King of Gods

Chapter 889

Hong long long ——

The fight with area of ​​Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo is only a few square feet, but the huge Royal Mansion is faintly shaking.

If it weren’t for the royal palace itself, the construction material is good, close to 3-Star Sect, and there is a certain formation to adhere to, I’m afraid that Annihilation will collapse.

Even so.

The powerful men in the Royal Mansion are still scared, each and everyone cautiously pulled away from the distance.

The silver-haired old man at the top Great Emperor, gets rid, resolves some aftermaths and evacuates some relatively weak people.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”

In Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, there was a crisp sound of skeleton. The both fists waved at a strange rhythm, and they fought the Fist Force which was amazing to heaven and earth.

Hu Hongbang

The naked eye saw a huge fist of staggering gold mines, like a metallic Thunder Mountain, brilliant overbearing, and every assault, like Violent Sun Burning the Sky, power terrifying.

“This Fist Technique Concept, as well as the Body Tempering style, is a bit like the legendary” Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body “…”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s Spirit Giant Physique, under Zhao Feng’s overbearing offensive, for a while shaking, Void Flame Giant Spirit Physique, from time to time exploded and ignited, opened each and everyone gap.

After performing “Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”, Zhao Feng’s Fist Force is more methodical. In each punch, a deep Tyrant Fist Profound Truth is contained to force people to crush everything.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s fighting style is quite a bit like the original Half-God Child.

At the level of Saint Body, Zhao Feng is only stronger than weaker than the Half-God Child of the year.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, contain Dao of Thunder attribute, and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” with cultivate, the power is also more powerful.

The gap between Zhao Feng and Half-God Child lies in the use of force and the gap in “Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist” Concept.


Zhao Feng has a variant Blood Devil Sun, explosive power and additional peculiar abilities, which makes his battle strength almost one or two levels higher.


Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist, Fist Force is glorious, fierce sun soars into the sky, as if it were a Wild War God, which is invincible and crushes everything.

Strong as “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo”, he was almost oppressed in a short period of time, and he clashed with Zhao Feng.

The center of the two, assault waves, swept all around, ravaging half of the Royal Mansion.

“Burning Sky Devil Sword”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s Void Flame giant Spirit Physique differentiated a giant flame giant sword, no longer fighting hand-to-hand with Zhao Feng.

In hand-to-hand combat, no one is the opponent of the body cultivator.

What’s more, there is a Saint Thunder Body like Zhao Feng. The power is beyond the original “Golden Earth Saint Body”.

“Wind Thunder Wings”

Zhao Feng Jin Lei Cancan, the blooming physique of the bloody sun, extends behind a pair of huge Wind Thunder Wings covering the sky, its power once again increased, and its mobility increased greatly.


Devil Emperor Xuan Luo ’s giant flame sword was cut in Zhao Feng body, but was stunned by the blood-yang glare emanating from the opposite Jin Lei body fists.


The huge Wind Thunder Wings behind Zhao Feng, and the roaring vibrations, produced a huge Wind Thunder whirlwind, wherever he went, everything Matt turned into black and fly ash.

hu hu boom ~

Seeing the buildings of the palace, the flying ash was annihilated.

Although the battle between Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo gradually broke away from the ground and reached midair; the two played True Fire, which became more and more destructive, and finally they could destroy a 2-Star Sect every time.

“Zhao Feng, stop!”

The silver-haired Great Emperor and the others joined forces to resolve those assault waves, but some formations in the palace were long shredded.

Destruction is always easier than destruction repair.

“All the information underestimates Zhao Feng. ‘Left Eye Heavenly Monarch, the true strength, how strong is it?'”

Bi Qingyue’s stiff body withstood the assault wave of the two-man battle.

She wanted to wait for the opportunity to escape, but was caught by “Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly”.

噗 whoosh whoosh whoosh

Gorgeous silkworms circled the limbs of numb paralysis and the soft Bi Qingyue.

From time to time, there was some silk entangled in her body, and she managed to shake it with great effort. Then there was a new Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk.

In the emerald both eyes of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, there is a trace of innocent expression.

It seems that without Zhao Feng’s command, it is just a symbolic play. Otherwise, Bi Qingyue, whose Battle Strength has been diminished at this moment, has long been transformed into a large-colored mule.

“Master Protector, if we don’t run away, we won’t have a chance …”

Bi Qingyue miserable, quickly sound transmission said.

Meow meow

Just then, there was a chilling voice behind her.

Small Thieving Cat has a playful face, and the cat’s claws scratch the neck, a noble and slender dark gold necklace.


The dark gold necklace on that neck suddenly turned into a vivid dark gold Dragon Snake whip, and a wave of Golden Dragon Glow Shadow was generated, and a faint Dragon Roar sound was heard.

This dark gold Dragon Snake whip generates an invisible power every time it is swiped, oppressing the blood True Yuan, as if it had a True Dragon possession.

This whip is a part obtained from the “Golden Skeleton” in the ancient city of Divine Illusory Space ruins.

Including Nangong Sheng’s nose ring is also the product of the Golden skeleton.

And the Master of the Golden skeleton, the predecessor is estimated to be at least Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, which may be close to the level of Half-God.


Bi Qingyue was clipped back and forth, and the dark green robe was shredded by the Golden Dragon Glow Shadow waved by Small Thieving Cat, revealing a pair of snow white warm red show legs.


Bi Qingyue’s legs were hot, entangled by the Dark Gold Dragon Snake of Small Thieving Cat, and her lovable body became rigid; then there was a piece of colorful silk, which bound her lower body firmly.

Between one or two breaths, Bi Qingyue was tied into a large colored silkworm cocoon, like a large colored rice dumpling.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat jumped over the large colored mule, and the dark gold long whip in his hand quickly turned into a slender necklace and returned to his neck.

hu hu pop

Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly flew to the neck of the Small Thieving Cat, and gave a stunned kiss with a fat body.

The two Spirit Pets joined forces to capture a top female Great Emperor, then blinked a jewel-like Eye, and looked curiously at the battle between Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo.

“Not good Bi Qingyue was captured …”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo had a cold heart, and the five top Great Emperor that originally got rid, only he was left.

He was annoyed with remorse, but was unable to return to heaven.

At this time.

The top-level Great Emperor “silver-haired old man” finally failed to help Zhao Feng to destroy the Royal Mansion and rushed up.

The addition of a top Great Emperor will definitely have a few effects on the battle between Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo.


Devil Emperor Xuan Luo also needs to beware of the two seemingly innocent Spirit Pets below.

These two Spirit Pets, just playing around, captured Bi Qingyue, the top Great Emperor, which gave Devil Emperor Xuan Luo a heart and a deep bottom.

It is Zhao Feng who can fight against him in a short time and is a rival that cannot be ignored.

What’s more, there are so many factors that might threaten him.

“In today’s battle, for the time being. Left Eye Heavenly Monarch, your strength means, This Majesty has learned …”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo complexion is vulgar, with resentment, its Void Flame giant Spirit Physique suddenly turns into a dark flame cloud, “shua”, instantly integrated into the distant sky, flashes and died.

So fast

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised. The speed of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo to urge Secret Technique, I was afraid that it was close to the level of Wind Thunder Great Emperor.

Although this fight was short, Zhao Feng’s physical strength True Yuan was quite expensive.

In a short period of time, he could face up to Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, but after a long time, he was afraid that he would become more and more strenuous.

This is some of the gaps brought about by the cultivation base, cultivation technique crucial moment, strength, etc.

For example.

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s “Spirit Physique” has been modified to be an Indestructible Body, and Zhao Feng’s violent attack has never caused him any physical harm.

“I also have ‘Immortal Saint Thunder Body, Cultivation in My Saint Thunder Body. Cultivation of Indestructible Body is a long process and cannot be completed quickly. There are only a few deep foundations, specific innate talent Bloodline, or Great Emperor can cultivate into a truly Indestructible Physique. “

Zhao Feng analyzes his weaknesses.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng repaired “Saint Thunder Body Protection”, a combination of Wind Thunder and Saint Thunder Body’s powerful Protection Secret Skill. Fighting with the front, Devil Emperor Xuan Luo can’t help him.

If not, Zhao Feng will be injured even if Battle Strength equivalent to in the previous battle, but Devil Emperor Xuan Luo will not have much effect.

of course.

If it is alive or death battle, there are no rules, Zhao Feng’s odds of success may be bigger. After all, his advantages are reflected in speed, God Eye and other aspects.

“Zhao little friend, if you fight again, the prince will be destroyed. How can the prince break through?”

The “silver-haired old man” of the top Great Emperor smiled bitterly.

In his expression, has several points of complexity. I knew that Zhao Feng was so powerful that they would not lose a Void God Great Emperor in vain.

“King Nan Feng?”

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of something, staring at the royal palace, the huge twisted purple golden light swirling.


That huge purple golden light spin, a fierce jitter, covering the glorious glory of heaven and earth, mostly dim.

Immediately, the aura, which almost stepped into the Saint Lord class, throbbed.


Zhao Feng complexion changed, this situation is very abnormal.

He realized that because of the arrival of the five top Great Emperors of Nine Nether Palace, everyone ignored something.

Currently, the protagonist of Royal Mansion should be King Nan Feng of Assault Mystic Light Realm.

Silver-haired old man and other three Great Emperors, and even the meaning of Zhao Feng, are there to guard the place.


“Protect the Lord”

King Nan Feng’s retreat area was surrounded by a gray stream of shadows.


Around the closed chamber of King Nan Feng, Digital King, before approaching, was cut into several pieces by the gray shadow.

“Jié jié 桀 … King Nan Feng, your path to advancement will end now”

A cold voice echoed near the back room.

In the dense room, King Nan Feng sits cross-legged on the spot, the whole body skin is translucent, and there is a strange Shenghui.

Behind him, a weird man floating in the shadow of a black stream.

Pu chi

The black stream shadow man, with a wave stream nether shadow sword, has the characteristics similar to “Shadow Killing Emperor Blade” and penetrated into King Nan Feng’s vest.


King Nan Feng body froze and spit out blood, complexion pale.

He looked horrified, looking at this arrogant, black-flowing man who seemed to kill God in hell.

The surface of this dark-skinned man is a layer of dark fine-grained skin with a slender body. If there is no skeleton, it is obviously Alien Race.

“Tsk tsk, the expert in your house is unexpected. Without the spoilers at Nine Nether Palace, my assassination mission would not have been completed so smoothly.”

The black stream shadow man, with a sound of “pu”, pulled back the wave stream nether shadow sword.

King Nan Feng grunt screamed, body trembled. Strangely, there was no bleeding from the wounds on his body, but a foul gray smoke was emitted.

(One more arrival, ask for recommendations and monthly tickets ~~)

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