King of Gods

Chapter 807

Cao Yun and other children of the Aristocratic Family, watching Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, leap toward the ancient city of the ruins, slightly surprised.

In the ruined ancient city, there are a group of top Aristocratic Family genius in the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“Ji Lan, how are you?”

Cao Yun looked concerned, looking towards the side purple hair girl.

Ji Lan lovable body was still trembling slightly, pretty face pale, a soul unwilling.

It seems that she hasn’t come over from the “fright” just now.

A group of genius elites were puzzled.

Ji Lan, as one of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, has a distinguished status, proud and arrogant, and a special Eye Bloodline, which can be described as Heaven’s Proud Daughter.

In his contemporaries, Ji Lan was not without encountering her opponents, but the crowd never saw her and suffered such blows.

“His Eye Bloodline is the most terrifying I’ve ever seen in my life. No one.”

Ji Lan’s heart was lingering.

With this remark, the children of the Aristocratic Family were shocked.

Because, the Ji Family is famous for Eye Bloodline Inheritance, and there have been some powerful eye pupils in Clan.

Perhaps the Eye Bloodline of Ji Family is not Continent’s strongest, but the top Eye Bloodline that Ji Lan has come into contact with is not a few.

“Even if hmph is strong, it cannot match Eye of Samsara, ‘Death Pupil, these God Eye descendants, mental on equal terms, which have appeared in the legend of Continental.”

A Half-Step King youth said.

In the Continent dynasty, some descendants of Eight Great God Eyes have appeared in the past thousand years.

At the top of the top forces, this is not a big secret.

“I have also seen Inheritance, the descendant of God Eye; but his left eye, the pressure deterrent to me, ‘Purple Star Eye, is more unique. It seems that it is unique and unmatched, without any pupils to compare. “

Ji Family with a touch of contemplation.

At this moment, her Purple Star Eye has not yet escaped from that state of fear.

The same is Soul Type, which is different from Heaven and Earth.

“Haha, Ji Lan, you think too much … Is it possible, that guy’s Eye Bloodline, would be one of God Eye?

Cao Yun shook his head and smiled.

Everyone also laughed at it and didn’t take it to heart

Sou sou

On the other side, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, in a layer of black silver Void Light, flew to the edge of the ancient city in ruins.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, already returned to normal color, just hair, or purple. With his more beautiful face in his life, it has a fatal appeal to the opposite sex.

From midair, Zhao Feng’s left eye, roughly swept a glance.

Right now this ruin is an ancient city with a large range, which is not lost in the Underground City world.

Vaguely, Zhao Feng can judge that this was once a prosperous city of commerce and trade, Divine Illusory Space. All major races contacted here to conduct transactions.

In the city, you can see the skeletons of various ethnic groups, including architectural styles of different races.

Later, I didn’t know what was happening to the catastrophe, so that the creatures in this commerce and trade city died in a short time and became a ruin.

As soon as the two talents reached the edge of the waste city, they felt the intense Heaven and Earth Origin Energy shock and the collision of True Yuan and Weili.

The battles and scrambles in the ruined city are extremely fierce.

“It turned out that in the unknown catastrophe, although the creatures in ancient city were dead, there are still many precious treasures that have been saved.

Zhao Feng understood why.

This is just his God Eye, through a roughly clear understood analysis, the conclusion reached.

In fact.

Indeed, many ancient rare treasures have been excavated in this ruined city.

sou sou sou

Later, Cao Yun, Ji Lan and other Aristocratic Family factions returned to the city of ruins to participate in the competition for other treasures.

“We seem to be late.”

Nangong Sheng showed a slight excitement. In this melee situation, his Space innate talent is more suitable to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain.

The two looked at a glance, no longer hesitated, and cut themselves into the ruins of ancient city.

As soon as several dozen li flew out, there were dozens of genius elites fighting in front of them, including children of the Aristocratic Family and sect genius.

“Guan Kuanggu Star Stone was our eight-star building. It was discovered first.”

“This word is bad, this quaint ancient Star Stone is the smashing of Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, and Continent is extinct, which is exactly the material I need for the Jiang Family Supreme Elder.”

On both sides, Void God Realm King participated.

Some Half-Step Kings who are fighting can use the advantages of Bloodline or cultivation technique to exert King Battle Strength.

Nearby, there are also experts of some forces, peeping in secret.

Sou sou

Just then, a layer of black silver Void Light passed over from the battle between the two sides.


The two sides were slightly surprised.

Among the two newcomers, there is a person Domain-level King who also seems to be proficient in Space Secret Skill.

“Just some ore material.”

In Xuanyin Void Light, a purple hair youngster said blandly.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng. The former has “Heaven Locking Bow” and the latter has “Heaven and Earth Sword”. The general Divine Weapon and Refining materials have little interest.

Although the “Kuanggu Star Stone” has a high value, it is not enough for the two to pay the price and involve it.

Shua wind

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng traversed from both the crowds.

“Ah, my mother,”

One of the feminine blue-haired girls, her pretty face flushed red, and whispered.


Under the shroud of physique force and Space Secret Technique, she had no resistance ability, and her newly successful “Essence of Water-Origin” was looted.

“The two guys dare to grab the treasure of ‘Jiang Family, number one beauty’, Jiang Feixue.”

all around some elites peeping in secret, can’t help startled.

In this area, many top precious ore have been excavated. Among them, the “Kung Gu Star Stone” is the most valuable.

Jiang Family and Baxinglou, two super-powered genius elites, are participating in the competition.


The two geniuses like “愣头青” just went to carefree raids and started to Jiang Family number one beauty.

“Sister Feixue waits for us to win ‘Kuanggu Star Stone, and then I’m angry for you.”

Jiang Family, a black robe King youth, the eyes of Chilly, swept away Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng.

Whoosh Shua

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng went straight to the depths of the ancient city of ruins.

“Yes, this is the essence of the mother. You can make up for the lack of attributes of Wind Thunder Crystal Nucleus.”

Zhao Feng is smiling.

Not a moment.

The two encountered another elite team of nearly a hundred people, which seemed to be a Clan.

“Ha Ha Ha … two broken Heaven Rank Divine Weapon have been dug up here, and they are relatively complete.”

A youngster in Purple Gold jersey, laughing heartily.

This youngster has a Half-Step King cultivation base, and beside him stands a Dried-Face Old Man, a Domain-level King

“Thirteenth Prince, in addition to Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, there is a dark green bamboo banned here …”

“Hey there’s a broken soft armor here, not even Earth Rank Divine Weapon.”

Some genius or older elite nearby were found.

These people are mainly “Thirteenth Prince” in the Purple Gold shirt.

The surrounding forces, at best, peeped secretly and did not dare to come face to face.

Whoosh Shua

Just then, a layer of black silver Void Light leapt from midair.

“Domain King of Spatial-type”

The Dried-Face Old Man, complexion changed slightly, revealing vigilance.

“Where is newcomer, we are the Great Heaven Imperial Clan, and quickly retreated.”

One of them, Half-Step King, sternly shouted.

That layer of mysterious silver Void Light does not retreat, flashes, enters into the crowd.


In the crowd, some Imperial Clan genius were under a mountain-like physical pressure, and many people vomited blood.

“Bold thief stop

The Dried-Face Old Man, loudly shouted, turned into a withered yellow residual light and killed the two.

Nangong Sheng sneered, a backhand punch, silver purple light brilliance.


In a hurry, the two King Weili and Space Domain’s phantoms collided in midair. The powerful aftermath caused the nearby Imperial Clan elite to die immediately.

“Old fogey, a resource in Divine Illusory Space

In Spatial-type Domain, a purple hair youngster punched out with a punch, a powerful force Fist Force, a layer of bright red fire-like flames, covered his head towards Dried-Face Old Man.

Dried-Face Old Man was forcibly sent back. He was shocked and angry, but could not let go of his hands and feet to get rid, otherwise it would hurt more of his own people.

He fought with a blow just now. Instead of taking advantage, he suffered some losses.

Shua wind

In the chaos, the layer of black silver Void Light stayed for a while and flew away.

“His Highness is not good. The section of ‘Boundless-Ash Wood’ from the Wood Type Rare Treasures just now was taken away by those two.”

“Several ’empty crystal roughs’ I just dug, were also taken away.”

Several Imperial Clan children were panicked.

“Which is impossible, dare to violate the majesty of Imperial Clan?”

The youngster in the Purple Gold jersey was extremely angry.

“Saint Emperor Saber”

That Thirteenth Prince, furiously shouted, there is a rays of light in the hands of a dazzling Purple-Gold Battle Dress, the surface is surrounded by Dragon Marking Sword qi, a majestic Sovereign power of heaven and earth, let the whole ruins of the ancient city of souls , body and mind tremble

“Her Royal Highness, please stop”

The Dried-Face Old Man complexion changed, and quickly blocked: “This’ Saint Emperor Saber, cannot be launched easily, not to mention that this is not the territory of the Great Heaven Dynasty …”

“Looting my Imperial Clan resources, how can I forgive.”

Thirteenth Prince was furious.

Dried-Face Old Man smiled bitterly and persuaded.

This Divine Illusory Space gathers numerous powerful genius elites around the Continent domain, and the Great Heaven Imperial Clan is also difficult to be a big one.

Moreover, those two people looted, but only part of the interests unearthed.

If you send someone to chase or fight, I am afraid that it will be too big for a small reason; if it is not good, it will attract other forces’ profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

Shua wind

That layer of black silver Void Light, moved towards the ruins is approaching deeper.

“Hehe, this’ Boundless-Ash Wood, is a Wood Type Treasure, and it will be very helpful for me to give birth to the second Five Elements Wind Thunder ‘Wind Thunder of Wood’.”

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.


Mysterious silver Void Light, where they were, looted several human resources treasures in a lightning strike.

However, the forces that plundered later, not at all Void God Realm King, only had Battle Strength, which was smaller than the Half-Step King of Void God Realm.

“Zhao Feng, if we do this, will it cause the anger of these Continental genius …”

Nangong Sheng was a little disturbed.

Only two hours later, they robbed four or five teams.

“Let’s go after the rush. The two of us join forces, and generally King can’t approach at all.”

Zhao Feng calmly said.

The combination of him and Nangong Sheng is still very powerful.

After discussion, they decided to plunder several more teams.

There is no way, the two came late and can only plunder some resources Precious Materials in this way.

at this time.


Deep in the ruins, the battle was thrilling, and a wave of tyrannical True Yuan Profound Truth surged to surprise Nangong Sheng.

Over a broken palace tower.

“Girl Yufei, your strength, let me wait to be convinced. But only with the strength of the Duanmu Family, I’m afraid I can’t resist the Quartet etc.”

A tall bald man in a dark tabard, speaking indifferently.

On his side, there are three Void God Kings, who are all fighting against a glorious peerless woman in purple.

(The first three are no longer insured.

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