King of Gods

Chapter 895

“Qingyue is willing to meet all the requirements of the Master, I just hope that you can let Jie’er …”

That is like the beauty of moonlight Goddess, a snow white plain robe, a light solution, exposing a large area of ​​ice and snow jade muscles, letting the blood spray.

This sudden scene made Zhao Feng startled.

at this time.

Bi Qingyue, who has always been holy and dignified, has a touch of crimson on the quiet and cool beauty, white teeth lightly opened, with a trace of pleading.

Her greasy fragrant shoulder trembled lightly, and a pink rose appeared on the snow skin; under the white corset, the full sparkling and translucent, seemed to exude attractive and sweet fruits, and wanted to appeal out.

In particular, the snow white skirt was cut off, the pair of slender jade-like show legs, hooking the soul, the beautiful scenery in the skirt, enough to make people crazy.

Such a stimulating scene is enough for any man to burn and burn himself.

Even Zhao Feng’s constant force was a dry mouth, a fiery aura, spreading from the lower abdomen.

His body had an instinctive impulse, trying to push the dignified and holy woman to the ground, fiercely stunned.

This is the normal physiological reaction that normal men should have.

However, in Zhao Feng’s both eyes, it was clear and peaceful.

The body’s instinct is hot, and it is calm with the spiritual level, forming a conflict of ice and fire.

Since being incorporated into God Eye, the power of Zhao Feng Spiritual Will has full control of his body and restrains all external desires.

Only the pursuit of a strong heart is forever non-stop.

“It’s really beautiful”

At the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, a slight smile was raised, and he reached up and slightly raised the jade face of Bi Qingyue’s bringing calamity to the country and the people.

His both eyes, without any cover, looked at this moving ketone body.

Bi Qingyue lovable body is stiff, closes both eyes, and the eyelashes are trembling, the tender face that is as quiet as moonlight, is very shy, and dyed with red glow.

The tearing of two lines of tears from his cheeks seemed to be touching, but this was undoubtedly more able to motivate men’s erotic desire.


She was heartbroken, and closed eyes waited for a long time. The youngster in front of her had no reaction at all.


The body robe skirt was suddenly put on a body by a pair of masculine’s strong hands.

“Master you…”

Bi Qingyue opened both eyes and looked at this youngster incredibly.

How beautiful is her beauty and charm, she has a deep understanding of her. Since the young disciple generation, she has never been short of seekers.

However, due to her temperament and cultivation technique, she has always been aloof, and is still complete.

I never imagined that this youngster would be able to put an end to her sexual entrapment.

It is impossible to imagine how strong the concentration and Will will be.

“I can’t promise you.”

Zhao Feng shook his head.

Bi Qingyue hearing this, the lovable body trembled, and the complexion changed.

don’t tell me, Zhao Feng really liked Zhan Jie’er and refused to agree to her request?

But she couldn’t figure it out.

Although Zhan Jie’er does not have a pure charm, it is still far from a peerless fragrant flower like her.


Bi Qingyue cannot help asked.

Zhao Feng said plainly: “You are my maid. If I have any need, you cannot violate it and let me take it.”

Bi Qingyue complexion is utterly white and beyond words.


Under the influence of the Dark Heart Seal, she can’t violate Zhao Feng in thinking Will.

Violate the other side and her Soul Will will perish.

“If you really like Jie’er, to her …”

Bi Qingyue bit her lip and could only take second place.

“Sorry, I have no interest in Zhan Jie’er.”

The youngster’s indifferent voice interrupted her.

Hearing here, Bi Qingyue was stupefied, and he was stunned.

She suddenly realized that she was afraid of misunderstanding Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng does not hide his appreciation of beautiful women, but this does not mean that Zhao Feng has no disagreement with them.

He has a fiancée himself, his whereabouts are uncertain, and his relationship with Zhao Yufei has not yet been resolved.

Zhao Feng doesn’t want to be troublesome and invites more emotional debt.

That’s it.

“I misunderstood the Master …”

Bi Qingyue had a shameful face, drooping his head, tidying up his clothes, and preparing to remove immediately.

At this moment, she could not wait to find a place to drill into it.

Known for her dignity and coldness, she would take the initiative to hug a man, but the other side refused.

“and many more.”

Zhao Feng spoke abruptly, leaving Bi Qingyue temporarily.

Just at Bi Qingyue hesitantly.

Zhao Feng waved with one hand, and the previous Devil Path Great Emperor appeared in the attic.

“See Master.”

Nine Nether Palace, the Devil Path Great Emperor, said respectfully.

The Devil Path Great Emperor, also under the control of Zhao Feng’s “Dark Heart Seal”, obeys everything.

Zhao Feng’s plan is to leave the Devil Path Great Emperor at the Sea Mist Pavilion to increase the manpower for Bi Qingyue.

The Sea Mist Pavilion has two Great Emperors, in addition to Bi Qingyue, there is a person there. With Nine Nether Palace, there are three Great Emperors.

“I’ll be away for a while, what’s the matter, the Dark Heart Seal between us, even if it’s far away, can trigger induction …”

Zhao Feng continued.

Dark Heart Seal’s mutual induction is very powerful, similar to Spirit Pet and Master.

Under certain distance, sound transmission can be easily performed.

If the distance is too far away, Zhao Feng can still feel the general call there.

“Master, you beheaded the Nine Nether Palace Digital Great Emperor. When Devil Emperor Xuan Luo returns, it is very likely that a more powerful Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord will be sent to us to get rid.”

Bi Qingyue said with concern.

The Devil Path Great Emperor is also repeatedly nodded: “Nine Nether Palace will not easily give up the side of the sea, especially Master, the benefits brought from Xie Yang Mansion. Not only Nine Nether Palace, including other forces, may also Secretly to Master gets rid. “

Zhao Feng hearing this, into a moment of contemplation.

In fact, he had thought about this problem long ago.

If it was before, just the pursuit of Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, he wouldn’t have escaped.

But now, if he wants to build his own power, he cannot do so.

“On the Nine Nether Palace side, I can send a Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord to come and deal with me. I want to come to the limit.”

Zhao Feng complexion remains.

3-Star Sect, the highest seater, is usually Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, and it is also Half-God.

“Even a Saint Lord, with no difficulty, destroys the Sea Mist Pavilion and Ten Thousand Saint Sect.”

Bi Qingyue smiled bitterly.

She cannot be as light as Zhao Feng, just a Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

Indeed, Nine Nether Palace can only send at most one Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord to rectify the situation in the border area, including responding to Zhao Feng.

However, once Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord enters the world and intervenes in the world, it is often invincible attitude, Megatron heaven and earth, crushing everything, and let countless experts, including the ancient Great Emperor of Legendary, fled.

“I have my own response to this.”

Zhao Feng was not very worried, paused, and continued: “It is the Sea Mist Pavilion. To increase the layout of the intelligence agency, the first step is to cover the entire border area, and the second step is to penetrate the Continental Territory within the department.”

“Back to Master, our intelligence agency has partially penetrated into the Continental domain, but only its periphery. Further expansion requires more resources and a deterrent-level strength.”

Bi Qingyue has a hard look.

“I will continue to provide resources and manpower. Since then, Sea Mist Pavilion has specialized in intelligence agencies.”

Zhao Feng complexion was calm and quickly gave Sea Mist Pavilion a place.

Sea Mist Pavilion is currently a semi-Sect and semi-intelligence force. If it specializes in intelligence, it will develop faster.

“Yes, Master”

Bi Qingyue promised, she faintly realized that Zhao Feng was playing a big game.

Starting today, Sea Mist Pavilion is dedicated to intelligence.

But any empire with super powers is not only enough to have intelligence, but also to use enough force to deter.

Powerful deterrence is the foundation of everything.

As a first step for intelligence agencies, Zhao Feng gave it to Sea Mist Pavilion, and he only supported behind the scenes.

The powerful “armed deterrence” will be created by Zhao Feng himself.

“I’m leaving for a while …”

Zhao Feng’s explanation and understanding are almost the same.

The armband in Zhao Feng’s hand waved on the spot, and his silhouette suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow.

“Space shuttle?”

Bi Qingyue and the Devil Path Great Emperor watched Zhao Feng walk away from the teleportation of out of thin air.

It is truly shocking to be able to do this without the help of formulation.

The next moment, the sky above Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlaps in void, and a purple hair silhouette emerges from the inside, accompanied by a wave of space fluctuations.

Zhao Feng has marked Space in Royal Mansion, Ten Thousand Saint Sect, and Sea Mist Pavilion.

“Ten Thousand Saint Sect.”

Zhao Feng faintly swept the Mountain Gate below, and the silhouette flashed like a ghost and a dead power, disappearing without a trace.

Deep in Ten Thousand Saint Sect, near a mountain gate forbidden area.

Meow ~

A Person and A Cat, disregarding the heavy alert and formation, appeared in a humble quiet courtyard.

Near this quiet courtyard, there was a heaven shaking pressure enough to choke Void God Realm King.

The whole Ten Thousand Saint Sect, not many people, dare to approach this place; the courtyard is within a hundred miles and no second silhouette can be found.

At this time, a layer of bright and dark orange light barrier emerged from the quiet courtyard. There was an illusion covering heaven and earth, and the surrounding environment was slightly different from the outside.


Deep in the quiet courtyard, an old and vigorous voice came.

Suddenly, in the dilapidated house in the courtyard, a mighty aura that shakes everything, Origin Energy in void seems to be solidified.

“Old Monster Xu.”

Zhao Feng at the opening of a moderate pace, under the terrifying pressure aura, the waves were not shocked.

At this point in time, he came to Ten Thousand Saint Sect. It’s a good time. The time of Old Monster Xu assault Mystic Light Realm should have passed.

A few months ago, Zhao Feng retired from Ten Thousand Saint Sect, leaving a copy of Hundred Source Saint Broth.

“Zhao little friend.”

The door of the dilapidated house opened, and a white-haired old man walked out slowly, with a surprise on his face.

Compared with a few years ago, the aging of the “Old Monster Xu” body was reduced by half, and the vitality and strength fluctuations of the body were significantly enhanced.


In Zhao Feng’s eyes, the original expectation slightly faded away.

“Disappointed Little Friend, old man assault Mystic Light Realm, after a half step. It should be the failure of the previous assault and the lifetime limit reached the great limit, reducing the success rate

Old Monster Xu’s face was slightly guilty.

If he switched ten years ago, or even hundreds of years ago, he got Hundred Source Saint Broth, and the success rate is even greater than now.


Under the action of “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, Old Monster Xu’s assault transformed, and only half stepped into the Mystic Light Realm level.

His birthday has been extended to a certain level and reached the “Quasi-Saint Lord” level.

Zhao Feng’s is indeed a bit disappointed. He originally expected that Old Monster Xu could be promoted to Mystic Light Realm and help to resist the possible arrival of Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord by Nine Nether Palace.

Although said, the Battle Strength of Quasi-Saint Lord is no small matter.

“Zhao little friend”

Old Monster Xu looked earnestly and beggedly: “My life is now transformed to reach the level of Quasi-Saint Lord. If you can give me another copy of Hundred Source Saint Broth, Old Man has at least 70% certainty and is promoted to Mystic Light Realm “

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