King of Gods

Chapter 799

Meow meow

The Small Thieving Cat, which is slightly larger than the slap, waved “Evil God Scepter”, dancing and dancing, like a Little Divine Stick.


Everyone in the audience, but no one dare to ignore this small point, because it also has the ability to communicate with “Evil God Crystal”.

In this respect, it is not inferior to the previous Snake-Man Great Priest.

The leaders of Three Sects, Gu Chaozhi, Purple Robe youth, Kong Feiling, Old Fei and the others, were all in the shape of being trapped.

Especially Gu Chaozhi and Zipao youth, don’t know much about the situation.

They didn’t want to, they managed to beat a big priest, and another one appeared.

“Zhao Feng”

The disciple elites of Ten Thousand Saint Sect all set their sights on that handsome youngster body.

The reason is without him. The master of this pet cat is Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng is really you …”

Not far from Nangong Sheng, there were a few solemn and complicated emotions on his face.

After seeing the “Small Thieving Cat”, Nangong Sheng already has 80-90% certainty and determined that this Zhao Feng is the original Zhao Feng.

As for Zhao Feng, it is still difficult to speculate on how he became this appearance.

“Did Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng know each other?”

The old and disciples of Ten Thousand Saint Sect are incredible.

To know.

Nangong Sheng is from the more remote Deep Green Sea, which is the Core Disciple of 3-Star Great Sect.

It depends.

Nangong Sheng seems inexplicably cautious and frightened of Zhao Feng.

“I didn’t say no.” Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Nangong Sheng startled.

In retrospect, when Zhao Feng was on the site of Scorpion Human Race, he answered, “Zhao Feng is my name.”

Zhao Feng did not deny it, but he would not take the initiative to explain it.

“This … what is going on?”

The genius elites of Three Sects are a little confused.

Especially the disciples of Ten Thousand Saint Sect were surprised.

“This Zhao Feng …”

Kong Feiling, Liu Tianfan, Huang Yunhu and the others, staring at Zhao Feng.

They felt that this youngster body seemed to be in a thick mist with various mystery colors.

Da Da

Zhao Feng walked slowly towards Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

In fact, Evil God Sacrificial Altar already was torn apart, but the core blood pond was not destroyed.

“Zhao Feng …”

Nangong Sheng looked at the youngster’s back and stopped talking.

At this moment, he had all kinds of doubts.

In the Deep Green Sea, the reputation of “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” shakes the three Spirit Territory Holy Lands.

The thrilling “Pursuit of Death” became a story.

Great Emperor of Death, but the oldest taboo Great Emperor in the Deep Green Sea, even Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, did not want to easily provoke him.


The Supreme Elder of Profound True Saint Sect Mystic Light Realm was shocked when he heard about it. His sect gave birth to such amazing and brilliant characters.

If “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” is still in the Deep Green Sea, even Saint Lord will be kind to him.

Zhao Feng did not explain, slowly walking towards the blood pond.


Zhao Feng figure suddenly jumped into the blood pond under the pillar of Evil God Crystal.


In that blood pond, the light purple blood waves washed Zhao Feng’s body, but not at all were corroded by the evil strength.

“This blood pond not only contains the power of the pure and huge Essence Blood, but also incorporates the strength of the Evil God Crystal.”

Zhao Feng was lying in the blood pond with a look of enjoyment.

Because, Small Thieving Cat communicates the strength of Evil God Crystal through Evil God Scepter; therefore, Zhao Feng will not be eroded by evil strength.

If not.

Even if it is Small Origin Core Realm, jumping into the blood pond will melt away in an instant.

Zhao Feng runs “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” to strengthen the tempered physique by the power of Essence Blood and God Crystal in the blood pond.

The strength of the blood has a high affinity with the human body, and the Tempered Body works well.

Moreover, the strength in this blood pond can not only strengthen the physical, but also strengthen the True Yuan cultivation base.

Before this.

Zhao Feng took the attention of this blood pond.

Although the value of Evil God Crystal is high, he is currently unable to absorb the God Crystal strength in it.

Shua shua

Nangong Sheng and Gu Chaozhi, the two King genius, leap to the blood pond.

Gu Chaozhi glanced at Zhao Feng in a glance blood pond and turned to Nangong Sheng for consultation.

Regarding strength, Nangong Sheng still has to beat him slightly.

But depending on the situation, Nangong Sheng has an inexplicable prudence and fear of this youngster of Small Origin Core Realm.

“Zhao Feng, this Evil God Crystal, what are you going to do?”

Nangong Sheng finally spoke.


The Three Sects genius elite, including Gu Chaozhi from King Realm, were shocked.

The strength of Nangong Sheng is naturally to subdue the audience.

The power of his Space innate talent and Secret Skill, and even the Inheritance Holy Item “Heaven and Earth Sword” are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


At this moment in the distribution of “Evil God Crystal”, Nangong Sheng actually asked Zhao Feng’s opinions.

“The blood pond belongs to me; Evil God Crystal is currently of no use to me. But if anyone can help me get the Purple Wind Thunder Lion ‘Crystal Nucleus carried by Scorpion King, I will try my best to help him get Evil God Crystal.”

Zhao Feng said slowly.

After some thinking, he decided to give up Evil God Crystal.

The first point.

Evil God Crystal’s hoe is too big, but it is the crystal of God.

Zhao Feng currently, at most, contends with King strength, or saves his life, and does not want to be attacked on all sides.

Second point.

The strength of Evil God Crystal contains, the level is too high to be absorbed, and it is useless to hold it for a short time.

There is another important point.

The strength in Evil God Crystal is already impure, and evil is born and polluted.

In contrast.

Blood pond also incorporates some God Crystal strength, which is easy to absorb and can improve Zhao Feng’s strength.

There is a third point, Evil God Crystal is extremely difficult to obtain.

When Zhao Feng first entered the Evil God altar, he tried it with God Eye.

This Evil God Crystal has a powerful backlash.

“This Zhao Feng is not ordinary intelligence. In a word, take down the most practical blood pond, and let the hot Evil God Crystal be for others.”

Old Fei’s eyes flickering.

At the moment, no one dares to compete with Zhao Feng for a blood pond.

After all, his pet cat, which replaced the previous Serpent-man priest, can communicate Evil God Crystal strength.


Nangong Sheng’s careful and awe-inspiring attitude towards Zhao Feng’s makes him even more unfathomable among the crowd 丨

“it is good.”

Nangong Sheng agreed first.

He walked with Space, not the Body Tempering lineage, and the temptation of blood pond strength was not great.

Gu Chaozhi, and the genius elite of “Earth Spirit Palace”, were a little dissatisfied.

“Senior Brother Gu, are we so cheap and give him the benefits of the blood pond?”

Behind several Core Disciple, said unwillingly.

Gu Chaozhi’s eyes glanced over Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng and remained silent for the time being.

The situation at this time.

Nangong Sheng is completely on the side of Zhao Feng; Small Thieving Cat has become the big priest of Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

“This brother, you can count; who can help you get the Crystal Nucleus of Purple Wind Thunder Lion, who can you get the Evil God Crystal?”

A white beard Half-Step King from Earth Spirit Palace, staring blankly, staring at Zhao Feng in the blood pond.

“Of course, I will not stop others from getting Evil God Crystal. However, I will only try to help, and there is no guarantee that I will get Evil God Crystal.”

Zhao Feng replied.

As soon as this word came out, someone tried Three Sects on the field to get Evil God Crystal.

As a result, these people failed after one after another and even suffered a backlash from Evil God Crystal.


The white beard Half-Step King spit out blood on the spot. The rest of the people who tried, how much they ate some secretly

The worst one was bombarded directly by the strength of Evil God Crystal and passed out on the spot.

Zhao Feng was lying in the blood pond, with a touch of fun in the corner of his mouth.

This Evil God Crystal is not an ordinary God Crystal.

It is said that it was formed by the “God’s power” of an Evil God, and now it has been born with evil nature, and has the ability to involve outside and backlash outside.

The scepter in the hands of Small Thieving Cat is inlaid with a purple blood gem, in fact is a Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone assimilated by Evil God Crystal strength, refined by special means, keeping in touch with the mother Evil God Crystal .


Zhao Feng is lying in a blood pond, using the strength of Essence Blood and God Crystal to quench the body tempering quality and enhance the True Yuan cultivation base.

Shua shua shua

In front of Zhao Feng’s, there appeared Dark Thunder Wood, Yin Wind Bamboo, Five Rhyme Water Spirit Grass and so on.

At a glance, most of the time passed.

During this period, many of the three Great Sect genius elites had special self-proclaimed abilities, and none of them succeeded in trying to acquire God Crystal.

Nangong Sheng sat down to place without trying.

When he first arrived, he had tried to get “Evil God Crystal” and had a strong backlash.

Gu Chaozhi of Earth Spirit Palace sent someone secretly to find the trace of the Scorpion King.

“Zhao Feng, I’ll get the ‘Crystal Nucleus from Purple Wind Thunder Lion.”

Nangong Sheng stood up.

At this moment, he resumed Origin Energy, figure flashes, and disappeared from Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

“Senior Brother Gu, that Nangong Sheng already is gone. Now, it is a good opportunity to start with that kid.”

Earth Spirit Palace, a Core Disciple proposes.

Gu Chaozhi stood on the spot and looked deeply at Zhao Feng in a glance blood pond.

“This brother Gu, if you fight alone, This Zhao is not your opponent.”

Zhao Feng faint smile, looked at him a glance.


Gu Chaozhi’s face, fiercely jerked.

The rest, Three Sects expert disciple, is a weird look.

How can there be such an opponent, deliberately exposing yourself to the strength of the other party.

The more so, the more vigilant Gu Chaozhi was.

The thought of Nangong Sheng being extremely cautious about this youngster, with several expressions of fear and awe, has no bottom in his heart.

“Go, find the Scorpion King.”

Gu Chaozhi gave an order and led a team of men to search the Scorpion King.

In Underground City, the place to get resources is not only this Evil God Crystal, but also many areas to explore.


Zhao Feng is lying in the blood pond, can not help shaking his head.

What he said just now did not deceive Gu Chaozhi.

Zhao Feng is now at most the Soul level, which is similar to Void God Realm King; he is relatively easy to deal with King.

But Gu Chaozhi is King on genius, and Battle Strength is superb.

If it is really alone, Zhao Feng may have the ability to save his life, but odds of success is really small.

in the blood pond.

Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, in obvious improvement.

Dark Thunder Wood, Yin Wind Bamboo, and Wuyun Water Spirit are three Precious Materials. After consumption, their cultivation base is close to Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

And the Essence Blood and God Crystal strength contained in the blood pond, and his Saint Thunder Body, and True Yuan cultivation base, all have a great improvement on Space.

same moment.

Some members of Ten Thousand Saint Sect disciple, muttering with dissatisfaction.

“This Zhao Feng, even one person swallowing the strength of the blood pond, is really selfish.”

“He has that ability, but he doesn’t help us Sect to steal efGod Crystal, …”

Several disciples and seniors were very dissatisfied and decided to preach to Zhao Feng.

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