King of Gods

Chapter 839

Heavenly Jade Water Lotus has many functions, and its petals, lotus seeds, jade leaf have good effects for Void God Realm King.

Zhao Feng first took out a lotus seed, and condensed and strengthened his Soul Will.

Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, from petals, lotus seeds to jade leaf, has a washing and purifying effect.

The lotus seed, also has a similar effect on Soul Will.

Previously, Zhao Feng refined and absorbed Soul Strength through the “Soul Suppressing Stone”. After all, it was forcibly strengthening Soul through external forces in a short period of time.

This kind of method will leave a little advantage.

Zhao Feng is now washing and consolidating his Soul Will through the “blue water lotus seeds” to get rid of some dark diseases.

“If you got ‘Heavenly Jade Water Lotus earlier, it would be perfect.”

Zhao Feng can not help sigh.

He took out the petals again, chewed and swallowed, a strange and fresh aura, blooming within the body.

In addition to the washing effect, the lotus petal can also promote the transformation of life level, including the effect of eliminating dark diseases and toxins.

After enterings into the Divine Illusory Space, Zhao Feng greatly improved the strength in the short term through external forces, and the body was somewhat loaded, including leaving some small dark illnesses.

Through lotus petals, lotus seeds, Zhao Feng’s Soul and fleshly body, all can be consolidated and washed.

Half a day later.

Zhao Feng used a Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, the whole person was refreshed, Essence, Qi and Spirit reached Peak.

He still has some regrets.

Provided that Zhao Feng could get Heavenly Jade Water Lotus earlier, the cultivation base strength could be improved more moderately and comprehensively.


Zhao Feng’s Soul, in Void God King, is not bad. Its quality and solidity are far beyond the King level.

That lotus seed, for Zhao Feng at most, had some consolidation effect, without any improvement effect.

It is Nangong Sheng, through Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, cultivation base and Soul level, there are no small improvements.

It seems that Nangong Sheng is at a critical moment in the assault Void God late stage.

Zhao Feng was on the side for his Protector.

“Nangong Sheng, will be promoted to Void God late stage in about three days.”

Zhao Feng looked back.

Simply, when enters into the depth of Xie Yang Mansion, Zhao Feng also intends to consolidate and improve.

Pu chi

Zhao Feng ripped off a few more “Lotus petals” of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and chewed swallows.

This lotus petal can promote the qualitative transformation of the living body. It has a general effect on Zhao Feng of Saint Thunder Body 4-Layer Peak.

It is mainly Zhao Feng’s life physique. Already has a powerful foundation, which surpasses the average Void God King.

However, Zhao Feng not at all gave up.

He took “lotus petals” one by one, and after taking each one, within the body, a piece of fresh aura will be spread, the whole body will be washed, impurities will be eliminated, and dark diseases will be eliminated.

Perhaps, the effect of one and two tablets is average, but ten, dozens, or even hundreds?

You know, each Heavenly Jade Water Lotus has one or twenty lotus petals.

When the quantity reaches a certain level, it can also cause qualitative change.

Two days later.

The lotus petals taken by Zhao Feng have as many as one or two hundred tablets. Its whole body skin is white and delicate, like a baby-like skin, enough to make some women jealous.

Zhao Feng both eyes closed tightly, the whole body lingered in a layer of ripples Water-Thunder, zi zi sounded constantly.

Click it click it

At one moment, Zhao Feng whole body skeleton, a crisp sound, the silver-blue texture on the skin floated, and then a slight golden glow suddenly appeared.

Even more weird.

Zhao Feng’s skeleton physique, at that moment, straight up and expanded half, just like a blue gold little giant

Physically, he is alert beyond the ordinary person class.

A layer of faint blue gold electricity light pattern appeared on Zhao Feng’s body.

Hong long long

Suddenly, the rockery where Zhao Feng was located collapsed, leaving a pile of scorched stone debris within half a foot of his body.

“Really strong physique …”

On the other side, Nangong Sheng, who was breaking through, was in the body with shocks of blood, and his body and mind were heavily depressed.

Fortunately, the two keep a certain distance when they are cultivating.

Click it click it

Zhao Feng whole body skeleton The muscles contract again, and can be minimized to the size of an eight-nine-year-old child, but the face does not change.

That layer of light gold pan-blue strength Lightning Marks, the brighter, almost materialized, forming a strength shield on the Zhao Feng body surface.

“Saint Thunder Body fifth layer”

There was a touch of surprise and excitement on Zhao Feng’s face.

The “Half-God Child” of that year, after Blood Rebirth, with huge resources, it was nothing more than the fifth layer of the “Golden Earth Saint Body”. It was only a small Realm that beat Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s “ Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body ” can be regarded as an enhanced version of “ Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body ”, and the prospects are farther

After a few breaths.

Zhao Feng returned to calm, his body size returned to normal, and his whole body’s strength, Lightning Marks, also quickly converged.

After the Saint Thunder Body breakthrough fifth layer, Zhao Feng’s confidence increased greatly.

Since then.

He does not use True Yuan or Eye Bloodline, and he can suppress the ordinary Void God King with pure physical strength alone.

Once close, the ordinary Void God King is afraid that he will be crushed.

Not only strength, Saint Thunder Body will also bring powerful defense, survivability, and even resilience.

It can be said that the Saint Thunder Body of the fifth layer is comparable to the elementary “Indestructible Body”. Without sufficient strength, it cannot form a substantial threat to it.

After two hours.

In the rockery area, a huge King Weili emerged, void Zhongyin Purple Void Light, like clouds, overlapping.

In a hurry, an evil looking strength aura gave the surrounding heaven and earth Origin Energy a strange stasis.

At this moment, even the nearby Restrictive Formation of God produced an inexplicable induction and jitter.


Zhao Feng’s surprising colour is not the Nangong Sheng breakthrough Void God late stage, but some scenes produced after his cultivation base is promoted.

You know, Xie Yang Mansion memory has strong rules, and the suppression of various strengths is also very difficult to deal with.

And the aura during Nangong Sheng’s promotion can cause some induction of the Restrictive Formation of God, which has to be thought deeply.


Nangong Sheng has a purple hair, which is more and more fascinating. The purple blood imprint between the eyebrows is bright.

He breathed in and breathed out every moment, revealing an unparalleled strength, enough to meet the ordinary True Yuan, defeated without fighting.

Zhao Feng clearly understood, slightly surprised.

At this time, the Evil God Crystal and Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain are completely integrated, and even into the foundation source of its True Yuan Space.

The power of Nangong Sheng’s Space and the power of Evil God Crystal are a fusion of each other.

Nangong Sheng at this moment is already unprecedentedly strong, and strength is stronger than Jiu Wuji of Nine Nether Palace.

If Bloodline left eye and Great Emperor Will were not used, Zhao Feng would not be able to win against him.

“Nangong Sheng, congratulations on your current strength, even if you put it on the Great Sky Imperial List genius, it can be included in the XNUMXth place.”

Zhao Feng contains said with a smile.

When I first entered Divine Illusory Space, Nangong Sheng’s strength was just about a hundred.

“Void God late stage, much earlier than expected. It’s all thanks to Evil God Crystal and Junior Brother Zhao …”

Nangong Sheng cannot help feeling, when looking at Zhao Feng body, it is a little complicated.

If he had not met Zhao Feng, he would not have had such opportunities, as well as continuous growth and improvement.

Zhao Feng shook the head.

When he originally entered into the Divine Illusory Space, the strength was not enough, and he needed to be attached to the team.

Fortunately, he met Arrived Nangong Sheng, relying on the opposing King’s strength and special Space innate talent, this was like a fish.

To some extent.

Zhao Feng completed Nangong Sheng, and Nangong Sheng also completed Zhao Feng.

Both sides need each other to form a perfect combination.


Both Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have the ability to act independently.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, breakthrough 4-Layer, based on Battle Strength, there is no weakness, and Nangong Sheng can be eliminated.

However, the combination of the two can play a stronger role.

“Zhao Feng, I feel the depth of Xie Yang Mansion, a kind call of strength.”

Nangong Sheng stopped talking and finally said it.

Hearing this, Zhao Feng’s brilliant flashes.

There is no need to guess, this must be inseparable from Evil God Crystal.

Evil God Crystal is probably crystallized from Divine Power of Ancient God Xie Yang and stored in Underground City to stabilize some Geography disasters caused by the Black Flood Dragon struggle.

However, no matter how strong the seal is, after many years, there will be omissions and weak spots.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng took Evil God Crystal, which was just a fuse.

“Nangong Sheng, at this stage you have initially integrated the strength of efGod Crystal, and it has not really reversed your nature. If you follow the call of this strength, your strength may still grow infinitely, but the dangers in it, It is difficult to predict. Even in the end, everything will fail. “

Zhao Feng with a hint of caution.

That call is mostly related to the strength left by Ancient God Xie Yang, or some backhand.

Now, before Nangong Sheng, there will be two choices.

The first one is good.

With the help of Evil God Crystal, Nangong Sheng’s potential and improvement, before Heaven Rank God Position, there is no need to worry at all

His future achievements will not be lost to Half-God Kun Yun during the Peak period.

The second one is to follow the call and keep going.

But the danger is unpredictable.

After all, Evil God Crystal is the strength of God, and this mansion is also the mansion of God.

Is the strength of God mortal?

What’s more, Xie Yang, or Evil God, is by no means good.

Nangong Sheng stood on the spot, took a deep breath, complexion gloomy and uncertain, and considered for a long time.

The next choice will definitely be a turning point in the life of others.

In fact.

Nangong Sheng got Evil God Crystal, has not been influenced by its temperament and true assimilation, has had several points of luck.

Among them, Zhao Feng or light or dark help.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is already an insurmountable peak in the mind of Nangong Sheng.

“Junior Brother Zhao, you have had the miracle of the Pursuit Great Emperor of Death, and you have even revived Half-God Kun Yun in one hand. Since you have helped me to this day, then you will help thoroughly.”

With gratitude and anticipation, Nangong Sheng moved towards Zhao Feng, bowed deeply.

“The choice is yours.”

Zhao Feng body is an overbearing intangible physique, blocking saluted thanks from Nangong Sheng.

“Intuition tells me that the intensity of the cordial call can make me step on the Peak of this world, and even touch the rampant Domain.”

Nangong Sheng takes a deep breath, seeing a peak of desire and desire for strength in his eyes

God’s Domain

Even Zhao Feng was a little fascinated.

“OK, this is your choice, I will help you”

Zhao Feng agreed.

In fact, he still has many considerations. Following the clue of Nangong Sheng, it may be possible to dig into the depths of Xie Yang Mansion and some taboo secrets about the Domain of God.

Xie Yang Mansion outside.

“Tsk tsk, more and more interesting.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon The huge black Scaled Dragon hovering in the midair, whispering, “But God’s Domain, in fact, these ants can snoop. However, the two boys, one is a blend of Evil God Crystal, and one was I ca n’t underestimate the resurrection of Half-God … ”

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