King of Gods

Chapter 894

“Who is that mysterious youngster? Why is there a sense of familiarity?”

“It seems a bit like someone in the intelligence …”

Not only the Devil Path Great Emperor of Nine Nether Palace, but also a few high-level members of the Sea Mist Pavilion, are staring at Zhao Feng.

The sudden change in Bi Qingyue’s return this time was mostly inseparable from this youngster.

“Purple hair youngster? Void God Realm King so young.”

“The target of Nine Nether Palace and the owner’s sacking on this trip seems to be … don’t tell me is him”

In the great hall, very few high-rises, body and mind startled.

Vaguely, there are a few high-level executives who have intelligence, guessing Zhao Feng’s identity, but they are not sure.

“Is it him …”

The Devil Path Great Emperor at Nine Nether Palace, and the other two Devil Path King, complexion changed over time.

It was just a guess that the three men on the forehead suddenly exuded cold sweat.

Earlier, the news of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s retreat is only known to a few people in the border area.

“He? Who is it?”

The change of expression of those high-level inside the hall fell into Zhan Jie’er’s eyes.

There was a flash of surprise in her beautiful eyes, and she suddenly found that this purple hair youngster was similar to a recent genius on the Great Sky Imperial List.

That genius, also young purple hair, became famous in the Divine Illusory Space.

But if this new generation Chosen can’t make the Master make such a big change, let the Devil Path Great Emperor of Nine Nether Palace, complexion so nervous and careful.

Of course, Zhan Jie’er not at all approached the intelligence agencies of Sea Mist Pavilion and knew nothing about Left Eye Heavenly Monarch.

“Are you Zhao Feng?”

The Devil Path Great Emperor, complexion froze, staring at the purple hair youngster in the corner.

The two Devil Path Kings on his side were also alert.

“Zhao Feng? Is it really him?” Zhan Jie’er jumped heartily: “After becoming famous in the Divine Illusory Space World War I, he temporarily ranked eighth on the Great Sky Imperial List. It is said that this ranking is still unknown about its strength. Conservative assessment. “

Zhan Jie’er is also a genius from Divine Illusory Space.

However, she did not enter into the Xie Yang Mansion. She also gained a lot in other areas of Divine Illusory Space.

After coming out of Divine Illusory Space, she was shocked when she heard “The Battle of Xie Yang Mansion”; in contrast, the opportunities and dangers she encountered were not mentioned at all.

When referring to “Xie Yang Mansion”, no one can ignore “Purple Hair Demon Twins”.

It is said that Purple Hair Demon Twins is the biggest winner of Xie Yang Mansion’s benefit.

What Zhan Jie’er didn’t know was that Zhao Feng was named after Left Eye Heavenly Monarch. Already was not the new generation Zhao Feng.

at this time.

She took a deep breath and looked carefully at the corner, which was limited to the rumored mysterious youngster.

“Yes, I am Zhao Feng.”

Zhao Feng remains calm and composed while handling pressing affairs.

to be frank.

Among the three Void God Realm experts, the only Great Emperor is not the top Great Emperor, and Zhao Feng feels nothing at all.

“Left Eye Heavenly Monarch Zhao Feng run away-“

The three Devil Path Great Emperor turned pale, not even think, and flew outside the great hall.

Such a panic reaction caused most of the high-rises in the palace to look confused.

“what happened……”

Zhan Jie’er was stunned, it seems that the youngster, just reported a name, scared Devil Path Great Emperor three souls destroyed.

“Want to escape?”

Bi Qingyue sneered, get rid.

“Let me come.”

The purple hair youngster at the corner suddenly opened.

Bi Qingyue and other high-rise getten rid of Haitian Pavilion also have a certain certainty to kill the Nine Nether Palace three, but it will not be so easy. And under some fighting, this Mountain Gate will also be destroyed.

The voice fell.

In Zhao Feng’s both eyes, Xun emits amazing Will divine light, and the Soul level seems to be like Lei Zhen.


That Will divine light, divided into two transparent purple Nether Soul electricity, instantly penetrated two of Soul of Devil Path King.


On the Soul level, two screams came.

When he was there, at the high level of the Sea Mist Pavilion, he felt the falling aura of King Yuan Soul.

Some people’s Divine Sense even captured the moment when two Devil Path Kings and Soul were annihilated.


Two Devil Path Kings, intact corpse body, fell from midair.

But Soul annihilated them and could never die.


In the great hall of the Sea Mist Pavilion, each and everyone drew air conditioning.

Zhan Jie’er only felt a chill from the soles of his feet, spreading his whole body, and hit a chill.

Those two Devil Path Kings are old Kings, including a Peak King. In front of Zhao Feng, they didn’t even resist one face to face.

One look, kill two Void God Realm King

“Too terrifying…”

The Devil Path Great Emperor, ashamed to death, was completely frightened.

After Zhao Feng bombed the two Devil Path Kings through the attack of the Great Emperor Will, his eyes fell on that Devil Path Great Emperor body.

That Devil Path Great Emperor, extremely fast, passed out of the great hall in an instant.

In the great hall, the senior members of the Sea Mist Pavilion, can not help, some worry: The Devil Path Great Emperor and Zhao Feng did not mean to chase away.

“God … eye … stare …”

Zhao Feng’s Bloodline Left Eye opens, and a stunning purple soul Eye Strength emerges from the inside, gradually forming a bottomless purple vortex, extending infinitely.

The Devil Path Great Emperor, just after he had a distance, felt void around him, and a wave of taboo Soul Dao aura surged.

In the great hall, the Bloodline left eye of the purple hair youngster, already locked him up.

“No -“

The Soul of the Devil Path Great Emperor, caught in the cold of endless, seemed helpless as if imprisoned.

Even as he struggled, his Soul was a little bit out of the way.

“This… what is this means?”

“This taboo Eye Technique is a bit like the land of Deep Green Sea, the signature skill of the ancient Great Emperor of Death.”

In the great hall, the executives of the Sea Mist Pavilion were shocked and speechless.

At the King level, they can clearly capture that Soul’s departure.


Suddenly, a thunder Calamity strikes by Immortal and Eternal caused Soul of Devil Path Great Emperor to stun, and his Soul struggle strength dropped sharply.

Zhao Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the Soul of the Devil Path Great Emperor broke away from the fleshly body and flew in void quickly.


The Soul turned into a small black spot and was sucked into the purple vortex presented by Zhao Feng left eye.


At the other end, the body of the Devil Path Great Emperor fell from midair.

At the same time, in Zhao Feng’s left eye Space, there is an additional Soul of Void God Great Emperor, which is in a confinement state.

And this time.

Throughout the great hall, there was a deathly stillness.

At the top of the Sea Mist Pavilion, each and everyone shuddered, looking towards the nightmare Ruler-like youngster.

“Have troubled Supreme Elder gets rid.”

Bi Qingyue said with a long breath and a respectful look.

As a slave, she felt terrifying this youngster more and more.

In the Royal Mansion that day, Zhao Feng played against the digital top Great Emperor, mainly relying on strategy, but the real hole card Eye Bloodline was never used.

“My current Soul Sea World has absorbed a thousand or hundreds of God Calamity imprints. As long as the God Tribulation Thunder Strength is running, once the Great Emperor Will is out, even the top Great Emperor will not hold out.”

Zhao Feng slowly opened Eye.

The soul of the Devil Path Great Emperor in Purple Soul Sea, already was screamed by him.

“Meet Supreme Elder”

At this time, a salute from the top of the Sea Mist Pavilion sounded in the great hall.

Supreme Elder?

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, and looked deeply at Bi Qingyue a glance.

He originally wanted to control the Sea Mist Pavilion behind the scenes, and did not directly serve in the case.

And the position of “Supreme Elder” is obviously Bi Qingyue’s own opinion, maybe there is some selfishness, and he wants to completely kidnap Zhao Feng to the Ziyan Pavilion.

after all.

Zhao Feng bombarded so many experts at the Nine Nether Palace, and betrayed the Sea Mist Pavilion. If you leave it alone and wait for the Sea Mist Pavilion in the future, it will be dead.

“Also, I will temporarily hold the post of Supreme Elder, but the trivial affairs of sect are still under your sole management.

Zhao Feng sighed.

Supreme Elder, in his post, is above Sect Master.

In other words, Zhao Feng has become the highest status of this 2-Star force.

Meow meow

At this moment, Small Thieving Cat came to the Decorp Path Great Emperor’s corpse body with a dark gold Dragon Snake whip.

Zhao Feng waved the corpse body of the Devil Path Great Emperor into Bewildering Space Realm.

The next half month.

Up and down the Sea Mist Pavilion, there was a “big cleanup”. Some experts or hidden lines installed by Nine Nether Palace were killed by one after another.

Zhao Feng has not made an appearance since then, and has been living in the residence of Bi Qingyue, the beauty patron.

What Zhao Feng didn’t know was that his relationship with Bi Qingyue caused suspicion among some people in the Sea Mist Pavilion.

Because, he was the first man to live in Bi Qingyue’s residence.

This day.

Zhao Feng came out of the retreat and was invited by Bi Qingyue to learn about some of the core institutions of the Sea Mist Pavilion so that he can make future decisions.

“The strength potential of the Sea Mist Pavilion is good, but it is not enough to dominate the sea …”

Zhao Feng was contemplative in his heart, his gaze gazing ahead.

Just at this time, a beautiful and refined girl shadow printed in his vision.

“Supreme Elder, Master.”

Zhan Jie’er saluted with respect, and didn’t dare to look directly at Zhao Feng’s.

Thinking of that day, Zhao Feng showed her obsession with expression, Zhan Jie’er had a bit of perturbed and uneasy in her heart.

The scene of that day, Bi Qingyue is still fresh in memory.

There was a hint of worry in her heart, afraid that Zhao Feng would “gets rid” to her pure and flawless disciple.

If Zhao Feng’s magic claw really wants to reach Zhan Jie’er, I am afraid that no one can stop the entire Sea Mist Pavilion.

And she can’t “disobey” Zhao Feng’s Will.

“Jie’er, is a good seedling that can be cultivated in the future.”

Zhao Feng said casually.

With this remark, Bi Qingyue said “ge-deng” in his heart, thinking that Zhao Feng really got Zhan Jie’er’s attention.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng has not spoken yet, nor has he made any excessive demands.

That night.

Zhao Feng sat cross-legged and was inspecting the situation inside Bewildering Space Realm.

In Bewildering Space Realm, the Devil Path Great Emperor was restored and became another slave of Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng intends to leave the Devil Path Great Emperor in the hands of Sea Mist Pavilion.


A soft voice came from outside the door.

“En? Come in,”

Zhao Feng reveals surprising colour, looking towards Bi Qingyue at the door.

Tonight, Bi Qingyue is dressed in a snow white robe, haunting the hazy moon current, dignified and dignified, and there is a holy aura that is as quiet as the moon night.

At this moment, Bi Qingyue, shining with the moonlight of the starry sky, is like the inviolable moonlight Goddess.

“What’s the matter?”

Zhao Feng felt weird, but he did not hide his appreciation of Bi Qingyue’s magnificent qualitative moment.


Bi Qingyue closed the door, and Haochi bite slightly: “Qingyue has a request, I hope the Master will not contaminate Jie’er. If there is any request, I can do it as a Master.”

The words are complete.

The always dignified and cold beauty under the moon, gently unbuttoning her clothes, revealing an exuberant ice and snow jade muscle, especially the slender legs under a plain robe, just like a snowy, faintly discernible.


The plain robe skirt is lifted, warm red, fragrant shoulder, woman’s Peak under the tube top, one after another; finally, even the snow white skirt will slip off the root of the thigh. Man, mad.

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