King of Gods

Chapter 755

“Master ?”

Looking at Skeleton Hall Master in awe and surrender, Bat Wing King and Venerable Xuan Jian and the others, the soul shook.

Then they realized that the expressionless, silent purple hair youth was the “Master” in the mouth of Skeleton Hall Master.

“赵 …… Zhao Feng”

Venerable Xuan Jian, Shi Chengtian and the others, horrified aphasia.

From appearance to the present.

Zhao Feng stood beside Skeleton Hall Master, without saying a word, carelessly, so much that he was ignored.

Until this moment.

Skeleton Hall Master Respectful instructions, everyone’s eyes are fixed on this Continent’s most dazzling King of Chosens

“Skeleton Hall Master.”

Zhao Feng said a little displeasedly: “I will rectify the task of conquering Scarlet Moon Religion, and I will give it to you; don’t tell me any trivial matter, do you have to ask me?”

“Yes Yes……”

Skeleton Hall Master can’t help shivered, secretly thought he was stupid.

Think of Zhao Feng’s experience in Foreign Territory Space, the winds and waves, the little Green Flower Territory and Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.

He had previously realized that Zhao Feng was not very interested in Scarlet Moon Devil Religion and threw it directly to him.

As a servant, he accepted the Master’s request, and these things should be done with all his heart.

“Trivial matters.”

Venerable Xuan Jian and the others face, can’t help fiercely twitch.

Bat Wing King and the others, looking at each other, look horrified.

In the eyes of Zhao Feng, the battle between the Continent Paragons was nothing but a play.

The few Venerables present could not see the depth of Zhao Feng’s.

Even Zhao Feng seemed to be a little “ill”.

“Jié jié … Bat Wing King, the three of you, now have only two choices. Obey me, or die.”

Skeleton Hall Master laughed and turned his gaze.

For a long time, he obeyed Zhao Feng at all, and now he has finally restored the style of the former Hall Master.

“You … betrayed the Religion Master.”

The white-faced woman clenched her teeth.


Skeleton Hall Master’s eyes were red and cold.


A dark silver big bone hand attached to a layer of huge bone shadow, photographed from void, directly crushed the white-faced woman into a meatloaf.

The white-faced woman was shot shortly before she could scream.


The two sides expertly took a sigh of air conditioning, and shuddered.

“It’s too strong”

“This Skeleton Hall Master is at least the Great Origin Core Realm Peak. Looking at the Green Flower Territory, except Scarlet Moon Religion Master, I’m afraid nobody can deal with him …”

Bat Wing King and another black robe Venerable were frightened.

Skeleton Hall Master’s strength is already so perverted, how far can Zhao Feng as Master be reached?

On balance, the two scarlet moon executives decided to give in temporarily.

The rest, most Scarlet Moon Religion elites, choose to surrender.

But in the outer range, there are also a few Scarlet Moon Religion elites trying to escape.


Those scarlet moon elites escaped half a mile, and they were wiped out of the void by an invisible Will, which killed Soul.

“Void God Will”

“At least Half-Step King Will, this only appeared in the Religion Master body.”

Bat Wing King and the others, complexion.

Originally, they were still secretly pregnant, but they were glad to see Skeleton Hall Master’s true cultivation base, can’t help.

Not much time.

Skeleton Hall Master has compiled this scarlet moon elite, including two Venerable.

In Green Flower Territory, Origin Core Realm is the expert of Paragon Level, the number is extremely rare.

Experts at True Lord Level are all big names.

As for the Venerable Lord of the Great Origin Core Realm, you can count it with a slap.

This is the limitation of the Green Flower Territory’s own environment. Even the nearby 2-Star Sect, the Venerable Lord is relatively rare.

The cultivation base of Skeleton Hall Master barely ranks among the “Half-Step King”.

“Zhao Feng.”

Shi Chengtian took father Shi Yuntian and came over to say hello and express gratitude.

Without Zhao Feng, the Shi Family would be extinct.

Venerable Xuan Jian and other Experts from Holy Region Alliance have complex expressions and fears.

Zhao Feng’s purpose is to subdue Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.

Provided that his true success will be the second Scarlet Moon Religion Master, which will bring disaster to Continental.

“Zhao Feng, now the entire Continent is besieging Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, aren’t you afraid of raising tigers? Why not join forces with the Holy Region Alliance to completely destroy Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.”

Venerable Xuan Jian suggested.

“As for Scarlet Moon Religion, I already handed it over to the servants; I’m not interested in the rest.”

Zhao Feng calmly said.

Venerable Xuan Jian sighed.

After Saint Region True Dragon Meeting, he saw Zhao Feng again. Already could not see the depth of each other.


Zhao Feng learned about Green Flower Continent from Venerable Xuan Jian, Shi Chengtian and the others.

Today’s Continent.

Scarlet Moon Devil Religion forces, such as the fire of stars, spread around.

Holy Region Alliance and 10 Great Sects, although there are still big advantages, already loses control of the situation.

“How could Devil Religion’s power recover so fast?”

Zhao Feng caught the doubt.

Hundreds of years ago, Devil Religion was destroyed, leaving only a few remnants.

“This is not yet the support of the ‘Moon Devil Palace’; and, Scarlet Moon Religion Master himself, masters the vulnerability entrance of Scarlet Moon Inheritance to a certain extent, and can send some people to Trial every year …”

Venerable Xuan Jian sighed bitterly.

Moon Devil Palace?

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, this 2-Star Sect, he has dealt with in Purple Saint Ruins.


Great Emperor Duanmu gets rid, punished the seniors of the three Great Sects, causing the latter to give up thinking about Purple Saint Ruins.

“Looks like I have to go to Moon Devil Palace when I have time.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

Hearing this, Venerable Xuan Jian’s eyes stared at the boss.

Hearing, Zhao Feng had dealt with Moon Devil Palace, and it seemed that he was planning to go to the case and find someone to settle the bill.

Moon Devil Palace That’s 2-Star Sect

2-Star Sect, for Green Flower Territory Continent 10 Sects, it is definitely beyond reach.

of course.

If Venerable Xuan Jian knew that Zhao Feng had ransacked a 2-Star battlefield, there would be no such concerns.

The “Great Emperor of Death” that was once pursued by Zhao Feng can easily destroy some ordinary 2-Star Sects.


Zhao Feng and Shi Chengtian chat for a while.

Shi Chengtian’s heartfelt admiration and gratitude for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng mainly asked about the other great chosen, especially the whereabouts of “Yu Tianhao”.

Count it up.

A ten-year contract with Yu Tianhao, aready over seven years.

From Saint Region True Dragon Meeting to now, it has been more than eight years, and Liu Qinxin is also separated by more than eight years.

“Yu Tianhao, it seems that I have never been back.”

Shi Chengtian shook his head.

“Yu Tianhao?”

It was Venerable Xuan Jian, who knew where he was.

“This is the case. The Clan of the Yu Family originated from the legendary ‘Continent domain.’ In the long years, many branches of Clan scattered Void Sea various lands …”

Venerable Xuan Jian tells.

Continent domain?

Zhao Feng can not help somewhat unexpected.

After the war seven years ago, Yu Tianhao left the Green Flower Territory. It is said that enters into the Branch Clan of a nearby Yu Family.

The Branch Clan of Yu Family is also a force close to the 2-Star level.

“I heard Yu Xingchen say that Yu Tianhao Bloodline natural talent, excellent Unparalleled, may be sent to the Yu Family Clan in the Continental domain.”

Venerable Xuan Jian.

Zhao Feng probably figured it out.

Yu Family, like Duanmu Family, should be the Clan forces of Imperial Court’s Imperial court.

Duanmu Qing took Zhao Yufei to the Continental domain, and wanted to revitalize the Duanmu Family.

“Continent domain? From this perspective, my battle with Yu Tianhao may be postponed.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

The original agreement was “a decade later” and there would be another war.

Ten years later, it could be ten, fifteen, or even two decades.

Zhao Feng promised Zhao Yufei and Duanmu Qing that after solving Liu Qinxin’s affairs, he would go to the Continental domain.

At Western Continent, Zhao Feng didn’t stay much.

“Skeleton Hall Master, Scarlet Moon Religion, I leave it to you.”

Before Zhao Feng left, he handed Ten Thousand Ghost Bead to Skeleton Hall Master.

Ten Thousand Ghost Bead includes Cursed 100 Corpses, and several Venerable Lord-level Ghost Corpse and others.

“Master, don’t worry, Scarlet Moon Religion.”

Skeleton Hall Master was excited when he took over Ten Thousand Ghost Bead.

With 100 Corpses Great Formation, even if King is present, he can make enemies come and go.

Shua shua shua

Skeleton Hall Master, with a wave of sexual hands, ten Curse Ghost Corpse appeared in front of each, each aura, comparable Small Origin Core Realm Peak.

Moreover, these Ghost Corpse, which have Curse Resentment Strength, can threaten the Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord.

All of a sudden I saw Ghost Corpse, Bat Wing King and Venerable Xuan Jian and the others of ten Small Origin Core Realm Peaks, shivering.

With this kind of strength, Bat Wing King and the others, Already can’t doubt Skeleton Hall Master, who has the strength to control the Continental.

call out

In the sky, I saw a wind lightning light glow, flashes.

Zhao Feng left alone to North Continent.

Regarding the compilation of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, Zhao Feng really gave up to Skeleton Hall Master.

It only took two hours.

Zhao Feng leap from Western Continent to North Continent, which is also the relationship between his control of True Yuan amplitude.

North Continent, Canopy Great Country.

A wind lightning light glow passed by.

Zhao Feng’s Divine Sense, swept over Sky Peng National Capital, and swept over Iron Blood Headquarters.

In Iron Blood Religion Headquarters, there are some familiar faces and some raw faces.

During this period, Zhao Feng also discovered some sporadic forces of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, generally disinclined to pay attention.

His goal is “Liu Wu Tower” in the Great Country.


When he flew into the Great Country, near Thousand Water Rivers, he stopped.

Thousand Water Rivers, was once Zhao Feng’s “Branch Lord” position.

In a hidden mountain deep, there is a strong stream of aura. Even if it deliberately converges, it does not escape Zhao Feng’s senses.

“Recently, the Scarlet Moon Devil Religion power has flourished near Thousand Water Rivers. It is said that there are high-level figures coming down, and what seems to be brewing …

“We Already inquired about the Devil Religion stronghold, and strove to fight it for a completely unprepared.”

In the mountain valley, there are some Peak experts in the Canopy Great Country.

The lowest cultivation base present was the Spirit Master Level of the True Spirit Realm First Stage.


Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense, found the Religion Master Hong with thick eyebrow scarlet hair, and Tie Mo with blood hair.

Aura was the strongest.

“Princess Qin … Great Lake City Lord … Tian Yunzhi … Jiang Sanfeng …”

Zhao Feng also watched many familiar faces.

Among them, Iron Blood Religion’s expert occupies half of the country.

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo, one for two Religion Masters, ordered the Great Country occupants.

Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense, sweeping thousands of miles away, Scarlet Moon Devil Religion’s stronghold, complexion changed slightly.

Remember here.

In a flash of his figure, enters into the hidden mountain abyss; the formation around the mountain abyss is nothing to him.

At this point, the Iron Blood Religion Master’s secret plan has come to an end.

In a temporarily excavated stone house.

“This stronghold doesn’t seem so simple. We better …”

In the candlelight, Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo are still struggling to plan something.

At this moment, a silhouette is projected on the two-person center.


Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo, shocked, and almost didn’t jump up.

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