King of Gods

Chapter 885

Four men and one woman, aura is unpredictable, and under the hazy layer of moon brilliance, it seems to be a part of the void at night.

The source of that layer of hazy moon brilliance came from one of the women in the dark green robe that was quiet like the moon.

This dark green robe woman has a kind of quiet aura like a moonlit night, beautiful and cool and dignified, and the other four men’s body, the faint Devil Path aura, are incompatible.


The head of the five is a tall man wearing a purple and black battle armour; this man’s both eyes, like a cave, are deliberately converging, but the body is still from time to time, a few black Void Flames appear.

“In order to kill Zhao Feng, Nine Nether Palace even sent four top Great Emperors, especially the ‘Devil Emperor Xuan Luo, and the invincible in the Great Emperor, who had experience with Saint Lord fight with …”

The woman in the dark green robe had a cold face on her cold face.

As for the “Devil Emperor Xuan Luo” of the purple-black battle armour, she was frightened, not to mention that all four of them are top Great Emperor.

“Bi Qingyue.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo body The faint black Void Flame, appearing from time to time, with a deep and hollow look, fixed on the dark green robe woman body.

“Master Protector, what do you tell me?”

The woman in the dark green robe bowed slightly, maintaining a touch of respect on Qiaorong.

“As the controller of the ‘Sea Mist Pavilion,’ you have the intelligence of the border area. You should know more about the situation of the Sky Maple Great Island Region and even the Royal Mansion than we do.

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s voice seems to come from the endless abyss.

The dark green robe woman, slightly reorganizing her thoughts, replied: “The current Royal Mansion, King Nan Feng is closing alive or death, assault Mystic Light Realm. There are three Great Emperors in the house, including one of the top Great Emperor, all are King Nan Feng’s close friends. And the target we are going to kill is the top Great Emperor strength, the speed is better than the top Great Emperor … “

“Not bad.”

The other three top Great Emperors, a purple-faced old man, a black-faced middle-aged, and a black-armored youth, are very satisfied with this intelligence analysis.

The Nine Nether Palace, where the four Great Emperors are located, is very far away from the sea, and it is an unfamiliar place to live.

Fortunately, as the leader of the 3-Star Peak Devil Path, Nine Nether Palace also has subordinate forces in the border area.

This subordinate force is the “Sea Mist Pavilion” where the woman in the robe “Bi Qingyue” is located.

“Then, when do you think we get the best rid, how big is the odds of success?”

Xuan Luo’s Great Emperor seems to be deliberately examining Bi Qingyue’s loyalty, passing a trace of teasing and greed in his eyes, looking at the quiet face of the quiet tender moon.

Bi Qingyue Under his gaze, he felt uncomfortable, and his lovable body became cold.

In the area of ​​the Continent, she is also the top Great Emperor in the dark, but in front of Xuan Luo Great Emperor, she feels a lot of pressure.

This pressure is closer to Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

“In the Royal Mansion, the only thing we need to worry about is King Nan Feng. He is now in retreat, which is naturally the best chance for getting rid. As long as we ambush or besiege in secret, we will not give Zhao Feng the chance to escape, the odds of success, At least XNUMX%. After all, Left Eye Heavenly Monarch has just been promoted to Void God Realm and has not yet recovered to Peak strength. “

Bi Qingyue did not dare to neglect, and quickly analyzed.

Her analysis is based on a large amount of information related to Royal Mansion, and is not wrong in common sense.

“Generally true.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo said with a look of indifference, “But at this time, there is no chance for the best gets rid. We are not worried about King Nan Feng, but the Great Heaven Imperial Clan, or, more specifically, the Supreme Emperor Palace “

Bi Qingyue hearing this, slightly surprised.

Now, it’s not the best chance to get rid? don’t tell me Wait for King Nan Feng to be promoted to Mystic Light Realm?

Supreme Emperor Palace, she naturally knows that it is behind the Great Heaven Imperial Clan, a transcendental force that overrides heaven and earth, like 4-Star Sect.

It is said that the members of the Supreme Emperor Palace are all from the Great Heaven Imperial Clan, most of which are Retired Emperor of all ages.

Supreme Emperor Palace is an organization with few members, but its core is at least Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

“Mystic Light Realm, This Majesty has also been assault. From aura induction, that King Nan Feng has not yet reached the final stage of assault. Now, although he is closed alive or death, he can come out at any time once he is alarmed.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo’s empty voice made Bi Qingyue feel cold.

Bi Qingyue was so shocked that she ignored that Devil Emperor Xuan Luo is the invincible existence in the Great Emperor, with multiple assault Mystic Light Realm records.

For Assault Mystic Light Realm, Xuan Luo Great Emperor may be more familiar than King Nan Feng at Assault.

“The best time is the final moment of King Nan Feng assault. At that time, even if he knows that we can’t withdraw from Zhao Feng gets rid, otherwise the backlash will be hit hard, which is a dilemma.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo gloomy and cold smiled.

With that said, several other top Nine Nether Palace Great Emperors laughed.

“It turned out to be.”

Bi Qingyue is suddenly nodded, if gets rid at this time, then King Nan Feng may still get rid to block.

After all, Nine Nether Palace is not brave enough to get rid of an important member of the Great Heaven Imperial Clan; not to mention that King Nan Feng Battle Strength is strong, with dynasty luck, and the revived Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly.

“Just wait another half a month.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo raised his hand slightly, and a group of five people, “shua shua shua” quickly hid deeper in the night, and opened a distance with Royal Mansion.

And within the Royal Mansion.

The great Emperor in the town did not know anything about it; King Nan Feng was closing the alive or death gate, and his perception of the outside world was greatly reduced.

Royal Mansion, a cultivate secret room in an elegant pavilion.

Zhao Feng’s all his energies are immersed in cultivate, and he knows nothing about the external crisis.

Shua shua

Zhao Feng turned over with one hand, and some Wood Type Precious Materials appeared in front of him. The remaining Wind Thunder attribute treasures are less.

However, Zhao Feng’s Great Emperor Will, which gave birth to the arrogant Profound Truth of Wind and Thunder, Cultivation, did not neglect.

These days.

Zhao Feng’s “Wind Thunder Secret” Cultivation has been going on.

Because of the huge Wood Type Precious Materials, such as Baiyuan Honey Liquid, Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, etc., Zhao Feng’s “Wood Type Wind Thunder” made rapid progress.

Moreover, the “Wind Thunder Of Water” of Zhao Feng within the body can also be transformed into a strand of Wood Type Wind Thunder.


Zhao Feng’s “Wind Thunder tactic”, breaking through to the seventh layer great accomplishment, and continuing non-stop.

“” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, the more powerful the means can be reflected in the late stage, wait until the five kinds of Wind Thunder Strength of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth are opened up. Looking at the entire Continental dynasty, it is also difficult to opponent. “

Zhao Feng’s mind can’t help.

At this stage, because of the foundation of the previous “Wind Thunder Inheritance”, his “Wind Thunder recipe” cultivate can be described as rapid progress, which basically has no bottleneck.

Of course, the support of huge resources is also a crucial reason.

Time passed by.

Zhao Feng, through Soul Dao God Secret Art’s “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, thought about spiliting three strands, and at the same time carried out 3 sides of promotion or understanding

The first one is dedicated to absorb God Tribulation Thunder Strength and condense Soul.

Second, in my mind, I simulated the “Wind Thunder tactic” and “Saint Thunder Body” related Battle Skill Secret Technique.

The third stock, Matter level, cultivate “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” to enhance the cultivation base.

In fact.

Zhao Feng can improve at this stage, and there are too many options.

During Xie Yang Mansion, he obtained a large number of “Xie Yang Secret Book” by controlling Junior Brother Deng Chao of Heavenly Floating Palace.

A few of these Xie Yang Secret Books can be related to “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” comment on equal terms.

Very few, even slightly better than Zhao Feng Cultivation’s “Saint Thunder Body” and “Wind Thunder recipe”.

These Xie Yang Ancient Books are mostly based on Evil Path cultivation technique Inheritance.Although they are not suitable for Zhao Feng, they have greatly improved his Realm height and vision awareness.

If you can see through these “Xie Yang Ancient Book”, Zhao Feng will be able to perfect and integrate his own cultivation technique and even create his own cultivation technique and secret technique in the future.

But at this stage.

Zhao Feng needs to take a foothold in the Great Heaven Imperial Clan and wait for free in the future to improve and strengthen himself in each Domain.

In a flash, more than a month passed.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s Soul level is completely stable at the Great Emperor level, which is not much different from the previous life.

And Zhao Feng’s “Wind Thunder tactics”, advances quickly, the seventh layer of “Wind Thunder of Wood”, I want to reach Peak

His cultivation base is also a little short of being able to return to the previous Intermediate Stage Void God Realm.

However, after Saint Thunder Body reached 5-Layer great accomplishment, its cultivate progress has slowed down, unless Zhao Feng is willing to take “Hundred Source Saint Broth” to speed up

“Three months, then King Nan Feng assault Mystic Light Realm is almost at the end.”

On this day, Zhao Feng suddenly opened Eye.

King Nan Feng explained some related things to him before the retreat.

Zhao Feng is a guest at Royal Mansion, which is also one of the experts here, and must do his part.

If King Nan Feng can break through Mystic Light Realm, for Zhao Feng at this stage, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Because, Zhao Feng is currently under the protection of Royal Mansion.


Zhao Feng spits a long breath, from the cultivate state, divide some minds and observe the situation of the Royal Mansion.

at this time.

Above the Royal Mansion, a huge invisible aura condenses, making this side heaven and earth seem inexplicably heavy and oppressive.

The huge pressure brought by that aura first started at the Soul level, and then it began to influence and oppress Matter Space.

Finally, the aura runs through Soul and Matter at the same time, and there is a kind of bearoverbearing that crushes Ten Thousand Strengths.

Zhao Feng found that all kinds of Origin Energy in the surrounding heaven and earth were stuck in a stasis, as if worshiping a sage, even his own Wind Thunder recipe cultivate, were greatly discounted.

Similar to aura, Zhao Feng has experienced it from the “Queen Bee” body of Xie Yang Mansion.

Some moment.


Above King Nan Feng’s retreat, the heaven and earth interface faintly shook up, condensing a group of sparkling and translucent Purple Gold sacred glory, reflecting a party of Heavens, and gradually twisted into a huge purple golden light spiral.

Suddenly, countless experts, Soul vibrations within the Royal Mansion, within the body True Yuan, the energy and blood were tumultuous.

At this time, the Royal Mansion and those cultivation bases were lower than those of Half-Step King’s servants, and had been mobilized for a long time. If not, the True Spirit Realm or Origin Core Realm can be killed by accident with just a touch of aura.

Dozens of Royal Mansion li away, inside a small jungle.

“The fluctuation of ‘Mystic Light Holy Force’ is generated so quickly, and the advances of King Nan Feng are smoother than expected …”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo was slightly lost.

A taboo aura suppressing everything from heaven and earth, from the center of the Royal Mansion, waves surged.

At this moment.

With the Royal Mansion as the center, various strengths within thousands of miles, including various spiritual illusory forces, have been inexplicably suppressed.


Over the Royal Mansion, the huge twisted purple golden light swirls like a “sage of light”, which makes Eight Energy Origin worship and deter heaven ghosts.

“Now is the best time to do it before it’s too late.”

Devil Emperor Xuan Luo showed a touch of urgency, with four top Great Emperor quietly drifting into the Royal Mansion.

(Today’s update is renewed. Thanks to those who are still supporting fast food with monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards)

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