King of Gods

Chapter 886

Over the Royal Mansion, the huge twisted purple golden light swirls and stretches out a splendid brilliance that reflects heaven and earth.

That huge aura that almost stepped into the Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, oppressed everything Ten Thousand Strengths around the Royal Mansion.

Many experts in the government, within the body strength, are difficult to move under pressure.

The kind of suppressing and suppressing force is not only aimed at the strength of the Matter world, but also includes various illusory forces such as Will and sword intent at the Soul level.

In this case, there are only a few Void God Realm King and Great Emperor who can barely control their strength.

“It seems that King Nan Feng assault ‘Mystic Light Realm, and it is going well.”

Zhao Feng stepped out of his attic.

Assault Mystic Light Realm’s process and Concept, he also needs to observe and feel one or two.

In fact, people with this mentality are not only Zhao Feng alone, but also some experts in the government.

Especially for Void God Great Emperor, this kind of opportunity is more in demand.

At this time, the three Void God Great Emperors in the Royal Mansion also came out.

“King Nan Feng was able to come to this point. The source pollen of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly is out of the ordinary …”

“If King Nan Feng can be promoted to Saint Lord, he will have a place in the Great Heaven, and his influence will increase greatly.”

The three Void God Great Emperor, two men and one woman, are smiling.

One of the “silver-haired old man”, aura, is far better than ordinary Great Emperor, and is a top Great Emperor.

Before the retreat of King Nan Feng, these three Great Emperors were introduced to Zhao Feng.

However, the three Great Emperors do not pay much attention to Zhao Feng’s newly promoted Void God King.

“En? What aura …”

The “silver-haired old man” in the three Great Emperors suddenly gave a hint of induction and looked in a certain direction.

Zhao Feng, who had just stepped out of the attic, also had induction.


Zhao Feng stood in the courtyard in front of the attic and suddenly felt the approach of four or five vague auras.

Although those auras are very deliberately convergent, their ontology is really powerful, and the speed is surprisingly fast, which cannot be completely hidden.

The key is.

King Nan Feng was at the last moment of the assault, and some experts in the government came out.

sou sou sou

A total of four or five powerful and hidden auras have already leapt into Royal Mansion.

Zhao Feng and the “silver-haired old man” of the top Great Emperor, Divine Sense quickly glanced away, and the complexion changed greatly.

“Five Great Emperor … seems to be top Great Emperor”

The silver-haired old man, body and mind was shocked.

Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, for a while condensing, made the newcomer four men and one woman’s appearance and cultivation technique aura clear.

Five top Great Emperor

Zhao Feng was also frightened. The general 3-Star Sect is harder to send such a powerful lineup at once.

“Master Protector, the place and location of Zhao Feng’s retreat have been locked.”

The quiet woman in the ink robe, said respectfully.

“Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng, today you hard to avoid calamity.”

Bi Qingyue’s mind is secretly sighed, the powerful Divine Sense, spans the entire Royal Mansion, and locks Zhao Feng’s position.

When plotting this plan, the intelligence mechanism of her men, Already figured out the topographic location of Royal Mansion, and even bought a planted agent in the house to determine Zhao Feng’s residence.


Five top Great Emperors were able to quickly lock Zhao Feng after entering into the Royal Mansion.

“Siege that Junior”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s low-pitched voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Demon.


The tyrannical aura of the five top Great Emperors circulated without reservation, and quickly swept from several directions to the loft where Zhao Feng was located.

Although the Royal Mansion is large, for the top Great Emperor, it is fully committed, but it is equivalent to a span of more than ten steps.

Zhao Feng was in the house, he could not hide at all.

“Stop them”

In the Royal Mansion, the three Void God Great Emperor sitting in the town were shouted.

That silver-haired old man reaction was the fastest, and led another man and a woman, two Great Emperors, to rescue Zhao Feng.

Because in advance, King Nan Feng greeted and let Zhao Feng know the three.

Now that Zhao Feng is killed, with these people’s deep friendship with King Nan Feng, he can’t ignore it.

“Enemy Attack on the House”

“Protect the Lord, kill the outsiders”

Within the Royal Mansion, those Void God Realm Kings are also each and everyone in action.

Fortunately, the five top Great Emperors are not for King Nan Feng of the retreat assault, but for VIPs of Royal Mansion.

“Except for King Nan Feng and Little County Lord, everyone in the house, the killer, kill without mercy.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo coldly ordered.

As long as important members of the Great Heaven Imperial Clan are not harmed, they will stab Zhao Feng in public, and they will not violate the bottom line of Imperial Clan.


Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, five people, successfully formed a siege of Zhao Feng.


Just then, the silver-haired old man led a Great Emperor, a man and a woman, to intercept it.

These three Great Emperor do not need to defeat the Devil Emperor Xuan Luo five people, just need to kill a gap to win the vitality for Zhao Feng.

At Zhao Feng’s speed, he flew away with all his strength, and the top five Great Emperor could not catch up with him.

“Can’t leave a gap for Zhao Feng.”

Bi Qingyue was very pretty. She knew Zhao Feng’s strength information well.

That day, the reason why Zhao Feng was able to slaughter the King Spirit Emperor of the Earth Spirit Palace was to rely on speed and its Eye Bloodline.

To kill Zhao Feng, he must be enclosed to prevent him from escape.

And to reach this step, at least the cooperation and cooperation of at least four top Great Emperors are needed.

“let me do it”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo complexion sinks, glaring at the intercepted silver-haired old man three Void God Great Emperor.

“Buddha Devil Giant Spirit Body”

Suddenly, Devil Emperor Xuan Luo whole body was bathed in a layer of dark Void Flame, and the entire body expanded at an amazing speed, even blurring, and turned into a huge “ghost flame”, exuding the towering Devil Path. Qi.

Hu Hong

Half of the Royal Mansion, faintly dangling, is set off in the shadow of a dark magic flame.

This is also because King Nan Feng is at the last moment of the assault, and the aura of the Mystic Light Holy Force fluctuates, suppressing its more than half power.


The three Great Emperors who just arrived, the three Great Emperor, turned pale. In front of Spirit Physique, the body and mind shivered, and there was a sense of powerlessness facing the ancient Demon.


Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s “Ghost Flame Demon”, with a giant hand waving, the huge shadow of Void Flame, as if coming from a cross-space, swept across three silver-haired old man Great Emperor.

“Jin Yuan Heavenly Splendour”

The silver-haired old man, who bears the brunt of the first, erupted into a splendid golden glow beam of light, which broke the infinite power of Jiutian.

On his side, the Great Emperor, a man and a woman, struggled to get rid under the crisis.

However, when the shadow of the giant hand of the magic flame straddled the envelope, one of them, the Great Emperor, one man and one woman, turned red on the face and almost vomited blood.


The erupting golden glow beam of silver-haired old man was shattered ruthlessly, and the body’s Golden splendid light was more than half dim, and was shocked to exit the hundred zhang.


One of the beautiful woman emperors, screamed, was caught by the giant flame of the giant hand, crushed into pieces, and instantly turned into ashes.

Another man, the Great Emperor, was not the top Great Emperor. He was spit out by the giant flame of the magic hand.

In an instant.

The three Great Emperors suffered a first injury and a minor injury.


The entire Royal Mansion, some other Kings who would like to join, turned pale and froze on the spot.

That silver-haired old man is the top Great Emperor, and it is the same as the golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” that appeared in Ten Thousand Saint Sect. It is close to Duanmu Qing in True Martial Holy Land.

“Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, it’s you …”

The silver-haired old man stepped backwards, rubbing on the blood on the corner of his mouth, his face in shock.

Just now, his full effort to get rid, in front of Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s “Buddha Devil Giant Spirit Body”, was actually unable to withstand a single blow.

That Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, worthy to be called is the invincible in the Great Emperor, and has the ability to threaten Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

“The five top Great Emperors, one of whom has a strength that is slightly better than the Great Emperor of Death …”

Standing in front of the pavilion, Zhao Feng could hardly contain the shock on his face.

The strength of that silver-haired old man is close to his Master Duanmu Qing in True Martial Holy Land.

In terms of strength, this Devil Emperor Xuan Luo in the frontal continent may suppress the Great Emperor of Death, but the battle of alive or death is yet to be determined.

In the case of one-to-one.

Even if Zhao Feng meets Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, the odds of success is not great; not to mention, there are four other top Emperors with different capabilities, and the threats combined will multiply.

嗖! 嗖! 嗖! 嗖!

While Devil Emperor Xuan Luo gets rid of Li Wei, Bi Qingyue and other four top Great Emperors, Already successfully surrounded Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng, your companion Nangong Sheng, slaughtered me. The elite team of Nine Nether Palace at Xie Yang Mansion will ask you today-“

“Hehe, I’ll wait to teach you, the place of Deep Green Sea ‘Left Eye Heavenly Monarch, strength.'”

In addition to Bi Qingyue, the other three are a purple-faced old man, a black-faced middle-aged man, and a black armored youth.

All three are the top Great Emperor of Nine Nether Palace.

In addition to Bi Qingyue, four top Great Emperors formed a siege against Zhao Feng.

“Within three minutes, take this kid”

The “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” “Spirit Physique”, with pressure covers the audience’s heavenly Demon Prestige, was approaching quickly.

In the Royal Mansion, the silver-haired old man and other Great Emperor Kings looked bitter.

At the moment, they are already powerless to reverse.

“Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” alone can kill them all.

Seeing that Zhao Feng was surrounded by four or five top Great Emperors, they could only silence in heart.

“Within three interest rates?”

Zhao Feng stood on the spot, never retreating, coldly snorted: “If you are well, I will let you … come or not.”

The youngster was calm and sneer, with a touch of ridicule, so that Bi Qingyue and four Great Emperors who were involved in the siege were inexplicable.

Bi Qingyue, in particular, was a little disturbed.

She has analyzed Zhao Feng’s intelligence, and she has some understanding of the youngster’s deeds, including the situation in Divine Illusory Space.


The silver-haired old man and the others in the distance are also surprised.

For any Great Emperor, in this situation, it is also an irreversible death.


“Hugh wants to pretend to be mysterious”

The “black-faced middle-aged” and “black armored youth” in the top Great Emperors flicked left and right and flew towards Zhao Feng.

“With my current strength, it was captured by four top Great Emperors and one Invincible Great Emperor. It cannot be opponent, but-“

Zhao Feng stood on the spot, but his face was extremely calm.

I saw it.

He stretched out a hand, and a small jade-like silkworm emerged on it, with a fat body, only the size of a thumb, flapping a pair of translucent wings.

This is exactly the Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly that Origin Energy recovered more than half of.

Buzz whoosh whoosh whoosh-

Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly opened her mouth and spit out, and saw the colorful silks, and shot through void in an instant, enveloping a few hunted zhang areas.

“Ah what–“

The two top Great Emperors of gets rid were stiff, and they were the first to be entangled by a large piece of colorful silk.

“Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly”

“How can Zhao Feng drive Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly-“

Bi Qingyue and another purple-faced old man, the two top Great Emperors quickly dodged and retreated, but were still entangled in their legs with some silk, and their bodies stagnated.

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