King of Gods

Chapter 915

Mystic Light Saint Lord of any force, generally will not, appear at random.

Not to mention Supreme Elder of Eight Great Aristocratic Families.

Besides, beside Saint Lord Star Devil, there are three young children of Ji Family, all of whom are extraordinary natural talents.

“Take the juniors to the Imperial Palace for a long time. I do n’t know Saint Lord Duanmu.

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion answered as usual, vaguely.

The Duanmu Family is far northeast, distance Imperial Capital, but a state distance.

Duanmu Qing, however, appeared in the southern fringe.

Running all the way here should be important.

“There is something important and I have to leave Clan”

Duanmu Qing’s answer was also vague and did not make people unhappy.

But everyone in Ji Family, subconsciously looked towards that blonde gold pupil youngster.

Zhao Feng, originally ‘Left Eye Heavenly Monarch’ outside the sea, was reborn after Body Possession Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

And here, the distance to Ten Thousand Saint Sect is not far away.

Coupled with Ji Lan’s affirmation, the blonde youngster mysterious unpredictable Eye Technique, Duanmu Aristocratic Family, has not appeared, Eye Bloodline’s genius.

The identity of this blonde youngster is very close to Zhao Feng.

At this time, Duanmu Qing hurried to the edge of the sea and took Zhao Feng back to the Duanmu Family.

The reason is self-evident-the Crown Prince fight.

Based on Zhao Feng’s performance in Divine Illusory Space, even the top Eye Bloodline Families of Continental cannot see through mysterious Eye Technique.

Definitely can get another place for Duanmu Family.

“Saint Lord Duanmu, teleportation formation has been repaired, Old Man is one step ahead”

Ji Family, farewell to Duanmu Qing.

In fact, the cross-city teleportation formation was repaired long ago.

But Eight Great Aristocratic Families, two Saint Lord, who dare to interrupt.

“Supreme Elder, what is the Eye Technique performed by Zhao Feng just now?”

After teleportation left, Ji Wuye cannot help asked.

At the same time, the other two young and old of the Ji Family also immediately made the appearance of listening.

In their opinion, only Saint Lord Star Devil can tell them the answer.

Saint Lord Star Devil’s use of Purple Star Eye has reached its peak.

He constantly tried to combine Purple Star Eye with other Eye Techniques to develop Eye Techniques suitable for Purple Star Eye.

Contributed a lot to Ji Family, the new powerful Eye Technique.

Therefore, Saint Lord Star Devil cultivation base is not high, but Eye Technique is extremely terrifying.

“break down”

Saint Lord Star Devil said only two words.

“break down?”

The other five people were confused, and these two words were also spit out lightly before Zhao Feng performed the secret technique.

“Supreme Elder, I know that there is a Bloodline Eye Technique of Deciphering type. It is an Eye Technique that reduces the power of attack. It is completely different from the Eye Technique performed by Zhao Feng.”

Ji Wuye can’t figure out what these two words mean, but he has seen Eye Technique similar to it.

“The Junior Eye Technique is similar to the Deciphering Eye Technique.”

Saint Lord Star Devil pondered for a moment, and slowly said, “Deciphering Eye Technique is to find the key points in attack Profound Truth and destroy it to reduce its power. The junior Eye Technique principle can be understood as Decompose the key points in attack Profound Truth, and decompose them all “

After listening to Supreme Elder’s explanation, everyone in Ji Family was stunned.

They all know that the Deciphering Eye Technique consumes a lot and the attack does little damage; therefore, only the special Eye Bloodline will often use this technique to improve the effect.

What Supreme Elder is saying is to decompose all the key points of attack Profound Truth

Destruction and decomposition are not at all a level.

Just like a wall, destroy it, with no difficulty, if you want to keep the masonry that constructs the wall intact, it is very troublesome.

To reach this level

How strong Soul Strength and Eye Strength should be.

No wonder Zhao Feng stopped at halfway.

“This is just my conservative thinking”

Saint Lord Star Devil both eyes seems to be deep in thought, and speak out slowly.


There was silence for a while, and they were also Eye Technique Hang Family, naturally understand that this is the truth of Supreme Elder.

Watching the Ji Family leave, Duanmu Qing and Zhao Feng also entered the teleportation formation.

The two Saint Lords left, the entire great hall, and the rest were only relaxed.

“The blonde youngster, who is it? Comparing Eye Technique to make Ji Family younger, genius, give up in one move.”

A youngster from the City Lord force was shocked.

teleportation To the adjacent big city, Master and Disciple took Wind Flame Chariot and rushed into the sky again.

“Zhao Feng, is this your God Eye mutation?”

Duanmu Qing was surprised, but he didn’t see the principle of Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique.

“The left eye mutation only enhances vision and analysis. The Eye Technique just broken down is a new Eye Technique created by combining other Eye Techniques with auxiliary skills.”

Zhao Feng immediately explained that he truly spoke of God Eye’s new capabilities and the origin of Eye Technique.

“Looks like we misunderstood it.”

Duanmu Qing tried another angle, Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, and it was indeed terrifying than imagined.

Zhao Feng just made part of the Soul attack disappear, and it was very expensive, and it stopped halfway, as if it didn’t have attack.

It’s just that they don’t understand the principle and feel powerful mysterious.

After all, humans have a certain fear of the unknown.

Master and Disciple talked for a few words, and Zhao Feng entered again into the Bewildering Space Realm.

This time the actual experience brought him a lot of insights.

Decomposing Ji Wuye’s Soul attack and decomposing flowers and stones are not a level at all.

In his Soul attack, he also contains Matter level damage.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, when receiving a huge amount of unknown information instantly, he felt tingling, and must not be non-stop.

In other words, when Zhao Feng digests the information, next time, Ji Wuye’s attack can be relatively easily decomposed.

In addition, Zhao Feng also suppressed Soul Will to a level with Ji Wuye and experimented.

This point, Saint Lord Star Devil must have seen it.

However, Saint Lord Star Devil began to play and was only interested in Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline.

Zhao Feng didn’t mind this.

God Eye’s new ability, even the Thieving Cat, is not ordinary.

“Each time, the structure information obtained will be stored in the golden sphere. I can view it at any time. Unlike in the past, I must urge my left eye to copy and ingest.”

For this, Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

“The structure of particles and microparticles have commonality, and particles also contain attribute.”

There are more and more targets to decompose. Under long-term observation, Zhao Feng has some insights every time.

Zhao Feng guessed that if he can fully understand this information and understand the Profound Truth in it, in the future, the solution, any material efficiency will be greatly improved.

“Particles have attributes, and not only Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, but also the structure is divided into various types according to the number of attributes.”

Zhao Feng was attracted by this qualitative world of things, and in the Bewildering Space Realm, the exploration of selflessness.

More than ten days passed.

Zhao Feng has a basic understanding of the structure of particles.

“The body of Saint Lord, the fleshly body Soul and Mystic Light Holy Force are highly integrated, and the defense and recovery are extremely strong. If I can separate these three strengths”

Zhao Feng secretly considered that if Saint Lord fleshly body Soul and Mystic Light Holy Force were separated from each other, Saint Lord’s advantage would be greatly reduced.

This is just Zhao Feng’s idea. He didn’t dare to be sure without actually trying.

And Zhao Feng, at this time is not enough to show the resolution of the large range.

The decomposition range becomes larger, and the burden and pressure it bears also increases exponentially.

However, it is certain that Zhao Feng’s decomposition ability almost ignores Saint Lord’s definition and directly decomposes Saint Body.

In addition, Saint Lord has no knowledge of Cultivation and cannot dominate repair. It can only rely on the self-healing ability of Saint Body.

In this case, this is another hole card that can threaten Saint Lord.

“The more I study, the more I feel that the ability of Golden God Eye is unusual, it seems that I can continue to dig.”

Zhao Feng was hungry, sinking into the microcosm.

At present, understanding is most important.

In half a year, it flew by.

During this period, Zhao Feng completely ignored other Cultivation.

To urge the gold pupil, Soul Will and Eye Strength are consumed too much. To learn the mystery, Zhao Feng must concentrate more.

Therefore, he did not run Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art to get distracted.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” just broke through and it takes time to precipitate and accumulate.

“Zhao Feng, Duanmu Family, arrived fast”

Duanmu Qing’s voice came.

Zhao Feng emerged from Bewildering Space Realm, and looked towards the beautiful and elegant loft in front of him, the winding stream of clear water, the flowers and birds and green bamboo, it was a paradise.

Duanmu Family is located in the center of the basin, surrounded by rolling hills on all sides, and the only way out is a blue stream with a width of several ten zhang.

“Qing Elder, who is this child?”

At the Duanmu Family exit, five Duanmu Family Elders floated on the blue stream and have been waiting for a long time.

“This is my disciple”

Duanmu Qing answered affirmatively, the aura of Saint Lord’s coercion spread away slightly.

The pressure of terrifying aura makes all around void heavily depressed, Duanmu Qing is condescending, like a Spiritual God King, overlooking the five Great Emperors, not arrogant.

The five Elders are all Great Emperor cultivation bases, facing Duanmu Qing of Saint Lord level, but they look like a question. Behind them, there is naturally the arrangement of Saint Lord Supreme Elder.

“Qing Elder, don’t be impatient, we are not here to embarrass you”

An azure robe old man, with a slightly worse background, yielded immediately under the coercion of Saint Lord of Duanmu Qing, showing a sense of grievance.

“Qing Elder, Zhao Feng, as one of ‘Purple Hair Demon Twins’, is notorious and is not suitable for the Duanmu Family.”

“Zhao Feng in Divine Illusory Space, offended too many forces, and now Duanmu Family has just started to improve, it can’t ruin its reputation.”

Several Elders, in turn, persuaded Duanmu Qing to be a little moved.

After all, Duanmu Qing is a member of the Duanmu Family, and he hopes that the Duanmu Family will regain its glory.

But his own disciple is the kind of person he knows best.

Divine Illusory Space, grabbing resources for treasure is a matter of course, don’t tell me those 3-Star Super Great Sects, haven’t you insulted the 2-Star forces?

Expert is respected, the weak are eliminated.

It is only that those believe oneself infallible experts are planted in the hands of the weak they think, and they feel that their faces are lost, and then they add together with infamy to restore their faces.

“Several Elder, this is not the real reason.”

Duanmu Qing expression slowly recovered, calmly.

Several Elders also stopped for a moment, bowed their heads slightly, and stopped persuading.

This is indeed not the real reason.

Suddenly, a bright green dazzling light burst out from the Duanmu Family, reflecting the heaven and earth quartet, infinite power, straight towards Duanmu Qing.

“That’s the real reason”

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of voice, such as sound waves, are so powerful.

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