King of Gods

Chapter 815

Two days later, in front of a waterfall in a winding water bay.

A youngster and a youth sit in front of the waterfall and close their eyes in meditation.

The purple hair of the two was very eye-catching in the storm.

“King Crystal Nucleus … Essence of Water-Origin …”

On Zhao Feng’s left right hand, two Precious Materials rare treasures appear.

Among them, the water blue clear ball, already dimly forty or five points.

King Crystal Nucleus still retains most of the light glow.

“Wait up, mother’s essence, my cultivation base may be able to break through to the Great Origin Core Realm.”

Zhao Feng whispering.


His True Yuan within the body is to give priority to improving strength and quality, and then increasing quantity.

Zhao Feng’s True Yuan quality is now stronger than the Initial Stage Great Origin Core Realm.

The advantage of this is that under the premise that Concept is deep, the burst of Battle Strength is stronger.

Half a day later.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng opened their eyes almost simultaneously.

Nangong Sheng’s nose ring trembled slightly, and his nose continued to shake a few times.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, for a while condensing, looking into the distance, clearly understood.

“Those people … haven’t given up yet?”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

There was also a haze on Nangong Sheng’s face.

At this moment, those pursuits of the forces, not at all searched here.

However, due to the senses or item abilities of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, aready sensed in advance and found its trace.

“Will you go back and kill a few people, warn others from following bad examples.”

When Nangong Sheng complexion was cold, the purple blood-red crescent moon mark on his forehead flashed.

Zhao Feng shook the head: “These people, who have seen our strength and dared to chase it, can see that they must rely on it.”

Relatively speaking, Zhao Feng is more rational.

Previously, it was possible to defeat Jiu Wuji.

Anyway, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are weak.

Unless, with a powerful Battle Strength at the level of Zhao Yufei, you can defeat the siege of King such as Jiu Wuji and not be afraid of the sea and tactics.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, under the cover of a layer of silver-purple Void Glow, merged deeper into the complex water bay.

“Zhao Feng, when can we unscrupulously slaughter all sides?”

Nangong Sheng cannot help said.

The strength of Evil God Crystal has made its strength grow rapidly, which has some influence on its temperament.

“Wait for my ‘Saint Thunder Body, breaking through to 5-Layer,’ Great Emperor Will, recovering around 50% … By then, these pursuits will be nothing but ants.”

In the eyes of Zhao Feng, evere light flashes.

His Body Possession was reborn, enters into the Divine Illusory Space, and the most important thing was interest.

Now, taking risks, and opposing the huge forces of the team, it is simply not worth the money.

“Great Emperor Will?”

Nangong Sheng body and mind refreshed.

It can be expected that when the Great Emperor Will restored about 50%, the “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” of that year might be able to rebuild glory.

of course.

Will’s recovery is based on the Soul level.

Zhao Feng Now, there is an urgent shortage of those Soul Dao treasures. The general Soul Dao treasure has little effect on his current recovery of Soul.

Shua wind

The silver purple Void Glow where the two are, followed the aura of “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon”, and approached a little.

“The aura of the Black Flood Dragon is getting stronger and stronger. After this dragon breaks through the seal, its purpose seems to be very clear.”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.


Not only can he track the Black Flood Dragon, but even Nangong Sheng’s super olfactory sense through the nose ring.

At the same time, on the way, the Demon Spirit Variant Beast that the two met or saw, the strength became stronger and stronger.

In some Demon Beast groups, King-level aura can be seen from time to time.

Sometimes, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng didn’t want to cause trouble, they even had to take a detour.

Some Demon Spirit Variant Beasts, innate talents have special abilities, and the appearance of hordes, even as a team, should not be hard-fought.

Some moment.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng flew to a vast hilly area.


Nangong Sheng suddenly smelled something, and complexion changed.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, can’t help clearly understood the hard mound beneath his feet.


Suddenly, a boundless gravity came from the mound area of ​​all around.

The two twitched for a while.

With the foundation of Nangong Sheng Domain King, all figures are sinking.

Switching to the ordinary Great Origin Core Realm, it wasn’t an instant fall, and it fell apart.

Hong long long

At the foot of the hill, it shook suddenly, and a huge “Hill Monster” appeared in the flying sand running stone.

In front of the Hill Monster, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are like little babies in front of the giant.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng, “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” is approaching 4-Layer Peak, and only the gravity pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth will make the Same Rank Origin Core Realm vomit blood and die.


The Hill Monster roared and roared, with a look of hostility in his eyes, waving a huge stone pillar, and clashed at Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, in a layer of silver purple Void Glow, quickly retreated.

However, the Hill Monster comes with a gravity Domain, and the two seem to be mired in speed and speed.

Even Nangong Sheng’s Space innate talent has been met with a certain amount.

Bang snap

The Hill Monster waved the stone pillar, a hilly area, and was cut open by a huge bottomless trench.

“Saint Body Strength”

Zhao Feng whole body Blue Silver Marks floated, an overbearing force surged between the fists, and a layer of red burning flames wrapped around Hill Monster.

In the palm of Nangong Sheng, a layer of silver-purple Void Light wave blade floated up and was cut in the Hill Monster body.

Tied Bang

Zhao Feng Bloodline and Little attack seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall, but Hill Monster was completely motionless, just the body surface, leaving a trace of focus.

pu chi 嗤

Nangong Sheng’s attack just made the hills weird and peel off a layer of stone debris.

That terrifying Physique and defense force made the two take a look in a cold breath.

“It turned out to be the king of the hill.”

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of Water-Thunder ripples of light wings, ancient cyan shoes under his feet, and a blue flame light Xia.


Zhao Feng’s figure flew out in an instant, leaving the core area of ​​the “king of the hill” gravity.

嘣 Banglong-

The area where Zhao Feng disappeared was shattered by a huge stone pillar, and even King’s body would be blasted into flesh.

At the same moment, Nangong Sheng displayed his Space Secret Skill and flew away.

If you change to a leisurely King, you may die on the spot, but fortunately the two have extraordinary abilities.

“This King’s King of the Hill, in the same rank, the defense is almost invincible …”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng meet in the distance.

At that time, Zhao Feng had encountered such a similar Hill Monster in the Floating Crest Palace, but the level of Bloodline was lower, but it was the Origin Core Realm level.

But for Zhao Feng at the time, the Hill Monster of Origin Core Realm was also invincible.


Near the ground, the king of the hill was full of hatred.

Zhao Feng two people can’t help wrong.

Soon, the two found that dozens of li away, there was a pile of Hill Monster’s bodies.

The “king of the hills” of those corpses, in terms of size, are better than the current one.

“These skeletons are afraid that there are four or five kings of the hills, who died at the same time …”

Nangong Sheng complexion.

If they want to kill a king of the hill, the two will join forces, only to pay a great price.

“Looking at the trace, it was a person who got rid, and it was a solution to brittleness.”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, clearly understood, came to a conclusion.

This conclusion shocked Nangong Sheng.

One person, Yu Criss, how can the strength of four or five hill kings reach?

“Gets rid, at least the Battle Strength of the Great Emperor.”

Zhao Feng further analysis.


Zhao Feng in the vicinity, looking for a pair of human footprints, and then judging, most of the riders are the outsiders of enters into the Divine Illusory Space.

“Will that person serve our purpose.”

Nangong Sheng looked grave.

The two searched for a moment, and Nangong Sheng sniffed that person’s aura, and seemed to be tracking the Black Flood Dragon.

But this is also reasonable.

That man has the battle strength of the Great Emperor, which is naturally a bold expert.

Shua wind

The two continued to move forward, not at all to give up tracking of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

at this time.

At the other end of the hill, a dazzling Thunder Marks sword glow flew through the air, with a magnificent momentum.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng felt that Aura was more powerful than Jiu Wuji.

The newcomer’s cultivation base aura is approaching King Peak.

“The human race in front is not leaving quickly …”

In the Thunder Marks sword glow, a heroic man in a purple green shirt is shown, holding an Ancient Thunder Sword.

Ancient Thunder Sword in his hands, in rank aura, is not lost to Heaven and Earth Sword by Nangong Sheng.

Zhao Feng faintly felt that the man’s face looked familiar.

call out

The man in the purple blue jersey came flying through the air, figure was in the midair, there was a puppet, there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his complexion was poor.

“Leave, why?”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have weird faces.

However, the strength aura of the other side and the weaponry of the body made the two people frightened.


Suddenly, in the hill below, an invisible gravity, strikes were on the injured man’s body.

“King of the hills?”

That purple green shirt man, complexion changed slightly.

It turned out that he was staying and reminded Zhao Feng when they were attacked by the king of the hill below.

“Sky Thunder Nine Calamities”

The man in the purple blue shirt, Ancient Thunder Sword, chopped out a thunderous electric Thunder Sword, and the dark sky was covered by the dazzling sword light.


The huge “king of the hill” below was chopped into two pieces by a sword.

“Really strong strength”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng were shocked at seeing a glance, can’t help.

What kind of force genius is this Ziqing Tabard Man, who has such terrifying Battle Strength?

“The Alien Race genius of the Serene Moon Dynasty, ranked ninth in the imperial list, has come in a pursuit. You two, quickly disperse, you must not be implicated.

The man in the purple jersey was wiped with blood on the corner of his mouth, and then turned into an electric Thunder Sword, and broke away.

No. XNUMX on the King’s List … Wei Jing?

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng determined that the man in the purple jersey was also the object of pursuit.

However, the man in the Ziqing Tabard escaped in the opposite direction from the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Just at this time.

In the distance, a blue faintly light rain falls, accompanied by a staggered scene of Lightning.

“Ha Ha Ha …… Ninth Prince see where you are going”

In that blue gloomy rain, a tall Alien Race man with blue scale was faintly visible.


Under that blue light rain, there were some members of Imperial Clan who were chased and ran away.

Some genius elites, under the wash of blue light rain, quickly freeze their bodies, and then decay into ice.

(Some entertainment, please try again later)

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