flames, and the hot void twisted like a burning hell.

From a distance, the two were just like the hot sun and glowing sun here, and a burst of blood flare.


Tie Lingyun within the body Bloodline trembled a little, and the flames on the body weakened a bit under Zhao Feng’s blood-red sun inflammation, but this sense of oppression made him even more excited.

Behind Tie Lingyun, the Bloodline of Tie Yunhuo within the body also trembled slightly, and then there was a burning beat, as if it was about to burn.

“This is the perfect Blood Devil Sun”

Tie Yunhuo’s hot both eyes, staring at Zhao Feng’s perfect blood-red glazed body and the gorgeous blood inflammation, as if burning life to fight, it is amazing

This is the perfect Bloodline of the Tie Family, and he also saw it for the first time.

If such a powerful Bloodline returns to the Tie Family …

“This is the perfect Blood Devil Sun”

Tie Yunhuo, two people beside him, naturally knew this, but at this time witnessed the mighty power of the perfect Blood Devil Sun, and his heart was still shocked.

Their body Bloodline, all felt a burning sensation, immediately operated True Yuan, resisting some residual strength.

The perfect Blood Devil Sun, but can be ranked in the top ten terrifying battle Bloodline of the Emperor Path Bloodline.

Zhao Feng behind In the distance, Old Ying and the others retreated sharply.

Some fleshly bodies are weaker, and those with lower Realm, such as Zhou Su’er, Su Qingling, even feel the whole body, such as burning fire, and a choking oppression comes.

“How could it be, Zhao Feng’s Bloodline is actually stronger than Tie Lingyun”

Shi Yulei was shocked, and his heart was loud.

Tie Lingyun, but among the younger generation of Tie Family, Bloodline is recognized as the most expert, and its innate talent is incomparable in Clan.

Tie Lingyun’s explosive power, even he who is good at defense, can’t bear it.

And Zhao Feng body’s Blood Devil Sun Bloodline actually faintly suppressed Tie Lingyun’s Bloodline.

There is only one possibility …

“Yes, perfect Blood Devil Sun”

Old Ying was shocked. He was also the first time to see the perfect Blood Devil Sun, an almost extinct terrifying Emperor Path Bloodline.

“How can it be?”

Su Qingling pretty face was shocked. She thought of what Zhao Feng said when he was fighting for the place.

It’s true

Zhao Feng had the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, which attracted Tie Family Elder to personally solicit.

At this time, Zhao Feng, whom they repeatedly despised, was actually in a parity with Four Prince, Tie Family’s peerless genius.

“Worthy to be called is Zhao Feng”

Ninth Prince complexion was excited, overwhelmed by emotions.

Zhao Feng’s strength at this time far surpassed any one of the team members, and even ranked as the main combat member of the top Fifth Prince.

In addition, Zhao Feng also held the position of Beast Taming Master and became the backbone of the team, all of which far exceeded Ninth Prince’s original expectations.


Bloodline faintly suppressed Tie Lingyun, the body glazed with flames erupted suddenly, erupting in an instant equivalent to Zhao Feng’s heaven shaking power.

“Haha, let me taste the so-called perfect Blood Devil Sun”

Tie Lingyun whole body Fighting Intent, as burning, hot and violent.

Blood Devil Assault

Tie Lingyun once again performed this move, like the same blood-red lava, emitting terrifying coercion to deter the spirits.


The perfect Blood Devil Sun has a strong suppression of the Bloodline with a lower degree of Ancestor Transformation. Zhao Feng feels that the huge gap between him and Tie Lingyun Realm cultivation base has been bridged.


Zhao Feng’s red Thunder Light wing, in the blood-red glaze, is like the immortal Phoenix Crow of the immortal Golden Crow, accompanied by a trace of Thunder Light.


Under the powerful explosive power of Bloodline, Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, showing the detached Profound Truth, like a burst of red inflammation, flickering in void, blooming a blood-red spark.

Bang bang

The two are like meteorite strikes, strikes together, and the hot waves of blood red flames, like the tsunami, sweep heaven and earth layer by layer.


Two silhouettes, exploding quickly, a scorching hot taboo, burst into the center.

“Ignition effects are restrained”

The moment he fought with it, Zhao Feng noticed it.

The Bloodline of the two is one, and the lighting effect of Zhao Feng Bloodline is hardly effective in Tie Lingyun body.

Just like facing the Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, Buddha Devil Giant Spirit Body.

The blood yang Flame Qi generated by the Zhao Feng attack, when it is about to ignite and cover Tie Lingyun’s body, will be directly submerged by the glazed fire on the surface of Tie Lingyun.

The burning effect of Bloodline on both sides cannot be produced.

In addition, the characteristics of Zhao Feng’s perfect Blood Devil Sun’s vampire return are also greatly reduced.

But the drawn blood Qi Life Essence is very suitable for Zhao Feng.

It can directly act on Bloodline and supplement Origin Energy, which has a greater effect in treating injuries and recovery.


Zhao Feng’s Thunder Light blood fist and Tie Lingyun’s Crimson Flame Gun once again slammed together.

Two kinds of peak violent overbearing attacks, each hit, is a roar of heaven and earth Thunder Fire.

“Actually comparable”

On Tie Yunhuo’s side, the two Quasi-Saint Lord complexion are dull.

Only Zhao Feng of King Realm had a Battle Strength equivalent to Tie Lingyun.

Even if it is the perfect Blood Devil Sun, it is impossible to have such amazing effects.

“Zhao Feng is not simple, True Yuan is strong and pure, and powerful, and fits Blood Devil Sun Bloodline very well.”

Tie Yunhuo stared at Zhao Feng without blinking.

Zhao Feng’s True Yuan quality, far exceeds the average top Great Emperor, and the power is extraordinary.


Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body’s defense and physical strength, combined with the perfect Blood Devil Sun’s vampire return effect, completely make up the gap between his Realm and Tie Lingyun, and the amount of True Yuan.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, under such a squeeze, was further excavated and imposing, the more fights the more brave is.


Tie Lingyun both eyes red light flickering, Fighting Intent.

As for the characteristics of the perfect Blood Devil Sun, as a Tie Family, you are naturally familiar with it.

Therefore, Tie Lingyun does not hesitate to burn True Yuan to increase the power of Bloodline, in order to resist the special effect of perfect Blood Devil Sun.

“Hmph, let you try the Body Tempering Cultivation Technique with Blood Devil Sun. After I defeat you, I will help you persuade Elder Hongnan. A person who does not use Bloodline will get the best Bloodline. Useless “

Tie Lingyun was shocked by the momentum, and Liu Li stunned her body, bursting out a burst of ruby ​​light glow, as if reborn in the fire, a fiery physical strength emerged.

Boom hu hu

Zhao Feng stood in void, and his Saint Thunder Body was suddenly hit by a hot physical assault.


Under the invisible contest of the physical strength of the two, heaven and earth void, there was a blast.


Zhao Feng stepped back a few steps and was shocked.

The special physique urged by Tie Lingyun at this time, combined with Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, the power is extraordinary.

The two promote each other and actually suppress his Saint Thunder Body and the perfect Blood Devil Sun.

Sure enough, the heritage of Eight Great Aristocratic Families cannot be underestimated, and his research on Bloodline is extremely thorough.

“I didn’t expect that towering clouds used the ‘Akayu glazed body’ so quickly, but in this case, the battle must be ended as soon as possible.”

Tie Yunhuo was shocked.

To deal with the perfect Blood Devil Sun, you must do it quickly.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s Body Tempering Cultivation Technique is also far beyond Tie Yunhuo’s expectations.

Otherwise, Tie Lingyun will not directly move out of the red jade glass body

The red jade glass body is the Supreme Body Tempering Cultivation Technique developed by the Tie Family generation An Ancestor. It perfectly matches the Blood Devil Sun Bloodline and can instantly burst out the power of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth.

Similarly, such an anti-cultivation technique has great side effects. It can be maintained for a long time and even hurt the Bloodline source.

“Not good, it’s Akade glass body, Tie Family Supreme Body Tempering Cultivation Technique”

Old Ying’s heart beat.

This cultivation technique, combined with Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, combines the power of True Yuan, Bloodline, and physique, which can explode power far more than flat constant times.

Zhao Feng has the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, but his skills are poor and there is no matching Secret Technique Battle Skill.

But Old Ying wonders why Zhao Feng has not used Soul Eye Technique, which is his best domain.

“Saint Thunder Body Protection”

Zhao Feng blends Wind-Thunder of Fire and Saint Thunder power, and the body surface condenses a layer of substantial simple and unadorned Thunder Marks.

At the same time, a stream of Bloodline Power poured into it.

Simple and unadorned Thunder Marks light cover, suddenly burst into crystal red, blood flames

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”


Zhao Feng appeared directly in the sky, and the Red Thunder Fire wing spewed a golden flame of blood, carrying the mighty power and rushing down.

The boxing momentum has not yet arrived, and a red bombardment bombardment took place, and the infinite momentum of physical pressure overwhelmed the distant observers, body and mind.

“come on”

Tie Lingyun whole body Crimson glazed golden light shines, flames rise, looking up towards Zhao Feng, both eyes Fighting Intent.

He was not afraid of the outbreak attached to Zhao Feng’s high-altitude dive.


Tie Lingyun rises suddenly, like a red-red jade dragon, rises, and everything that passes, along with void, is burning.


A red flame of Bright Sun’s blood burst out, forming a flame storm, which drowned the silhouette of the two.


A Red Flame Thunder Light Flies Out

“Really strong burst”

Zhao Feng was bombarded with hunted zhang, Protection Thunder Glow was already broken, the whole body was blazing, and Saint Thunder Body ’s Lightning Marks were hidden.

Tie Lingyun’s ‘Red Jade Glass Body’, inspired by Blood Devil Sun, completely surpassed his Saint Thunder Body.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng Blood Devil Sun’s vampire recovery, these injuries can be repaired in time.


Tie Lingyun was also blasted to the ground, and the whole body was hot and tingling.

When Zhao Feng Protection Thunder Glow was broken, the powerful backlash damage he caused, even his red jade glass body, was a bit overwhelming.

“Good Zhao Feng, using flying skills and defense Secret Skill, actually took out Tie Lingyun’s burst damage”

Tie Yunhuo looked towards Zhao Feng, ordered nodded.

The fighting talent of this child is not weaker than some Tie Family disciple.

But the next moment, Tie Yunhuo was completely choked.

“That is, Blood Devil Assault, Tie Family Bloodline, how can he?”

At the same time, Tie Lingyun was also shocked. This was exactly the Blood Devil Assault he had originally performed.

I saw, Zhao Feng whole body, the flames of the blood exploded, the flames were boiling, and the sound of flames burst out.

Behind it, a round of Bright-Red Blood Sun’s phantom gradually emerged, with vortex texture inside, twisting and rotating.

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