King of Gods

Chapter 955

Everyone was surprised looking towards Zhao Feng.

“Do you have a way to get rid of mysterious Soul Strength in his Soul?”

Zhou Su’er’s eyes flashed a little doubt.

In Immortal Medicine Pavilion, Zhao Feng mysterious detoxification method, she can’t figure it out now.

And Zhao Feng’s Soul accomplishment is truly extraordinary.

Old Ying looked thoughtful.

In the Black Wind Valley subterranean, the ‘nine colorful lights in his Soul’ were also expelled by Zhao Feng.

But Jing Kai’s situation is different. It took Zhou Su’er five days to get rid of the baleful yin in his Soul, which shows how deep the poisoning of Jing Kai’s Soul ‘was.

Zhao Feng’s method of expulsion obviously requires the cooperation of the therapist and must not have the slightest resistance.

Today’s Jing Kai, already is suspicious of everyone, how could Zhao Feng’s Soul Will penetrate into the depths of his Soul.

“By the way, I can change his temperature too”

Zhao Feng added one more sentence.

In fact, this is what Zhao Feng originally meant.

Everyone listened, and took a deep breath, looking towards Zhao Feng with deep doubt.

“Do you still have the ability to educate people?”

Zhou Su’er started.

Jing Kai’s temperament already is distorted like this. The way Zhou Su’er can think of, can only change slowly if he enters into some Buddhist Sects and follows some Buddhist monks.

Ninth Prince and Old Ying are also very surprised. Zhao Feng is definitely not a kind-hearted person. They can’t imagine Zhao Feng giving Jing Kai a lecture on life philosophy.

“There is nothing you can do anyway, I can guarantee that he will do his best when he is a team member”

Zhao Feng confessed a glance to everyone.

Zhao Feng disagreed with Jing Kai’s strength, but indeed, as Old Ying said, Ninth Prince’s team can no longer be few people.

“Then leave it to Zhao Feng”

Old Ying agrees directly that they really have no other way.

Although he was puzzled, he had an inexplicable confidence in Zhao Feng.

And what Zhao Feng said just now, he almost thought about what method Zhao Feng would use, but it didn’t matter.

Jing Kai, who was resting aside, found that the complexion of the other people was a little bit skeptical.


Zhao Feng got up and walked towards him.

“What do you want?”

Jing Kai complexion panic.

Zhao Feng’s strength and methods in the Black Wind Valley subterranean show that Jing Kai still remembers it and is still very scared.


Zhao Feng swung his left hand directly into the Bewildering Space Realm.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng is the ruler here. Bewildering Space Realm’s small world of power of Rule completely restrains Jing Kai.

Zhao Feng walked towards Jing Kai, a strong Soul Will, oppressed again.


Both Jing Kai’s body and Soul were under infinite suppression, and True Yuan and Soul Will could not operate.

“Dark Heart Seal”

In Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, an erratic Purple Gold lightning seal is outlined, accompanied by a trace of Thunder Calamity Qi fluctuations, and a little imprinted on the soul of Jing Kai.

Although Jing Kai owns the strength of the Invincible Great Emperor, Soul Will is his short board.

With Zhao Feng now equivalent to Soul Will of Saint Lord, it is very easy to burn the Dark Heart Seal.

After a while.

“Master, your good intentions, I understand, please treat me”

Jing Kai knelt in front of Zhao Feng.

After Jing Kai was planted with the Dark Heart Seal, although the nature of the body and mind will not improve, he is convinced of Zhao Feng’s discourse and will have no thoughts.

If Zhao Feng has the ability to educate people, maybe it won’t be long before Jing Kai can be taught to be a top-quality person.

But Zhao Feng didn’t have that spare time.

“I will expel mysterious Soul Strength from your Soul first, don’t resist”

Zhao Feng put one hand on Jing Kai’s head, and an all-knowing Soul Will burst out from Zhao Feng’s soul.

“Yes, Zhao Feng”

Jing Kai relaxed his mind, and left the look to his disposal, while changing the ‘Master to’ Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng as a member of the team, and asked one of them to call him Master, which caused some other members to fear Zhao Feng.


Through his arms, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, carrying a powerful Soul Strength, slowly infiltrated Soul of Jing Kai.

Because of ‘Thunder Soul Body’, Zhao Feng’s Soul Strength comes with Thunder Calamity Strength automatically.

At the same time, with the assistance of Zhao Feng God Eye’s clearly understood, he can clearly see the evil Soul Strength lurking in Jing Kai Soul, and very carefully drive it out

But Jing Kai was deeply invaded by this strength, and even Zhao Feng took a lot of time.

Of course, all this is done during the road break.

After all, the 1-Step Stage of the Crown Prince Trial is almost over.

Everyone must rush to the Imperial Family Tomb Center as soon as possible.

During this time, Zhao Feng didn’t let Jing Kai show up, let him concentrate on cultivate in Bewildering Space Realm.

After Black Wind Valley and his party, Soul Will of Jing Kai got a certain degree of refinement and improvement.

But Zhao Feng was still dissatisfied with Jing Kai’s strength.

As a combat member, Ninth Prince is very different from other teams, at least, not even a Saint Lord Battle Strength.

After Jing Kai’s treatment is over.

Zhao Feng also had time to strengthen his strength.

After enterings into the Crown Prince Trial, after experiencing a large and small battle, Zhao Feng has not had time to comprehend the summary.

The combat experience of the older generation is still very rich and practical, such as the near Battle Skill of saint Lord Hundred Refining, which is definitely a Cao Family Sect’s Exclusive stunt.

At the same time, Zhao Feng enters into the Immemorial dream from time to time.

Zhao Feng found that his resilience in the Immemorial dream had been further improved.

One day, Zhao Feng, walking in the Immemorial forest, once again enslaved a flying Demon Spirit.

A Great Emperor-level black eagle landing on Zhao Feng’s head


Leaving Immemorial Dreamland and returning to the Imperial Family Tomb, Zhao Feng stood on the top of a cliff, flying the black eagle into the air.

“The fifth one”

Zhao Feng whispering softly with a smile.

Under the cliff.

Everyone enters the cultivated state, and they can feel their weakness in the Crown Prince Trial.

Now, we can only hurry up all our spare time.

Among them, Ninth Prince is especially hardworking, plus his own innate talent is excellent, and he has made rapid progress.

In the following days, apart from rushing and resting, there was only one thing left to help Zhao Feng tame the heart beast.

“Zhao Feng, the last time we tame the heart gnawed the Winged Wolves and the Night Wolves.

Old Ying analyzed.

Through the first two tame the heart beasts, Old Ying has a thorough understanding of Zhao Feng’s taming and beast ability.

He can only say that Zhao Feng is so impeccable in all respects that he is simply not human.

A person can almost assume multiple responsibilities in the team. Even in the position of Old Ying, Zhao Feng can replace it.

He was ashamed to foreshadow the crisis and gain insight into his weaknesses.

“Next, we need strength

Old Ying’s eyes shone.

After learning about Zhao Feng’s ability to train animals, Old Ying changed his strategy.

The Crown Prince Trial, Zhao Feng’s herd, will be one of the huge key points.

Old Ying attaches great importance to it and spends a lot of time and personnel to consolidate Zhao Feng’s herd.


Zhao Feng wants to arrived his own Ice Crystal Great Bear.

Obviously, what Old Ying needs is a large number of strength-type herds.

Zhao Feng had never thought that a Crown Prince Trial would be so complicated.

It seems that the location of Beast Taming Master is not easy.

“It’s here.”

The crowd paused in a towering, dark forest.

Primitive wild aura, accompanied by a bloody aura, struck instantly.


Occasionally a rumbling came, accompanied by a wild beast hissing.

Everyone felt out of the ordinary here.

“We are ready to come to the Imperial Family Tomb Central Region, this is a Demon Beast rally, where all kinds of powerful demon groups are gathered”

Old Ying introduced everyone.


Beside Zhao Feng, phantom was shaking, a Daoist shadow appeared, it was Jing Kai

“Jing Kai?”

Everyone looked hesitantly and looked at Jing Kai carefully.

At this time, they could not feel the evil looking strength from Jing Kai body, which was obviously expelled by Zhao Feng.

“Well, I have been cultivate in Zhao Feng’s Little World”

Jing Kai didn’t feel much in front of everyone, but still communicated with team members according to Zhao Feng’s requirements.

Zhao Feng released him for team safety.

Subsequently, a group of five people went deep into the forest center.

Deep in the dense forest, under a towering ancient tree, there is a dark and quiet tree hole.

In the tree cave, there is another heaven and earth, like a brand new world.

The Huangsha Gobi is full of sky-sand storms. In the center of the Gobi, there is a giant sandstone stone castle, magnificent and primitive.

“Shi Yulei, hand over Inheritance resources and Dragon Destiny Qi, I will let you go”

A red haired man with a whole body, golden iron and red inflammation, proud of Battle Strength, holding a long spear in his hand, imposing.

There are three members beside the red haired man.

In front of everyone, there was a stone wall formed by a layer of yellow sand, and there was a talisman seal formation on it.


A red haired man swept out of a crimson long spear, and a blaze of flame burst out, just like a blood red flame dragon, carrying an overbearing burst of hot aura, and blasted away.


On the stone wall, a wave of yellow sand waved like ripples spread out. This bursting red blood dragon merged into the center and made a few cracks.

Subsequently, the stone wall returned to its original state.

“Useless, Tie Lingyun, Blood Family Power of Shi Family, plus the guardianship of Inheritance here, we can’t attack it for a while”

A red-haired old man was standing aside, and the other two were well-behaved.

“This formation defense is also extremely esoteric, worthy to be called is Shen Jizi”

The red-haired old man behind, a formation grandmaster, his eyes are shining, and every attack of Tie Lingyun will be weakened by a layer of mysterious formation on the stone wall.

Yellow sand stone wall interior.

Shi Yulei is holding a dark yellow giant shield in both hands, and it is engraved with a dark yellow giant dragon carving.

This giant shield is in the center of the entire stone wall and cannot be moved.

“The really strong attack, worthy to be called is the peerless Chosen of the Tie Family younger generation, and such terrifying Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.”

Shi Yulei grunt.

If it were not for the Inheritance Holy Item in his hands, he could borrow some strength from the small world Inheritance. How could their team have strength and stalemate with the Fourth Prince team?

“Shen Jizi Senior, it is better to leave the formation in dragon jade,”

Su Qingling, a complexion of some aside, was obviously seriously injured.

“No, already someone came to save us”

A pale old man sitting in a real center, suddenly opened his eyes as deep as starry night, as if containing endless philosophy.

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