King of Gods

Chapter 838

“The pond Demon Spirit surrenders half of ‘Heavenly Jade Water Lotus’ and’ Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, and I will leave you alive.”

Zhao Feng overbearing directly threatened the speech and shocked everyone present.

Previously, Jiu Wuji and Ji Lan joined forces and worked hard to get a half and half of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus.

Zhao Feng is simple. Opening the mouth will require half of the entire pond, Heavenly Lotus and Jade, and the number added up is a few hundred.

The voice has just fallen.


In that pond, there were billowing waves of Bixia, and the waves seemed to show the anger and disdain of Demon Spirit in the pond.


Zhao Feng sneered, Bloodline left eye is turned on, and thedivine light in the eyes is like purple lightning glow, and a terrifying Soul Eye Strength emerges, condensing to the extreme, turning into an invisible spiritual spike, penetrating into that Clear Water Pond .

That moment, the nearby elite genius, the Soul level produces an invisible depression and sting.

And this is just a trace of the aftermath of Soul Eye Strength.

Ji Lan’s “Purple Star Eye” was trembling, and its contained Soul Eye Strength was suppressed to the extreme.

Older elites such as strong as Jiu Wuji have a chill in their hearts and cause inexplicable uneasiness.


There was a sharp scream in Clear Water Pond.

Hong long long

The spiritual spikes pierced into the Soul plane of Demon Spirit in the pond, as if Wanlei cataclysm calamity had descended, Thunder rolls shook and bombarded.


Zhao Feng’s Great Emperor Will will initially wake up. The Thunder Calamity Strength and containment in Soul can mobilize a lot.

His Soul Eye Strength was also tempered by the God Tribulation Thunder Strength in his previous life. Even if he launches the ordinary “Spiritual Thorn”, it can also generate a few traces of Thunder Calamity’s power and Profound Truth.


In the pond, the waves are undulating, and the water is romantically scattered, which originates from the scream of the Soul level, which lasts for a long time.

Just a “Spiritual Thorn” condensed by Soul Eye Strength will make the Spirit Wisdom of the pond Demon Spirit conscious and bear minor injuries.

“Look at my Annihilation Your Spiritual Wisdom Consciousness-“

Zhao Feng sternly shouted, he had long seen the reality of the Demon Spirit in the pond.

The pond Demon Spirit, its strength is extremely powerful, this is the birth of the innate environment.

After countless years, it formed the Spiritual Wisdom consciousness, and this Clear Water Pond is its body.

However, the birth of the Spiritual Wisdom consciousness is relatively slow. The Demon Spirit in the pond does not understand the condensing and growth of the Soul level.

In terms of strength, this pond Demon Spirit can even be compared to the Great Emperor, but it cannot be separated from the pond range.

Its Soul level is also close to the Great Emperor in terms of “volume”; but in terms of quality and strength, it is not as good as King of Soul Dao.


Zhao Feng briefly remembered the Spiritual Thorn and wounded the Spiritual Wisdom consciousness of Demon Spirit in one fell swoop.


Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, a layer of fully transparent Wind-Thunder Eye Fire emerged, which is a pure Soul-level attack, brewing an extremely powerful Eye Technique killing strike.

Wind-Thunder Eye Fire, on the attribute and the pond Demon Spirit, are exactly the same.

“Really strong Soul Eye Fire …”

Ji Lan can perceive the terrifying power of Wind-Thunder Eye Fire. The average King is afraid that he will be killed in seconds and bombed Soul Will directly. He has no chance to regenerate Body Possession.

Zhao Feng is confident that this record of Wind-Thunder Eye Fire can definitely recreate the Spiritual Wisdom consciousness of the Demon Spirit in the pond, or it can cause its Spiritual Wisdom to collapse.


Within Clear Water Pond, the water waves trembled and seemed to show the extreme fear of Demon Spirit in the pond.

Even if its strength at the Matter level is strong, it has little resistance to the Eye Fire at Zhao Feng Soul level.

“Adult spare the life”

In the wave-like rippling pond, a blue water Fairy blooming like a lotus flower is condensed, emitting a magnificent Water Spirit pressure.

The genius elites by the pond felt a choking pressure.

“Master, Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, and ‘Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, let you.”

The blue water Fairy, with a super-dusty temperament, was touching, begging, and looked pitiful.

This scene caused Jiu Wuji and Ji Lan and the others to be dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

As soon as Zhao Feng got out of the horse, he directly deterred the Demon Spirit in the pond, and let the other party actively surrender “Bitian Water Lotus” and “Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp”.

Thinking of their two sides, tired and exhausted, they only got one and a half Heavenly Jade Water Lotus.

Everyone then understood why Zhao Feng didn’t bother to plunder the Heavenly Jade Water Lotus just now.

“Clean up the spoils of war”

Zhao Feng’s left eye, locked the Hualien blooming blue water Fairy.

The blue water Fairy is a body shape condensed by the blue water of the pond.

“So easy …”

Nangong Sheng was lost for a while and couldn’t believe this scene.

Zhao Feng’s instructed him to make him feel like Big Enlightenment and quickly flew to get Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp.

Meow meow

Between the silver and grey dotted flashes, a kitten fell into Clear Water Pond first and harvested Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp.

Zhao Feng did not get rid, and a faint blue cold light appeared in the left eye, so that Fairy Water had a feeling of being frozen.

pu chi pu chi

Nangong Sheng and Small Thieving Cat, in Clear Water Pond, pick spoils of war as fast as possible.

By the pond, Jiu Wuji and the others, looked straight, dazed, jealous and jealous.

The number of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus in this pond is piece by piece.

It didn’t take long.

Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp in Clear Water Pond, half picked by Nangong Sheng and Small Thieving Cat.


Zhao Feng waved slightly to stop Nangong Sheng and Small Thieving Cat.

He has seen that Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, Guan and Pond Demon Spirit’s foundation Source.

Since the other party cooperated with the surrender, Zhao Feng was also willing to stay alive.

After sorting out the spoils of war, the picked Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, the number adds up to as much as six or seven hundred.

“Zhao Feng, these spoils of war are yours.”

Nangong Sheng only kept ten Heavenly Jade Water Lotus; Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, and only a few.

In fact.

At the level of Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng’s, leaving a few strains of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus can be effective, and more, it is not meaningful.

To truly reach the Mystic Light Saint Lord or semi-God level and other experts, the resources to be relied on are not only huge amounts, but also to the late stage, the pursuit of “quality” is higher.

If the resource level is not enough, no matter how many, you cannot create a Void God Great Emperor.

“These numbers of ‘Heavenly Jade Water Lotus’, when taken to the outside world, can create a large number of Void God King

Zhao Feng has his own vision.

Heavenly Jade Water Lotus is divided into petals, lotus seeds and jade leaf. It has comprehensive functions and has good effects on Soul Will, fleshly body, and even treatment.

For King, this is an absolute rare treasure.

Zhao Feng used several strains on his own to strengthen the cultivation base and the Great Emperor Will that has initially awakened.

“However, this ‘Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp’ is better …”

At the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, there was a slight smile.

Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp can create a natural fleshly body with an excellent talent, which is not an ordinary flesh body.

As it happens, Zhao Feng cultivate has “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, which can be divided into countless shares.


If there is a sufficient amount of resources, it can be quickly turned into a batch of “Jade Clone”, controlled by “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, which can be attacked, can seduce the enemy, and even serve as a human bomb.

In some cases, Clone shaped with “Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp” can also be used as a temporary host.

The most ideal Realm, Zhao Feng can achieve “Countless Incarnation”.

By that time, any fleshly body, to Zhao Feng, is just a boarding body, only Soul is immortal

of course.

These are just a temporary idea after Zhao Feng encountered the “Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp”, which greatly subverted the general traditional concepts.

“Purple Hair Demon Twins, you have swallowed such a huge resource, and you are not afraid of hot hands …”

Jiu Wuji’s gloomy is not good.

Nine Nether Palace and Ji Family’s genius elite, each and everyone’s eyes are red, or green, staring at Zhao Feng.

How can Zhao Feng alone be so willing to take such huge resources?

Every Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, or a piece of Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp, is placed outside the world and is a peerless Precious Materials.

For Half-Step King and ordinary King, even if it is a strain, it has a fatal temptation.

Besides, Zhao Feng got such a huge number of two peerless Precious Materials.

“Why do you want to do it?”

The corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, with a touch of playfulness.

Everybody’s body and mind froze.

Zhao Feng did say this to their hearts.

For any genius elite, seeing the harvest of Zhao Feng, I am afraid that the idea of ​​grabbing will rise

It’s just that the powerful Evil Sect of Purple Hair Demon Twins and Zhao Feng’s are unfathomable, which makes Jiu Wuji and the others extremely jealous.

Really hands up, these people can never keep Purple Hair Demon Twins.

If Zhao Feng “moves the truth”, it may cause heavy losses to both parties, even more serious consequences.

The key is.

Zhao Feng’s strength means, difficult to speculate.

The youngster, purple hair, purple left eye, and faint smile in that field of vision are like a sea of ​​deathly stillness, no one knows its depth.

“Everyone, see you later.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, shrouded in the distance, covered by a layer of silver purple Void Glow.


The playful voice before leaving almost angered Jiu Wuji.

“Hey, why is there some broken Heavenly Jade Water Lotus and Snow Jade Lotus Root Spirit Pulp?”

Suddenly, a genius cried out in surprise.

Before Zhao Feng left, there were some broken Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, or some withered and snowy jade.

In short, there are some residual inferior grades.

“Hurry up”

The crowd of geniuses and elites present immediately snatched up and hit Gets Rid.

The two sides were in chaos.

Those remaining inferior grades are still in large quantities, with dozens of them.

After looting.

Jiu Wuji complexion gloomy, biting his teeth, “This Zhao Feng must be intentional.”

Zhao Feng obtained a huge number of two peerless Precious Materials, but left some residual inferior grades, leaving the rest to rush.

It’s like being a rich man, leaving some leftovers and letting a group of beggar rush.

“It’s really bully intolerably …”

Jiu Wuji body The magical power shakes, and I want to fall into a crazy run.

He was determined to find the right opportunity, and he must take the big fat sheep.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, shrouded in silver purple Void Glow, rushed forward, accompanied by a burst of laughter.

After two hours.

The two found a hidden rockery, took out “Heavenly Jade Water Lotus” and started using it.

“Zhao Feng, with this’ Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, I can quickly break through Void God late stage.”

Nangong Sheng is confident.

“it is good.”

Zhao Feng also took out a clear water lotus seed, put it in his mouth, and ran Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, consolidating the Great Emperor Will

(Two more, ask for monthly tickets and recommendations)

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