King of Gods

Chapter 914

“Are you Zhao Feng?”

There was a dread in the purple hair girl’s eyes, and she was surprised.

Immediately, all eyes in the great hall focused on Zhao Feng body, with doubt.

Zhao Feng, the biggest winner of Divine Illusory Space, the leader of Purple Hair Demon Twins, and many mysterious statements, surround this youngster body.

It made the older generation feel that it was a bit exaggerated.

As we all know, Zhao Feng is the leader of Purple Hair Demon Twins, which is obviously a youngster with blonde gold pupil.

“Ji Lan, is he really Zhao Feng?”

Ji Lan, a short-haired man, asked slightly with wrinkle.

After Ji Lan returned to the Ji Family, he and his family Patrarch mentioned Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline.

Therefore, Ji Family wants to meet Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline, no matter the older generation or the younger generation.

At present, in the Continent domain, except for the descendants of the Legendary Eight Great God Eyes, Eye Family of Ji Family, Already stands at the peak of the dynasty.

“He is Zhao Feng”

Ji Lan is very certain that in the Divine Illusory Space, he has been backlashed by Zhao Feng God Eye and witnessed the various strong being forces of Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline.

Zhao Feng’s image, already is deep in her heart, how can she admit wrong.

However, it is also thanks to Zhao Feng that Ji Lan was defeated in the best domain.

After Ji Lan returned to Clan, his temperament changed greatly, and he studied Ji Family Eye Strength secretly, and the Purple Star Eye Bloodline became more and more pure.

“Don’t think that if you dye your hair, you can get rid of the notoriety,” Ji Lan muttered quietly.

All around atmosphere, slightly awkward.

In the great hall, the other side is just the City Lord of this big city, and it is not a grade at all with the Eighth Clan.

At this time, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

“Duanmu Qing, met Ji Family Saint Lord Star Devil”

Duanmu Qing smiled saluted. He had heard of Zhao Feng’s actions in the Divine Illusory Space. Wanting to come to Zhao Feng should be the treasure of the Ji Family.

Saint Lord Star Devil, Ji Family Very old Supreme Elder, a pair Eye Bloodline, achieved perfection.

“I heard that the Duanmu Family has a new Saint Lord. It’s you.”

The old man with pale purple hair, the vicissitudes of voice, echoed in Void.

The City Lord forces and the old man guarding the teleportation formation were shocked. There was an illusion that heaven and earth were changed, and God did not keep home.

This is the first time that Ji Family Supreme Elder has spoken.

Even Zhao Feng is very cautious, looking towards this Saint Lord Star Devil, the other side’s Soul and Eye Technique accomplishments are by no means ordinary.

When touching the murky lilac eyes of Saint Lord Star Devil, Zhao Feng felt that he was in a vast starry sky world, with countless stars burning with black flames, banging down and covering the sky.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, suddenly light golden light, flickering, everything resumes as usual.

“It’s very strong. I didn’t use Eye Strength. Just looking at a glance made me fall into an illusion.” Zhao Feng heart startled, this is what he has seen so far. Base, far beyond the ordinary Saint Lord.

Saint Lord Star Devil, looked towards Zhao Feng, his face was slightly moved.

Duanmu Qing explained modestly: “Good luck, thanks to the children of Duanmu Family, some gains in Divine Illusory Space, fortunate to break through”

Although the same is the Saint Lord initial stage, Saint Lord Star Devil has lived at least for thousands of years, and cannot be measured in terms of its cultivation base.

“This is my disciple”

Duanmu Qing introduced his Zhao Feng to an Eight Great Aristocratic Families, but did not say that he was Zhao Feng.

The Ji Family were stunned, and they were even more skeptical of the identity of the blonde youngster.

Purple Hair Demon Twins, it seems that they are from outside the Deep Green Sea, and Duanmu Family should have nothing to do with it.

Ji Lan looks like Clear Comprehension.

I remember that Purple Hair Demon Twins was in Divine Illusory Space, but there was no plunder of the Duanmu Family. At that time, the rest of the forces were skeptical.

Moreover, Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei seem to have an unclear relationship.

“This is my Third Disciple”

The Lord of the Stars showed a smile, which was very obvious.

“Saint Lord Duanmu, see you disciple with Eye Bloodline, must be out of the ordinary, and the junior is very curious and wants to learn from them”

Ji Family short-haired man, actively standing out, a pair of eyes, flickering blue-violet starlight.

“Master, let discipline try it”

Before waiting for Duanmu Qing to speak, Zhao Feng stood out.

In recent days, Zhao Feng has been studying the ability of gold pupil and solution in Bewildering Space Realm. Already has decomposed countless flowers and trees and is trying to try it in actual combat.

Seeing Zhao Feng taking the initiative to fight, Ji Family’s other two Elder sneered.

Ji Wuye’s Purple Star Eye has no rivals in the younger generation, except for the Ji Family genius of the previous generation.

No one can beat Ji Wuye in Eye Technique.

“Hehe, the eye pupil of Wuye big brother, but the variant Purple Star Eye”

Beside Ji Lan, a younger youngster said with a smile. In his mind, Ji Wuye was his role model.

Purple Star Eye, which is good at Dao of Illusions Soul attack, and Ji Wuye’s variant Purple Star Eye, on top of this, can also attach a Matter level attack, which is invincible.

Ji Lan’s eyes were always on Zhao Feng.

The mysterious youngster, always calm and heavy, could not see what he thought, and was always shrouded in fog.

Today, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base cannot even see through her.

Ji Lan doesn’t think that Ji Wuye can stand in Zhao Feng’s hands and stand out cheaply.

“Ji Wuye.”

The expression of short-haired man can hardly conceal his pride and report his name.

“Please advise”

Zhao Feng said indifferently, a pale gold hair automatically moved without wind, like the amber-like Left Eye, flowing golden glow holy light.

When Ji Wuye complexion sank, he volunteered to give his name, hoping that the other party would also give his name.

For Zhao Wuye, Zhao Feng’s behavior of not signing up was ignoring and humiliating.

“it is good”

Ji Wuye expression After a while, both eyes filled with dreamy blue purple star spots, and a deep Soul aura spread out.

falling stars

The even stronger Eye Strength burst out from Ji Wuye both eyes, just like the blue and purple towering flames.


On the Soul level, countless stars burning blue-violet flames, hiding the sky and covering the earth, roared, soaring, making people collapse, unable to resist.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s Soul was entangled with a chain of burning blue-violet sparks.

It seems that when the blue-violet flame star fell, he was soul destroyed.

“break down”

Zhao Feng expression remained motionless, with pale blond hair flying, and a strong Eye Strength Will spread out from the left eye.

“Really strong Eye Strength Will”

Ji Wuye complexion changed slightly, put away Xiao Xiao heart, this Eye Strength Will, is not weaker than him at all.

Except for Saint Lord Star Devil, Ji Family and Eye Bloodline, they are all inexplicable.

“He has grown to such an extent?”

Ji Lan expression Oh, I can’t believe it.

In the left eye, a light golden light beam emerges and penetrates the blue-violet flame stars in the night sky directly.

“En? Matter attack?”

Ji Wuye is a little sluggish.

It is common knowledge that Matter attack and Soul attack cannot affect each other.

It turned out that someone could use Matter attack to resist Soul attack. This blond youngster is a fool.

Ji Wuye can’t help sneer, it seems that this person is not Zhao Feng.

Everyone at the scene found something wrong.

Zhao Feng clearly showed that the unusual Eye Strength fluctuates, and the Eye Technique performed by him passes through Ji Wuye’s Eye Technique attack.

“No, what’s that?”

Ji Family’s young youngster, with wide eyes, was shockingly shouted.

I saw that part of the flame star penetrated by the light golden light beam, slowly, out of thin air disappeared

Without the slightest Soul Strength collision, Ji Wuye’s Soul attack just disappeared into perception.

Even among them, the damage of the Matter level also disappeared strangely.

Everyone present was holding their breath, perceiving this scene carefully, a strange sight.

“How is that possible? My Soul Will, Eye Strength Will, all disappeared”

Ji Wuye both eyes flickered with fear, and he couldn’t believe how there was such a weird Eye Technique.

Duanmu Qing is not good at Soul Domain, and this scene is equally incredible.

Saint Lord Star Devil Cloudy lilac both eyes, flashing layers of Void purpurple purple star, looked towards the intersection of the two soul attacks.


There was a sting in Zhao Feng’s Left Eye.

Ji Wuye’s Soul attack is also accompanied by Matter-level damage. It is extremely difficult to decompose and consume Eye Strength.

Moreover, this is Zhao Feng, the first use in combat.

Sure enough, the decomposition of flowers and stones and the decomposition of Soul attack are not at all a level.

The particles of contain in the Soul attack are thousands of times more than the flowers and plants in the small world.

A piece of precious and complicated information was immediately stored in the golden sphere of Left Eye Space.

The tingling sensation is getting stronger and stronger, Zhao Feng must not stop non-stop, and close Left Eye.

“That blonde youngster, stop Eye Secret Technique”

Ji Wuye’s Soul attack, only out of thin air disappeared.

The other blue-violet flame stars still smashed towards Zhao Feng.

And Zhao Feng to close eyes, stand on the spot, motionless.

“What does he want?”

Ji Lan’s mood is extremely complicated, this youngster will always make people unpredictable.

Bang bang bang

In an instant, all the blue-violet flame stars hit Zhao Feng’s Soul Will.

Chichi Chi

Zhao Feng’s purple Soul, a sudden thunderstorm spread.

All Soul attacks were blown away by Thunder Calamity Strength, including the Soul Chains that bound him.


In the great hall, everything resumed as usual, and Zhao Feng and Ji Wuye also stood on the spot.

Zhao Feng suddenly opened the Golden left eye and looked towards Ji Wuye.


Ji Wuye shuddered all over. He had the illusion that the whole body, including the spirit, was controlled by the other party.

Like his within the body, there is an eye and a glimpse of everything he has.

“Ji Wuye, Ganbai is downwind”

Ji Wuye bowed down and returned directly.

Although he did not know why his out of thin air disappeared from his Soul attack.

But in the end, the tiny thunderbolt that Zhao Feng Soul permeated made him understand that he could not be the opponent of this youngster.

This blonde youngster’s Soul and Eye Technique are incredible, let him completely surrender.

Ji Lan couldn’t help but smile, she couldn’t even understand the Eye Technique that Zhao Feng was exhibiting.

“Saint Lord Duanmu, you received a good disciple”

Saint Lord Star Devil both eyes

“I do n’t know if this little brother, if you are free, do not want to come to my Ji Family, Ji Family ’s collection and mystery of Eye Bloodline, in the Great Heaven Dynasty, but one of the very best.” Saint Lord Star Devil made no secret of the solicitation. meaning.

In Eight Great Aristocratic Families, Ji Family strength is far above Duanmu Family.

The teleportation formation guarded the old man and City Lord forces, looked towards Zhao Feng, with great envy.

“Many thanks Saint Lord Star Devil, if there is a chance, the younger generation will consult and learn”

Zhao Feng complexion resumed as usual and smiled kindly.

“Saint Lord Star Devil, is going to Great Heaven Imperial Clan?”

Duanmu Qing tentatively asked.

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