King of Gods

Chapter 754

“Skeleton Hall Master, when I just flew to the Green Flower Continent, I vaguely felt that the power of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion seemed to be recovering further.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered slightly.

With his Void God Realm King’s senses, he can detect the subtle changes of the overall aura on the Green Flower Territory, even if he does not deliberately expand Spiritual Sense.

In the hands of Skeleton Hall Master, a Scarlet Blood transparent command token appeared, and close eyes sensed for a moment.

“Back to the Master, Western Continent alone, I felt a few senior experts at Scarlet Moon Religion.”

Skeleton Hall Master is slightly unexpected.

Nowadays, Skeleton Hall Master respects Zhao Feng from the heart.

If a choice is made between Scarlet Moon Religion and Zhao Feng, Skeleton Hall Master will definitely follow Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng groaned for a moment, opened the mouth and said, “It’s up to you to compile and reorganize Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.”

“Yes, Master.”

Skeleton Hall Master bowed his promise, eyes full of surprise and excitement.

Obviously, Zhao Feng wanted to promote him, control Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, and transform the hostile forces into his own forces

Rather than launching a killing ring and living creatures, it is better to collect Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.


Zhao Feng returned to the Green Flower Territory. The main purpose was to find Sage Liu Wu and solve his own problems.

As for Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, it was just resolved by the way and simply passed to Skeleton Hall Master.


Zhao Feng should try to avoid gets rid to reduce the decline of cultivation base.

After these days, Zhao Feng has some understanding of the characteristics of the “Death Language Curse”.

It is not only Zhao Feng’s cultivation base that is declining.

His life physique, Soul, and even Shou Yuan, are in decline.

of course.

Zhao Feng body, also has Death Language Curse, a restricted area that is difficult to erode.

The first one is God Eye.

God Eye, Soul Eye Strength is declining, but its essence is to isolate Death Language Curse.

In particular, the Soul Sea World Center, the blue eye strength water lake, leads to Immemorial Dreamland.

The second, God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

In the Purple Soul Sea, the Death Language Curse is difficult to erode into the area that absorbs the God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

It can be said.

This is Zhao Feng body, the two main restricted areas.

In addition, even the Bloodline of Profound Ice Scale Clan cannot be avoided, but it is more resistant.

“If it weren’t for this factor, after I returned to the Green Flower Territory, I could completely find another place, recultivation” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “and” Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body. “

Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

Shua shua

In his mind, Heavens Secret ancient city emerged, and the improved “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”.

Zhao Feng’s own Wind Thunder Inheritance, the basic cultivate is at its peak.

The original “Wind Thunder Inheritance”, cultivate to Void God Great Emperor, is basically a great limit, and may be able to barely break through Mystic Light Realm, but after that, it cannot be further cultivated.

And “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, after the fusion of several ancient holy cultivation techniques, can be cultivate to Heaven Rank God Position.

The cultivation technique that can cultivate to Heaven Rank God Position is rare in the world.

However, these two cultivation techniques are complementary, and need to be “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” to assist the tempered into Saint Thunder Body.

But the problem is.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder Inheritance, cultivate to today’s level, and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, take a completely different path.

To Cultivation “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng must “recultivation”.

As planned.

After Zhao Feng resolved the crisis of death, he would choose recultivation; after all, Wind Thunder Inheritance is almost at its peak. The other two cultivation techniques have greater potential.

This is the most. In ten years, Zhao Feng can restore strength.

It can be counted, Zhao Feng did not expect that the Great Emperor of Death has this trick “Death Language Curse”.

Death Language Curse, as soon as the performer dies, it will start and cannot be avoided.

just now.

Zhao Feng’s problem is that even if he recultivation himself, Death Language Curse will still accompany him.

“Master, I sense the message. In the northeast direction, there is a big move on the top of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.

Skeleton Hall Master’s voice interrupted Zhao Feng’s contemplation.

“set off.”

Zhao Feng didn’t hesitate.

Anyway, this direction is exactly the way to North Continent.

Skeleton Hall Master leads the way and flies northeast, a Gobi area.

After a while.

Zhao Feng and two arrived at the high altitude of the cloud where the incident occurred.

Below, a grave mountain range is fighting a fierce battle.

“Tsk tsk, you sly rabbits and accomplices of the Holy Region Alliance, finally fell into our Scarlet Moon Holy Religion’s big net

Midair, floating three Scarlet Moon Devil Religion high-level.

The middle man is a sharp-mouthed old man with a batwing and a comradent look.

Around it, a black robe Venerable, a white-faced woman, lived high above the ground and carried out a fierce blow on the expert below.

It is surrounded by hundreds of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion elites.

“It is one of Scarlet Moon Religion’s four major Protectors, Bat Wing King.”

Skeleton Hall Master reveals surprising colour.

The men and women of gets rid, black robe Venerable, was one of the Hall Masters of Scarlet Moon Religion in the past; the other woman, who did not know, may be newly born.

Below, a Black Clothed Sword Master and a Half-Step Origin Core Realm’s middle-aged Giant are struggling.

That Black Clothed Sword Master, Qi Yiwei shore, Dao of Sword attack is like heaven and earth mystery, and its Battle Strength is close to the Peak of Small Origin Core Realm.

Chennai, only Venerable below him.

“Venerable Xuan Jian.”

Zhao Feng a glance recognized the identity of this Venerable.

About this “Venerable Xuan Jian”, Zhao Feng was very impressed.

In Canopy Great Country, the first Venerable that Zhao Feng saw was the Venerable Xuan Jian.

At the time, it was the sword Dao Senior who photographed the Seven Sword Remnant Manual.

Later in the Saint Region True Dragon Meeting, that platform was one of the nine Venerables.

“Venerable Xuan Jian, it’s me Shi Yuntian who killed you. Even if you die, this Shi will cover you and kill a life.”

The middle-aged Giant, whole body has a layer of stone skin condensed.

Although this person is a Half-Step Origin Core Realm cultivation base, the Bloodline physique is extremely strong, and the defense force can resist the ordinary Venerable attack.

Zhao Feng always thinks that this middle-aged Giant looks familiar.

“Father, die together”

In the rear crowd, a tall, giant, such as copper and iron, slammed his Devil Religion elite, spitting blood.

“Worthy to be called was one of the Unparalleled Chosen at True Dragon Meeting in the past”

“Everyone beware of his gravity”

A digital True Lord Level Devil Religion expert is battering the young Giant.

Shi Chengtian

Zhao Feng’s eye, the young man body fixed on that copper-iron stone skin.

Shi Yuntian? Shi Chengtian?

Zhao Feng immediately understood that the middle-aged Giant was the father of Shi Chengtian.

Shi Chengtian’s cultivation base now also reaches the Arrived True Lord Peak, Battle Strength comparable Half-Step Origin Core Realm.

“Useless, three newcomer Venerable, one of them is’ Bat Wing King, one of Devil Religion’s four major Protectors.

Venerable Xuan Jian smiled bitterly.

That Bat Wing King, not only cultivation base up to Small Origin Core Realm Peak, its Bloodline Inheritance is also very special, famous for its speed.

No one could escape Bat Wing King.

At this moment, Bat Wing King is only overlooking from a high altitude, without any action.

Just the other two Venerable, the Devil Religion Elite, beat the Venerable Xuan Jian and Shi Family’s people to no avail.

“En? Which Holy Religion executive?”

That Bat Wing King, sudden induction, looked at the high-altitude clouds.

Shua shua

Between the clouds, there are two silhouettes falling down.

They are a full-body silver and slender skeleton, and an expressionless purple hair youth.

“Hall Master You Gu”

“咦 Hall Master You Gu, didn’t you disappear a few years ago?”

Bat Wing King and the black robe Venerable recognized the identity of Skeleton Hall Master.

Skeleton Hall Master, although the form has changed, it is still recognized by former high-level teachers.

“Scarlet moon Hall Master has another Venerable”

Below, the experts of Venerable Xuan Jian and Shi Family “ge-deng” in their hearts.

“赵 …… Zhao Feng”

Shi Chengtian, who was fighting in the blood, saw Zhao Feng in the corner of his eyes, and almost did not hesitate.

it depends.

Zhao Feng and Devil Religion, standing side by side, seemed familiar.

“Zhao Feng … you actually joined Scarlet Moon Devil Religion.”

Shi Chengtian growled.

“Zhao Feng …”

Venerable Xuan Jian lost his voice slightly, and of course he remembered the shining star on the Holy Region Alliance.

In my memory.

Zhao Feng is also the Vice-Religion Master of Iron Blood Religion. He has not heard from him in these years.

How did this former King of Chosens join Scarlet Moon Devil Religion?

“Zhao Feng? King of Chosens of the last True Dragon Meeting.”

“Tsk tsk, Skeleton Hall Master, you’ve managed to conquer this potential Chosen.”

Scarlet Moon Devil Religion everyone with surprising colour.

at this time.

The battle on the field came to a short halt.

Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, the advent of another Venerable class, made the situation lose suspense, Venerable Xuan Jian and Shi Family all fell into despair.

Furthermore, the former King of Chosens joined Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, which brought a lot of assault.

“Bat Wing King.”

Skeleton Hall Master looked indifferent, said solemnly: “This time, I am following the command of ‘Master, and come to subdue Scarlet Moon Religion.”

The words are complete.

He bowed slightly and raised his hand to look at the side purple hair youth.

“What Master?”

“Conquer Scarlet Moon Religion? Hall Master You Gu, did you take the wrong medicine?”

Bat King and the others, shocked and annoyed.

Venerable Xuan Jian, Shi Chengtian, and the others had a miserable look and some cyanosis.

What the hell is this?

don’t tell me Scarlet Moon Devil Religion

Of course, in this situation, they are happy to see it happen and have a respite.


Skeleton Hall Master sneered, whole body skeleton, broke out a Bone Dao strength that crushed everything.

zhi zhi

Bat Wing King The three Devil Religion executives only felt the whole body flesh skeleton, as if bearing thousands of pounds of boulder, wanting to collapse.


The first was Bat Wing King, who spit out blood.


The other two Venerable, body heard a crackle of skeleton, and fell directly to the ground.

“Hall Master You Gu, you …”

The Bat Wing King complexion was red, with difficulty breathing, and looked at Skeleton Hall Master in horror.

On the field, both the enemy and us, diedly stillness, heard the needle.

This upheaval left everyone in the audience overwhelmed.

Suddenly, an indescribable trend of heaven and earth, centered on Skeleton Hall Master, pressure covers the entire venue.

Both the enemy and us were oppressed by the terrifying heaven and earth.

The existence under Venerable does not even have the ability to breathe and move.

“Respect … Venerable Lord”

Bat Wing King was shocked and oppressed by the mighty heaven and earth.

“Venerable Lord, no more than five people in the entire Green Flower Territory.”

Venerable Xuan Jian took in a cold breath.

Moreover, his intuition told him that Skeleton Hall Master is more than just a Venerable Lord.

Venerable Lord, Venerable Xuan Jian has also seen it, but imposing power is far worse than Skeleton Hall Master.

“Master, what do these people do?”

Skeleton Hall Master looked respectful with the transcendent strength of the audience and asked side Zhao Feng.

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