King of Gods

Chapter 800

Dark Square, Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

“Zhao Feng”

“Junior Brother Zhao …”

Some of the disciples and older elites of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, who looked dissatisfied, gathered at the blood pond.

Among them, there are also the leading Kong Feiling and Old Fei.

The expression of the two was a little helpless.

Judging from Zhao Feng’s previous actions, obviously it will not be so easy to follow suit and give away his own interests to others.

At this moment, Zhao Feng, who faintly controls the situation of the audience, even Nangong Sheng and Gu Chaozhi are very afraid of him.


Zhao Feng lazily was lying in the blood pond, glancing at these same sect members a glance.

“Zhao Feng, your strength means, the old man is very impressed. However, if you swallow the blood pond alone, and you also plan to give up efGod Crystal, everyone will feel uncomfortable. If this matter passes to the top of sect …”

Old Fei’s words are kind, but he knows their intentions and interests.

“Yes, you are a member of Ten Thousand Saint Sect. How can you be so selfish?”

“Junior Brother Zhao don’t tell me, aren’t you afraid of the punishment of the senior Sect?”

Some disciples and seniors, either blaming or exhorting, express their dissatisfaction.


Zhao Feng complexion slightly cold: “Do you think I would be afraid of a 2-Star Sect executive?”

Everyone was stunned, and those who wanted to sect high-level people were stunned.

Old Fei and Kong Feiling, can’t help for a moment.

don’t tell me, said Zhao Feng was originally fearlessly sect high-level, did not take Ten Thousand Saint Sect in his eyes?

Seeing Zhao Feng’s calm and indifferent appearance, Old Fei and Kong Feiling have an intuition that the words of the other party are by no means crazy words.

Even the super genius “Nangong Sheng” from 3-Star Great Sect is extremely awed by Zhao Feng.

In addition, Zhao Feng was appreciated by King Nan Feng and a personal relationship.

He is also said to have rejected King Nan Feng, an “Earl bit” win.

If you wish, Zhao Feng can leave Ten Thousand Saint Sect, join the Royal Mansion, and even enter the Great Heaven Imperial Clan’s circle at any time.

“This Zhao Feng, so unfathomable, really has that capital.”

Old Fei’s eyes flickering indefinitely.

At this stage, they also dare not fall out with Zhao Feng.

“This blood pond is my spoils of war. Without Thieving Cat communicating with Evil God Crystal, it would be useless.”

Zhao Feng calmly said.

According to the distribution of benefits, this blood pond can be regarded as his spoils of war.

He is willing to give some to sect, which is in line with sect morality; even if he does not want to, it is in common sense.

“What about efGod Crystal? This is God Crystal, which belongs to God’s Domain.”

A youth said coldy.

His questioning also conformed to the hearts of all.

Everyone is waiting for Zhao Feng’s explanation.

Looking at the situation at the moment, Zhao Feng didn’t want to be stale with Sect.

“Evil God Crystal, we can’t have it.”

Zhao Feng shook the head.

Old Fei’s eyes were brilliant flashes, and he raised his hand to stop the disciples to be justified.

“Zhao Feng is right. Evil God Crystal is a hot potato. Even if it is, it has no practical meaning to us, it will only lead to no evil.”

Old Fei agrees.

For Zhao Feng, he gave up advocating “Evil God Crystal” on his own initiative.

at this time.

Zhao Feng not at all absolute strength, he put the most difficult “Evil God Crystal” to let Nangong Sheng and Gu Chaozhi and other super genius compete.

“This Essence Blood in the blood pond, I can give you ten tanks.”

Zhao Feng thought a little.

The blood strength in this blood pond is not trivial; the only regret is that the evil strength of contain Evil God Crystal has strong corrosiveness.

“it is good.”

Old Fei slightly heave a sigh of relief.

Not long after, Ten Thousand Saint Sect was filled with ten cylinders of Essence Blood. For the entire blood pond, it was less than 10%.

However, these Essence Blood can only be used after they have been refined.

Unlike Zhao Feng, who also majored in Body Tempering Cultivation Technique, and Small Thieving Cat communicated with Evil God Crystal to prevent the evil strength from eroding him.


Zhao Feng will also borrow a little evil strength to quench the body tempering spirit.

The next few days.

Zhao Feng is lying in a blood pond, focusing on Cultivation and Tempered Body.

The blood pond is made from the fine refinement of various powerful races in Underground City, and integrated into the strength of Evil God Crystal to transform it.

This blood can be used as the source of Evil God Sacrificial Altar for attack and can also strengthen the strength of the living race.

Zhao Feng operates “Wind Thunder tactics” and “Saint Thunder Body”, the greatest limit, absorbs blood pond strength, forges physical, and strengthens within the body blood.

During this time.

The people at Nangong Sheng and Earth Spirit Palace were trying to find the Scorpion King.

But the terrain of Underground City is really complicated. If the Scorpion King hides intently, it is difficult to find.

The focus of Purple Yang Palace and Ten Thousand Saint Sect is to search for some resources of war in the Underground City.

The unexpected is.

After the Small Thieving Cat replaced the “big priest” position, some Underground City races came forward to surrender and even paid “tribute”.

Zhao Feng simply gave these trivial things to “Ten Thousand Saint Sect”.

Soon, with the Small Thieving Cat as the core, Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Purple Yang Palace, and Earth Spirit Palace as Legion, began to conquer nearby races.

The results were much smoother than expected.

Those races are in awe of the identity of “Evil God priest”.

Even some races that do not lose the Scorpion Human Race dare not commit crimes, and will pay some tribute to some extent.


When Small Thieving Cat showed the Gods Vestige of “Evil God”, these races were even more obedient.

“The strength of Evil God Crystal is not that simple.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

About this, he learned a lot from Queen Scorpion.

Underground City, there have been attempts to fight against “Evil God Sacrificial Altar”, but it was raged by the subterranean fire or natural disasters such as earthquakes.

From Small Thieving Cat, Zhao Feng learned.

Evil God priest, really has this kind of ability, through Evil God Crystal, can affect subterranean climate disaster.


These abilities consume a lot of energy on the priest itself, and are generally not easily used.

In a flash, four or five days passed.

With the help of several “Wind Thunder skeleton” and the power of blood pond, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base finally broke through the Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

Core’s Nucleus of Zhao Feng within the body has further improved its scale and quality.

Even its Core’s Nucleus already advances, presenting a few hints of Crystallization.

This advanced speed fell into the eyes of some disciple genius in Ten Thousand Saint Sect, naturally envious.

“This Zhao Feng, such a fast advances speed, aren’t you afraid that the Realm foundation is unstable?”

Old Fei can not help contemplation, and has several points of guessing.

It turns out that Zhao Feng’s foundation and Realm are very stable.

Due to the concurrent training of Wind Thunder and Saint Thunder Body, his heritage is much deeper than that of genius of the same period.

After a little base cultivation.

Zhao Feng’s focus is on Cultivation of “Saint Thunder Body”.

In the past few days, tempered in the blood pond, Zhao Feng’s “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” approached the great accomplishment of the fourth layer.

“Once Saint Thunder Body, 4-Layer small accomplishment is achieved. I rely on the strength of the fleshly body physique alone, and can basically crush the Small Origin Core Realm, Great Origin Core Realm, and Half-Step King.

Zhao Feng’s heart was delighted, has several points of expectation.

More comforting.

In the cultivate, he can also be divided into some “dedications” sent from underground races.

Some dedications from various ethnic groups, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat, sit at 40%.

The other 60% is divided by Earth Spirit Palace, Ten Thousand Saint Sect, and Purple Yang Palace.

Gu Chaozhi and Nangong Sheng, the main mental strength, are under the pursuit of Scorpion King.

This day.

Zhao Feng took out heavenly materials and earthly treasures such as “Dark Dragon Tooth Grass” to assist Body Tempering to further assault Saint Thunder Body 4-Layer great accomplishment.

These auxiliary Body Tempering Precious Materials, some from the previous Precious Materials room, and some things from various tributes.


Zhao Feng whole body immersed in blood pond, the body surface outlines a trace of silver and blue metal-like Thunder Marks, light glow

in the blood pond.

An invisible physical strength, spreading out, is getting stronger and stronger.

All nearby beings and their blood are feeling an inexplicable heavy pressure.

Some moment.

That physical strength, like a mountain, a “hong” sound, broke through a puppet.

Some disciple members nearby were swollen with qi and blood, almost vomiting blood.

Where Zhao Feng stands, the power of physique is cohesive void, accompanied by the wind thunder of Wind Thunder, as if there are raging waves on the shore.

“I now, with fleshly body physique, I can kill Small Origin Core Realm with one punch.”

Zhao Feng felt the power of physical body and mind.

The strength of the physique further nourished his spiritual spirituality and produced an overbearing Will.

The cultivate of the Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body is not just body tempering. When the physique is strong to a certain extent, it can nurture and strengthen Will.

To a certain extent, even the fusion of soul and physiique can be realized.

By then, the soul of the body cultivator will no longer be weakness.

Half-God Kun Yun during the Peak period achieved this point, and even based on this, it became the “Blood Rebirth” Supreme Magical Powers.

Since then.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, reaching the fourth layer great accomplishment.

The subsequent “fifth layer” will correspond to Void God Realm, and the sixth layer will correspond to Mystic Light Realm.

The seventh layer can be modified into a Half-God Body.

On the seventh layer.

Saint Thunder Body, the highest “Eighth Layer” more than the original “Golden Earth Saint Body”.

There is even a Ninth Layer in the theoretical conception

Higher prospects and possibilities, this is the biggest motivation for Zhao Feng recultivation.

Even if there is no “Death Language Curse”, he will choose recultivation.


Zhao Feng vomited one mouthful of impure air, slowly stood out from the blood pond, ushered in all around some sect members, with awe and fear.

“Zhao Feng, this is the rare ‘Nether Soul stone in Underground City’, is Soul Dao Treasure of Death Type.”

Old Fei presents two black jade-like stones.

On the black jade stone, there was a trace of cold Soul Strength fluctuations, and the idle generation could not approach at all.

“Soul Dao Treasure? Very good.”

Zhao Feng is slightly happy.

In terms of the number of offerings, Zhao Feng could pace, he focused on some Precious Materials that were useful to him.

Among them, Zhao Feng named “Soul Dao Precious Materials”, and the grade requirements are high.

Soul Dao is a treasure that helps Zhao Feng Soul Strength recover.

“With enough Soul Dao treasures, my ‘Great Emperor Will,’ you can fully recover.”

Zhao Feng has expectations.

You know, Zhao Feng’s “Great Emperor Will”, but it contains Profound Truth of God Tribulation Thunder Strength. If not, he would not be able to pursuit the Great Emperor of Death and Soul Type.

Once the Great Emperor Will is fully restored, Zhao Feng’s strength will have a qualitative leap.


The treasure of Soul Dao is extremely rare in the world; in this Underground City, the quantity and quality of Zhao Feng’s excavation are not ideal.

At this moment, a dashed line of black silver flashes passed away and fell in front of Zhao Feng.

newcomer is exactly Nangong Sheng

“Zhao Feng, I already beheaded the Scorpion King, and got King Crystal Nucleus of purple Wind Thunder Lion.”

Nangong Sheng was slightly short of breath.

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