King of Gods

Chapter 950

The three squads, totaling ten people, stood quietly in front of the bronze stone pillar.

“None of you are good at formation or ‘Heavens Secret Secret Technique?'”

goat beard old man asked with an awkward smile.

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, apparently not.

In Imperial Family Tomb, there is a small number of Branch Inheritance, all of which need formation or Mechanism Master to be able to break.

But after all, it is a minority.

Moreover, the expert present was also seen in other dangerous Ancient Land, who had seen huge and complex formations.

Compared with the formation of this hall, it is not a grade at all.

I believe that the Formula Master in enters into the Imperial Family Tomb, with only a few people, can decipher the formation ban in this hall.

“Can we destroy this formulation?”

In the goat beard old man team, a Quasi-Saint Lord lowly mumble.

Everyone was silent.

For a layman who is completely unaware of formation, how can he know if this is feasible?

“Try it, use remote attack”

Old man in purple robe, pondering for a moment.

Many formations in the world have the power of backlash, that is, while attack formation, they will also be harmed by backlash.

“it is good”

Old Ying agrees.

At the risk of life, they found this strange place in the depths of the forbidden area.

Obviously, everyone agrees.

The people discussed and returned to the aisle outside the hall.

“Nine Yin Palms”

The goat beard old man runs True Yuan, a cold force emerges from the whole body, and then hits mysterious.


The translucent ice palm phantom, carrying a cold Qi strength, flew towards the white Golden Pattern formation on the surface of the bronze stone pillar.

The goat beard old man, a Palm Strength phantom, is very slow to cast. At the moment of this palm, the goat beard old man suddenly takes a few steps back.

Frost Palm Strength phantom, slap directly on the complex golden pattern formation.


At the same time, a palm-shaped mark suddenly appeared on the side wall of the crowd.

“How can this be?”

goat beard old man expression

Had it not been for his carefulness, I would have feared that Already would be hit by his own palm, with even greater power.

The moment his attack touched the formation, he was directly counterattacked. Everyone’s eyes, not even a trace, were captured.

Zhao Feng behind, breathing is also a meal.

Through his left eye, he was able to play back the image just now in great detail.

When he slowed down the time five times, he vaguely captured a phantom and bounced back in the same trajectory.

The goat beard old man experience was rich, and he took a few steps back in advance, so the palm wind that came back was struck to the side of the wall.

It seems that the experience and experience of the older generation are indeed very useful, which Zhao Feng does not currently have.

The others were also wide-eyed and couldn’t believe it.

“Sure enough, so Supreme Treasure, missed me”

Old Ying sighed slightly.

From the phenomenon just now, we can judge that this form already To surpassed Mystic Light Realm.

“Look … there the wall”

Jing Kai suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone’s eyes gradually shifted from the formation in front of the bronze stone pillar to the palm print on the left wall.

I saw a tiny crack in the palm print mark of that hand.

“this is?”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye Through the crack, clearly see the situation inside, expression suddenly changed.

“Aura of God Crystal”

The old man in the purple robe shook his nose for a while, then affirmed.

“Everyone attack this wall”

goat beard old man cheek surprise.

I can’t get the Supreme Treasure that was sealed in the formation, and I can harvest some other things, which is not bad.


For a time, ice and lightning, fist shadow palmed the wind, simultaneously banged on this wall.

Under the concerted attack of everyone, the wall shattered.


Suddenly, a hot Wind Thunder Strength appeared on the behind.

Zhao Feng’s back, a pair of red Thunder Light wings, suddenly condensed out, the powerful Yan Lei aura, the remaining three Great Emperor on the scene, retreated a few steps.

call out

Zhao Feng turned into a red thunder storm arc, one step ahead, directly to the other side of the wall.

“Zhao Feng, how is that possible?”

Purple robe old man surprised and angry.

Zhao Feng’s strength displayed at this time almost exceeded the Great Emperor of the Peak Level in the Imperial Family Tomb.

I didn’t expect to come all the way, he was so hidden that he didn’t even find out.

Now, when Zhao Feng exposes the strength, the first one rushed in, apparently, he found something treasure in it.

Hu hu

After Zhao Feng, six Quasi-Saint Lords rushed into Space on the other side of the wall.

“This Zhao Feng is really strong”

The young Great Emperor in the purple robe old man team was shocked in his heart.

In the last Inheritance world, he vaguely found that Lei Tong had a brief encounter with Zhao Feng, but the disadvantage was actually the same.

Lei Tong is Quasi-Saint Lord Realm, and its real strength is comparable to the average Saint Lord.

The three Great Emperors did not to be outdone, and then rushed in.

“this is?”

Six Quasi-Saint Lord stood to place.

I saw the entire Space, glorious, Immemorial aura hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing forward, shaking their body and mind, suppressing suffocation.

Around Space, there are many fragments and ore shining light of various colors. The sub-God Crystal exudes dazzling light glow, which will make the entire Space shine bright and clear.

The entire Space floor is filled with all kinds of ore, debris, animal skins, medicine bottles and other materials. Every item emits Great Desolate’s long simple and unadorned aura.

These items, scattered randomly on the ground, feel like people throwing away trash.

“This is … God Meteroric Iron, Heavenly Crystal Fire Ore, Purple Gold Immortal Jade”

Some seniors present could only recognize dozens of these items, and the whole body was trembling and excited.

These fragments, Refining ore, do as you wish, are spread to the outside world, I am afraid that they can cause three or four-star Sect’s rush.

The very common God meteorite, even banned by the Great Heaven Imperial Clan, is extremely careful.

Most of the other items have never been seen before, such as brown animal skins, and unknown things in medicine bottles.

“Hurry up”

Suddenly, the six Quasi-Saint Lords, throwing away their normally distinguished posture, rushed to the ground, and hurriedly stuffed the same items into the Storage Space.

With so many babies, the three Great Emperors who came later charged them a dozen at random, and they all felt that they were not bad.

Soon, all the items in this Space were searched for one or two, leaving no residue at all.

“Zhao Feng, hand over what you just got”

The purple robe old man suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Feng. The powerful momentum was overwhelming and completely broke out.

Suddenly, Lei Tong came with another Great Emperor.

Facing the majestic majesty of the old man in the purple robe, Zhao Feng expressed his complacency, looked towards the old man in the purple robe, his eyes were cold.

“What does this mean? Let’s say beforehand, whoever gets it first is whose one.”

Old Ying immediately stood out.

“Hmph, when our two teams joined forces, he hid the strength and let us be the leader of the Laborer, but now he just gives him half of it.”

Purple robe old man eyes burning.

He just dimly saw that Zhao Feng had taken away a piece of God Crystal.

God Crystal is not inferior grade God Crystal

That’s God’s Domain, the crystal of Heaven Rank God Position.

“Junior, King Realm, can not keep these precious items”

At this time, the goat beard old man also came with a smile.

Zhao Feng was the first to rush in, and the value of the treasure obtained is self-evident.

Although the other party may use the formula to leave, this time forces him to use the formula in the dragon jade, and next time he will be unable to run.

The Old Ying complexion was slightly sinking. I didn’t expect even the goat beard old man to come and come in.

Old Ying is not afraid of the purple robe old man squad, but the team of goat beard old man has three top Quasi-Saint Lords, and each Saint Lord’s strong strength is far better than the purple robe old man.

If there is really no way, you can only use the dragon jade, the formation in Zhao Feng has left, and Zhao Feng owns the Bewildering Space Realm and can escape.

Get so many treasures and ore, and don’t falter.

“Hmph, the meat this Zhao eats, has not the habit of spitting out”

Zhao Feng sneered.

As soon as this statement was made, the purple robe old man and the goat beard old man complexion suddenly changed, and the others were stared wide-eyed.

“Arrogant junior, you have no habit of vomiting, then I will teach you how to vomit”

The purple robe old man complexion is green, and the dark purple True Yuan starts to run.


Old Ying hastily shouted.


The goat beard old man appeared directly in front of Old Ying and stopped him.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng stepped forward, the body suddenly rose up, and the whole body bloomed with a layer of blue gold, brilliant Phynicique Lightning Marks, 5-Layer extreme Saint Thunder Body, coercion, and immediately oppressed


The purple robe old man who was running True Yuan was suddenly interrupted, within the body, his blood twitched and almost spurted.

And the young Great Emperor on his side fell straight to the ground, his whole body trembled, and he couldn’t even stand up.

“Is this his true strength?” Lei Tong complexion struggled, apparently uncomfortable.

The members of the goat beard old man team were also shocked.

Zhao Feng’s physical pressure at this time, even those who were far away, felt that the whole body was suddenly heavy, and the blood was almost stagnant.

“Hmph, Zhao Feng, if you don’t hand over half of the treasure today, then let everyone in your squad use the teleportation formation to leave.”

Purple robe old man surprised and angry.

Even if Zhao Feng cultivated a profound Body Tempering Cultivation Technique, it would still be King; King King dared to resist his majesty and could not forgive.

“Zhao Feng, you should give up part of it.”

The Jing Kai complexion on the side was panicked, and now facing the oppression of the Purple Robe old man and the Second Prince squad, he couldn’t even breathe.

“courting death”

Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body Thunder Marks suddenly bloomed, Wind-Thunder of Fire was running, and a punch was thrown directly.

Suppressing the Quartet’s Saint Thunder Body, mixed with the violent destruction of Wind-Thunder of Fire, like a Thunder Flame storm, roaring the purple robe old man.

The formation in the hall, unable to Deciphering, Black Wind Valley exploration, also ended, this old fellow, it is time to solve it.


Purple robe old man, absolutely did not expect that Zhao Feng actually took the initiative.

And that punch, carrying the immense Thunder Flame power, made him instantly feel the intense alive or death crisis.


A blue ripples shield appears directly in the hands of the old man in the purple robe.


Zhao Feng punched directly, strikes directly on the blue ripples shield, heaven shaking fire thunder storm, and exploded directly.


The ripples of the shield suddenly cracked and burst, and the old man in the purple robe stepped back a few dozen steps, his hands tingling with sourness.

“How could that be, King, how could it have such terrifying power”

The old man in the purple robe was horrified, his ripples shield of light was actually destroyed directly.

Witnessing this scene, everyone on the scene was sluggish on the spot.

Zhao Feng could actually match Quasi-Saint Lord with only physical force

“Give up all treasures, otherwise use teleportation formation to roll quickly”

Zhao Feng complexion is cold and slowly walks towards the purple robe old man.

“Haha, although this Jiang is late, it should be able to share some treasures.”

At the Channel, there was a big laugh, and it suddenly sounded, and with it, there was the power of Extreme Cold … (Third, ask for a monthly ticket —)

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