King of Gods

Chapter 816

Facing the blue rain that swept the sky, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, complexion simultaneously changed.

Under King, under the ice-cold corrosive light rain, it will not last long; and this vast light rain seems to be just the Alien Race genius “Wei Jing”, an innate talent domain ability generated during flight.

“This is Xingyun Buyu’s innate talent ability …”

Zhao Feng was amazed in his heart, and looked intently. The Alien Race man’s whole body is covered with scales and has blue horns in the first place. In its partial form, it is similar to the “Flood Dragon” family.

On the race Bloodline, this Alien Race man “Wei Jing” may have something in common with the previous World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Call shua shua

The blue gloomy rain, range large-scale, soon partly pushed into this area.

“Avoid it first.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, shrouded in a layer of silver purple Void Glow, moved towards the opposite direction and flew away.


The two also ignored the tracking of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The Alien Race man “Wei Jing”, the cultivation base itself, up to King Peak

This was encountered by Difeng Illusory Space and Zhao Feng, who had the highest cultivation base genius.

To know.

Zhao Feng was in the Deep Green Sea, the most Peak period, but it was also the Void God intermediate stage cultivation base.

And Wei Jing, Bloodline is out of the ordinary, and his strength cannot be measured by a simple cultivation base.

噗噗 shua shua

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng’s behind, the blue light rain, hiding from the sky and covering the earth.

On the hill ground, the ice layer is condensing, leaving the eroded ice caves of each and everyone under the blue light rain.

The hills and rocks here are extremely hard, after all, they can give birth to the “king of the hills” and other monsters.

But under the blue gloom raindrops, these rocks were corroded like tofu.

“This is the strength of the ninth list …”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, during the withdrawal process, the spine was ice-cold restless.

The Great Sky Imperial List genius, ranked XNUMX, includes not only the genius in Great Heaven, but also some surrounding super Sect genius.

Even more difficult.

Those blue light rain, Cold Strength emitted, can affect the surrounding environment.

An invisible Cold Strength penetrated and affected the space area of ​​one side, and Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng’s evacuation speed was also sharply reduced.

“Can’t escape it …”

Nangong Sheng whispered and slowly unfolded his Space Domain.

Zhao Feng complexion is calm and knows he can’t escape.

In terms of speed, Peak King’s “Wei Jing” is more than twice as fast as Jiu Wuji, not to mention the cold strength of the blue light rain, and the effect of reducing speed.

pu pu pu

Soon, the drops of faint blue light rain fell on Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng body.

The blue light rain is a Domain that comes with Bloodline innate talent, and even the Space Domain can be saturated.

“Saint Thunder Body”

Zhao Feng body surface appears with a layer of metallic blue silver gloss and precise texture.


Those faint blue light rain, falling to Zhao Feng body, Lightning Mercury overflows and splashes.

A tingling tingling sensation made Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

“My Saint Thunder Body, at present, has a strong immunity to the Ice Water Attribute attack. But in this light rain, there is also a corrosive characteristic …”

Zhao Feng close eyes felt.

This is still him, and he can use his body to resist the blue light rain.

For the ordinary Void God King, none of this ability.

On the side of Nangong Sheng, a layer of black ripples and ripples of space appeared on the body surface, absorbing the blue light rain and devouring it.

Nangong Sheng can not help Some envy, Zhao Feng recultivation this time, with such an overbearing physique.

Zhao Feng does not need to consume True Yuan, with Saint Thunder Body, he can resist this light rain.

This is not only the tyrannical physique of Saint Thunder Body, but also the Wind Thunder Of Water of Zhao Feng cultivate.

At this stage, he uses Wind Thunder Of Water to cast the physical, and he has strong immunity to the Ice Water Attribute attack.

Even so.

Zhao Feng’s fleshly body physique, also felt a tingling of ice-cold, a little discomfort.


Zhao Feng still uses a fleshly body, to resist the blue light rain, and does not use True Yuan.

“Ha Ha Ha … Ninth Prince will continue to do this, your men will die.”

A blue scaly “Wei Jing” floats in the center of the blue light rain, wherever it passes, the blue light rain forms a tidal storm.

A team elite of Imperial Clan, from time to time, someone died tragically.

These genius elites fought together to fight the blue light rain.

That Wei Jing, intentionally or unintentionally, “swallowed” these people with blue light rain, slowly tortured, and put pressure on the Ninth Prince in front.

“Ninth Prince? No wonder I feel familiar.”

Zhao Feng thoughtfully.

He has only now realized that the Ninth Prince and the 8th Prince Zhou Lu have similar appearances.


Ninth Prince’s innate talent strength is better than 8th Prince and the “Thirteenth Prince” I saw not long ago.

“Wei Jing loses you the ‘Entire Nether Cult from 4-Star Sect, which ranked ninth in the genius list, even when the temple was fighting against Tiansheng Snake King.”

The “Ninth Prince” of the purple green shirt in front, gnashing one’s teeth said.

This Ninth Prince, the cultivation base itself is close to Peak King, and the Ancient Thunder Sword in his hand is the Inheritance Holy Item, not lost to Heaven and Earth Sword by Nangong Sheng.


In the crowd that swallowed the blue light rain, there was a scream from time to time.

In the light rain, the genius elite whose cultivation base is lower than the Great Origin Core Realm has died, which is still the situation of Wei Jing deliberately tormenting slowly.

Whoosh Shua

The silver purple Void Light where Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are located, moved towards the other direction, avoiding approaching Wei Jing.

“Hmph, two bugs”

Wei Jing a pair of blue eyes pupils, indifferently scanned a glance Zhao Feng.

However, his focus is on Ninth Prince, who only controls Lan Yu Domain and traps Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng and two only felt the pressure increased greatly.

咻咻 pu pu pu

The blue light rain formed a vortex-like storm and rain, pulling the two.

“Zhao Feng, we can break through this blue light rain …”

Nangong Sheng said solemnly.

That Wei Jing’s strength is too aggressive, or it can be compared to Void God Great Emperor, Nangong Sheng does not want to provoke.

“No need to worry.”

Zhao Feng was calm, with a silver-blue metallic body surface, from time to time, there was a hint of Wind Thunder Of Water ripples.


Nangong Sheng noticed an anomaly, and immediately showed an incredible expression.

At this time, the aura emanating from Zhao Feng physique became more condensed and powerful.

The “blue light rain” that swept down fell to the surface of Zhao Feng body, and was constantly passing away, and a little bit penetrated into the body.

Zhao Feng runs Wind Thunder Of Water from time to time, so that the blue ice rain more evenly distributes the body surface and penetration.


Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng, stay in the blue light rain, not close to “Wei Jing”, but not out of the light rain range.

It feels like Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain is trying to resist and struggle.

“Two, I have been involved in you.”

Ninth Prince fled in flight, apologizing.

Although his strength was strong, he was attacked by Wei Jing and was severely wounded. He could only escape; Ninth Prince could only hope and meet other human experts.

However, even in the face of ordinary team elites, facing Wei Jing on the ninth list, I am afraid that I will also miss the fish.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Nangong Sheng calmly opened the mouth and said.

He is Spatial-type Domain King, within the body has Evil God Crystal, inferior grade God Crystal and other sources. As long as it is not subject to a direct attack by Wei Jing, it is not light or rainy.

In fact.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng, they would deliberately stay, and the two were ready to leave Wei Jing’s innate talent Domain.


From the indifferent expressions of Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng’s, Ninth Prince felt something unusual.

This purple hair seems to be struggling, but in fact has not faced the fear of desperate situation.

Even the expressions of these two people were quite calm.

“Under the Great Heaven Ninth Prince ‘Zhou Zihang, dare to ask the distinguished names of the two surnames, if they can join forces to shake off the strong enemy of Alien Race.”

cyan jersey man, took a deep breath, solemn sound transmission.

He observed that the two men of purple hair and strength are not weak.

The Black Clothed youth is the Spatial-type Domain King; another purple hair youngster, with a fleshly body, resists the blue light rain.

“Nangong Sheng.”

Black Clothed youth, answered very succinctly.

“Zhao Feng.”

purple hair youngster expressionless: “But now, this is not the time to join forces; let’s run for a while”


The face of Ninth Prince, fiercely jerked.

That youngster said so calmly-let’s run for a while

“What’s wrong with that youngster?”

Ninth Prince didn’t feel right.

Through the double image of Space Domain, the purple hair youngster “bathing” in the blue light rain seems to be painful and enjoyable.

“The dream fruit in front, almost digested.”

Zhao Feng closed his eyes.

The blue light rain produced by the Wei Jing, innate talent ability is an attribute of ice corrosion.

At this stage, Zhao Feng refined the physique through Wind Thunder Of Water.

Today, his Saint Thunder Body is facing a small bottleneck of 4-Layer Peak, which is just a tiny bit.

Putt-Putt Boo

Zhao Feng body surface, blue light rain evenly flowing, accompanied by the lightness of Lightning Marks.


Zhao Feng is racing against time, running “Saint Thunder Body” and “Wind Thunder Secret”, using the blue light rain, the most refined limit of tempering physique.

“This junior is too crazy to dare to use the innate talent ability to forge the physique.”

Ninth Prince takes a deep breath.

After 5 minutes.

Zhao Feng in Space Domain, the body surface is silver blue gloss, glittering, and surrounded by Lightning Marks. It seems like the bright metal that is polished and polished, and the whole person seems inexplicably heavy.

at this time.

Zhao Feng breathed a moment, the powerful physique made the side Nangong Sheng feel a bit dull and depressed.

“Saint Thunder Body, 4-Layer Peak”

Zhao Feng’s face was happy, and the physical aura of the body suddenly swelled.


In one fell swoop, his arrogant force produced an invisible and more powerful layer, and repelled the faint blue light around him.

“That kid…”

Wei Jing in the blue light rain finally realized that something was wrong.

Previously, he had not faced Zhao Feng’s Small Origin Core Realm at all, even if the opponent’s physique was overbearing.

After all, in the Alien Race, the Bloodline physique is a powerful race. I don’t know how many.

“A good personal thief dared to use my innate talent Domain to forge the physique …”

There was a trace of anger on Wei Jing’s face.

This kind of thing happened to his body, like a shame.

at this time.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, breaking through to 4-Layer Peak, and fleshly body physique alone, can be compared with ordinary King contend

If it can be based on this, breaking through to the fifth layer, Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, the originally can cross the King level.

“This brother is so courageous”

The Ninth Prince in front, heart admired admirably.

For any Origin Core Realm, in front of Wei Jing, it was too late to escape, let alone use the other’s innate talent ability to forge his own physique.

: Three more outbreaks, ask for a monthly pass)

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