King of Gods

Chapter 949

Great Heaven Imperial Palace.

At this time, the great hall, the sky, the noise of heaven shaking came up.

Everyone’s gaze is focused on the Ninth Prince and the Second Prince light barrier, where the Second Prince is located, the distance Black Wind Valley is closer.

“This … what a Supreme Treasure is in this Black Wind Valley forbidden area”

“So brilliance, what we see is just a small part of it”

“Unfortunately, most of the teams are scattered around the Imperial Family Tomb, and many of them are already to reach the central area. Otherwise, it is not impossible to win Supreme Treasure under the concerted efforts.

At this time, everyone was more concerned about Supreme Treasure than the Crown Prince dispute.

If such a Supreme Treasure can be obtained, even if the Crown Prince’s dispute is a complete loss.

In the great hall below, Eight Great Aristocratic Families, the major sects, including Heavenly Floating Palace Elder, were shocked and looked towards the sky light barrier.

Many people are regretful, and their sect staff did not appear in Black Wind Valley.

“In the Black Wind Valley forbidden area, why is there such an amazing peerless light? Hey, Chen’er distance Black Wind Valley is too far”

Uncle Thirteenth Prince was shocked, and then pats forehead, a little annoyed

The most exciting is the great hall where Ninth Prince, Fifth Prince and Second Prince are located.

According to the information seen by the light barrier, there are only these three sides, enters into the Black Wind Valley.

“Zhao Feng is really a great man.”

King Nan Feng sighed.

Inside the main palace behind the Imperial Palace, there are several Daoist shadows, sound transmission to each other.

“Some strange things, how could there be a peerless Treasure qi in the Black Wind Valley forbidden area?”

A fat face with big ears, sound transmission said.

“Imperial Clan has too little information about the Black Wind Valley forbidden grounds. They have dragon jade in their hands. The problem should be small.”

Withered old man responded.

Moreover, the princes did not enter into it.

“If there are any members who bring Supreme Treasure out, then it will be my great heaven.”

A Daoist shadow said later.

In the center of the forbidden area, everyone already all enters into the cave entrance, stepping on the stone steps, and slowly deepening.

“This underground Channel is likely to lead to the existence of Supreme Treasure”

The old man in the purple robe flickering.

The dark and cloudy wind in the Channel is more intense compared to the outside world, and the Channel is almost completely dark.

And the rock wall here is special, hard and thick, and everyone’s Spiritual Sense senses are more restricted.


A dark howl suddenly appeared in the darkness.

A huge black shadow turned into lacquer Hei Xuanfeng and came straight to everyone.

“Not good, Black Emperor Black Wind Yin Ghost”

Everyone complexion sinks slightly.

Sure enough, the land of opportunity must accompany the crisis.

Everyone has been exploring the outside world for such a long time, and all they encountered was King-level Black Wind Yin Ghost.

As soon as enters into the underground Channel, I encounter the Great Emperor-level Black Wind Yin Ghost.

It can be seen that they have not gone the wrong way.


The purple robe old man attacked violently, and an amazing Soul Strength emerged.

The purple robe old man slaps at will, flying out of purple light flickering, containing Matter Soul double-level damage, straight into Black Wind Yin Ghost.

Lei Tong also immediately took out a deep thunder bead, Soul Strength penetrated, a Soul thunderbolt shot directly, and it burst into the head of Black Wind Yin Ghost.

The Soul attack of the thunder attribute has a certain restraint against the vengeful spirit of the demon, and the effect is very obvious.

Old Ying, when the two were behind, from time to time, several dark beams of light hit the key points in Black Wind Yin Ghost instantly.

The Great Emperor-level Black Wind Yin Ghost has Spiritual Wisdom, but it is very low. Under the joint effort of three Quasi-Saint Lords, it disappears in the channel for a moment.

“carry on”

Convinced that they did not come to the wrong place, everyone’s hearts were heated, speeding up, and more cautious.

With the deepening of this channel, this channel gradually expanded, and multiple people can walk in the same row. At the same time, the thick dark cloudy wind almost obscures the sight. The two Great Emperors in the team are somewhat irresistible.

“The texture of these rock walls is harder than the boulder on the rubble.”

Old man in purple robe reached out and touched, sighing in his heart.

His own full attack, but also left a few cracks in the boulder in the pile.

At this time, the hardness of the rock wall all around is much higher than the Peak Level ore of the ordinary refining Earth Rank Divine Weapon.


The crowd stopped immediately, and the old man in the purple robe and winning the old man also made trouble.

Suddenly two channels appeared in front of them, and their senses were restricted and could not be distinguished.

“Let’s not separate as well”

Old Ying said very cautiously.

In the center of the Imperial Family Tomb forbidden ground, come to the unknown underground Channel. If the two teams are not strong, if they are separated, the survival rate will be instantly reduced to zero.

“Let’s take one of these paths.”

The purple robe old man agreed with Old Ying’s proposal.

Hu hu

When the purple robe old man and winning old hesitated.

From one of the channels, two Black Wind Yin Ghosts were found, which was not as powerful as the Great Emperor, but also better than the King-level Black Wind Yin Ghost.

“Haha, it should be here. Opportunity and crisis are together.”

The purple robe old man suddenly said with a big smile, then the palms cut out the bright dark purple light.

Lei Tong and Old Ying also immediately got rid. For this method of judgment, they do not agree with or deny.

“Look again”

Zhao Feng stepped back half a step and opened his left eye.

A light gold ripple permeated the gold pupil.

Zhao Feng bowed his head and looked straight down.

split second, Zhao Feng’s left eye, penetrating the walls of countless particles with complex structures.

But still nothing special was found.

It can only be said that there must be a secret in this place, but in the very deep subterranean, the penetration ability of his left eye is not enough to peep.

For a long time, the surface of Zhao Feng’s left eye disappeared.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s behind, I do not know when, a Black Wind Yin Ghost appeared.

“Zhao Feng, be careful”

Old Ying just killed Black Wind Yin Ghost in the front, and suddenly shouted.

Hu hu

This Black Wind Yin Ghost, turned into a lacquer Hei Xuanfeng, directly assault on Zhao Feng’s back.

Zhao Feng looked unaware. Thunder Calamity imprinted deep in Soul, and flickering immediately.


I saw that the lacquer Hei Xuanfeng that hit Zhao Feng’s back, surrounded by whole body simple and unadorned Thunder Calamity wires, was instantly turned into dross.


Lei Tong, who had just turned his head, saw this scene and suddenly felt a tremor.

He thought of a scene where he played with Zhao Feng in the wooden building.

He is convinced that Zhao Feng is by no means as simple as it seems.

But he was not easy to explain, don’t tell me and told the purple robe old man that he was attacking Zhao Feng in the wooden building, but was repelled by Zhao Feng?

“Boy, aren’t you Soul attack Secret Technique?”

The old man in purple robes flew in and asked directly.

The Soul Thunder Lightning Strength that just appeared in Zhao Feng whole body just now, even if he is far away, he feels a terrifying terrifying aura.

“You body don’t tell me there is no Soul defense Treasure Item?”

Zhao Feng expression feels free and ridiculed.

Zipao old man complexion gloomy and uncertain, did not say anything in the end, and continued to hurry.

Of course, his body has the secret of Soul defense, but the effect is as far as terrifying.

Everyone followed one of the channels and continued to move forward.


There was a sudden hissing of Black Wind Yin Ghost and the sound of fighting.

“What? Someone is walking in front of us?”

The old man in the purple robe was shocked and cautious.

It seems that there are more than one Channel under the rubble.

As soon as the crowd turned around, a dark and intense wind of baleful yin struck directly.


The purple robe old man waved with both palms, and the bright dark purple light Hua Palm shadow shattered it.

I saw the front, outside a hall entrance, three Quasi-Saint Lords, slaughtered with dozens of Black Wind Yin Ghost, and a Great Emperor not good at Soul attack hiding behind

And these Black Wind Yin Ghosts are actually all Great Emperor Realm.

“Second Prince’s Team”

Everyone saw the squad when they were competing for the first Iceberg Inheritance resource.

The old man complexion of the purple robe was a little embarrassing. I didn’t expect the members of the Second Prince team to walk in front of them.

But at this time, the three Quasi-Saint Lords were still in a weak position and were forced out of the hall by dozens of Black Wind Yin Ghosts. At the same time, more Black Real Yin Ghosts of King Realm were taken out of the halls.

“Fellow Daoist, we have the same goal. Come and help us. There will be treasures in this hall.”

For the first goat beard old man, the whole body burned a layer of Soul Ice Flame, looked towards the six people in the rear, and immediately asked for help.

“Lobby ahead?”

Old man in purple robe blinked.

He originally intended to retreat, return to the original fork, and choose another Channel to try.

After all, the Second Prince team, although there are only four people, still beat them in the overall strength.

“Come on, Old Ying, there must be a secret in the front hall”

Purple Robe old man looked towards Old Ying.

If Old Ying is unwilling to help, his team is exploring with the powerful Second Prince team, then it must be suppressed everywhere.

“it is good”

Old Ying looked towards, and the entrance blocked by countless Black Wind Yin Ghost promised.

“Zhao Feng, release your black-striped poison scorpion”

The purple robe old man looked towards Zhao Feng who had been hiding behind him.

With the addition of Old Ying and the old man in the purple robe, the powerful offensive of the six Quasi-Saint Lords gradually pressed Black Wind Yin Ghost into the hall.

“Many thanks everyone”

The goat beard always expressed his gratitude to the three in the battle, and at the same time looked at Zhao Feng a glance.

Only King Realm was able to penetrate deep into this place and maintain a sober mind, which is incredible.


All Black Wind Yin Ghosts who were fighting were screaming and screaming, and shuddered collectively; they turned into countless shadow whirlwinds, returned to the rear, and escaped from another Channel.

“En? Are you back?”

goat beard old man feels strange.

“There should be a Black Wind Yin Ghost with a higher Spiritual Wisdom. If it’s not our opponent, let’s evacuate.”

A member of the goat beard old man said with a big smile.

When all Black Wind Yin Ghosts retreated from the hall, the appearance of the entire hall was revealed in front of everyone.

This is an empty Boss Gu room, exuding the ancient vicissitudes of evil looking aura.

The hall is all around the walls, covered with countless complex formation runes, and occasionally flickering on the lines.

There is a huge bronze stone pillar in the center of the hall, which is engraved with numerous giant beasts, even many mythical legendary powerful races, magnificently overbearing, making people look at a glance, and the vision of the eyes has an illusion and is deeply caught in it.

“Jing Kai”

Old Ying took a palm shot on the back of Jing Kai, and powerful Soul Will poured in to wake him up.

“Good terrifying bronze pillars”

Jing Kai breathed a breath, whole body cold sweat, if not Old Ying wakes him up in time, maybe he died alive in the hallucination world.

Zhao Feng carefully gazed at Deadly Beast on the bronze stone pillar, which is very similar to the Great Desolate race in his memory, even with more details and lifelike.

On the bronze stone pillar directly in front of everyone, there is a giant black iron gate, similar to the pile of countless small iron blocks, which belongs to mechanism.

Bronze stone pillars and black iron giant doors all around, countless flickering platinum formation lines surround, it looks like a hub in the entire hall formation.

In addition, this layer of mysterious platinum formation also functions as a barrier. If it is not the formation texture isolation, even if it is Quasi-Saint Lord, as long as it faces a glance with the Great Desolate Giant Beast on the stone wall, I am afraid that it will fall into the Great In the illusion world of Desolate, it is difficult to extricate yourself.

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