King of Gods

Chapter 954

As soon as Zhao Feng left the forbidden area of 鈥嬧€婤lack Wind Valley, the next moment, the evil Saint Lord Will rushed out.

“Abominable, there is no one in Black Wind Valley”

The evil Saint Lord Will is a little flustered. His consciousness, aready is in chaos, and Soul Will, which is translucent, is now more than XNUMX% blackened and becomes the same as the body of Black Wind Yin Ghost.

“Someone is coming”

The demonized Saint Lord Will, like grasping a life-saving straw, the whole body trembled with excitement, desperately, and rushed to the dark shadow that appeared in the distance.

“Ji茅 ji茅, give me your body …”

The evil Lord Saint Will will pounce on the flying black robed man.


The black robed man just arrived in the distance, expression startled.

What is this?


Feeling the hostility of the opponent, the black robed man coldly snorted, without any fear, slammed into this black Soul Will.


The evil Saint Lord Will rushed into the black robed man within the body instantly.


Within a short while, the evil Saint Lord Will screamed from the black robed man within the body, and the strength in the body lost a little.

“You … this is not a human body”

The demonized Saint Lord Will, trembling.

The moment he rushed into the black robed man body, he was shocked by a powerful terrifying aura.

That magnificent and strong strength even surpassed his Master during his lifetime.

The rule of contain Profound Truth, he could not see through.

“How is that possible? So … powerful … amount”

The demonization of Saint Lord Will’s demon is completely obscured, and the words are not clear.


His body, all blackened, turned into a huge Black Wind Yin Ghost, full of fierce evil spirits, bursting out.


Saint Lord’s Black Wind Yin Ghost, turned into a huge inky baleful yin Blade Edge, rushing towards the black robed man.

鈥淒eath’s Gaze鈥?/p>

The sound of ice-cold, accompanied by an all-knowing Death’s Will, sounded in the black robed man within the body.

An irreversible Profound Truth of Death permeated from the eyes of the black robed man.

Wherever the eyes passed, heaven and earth were dark, flowers and plants withered, and the vitality was completely lost.

The huge Black Wind Yin Ghost in front of him was instantly shrouded in this taboo strength and imprisoned on the spot.


Black Wind Yin Ghost growled and growled.

I saw, on the surface of Black Wind Yin Ghost, the evil power of baleful yin was dissipating in the slightest.

In the face of Profound Truth of Death, life is extinct, and all Matter will slowly disappear. This is the ultimate force between heaven and earth.

At this time, several members of the black robed man squadron rushed quickly.

At an instant, a shadow of Death enveloped the hearts of the three, and an irreversible strength seemed to plunder them all within the body.

“Death … Profound Truth”


“This is the strength of the black robe Senior?”

The three members quickly backed off, taking a deep breath.

This is just a hint of power from the black robed man Profound Truth of Death, so terrifying, so that they dare not approach.

Moreover, they feel a little vitality within the body, including Soul’s Lifespan.


With the weakening of Black Wind Yin Ghost strength, Black Wind Yin Ghost within the body, a very light Soul phantom, was faintly dragged out.

“You are … God’s descendant”

This group of Soul phantom is the former Saint Lord Will.

He didn’t expect to be able to regain consciousness after becoming Black Wind Yin Ghost.

However, it is inevitable

call out

The translucent Saint Lord Will, under the shroud of Profound Truth of Death, is moving towards aging, becoming weaker, and sucking directly into the black robe.

At the same time, the black Matter in front of me also turned into a black baleful yin atmosphere, and merged into void.

After a while, the black robed man looked towards the forbidden area like the dark world in front of him, turned and left.

“Black robe Senior, where are we going now?”

A member immediately came forward said with a smile.

Now he finally understands why the black robed man became the leader.

With the strength of the black robed man, even the ordinary Saint Lord has only one dead end.

“Go to the center”

black robed man answered briefly.

With everyone, disappeared into the forbidden area of 鈥嬧€婤lack Wind Valley.

No one heard the black wind valley off the ground, a deep laughter sounding from below.

“Haha, don’t hesitate I wasting two sources of source gas, these low-level flesh should be enough …”

“Zhao Feng is here”

The three Ninth Princes who were flying, stopped after seeing a group of red thunder storm arcs.

“Nothing is fine”

Old Ying complexion is a little awkward.

As the team leader, in the end it was Zhao Feng who held down the evil Saint Lord Will and ran first.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng returned safely.

“Let’s find a place and discuss how to save Jing Kai”

The Old Ying complexion is low, although Jing Kai is not very strong, after all, he is the main combatant in the team.

Before long, everyone came under a cliff.


Old Ying releases Jing Kai from his small world.

At this time, Jing Kai, whole body was dark, invisible baleful yin aura, faintly scattered.

“Eroded by the breath of baleful yin, and also by a powerful Soul Strength, affecting the temperament”

Zhou Su’er took a few glances and immediately made a judgment.

Zhao Feng hesitated a little, and he could see these with just a few eyes.

To change to Zhao Feng, at least use Soul Strength to perceive or use the ability of the left eye.

“It’s almost like that, is there any way you can treat”

Old Ying ordered nodded, Zhou Su’er’s medical technique, he has some understanding.

“Baleful yin can expel healing, but his Soul still has mysterious Soul Strength, which is difficult to dispel.”

Zhou Su’er thinks for a moment and gives the answer.

At this point, Jing Kai regained consciousness and opened his eyes in the haze.

“Ah, Old Ying? We are out.”

Jing Kai sat up fiercely and looked at all around.

“Oh, unfortunately the burial place of Supreme Treasure is guarded by Demon Spirit”

Jing Kai still loves the Supreme Treasure of Black Wind Valley.

Everyone looked towards Jing Kai. For a while, they were silent, and they were about to die in the Black Wind Valley. They even thought of Supreme Treasure.

Moreover, Old Ying and Zhao Feng, risking their lives, rescued him without even a trace of gratitude.

“Also, his temperament has been changed too much. Even if the remaining mysterious Soul Strength can be removed, there is no guarantee that he will be able to change back to the original Jing Kai.”

Zhou Su’er looked towards Jing Kai at this time, add another sentence.

“Zhou Su’er, what do you say to me?”

Jing Kai expression suddenly changed, looking gloomy.

all around The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

“Zhou Su’er, let’s get rid of his baleful yin without the body.”

Old Ying looked towards completely strange Jing Kai, breaking the silence

“Well, get rid of baleful yin and that Soul Strength first, then think of a way”

Zhou Su’er agrees with Old Ying.

First remove the baleful yin of Jing Kai within the body and another Soul Strength. If Jing Kai changes, there is still salvation.

“Jing Kai, it’s okay, let Zhou Su’er get rid of your baleful yin within the body”

Old Ying calmly persuaded.

“Okay, I also feel a bit sick”

In Jing Kai’s mind, Old Ying still has some status.

Even so, Jing Kai was still a little suspicious and kept a little wary of Zhou Su’er.

“Old Ying, Black Wind Valley off-limits, what happened in the end? There were four teams in total, only you came out.”

Ninth Prince couldn’t help curiosity.

“It’s also not clear to us. In the Imperial Family Tomb, any forbidden area is not even the first-generation Imperial Clan, and there is no clear danger area. After all, this is the legacy Imperial Space.”

Old Ying answered very solemnly, and then sighed again: “The rest of the people may have used the formula in dragon jade to escape”

Ninth Prince was at a loss, Already was aware of the danger of the Black Wind Valley forbidden area.

Except for Old Ying and Zhao Feng, everyone else left by using formation teleportation or died in it.

“However, at this time, our gains are still relatively rich. Two Inheritance small worlds were destroyed without trial, and the Saint Lord resources and Dragon Destiny Qi were directly obtained.”

Old Ying intentionally diverges from this topic.

Subsequently, Old Ying and Zhao Feng transferred all the ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’ from the dragon jade to the ‘Crown Prince’ fake seal of Ninth Prince.

However, I also went to the forbidden area of 鈥嬧€婤lack Wind Valley. Old Ying guarded ‘Dragon Destiny Qi in dragon jade, but it was less than half of Zhao Feng’s.

“Zhao Feng, did you not consume ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’s strength to protect yourself?”

Old Ying expression was shocked.

Just enters into this Space, everyone will use ‘Dragon Destiny Qi to offset the pressure of weakening Space. As time goes by, everyone will gradually adapt to it.

As a result, the consumption of Dragon Destiny Qi gradually decreased.

Therefore, it is commonly used as a omnipotent protection to protect yourself against various powerful strength Profound Truth attacks, such as the dark and dark wind.

In the forbidden area of 鈥嬧€婤lack Wind Valley, he was consuming a trace of ‘Dragon Destiny Qi almost all the time, protecting himself and resisting various Profound Truth rules, but he was still eroded by the breath of baleful Yin.

And Zhao Feng, from the beginning to the end, did not consume ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’, but also kept awake

“Next, let’s look off towards the Imperial Family Tomb Center set off”

Now that Zhao Feng’s is joining, Old Ying feels a touch of security.

Moreover, Jing Kai’s treatment is also inseparable from Zhou Su’er.

“Zhao Feng, next, I hope you will take some Inheritance resources, take it lightly, and help Ninth Prince as much as possible”

Old Ying’s eyes were sincere.


Zhao Feng simply agreed to plunder two Inheritances in Black Wind Valley, as well as precious resources underground in Black Wind Valley.

Zhao Feng’s harvest, already is rich enough.

Next, unless it was something he needed, Zhao Feng couldn’t look down on the general Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment and small accomplishment resources.

“Brother Zhao, already is trying to help me”

Ninth Prince immediately said with a smile.

The ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’ entrusted to him by Zhao Feng twice was almost the most personal contribution.

“Okay, we have a distance Imperial Family Tomb center. There is a long distance. During the second time, we will help Zhao Feng tame the heart to get some Demon Beast here.”

Old Ying announces the next major trip.

Most of the time, tame the heart beast is second.

It takes time to break Inheritance to obtain Dragon Destiny Qi, and tame the heart beast, which can increase the prince strength, can also obtain a small amount of ‘Dragon Destiny Qi’.

On the five-day journey, Zhao Feng obtained two good herds.

At the same time, the baleful yin in Jing Kai Soul was eliminated by already.

The mysterious Soul Strength hidden in Soul is too profound and powerful, and Zhou Su’er can’t help it for a while.

At this time, Jing Kai’s temperament has not improved much.

“In this way, Jing Kai will become a huge hidden danger in our team.”

Old Ying was a bit worried.

“He now ready doesn’t believe us anymore, and thinks we covet the resources in his hands”

Everyone avoided Jing Kai, sound transmission to communicate.

“Well, give him to me”

Zhao Feng’s voice suddenly sounded.

(Recommended monthly pass —)

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