King of Gods

Chapter 808

at this time.

In the sky above the broken palace building, four huge Kings of great power are condensed into one body, and merged into the space domain of the black bald man “bald man”.


Bald man and four other Kings are in the shadow of a dark Domain like the shadow of the Domain, the Space Domain is almost substantive, the colors are getting darker and darker.

The four Kings joined together to form the Battle Strength pressure, which was enough to shock and hurt some Peak Kings.

In particular, the “bald man” of the dark black robe is an elder elite, and Battle Strength has been able to compete with Peak King.

“Girl Yufei, your strength, let me wait to be convinced. But only with the strength of the Duanmu Family, I’m afraid I can’t resist the Quartet etc.”

The bald man in the black shirt, pressing by step by step.


Facing the joint oppression of the four Kings, Zichang women’s face did not change color, whole body snow skin, a gleam of purple light glow appeared.

Looked at it suddenly.

That doesn’t seem to be ordinary flesh and blood, but a lifelike, noble out of the ordinary Ice Jade Fairy.

“There is no substantive Space Domain, it will not help me.”

The Zishang woman laughed at it.

She and behind a green robe old man, seem to be in an invisible world vortex, from the coercion of the four Kings, as if throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

“How does this work? Unless there is a small world, how can it resist the Space Domain that I have merged into the four Kings.”

The “bald man” of the black shirt, turned pale slightly.

Prior to that, he had a quick fight with Zhao Yufei of the Duanmu Family, and did not take advantage of it, but also suffered a little loss.

Join forces to fight against each other now, but still not take advantage.

“Jiu Wuji, you are indeed the well-know figure in Domain King, but I encountered the most outstanding genius in the history of my Duanmu Family, I’m afraid it is not enough.”

Duanmu Family’s green robe old man, full of confidence.

It seems that he is more confident than Side Zhao Yufei himself.

“Duanmu Family … the most outstanding genius ever?”

“Don’t tell me, is the rumor true? Then Zhao Yufei, is it really the ‘Spirit Clan, Bloodline’ that ranks XNUMXth in the list of ethnic groups?”

Bald man “Jiu Wuji” and four other Kings are incredible.

Around, some Clan or Sect forces behind Jiu Wuji and the other four Kings were shocked.

“Jiu Wuji, as an older elite, has a Battle Strength at least comparable to the top XNUMX genius in the imperial rankings.”

The situation at the moment.

Jiu Wuji Four Kings, against Zhao Yufei and green robe old man, seems to be four to two, but the one who really gets rid is only Zhao Yufei.

“I don’t believe it, separate attack”

Jiu Wuji sneered, the shadowy Space Domain ghosts around, shrunk abruptly.

He figure flashed, took the other three Kings, and shot close to Zhao Yufei and the green robe old man.

“go with”

Zhao Yufei tenderly shouted, a jade hand, a piece of crystal purple flame light Xia, turned into a layer of invisible ring-shaped assault cover, sweeping all over the large range.

Bang bang bang

The other three Kings, before approaching, were forced out by an overbearing power and Zhenfei went out.

“Break for me! –“

Only the “Jiu Wuji”, the black robe jersey agitated, strong close, and a sharp and dim whirlwind beam of light whistling between the palms, the sound of “pu” running through the crystal light glow-like assault cover.

This powerful Battle Strength allows the forces behind the four Kings to applaud.

Poof Boo

That dark, sharp whirlwind beam of light, a little bit more power, hit Zhao Yufei, whose lovable body was slightly shaken, and the body surface crystal brilliance was shining without any damage.

“What the hell is Physique.”

Jiu Wuji turned pale again.


Zhao Yufei and the green robe old man took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and flew Jiu Wuji out.

Jiu Wuji is in a strange and deep Force Field, resisting the attack of the two, barely holding the figure, but it is a burst of blood.

This is for him, the Battle Strength of the opponent, same rank well-know figure under the Great Emperor.

Zhao Yufei and the green robe old man have a solemn look on their faces.

This “Jiu Wuji” comes from a 3-Star Peak Super Great Sect. It is less than a hundred years old, but has the Battle Strength under the Great Emperor.

“Zhao Yufei, Qiu Mo stepped back to the resources near this corpse, and we divided it into five or five.”

Jiu Wuji both eyes lonely and cold, pressurizing the heart’s flexion.

He still has some powerful hole cards and Secret Skill, but at present, it is still in the initial stage of Divine Illusory Space to connect, and some Origin Energy needs to be retained.

The interests of the two sides are a treasure near the bone below.

I saw it.

The broken house, Lord, has a complete Alien Race skeleton, which stores some youngsters, and the golden glow of the body is like a metal demon statue.

This Alien Race Golden skeleton, Territory within one or two miles nearby, has some treasures that are enough to jealous the Great Emperor and even Saint Lord.

First of all.

It is a God Crystal that exudes a strong element of coercion.

These God Crystals are mostly inferior grade God Crystals of good condition. They are almost priceless in the world.

There are dozens of God Crystal stones in this area.

In addition, the most eye-catching are two “Heaven Rank Divine Weapon” and one “Inheritance Holy Item”, the invisible power aura distributed by ordinary King, which cannot be easily approached.

Divine Weapon in the world is divided into Mortal, Spiritual, Earth and Heaven.

Heaven Rank Divine Weapon is basically the most powerful Divine Weapon in the world. Generally, only Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord can exert its real power.

For Inheritance Holy Item, the level is usually Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, and the lowest is close.

Inheritance Holy Item The owner’s cultivation base will be appropriately reduced, but there will be other corresponding requirements.

There are some Inheritance Holy Items, which also contain some corresponding Inheritance information.

In addition to God Crystal, Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, Inheritance Holy Item, there are some top-level Item or Precious Materials in the area near the bone, including Gourd of Storage, and even Spirit Fruit, Spirit Pill banned by special means.

“The Master of this skeleton, the strength of his lifetime, may reach half the God Level, at least better than the average Saint Lord.”

“A relic left by a mighty Saint Lord or Half-God, even if only a few 10%, or even 1%, is enough.”

The genius elite of some Clan or sect forces around, each and everyone was shocked.

But in this ruined ancient city, the Duanmu Family is basically a lord.

Fortunately, there are older experts such as Jiu Wuji who can rectify several Clan and Sect forces and be able to contend with Zhao Yufei.

“Fifty-five? This skeleton is newly discovered by our Duanmu Family.”

Zhao Yufei’s eyes were cold.

“Tsk tsk …… Zhao Yufei, really fight, behind our Quartet, there are more Half-Step King and Great Origin Core Realm Peak in the mid-level expert. If you go it alone, maybe you can survive yourself, but Duanmu Family these genius and elite … … “

Jiu Wuji’s sinister and cunning way.

On the high-end level, there is even a certain edge on Zhao Yufei’s side.

However, in the middle-level expert, Jiu Wuji and other four Kings are three or four times as many as the Duanmu Family.

To know.

The Half-Step King of some enters into the Divine Illusory Space has its own Battle Strength and King, which are almost the same.

“Then try …”

Zhao Yufei looked fearless.

Her side green robe old man, too, smiled calmly, without panic.

Shua wind

Just then, a layer of black silver Void Light approached this side.

“There seems to be a strong and familiar aura ahead of me.”

In Xuanyin Void Light, Zhao Feng whispering.

“Yes, it’s familiar.”

Nangong Sheng nodded.

Soon, the two approached the periphery of the area where the broken palace building was located.

Even in the periphery, there are some experts or forces here, sneaking sideways and peeping.

On the inner layer, there are the four Kings, such as Jiu Wuji, and the powerful team behind them.

These influential teams, the overall strength, are undoubtedly far better than the “Ten Thousand Saint Sect” that Zhao Feng is in.

Before approaching, Zhao Feng heard “Heaven Rank Divine Weapon”, “God Crystal” and other comments.

Bang bang

At this point, the palace was over and the fighting resumed.

A total of six Kings fought thrilling battles in the area above the Golden skeleton.

Among the six Kings, the elegant and dusty Fairy Fairy is the most prominent.

Every time she attacked, the powerful True Yuan was as beautiful as crystal, and she easily flew close to the Void God King.

As for the Half Half Step King, it’s impossible to approach.


Except Jiu Wuji, several other Void God Kings were basically injured.

“That Zhao Yufei is just the Intermediate Stage Void God Realm. Close to the late stage, True Yuan is so powerful and powerful. Fighting so many Kings, even launching a sea tactic is useless.”

Jiu Wuji complexion gloomy and uncertain.


He didn’t dare to launch the sea tactics, because Zhao Yufei and the green robe old man had no fear at all.

Jiu Wuji speculates that Zhao Yufei is likely to have a small world, including many powerful hole cards and Secret Skill, which are also not used.

Shua wind

One layer of black silver Void Light, close to the team of the four Kings of Jiu Wuji.

“Yufei …”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble, looking at the woman who looks like Zihua Fairy. Her already is not a slim girl of the past. Already has grown into a truly glamorous peerless and glamorous woman.

“Zhao Yufei”

Nangong Sheng was surprised.

At the beginning of the True Martial Holy Land, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei also played against each other, understand the terrifying of this woman.

“Zhao Feng, what are you going to do?”

Nangong Sheng looked at Zhao Feng with a strange look.

In sight, the battle of the six Kings became more and more fierce. Jiu Wuji and other Quartet forces, some Half-Step Kings behind them, launched some remote attacks to support them.


The team forces behind the four Kings noticed the approach of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng.


Zhao Feng sneered, in the Space Domain phantom of Nangong Sheng, shuttles the team behind the enters into the four Kings.

Near the bones, scattered precious treasures Precious Materials, the higher the value from the outside to the inside.

Even within 10 li, there are some rare treasures.

The treasures in the outer area are mostly controlled and tapped by the team forces behind the four Kings.

“Ah my storage ring-“

“Stop the meteorites you just unearthed …”

“Who dares to plunder me for ‘Nine Nether Palace,'”

Among them, the sect forces behind Jiu Wuji are in chaos, and the surprised and angry growls continue.

Shua wind

However, the Void Light that overlaps or enters void, and in crowd, it is like no man’s realm.

Under the Half-Step King, no trace can be found.

Moreover, every time Xuanyin void comes, it will bring a space strength of evil looking, and a mountain-like force.

Some Half-Step Kings have been looted and have no power to fight back.


Jiu Wuji and the other four Kings, can not help glared.

Zhao Yufei, who was fighting, turned his eyes, and said slightly, “Is he … Nangong Sheng?”

(Restoration update ∩-∩ ′ Thank you for your support)

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