King of Gods

Chapter 888


Bi Qingyue lovable body froze, looking at Zhao Feng with a faint smile on the other side.

For a short period of time, Zhao Feng’s serial ambush has already caused the fall of the three top Great Emperors.

After Zhao Feng bombarded the old man with purple face, Bi Qingyue was also ambushed by arrived.

The dagger behind it is extremely special. The deep Profound Truth of contain Shadow Killing Dao penetrates her vest.

For a while, the feeling of numb paralysis spread to Bi Qingyue’s lovable body.

At that moment, she seemed like a moonlight beauty who changed into rock, as if swallowed, she could not say a word.

The Shadow Killing Emperor Blade of Small Thieving Cat has been enhanced and upgraded in Heavens Secret ancient city, and an extremely rare analysis attribute is attached.

However at this time.

In Bi Qingyue’s mind, the entire ambush process of Zhao Feng beheading the three top Great Emperors appeared,

The first ambush.

Zhao Feng is in an extremely “vulnerable” situation. Through the surprise of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, he tied two top Great Emperors in one fell swoop.

In fact.

If Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly is doing its best, the two top Great Emperors will be difficult to break out in a short time-even if Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly is not in Peak state.


Zhao Feng allowed the two top Great Emperors to struggle, and soon they will break through the bondage, using this as a bait to attract the other two top Great Emperor.

Bi Qingyue and the purple-faced old man, in order to understand and rescue the two Great Emperor trapped, rushed to the raids to pressure Zhao Feng.

But at this time, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly was ready to launch, launching the “color dream pollen”, weakening the fighting between the two.

In the second ambush, the purple-faced old man was completely struck and was directly killed by bombardment.

Bi Qingyue had some precautions, was half a step behind, and was not deep in strokes, which barely saved his life.

Pu chi

At the Shadow Killing Emperor Blade of the Small Thieving Cat, when she penetrated Bi Qingyue’s body, she barely got to the point of the viscera and attached a layer of moon brilliance.


Her Battle Strength was weakened by half, and she was stabbed by the extremely special Shadow Killing Emperor Blade sneak attack. She was still injured.


Bi Qingyue grunt, a layer of overlapping moon brilliance Glow Shadow was shot on the lovable body, and the Shadow Killing Emperor Blade and Small Thieving Cat stabbed inside the body were shaken away.

But as a result, her injuries got worse and cold sweat was dripping.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat volleyed and landed on Zhao Feng’s arm.

“You have done a good job.”

Zhao Feng waved the Small Thieving Cat into Bewildering Space Realm.

Small Thieving Cat is not good at head-on confrontation, and the ink robe woman “Bi Qingyue” is indeed very cautious, plus the strength of top Great Emperor.

Zhao Feng’s original goal was to kill three or four top Great Emperors before Devil Emperor Xuan Luo arrived.

After the completion of the beautiful eyes, it is to cut off the four Great Emperors.

However, Zhao Feng’s plan also envisioned some unexpected, and at least two top Great Emperors had to be solved.

At this time, the four top Great Emperors, three fell, one was wounded, and the Battle Strength was greatly damaged.

“Junior, how dare you kill me three Elders at Nine Nether Palace …”

The “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” rushed to the scene was in a terrible shock, making a roar and roar.

All this happened too quickly.

In Royal Mansion, silver-haired old man and other Void God Realm expert, each and everyone are stuck in stagnation.

In just a few breaths, Zhao Feng quickly killed and killed three of the top Great Emperors through ambush and various means.

at this time.

Originally involved in besieging Zhao Feng’s five top Great Emperors, only “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” was left, and the full Battle Strength was retained.

“The strength of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo should be on a level with the Great Emperor of Death. Even if it is slightly better than half the line, it is not obvious …”

Zhao Feng remains calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, just looking at the invincible in this Great Emperor.

To some extent, Devil Emperor Xuan Luo can be regarded as “Half-Step Saint Lord” Battle Strength.

But on Realm, not at all Half-Step Saint Lord.

Because, the main leap in the level of Mystic Light Realm lies in the level of Matter True Yuan; either it is unsuccessful, or it turns into a dragon.

In front of a ruined pavilion.

Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo face each other, but the span of a dozen feet.

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo is a huge expanse of “ghost flame demon statue”. It has a dozen-story pavilion, with a shadow of magic flame behind it, covering Void Sky on half of it.

The entire Royal Mansion, only the Holy Force fluctuation of the assault Mystic Light Realm, on Aura, can suppress Devil Emperor Xuan Luo.

Under the mystery of Saint Thunder Body, Zhao Feng is just one or two zhang high “Golden Thunder Little Giants”. In front of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s “Buddha Devil Giant Spirit Body”, there is a certain gap in the mighty aura.

However, the advantages of such a large volume of power, not at all add much confidence to Devil Emperor Xuan Luo.

His huge Void Flame body, floating stand midair, but did not dare to easily get rid, but in his eyes there was a hint of fear and prudence.


He looked at the three top Great Emperors, one after the other under Zhao Feng’s plot against.


Within the Royal Mansion, the spectators of those Void God Realm, each and everyone were throbbing and held their breath.

Purple hair youngster, originally in a disadvantaged position, killed the three top Great Emperors in Thunder, and greatly reduced the fourth battle strength.

And now.

This King level youngster is facing the invincible “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” in the Great Emperor.

“Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, dare to fight?”

Zhao Feng said suddenly, the aura emanating from Saint Thunder Body climbed to the extreme.

Over the past few months, his “Saint Thunder Body” cultivate has progressed slowly, but in the face of this powerful rival, it has been faintly inspired.


After Zhao Feng recovered the strength, he did not discuss with decent opponent, especially his rivals.

“Master Protector, don’t want to fight. Zhao Feng has many means, with Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly to help, and there are other Great Emperor in Royal Mansion …”

Bi Qingyue complexion was urgent, and sound transmission quickly.

She is not badly injured now, her Battle Strength is greatly reduced, and she is always on alert for attacks and attacks from Zhao Feng.

Now, the already she is thinking about is not how to kill Zhao Feng, but how she can escape.

Bi Qingyue’s only chance to escape is to join forces with Devil Emperor Xuan Luo to rush out.

“Retreat? This Majesty has never been defeated so confusedly …”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo complexion sank.

His strength and self-esteem did not tolerate, so easily lost to a youngster.

Even though the youngster is the Left Eye Heavenly Monarch from the Body Possession in the Deep Green Sea.

Even if he is going to flee, he has to show the other party some colors under his own prestige.

“Dare to Fight”

Zhao Feng loudly shouted, the holy thunder power turned to peak, the blue gold splendid physique, faintly raised again and expanded.


Zhao Feng body suddenly erupted a bloody sun that covered Void Sky’s sun. Under the impetus of Saint Thunder Body, the punches struck the “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” body in an instant.

The speed and explosiveness of such a thunderclap made Bi Qingyue’s tongue go aside.

Even “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” was caught off guard.

No one ever imagined that this little youngster would dare to overbearing so powerfully and get rid of the invincible in the Great Emperor.


Devil Emperor Xuan Luo In the hollow and deep pupil, I shot a faint cold cold light, the dark black Void Flame of the whole body bathing, a wave of taboo black waves.

He did not retreat, stood on the spot, the Spirit Physique transformed by the huge flames, and resisted Zhao Feng’s attack.


Mountains bursting and ground splitting loud noises and cracking sounds, covering the “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” huge Void Flame giant Spirit Physique.

Zhao Feng’s terrifying power and Blood Devil Sun’s explosive power caused the “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” to change its color and body violently.


In a short time, a layer of raging blood sun Flame Qi ignited the body covering “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” and wanted to spread its whole body.

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo complexion sank, body Void Flame tumbling, and instantly engulfed the surface blood yang Flame Qi.

The “Buddha Devil Giant Spirit Body” of his Cultivation was originally made from the flame of endless, and restrained from the fierce attribute of Blood Devil Sun.

What disgusted him most was Zhao Feng’s fist, and he faintly extracted a few traces of Life Essence blood Qi within the body.

Zhao Feng was also shaken by Devil Emperor Xuan Luo body’s taboo black wave.

“Indestructible Body …”

Zhao Feng stared at the blurred body of “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo”, a big gap that was originally broken by himself, and healing in an instant.

In other words.

Zhao Feng’s punch just now did not pose a real threat to Devil Emperor Xuan Luo.

Not only that.

Zhao Feng found that his Blood Devil Sun and the other’s cultivation technique Bloodline had some restraint. Blood Devil Sun’s ability to recover blood is also greatly reduced.

“This Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s Spirit Physique is more powerful than the ‘Immortal Death Body’ of the Great Emperor of Death.”

Zhao Feng The pupil narrowed slightly.

In the past, the Great Emperor of Death was defeated by him, mainly because his best Soul Eye Technique was killed by Zhao Feng.

The current “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” is undoubtedly more powerful on the frontal contin.

“Kneel me down”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo coldly shouted with a big hand and a big dance, the Void Flame shadow of the heaven and earth behind, and the black glow.

In a hurry, a huge Void Flame shadow giant hand, as if coming from a cross-space, with the monstrous magic power Flame Qi, Wuthering pressure covers in Zhao Feng body.

The power of that palm is called Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and its Concept is far-reaching.

Zhao Feng’s area of ​​void, if locked and locked, is a bit like Heaven Locking Bow’s ability.


Zhao Feng’s void area was imprisoned by the invisible Void Flame shadow.

I have to admit that all aspects of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s cultivation technique, Concept, physique, and Soul have reached the peak of the Void God Realm level.

In some ways, he even stepped into the domain of Mystic Light Realm.

In particular, Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s cultivation technique crucial moment, Secret Technique has attained the highest level, reaching the highest level, and the foundation is extremely profound.

Zhao Feng faintly felt a little bit of trouble, this is the situation only when encountering a powerful enemy.

To defeat Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, it is not too difficult for him: just need Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly to assist, launch Eye Bloodline, which he is best at, and the strongest God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

But Zhao Feng also wanted to fight against this Devil Path giant.

“Saint Thunder Body Protection”

Zhao Feng integrates Wind Thunder Strength and holy thunder power, the body surface condenses a layer of substantial simple and unadorned Thunder Marks cover, golden glow Thunder Light is brilliant, accompanied by a thunder of Wind Thunder


That Void Flame shadow giant hand, slaps on Zhao Feng body, but was blocked by Protection Thunder Glow, and was temporarily bombed by Thunder rolls, staggered by light glow.

Not only that.

嘣 click

The simple and unadorned Thunder Marks Protection cover radiates dazzling golden glow Thunder Marks on the surface, cracking the mighty Void Flame shadow giant hand.

“The fusion of Li and Thunder Glow? What is the secret Secret Technique?”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo has a big heart.

His mysterious overbearing hit him without success, and even received the backlash of Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body Protection Thunder Glow, a Void Flame giant hand.

Hong long long ——

Zhao Feng and Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s simple fight with, despite the extremely compact compression, there is still a huge charred pit with a thick thousand zhang around it.

(The second update is too late, and the fast food is very tired)

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