King of Gods

Chapter 262

After the engagement, Zhao Feng and Liu Qinxin walked out of the great hall side by side.

Along the way.

Zhao Feng remained calm and followed Liu Qinxin, like a young couple.

In sight, it was going to the loft of the City Lord Daughter.

Liu Qinxin lovable body paused, black eyebrows tapped: “Why are you following me?”

Her complexion was cold, and her impression of Zhao Feng’s was a little worse.

Just after getting engaged, Zhao Feng was impatient with the “monkey anxiety” and went along with his intentions.


Zhao Feng complexion was peaceful. He found that he hadn’t talked to this fiancée for so many days in the City Lord Mansion.


Liu Qinxin misinterpreted Zhao Feng’s meaning, coldly snorted in his heart: Don’t think that you are engaged, you can do whatever you want.

“We are just engaged, please take care of yourself.”

Liu Qinxin held her face coldly, white veil, covering her face of bringing calamity to the country and the people.

Zhao Feng stumbled and added two words: “It’s just.”

Talk about …

Liu Qinxin’s pretty face under the veil, can’t help.

I saw Zhao Feng with a calm face, no thoughts in his eyes, and even has several points of solemn meaning.

It seems that the other party really just wants to talk.


Liu Qinxin had a cold attitude and took Zhao Feng to the Pavilion in front of the loft. He did not mean to invite Zhao Feng, his fiance, into the house.

In Canopy Great Country, the customs are not conservative. After the men and women get engaged, it is normal for them to cross each other.

Zhao Feng didn’t mind. He sat with Liu Qinxin, and there was a girl serving refreshments.

Liu Qinxin was clear-eyed, reserved and noble, and did not utter a glance, just waiting for Zhao Feng’s to speak.

“You go ahead.”

With a wave of Zhao Feng, the two maidservants stepped down, and they looked like a City lord’s Son-in-law.

Liu Qinxin is not angry but smiles. She wants to see what Zhao Feng is looking for.

She has read Zhao Feng as a young man who wants to climb high branches, and the other party must be trying to please himself at this moment.

Sadly, do you really want to marry this person?

However, Zhao Feng’s next performance failed all her thoughts.

“Last time on the martial stage, I saw Qinxin having a jade comb in my hand. It happened that I also had a half comb in my hand, which was similar.”

After Zhao Feng had finished speaking, he took out Half Jade Comb and placed it on the stone table.

Liu Qinxin took a flick, took Half Jade Comb, watched it carefully, and even integrated a trace of True Strength with a special technique.

Suddenly, an incomplete “willow” character appeared on the front of Half Jade Comb.

“Yes, this is the Inheritance Faith Token of the Liu Clan lineage. How can you have this thing in your hand?”

Liu Qinxin put down the jade comb.

Zhao Feng hearing this, a hint of joy emerged among the eyebrows: “This is the Faith Token entrusted to me by the Master, and I also hope that Qinxin will advise. This jade comb comes from Liu Clan, which lineage?”

Liu Qinxin froze slightly, this is the first time she saw the joy and expectation on Zhao Feng’s face.

In contrast, at the time of engagement, Zhao Feng had no obvious emotional fluctuations.

Liu Qinxin found that he could not see this youngster more and more. The other party seemed to care little about marriage, and his fiancée, not to mention attaching importance to it.

“This kind of Faith Token can only be found in the Liu Clan lineage, only the Clan Head Family and the Seven Sub-Clans. As for the lineage from Liu Clan, this belongs to the Liu Family lineage’s secret and needs to be checked at the family Inner Sect. “

Liu Qinxin beautiful eyes Turn around and give an answer.

“So to speak, this jade comb, isn’t it your Great Lake Liu Clan lineage?”

Zhao Feng asked.

“Yes.” Liu Qinxin took a sip of tea.


Zhao Feng can not help a little disappointed, so it seems that Liu Qinxin is not the same Sub-Clan as the person he is looking for.

However, from Liu Qinxin, Zhao Feng also narrowed down the range.

The Master who receives the letter will only come from Liu’s Head Family, or the Seven Sub-Clan.

Currently, Great Lake Liu Clan is the first to be excluded.

As a result, the list in Zhao Feng’s mind reappeared.

After the discharge, the two people who meet the most conditions are Princess Qin and Fairy Maiden Qin.

Princess Qin, in the Imperial Family, is the concubine of today’s Sky Peng Monarch.

Fairy Maiden Qin, who joined Zither Sword Palace, is the Elder of this Great Sect.

Whether it is Princess Qin or Fairy Maiden Qin, it is a big shot rarely seen.

“Many thanks Qinxin for pointing. If I can determine this jade comb, specifically from the Liu Family which lineage, Zhao Feng will be grateful.”

Zhao Feng got up and left.

Liu Qinxin sat on the spot and froze slightly.

She can feel Zhao Feng’s disappointment, her interest in herself has greatly reduced, and she has no interest at all.

“Don’t tell me he came to me … just for this matter.”

Liu Qinxin was surprised, but also had an inexplicable frustration.

At first, she thought Zhao Feng was pretending to be mysterious.

But for a while, Zhao Feng was almost half-autistic and never contacted her.

Zhao Feng didn’t have the intention of playing games, he still had to plan carefully for escape marriage.

First step, repair “Shadow Cloak”.

The second step is to improve the cultivation base and strength.

Shadow Cloak’s repair material, Zhao Feng is almost in place, there are a few rare materials.

“If I can repair ‘Shadow Cloak, it will definitely increase my chances of escaping and hiding.”

Zhao Feng secretly said in one’s heart.

It is best not to let the Great Lake City Lord know about this.

But repair Shadow Cloak generally requires Refining Master gets rid.

Zhao Feng enquired, there were even two Refining Masters in Great Lake City, who were in a transcendent position.

One of the Refining Masters has a good relationship with Liu Clan.

Another Refining Master is said to be more skilled, but he has a hot temper and doesn’t sell people’s accounts. He has a very ordinary relationship with Liu Clan, and even some conflicts have occurred.

“Well, look for the hot-tempered Refining Master. His skills are higher, and more importantly, the relationship with the Liu Family is not very good.”

Zhao Feng set the goal.

The Refining Master, known as “Master Tie Qian”, has a Refining accomplishment that can be ranked in the top ten in the entire Canopy Great Country. Even the Great Lake Liu Clan is unwilling to offend him easily.

However, it is several times more difficult to find “Master Tie Qian” gets rid.

Zhao Feng naturally made some preparations,

First of all, we must find out the preference of “Master Tie Qian”, Much better.

Until he is not sure, Zhao Feng will not easily get rid.

Two months after the engagement, Zhao Feng devoted himself to cultivate, cultivate “Lightning Inheritance” and Spiritual Secret Technique, including some techniques involving Beast Taming Master.

The Great Lake City Lord, who valued him a lot, saw Zhao Feng’s hard work in cultivate, and gave a large number of Spirit Pill and Precious Materials.

Canopy Great Country is very rich in resources. These Spirit Pill Precious Materials from Great Lake City Lord have greatly promoted Zhao Feng’s cultivation base.

In the third month after the engagement, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base reached Sixth Sky Layer Peak.

The reason for this rapid improvement is, on the one hand, the wealth of resources provided by the Great Lake City Lord, and on the other hand, Zhao Feng once fell from Seventh Sky Layer to Sixth Sky Layer.

“With three months left, I have great confidence to return to Seventh Sky Layer. Lightning Inheritance, First Layer, has basically reached the great perfection crucial moment.”

Zhao Feng was very happy.

In his spare time, the Great Lake City Lord will even direct Zhao Feng’s cultivate.

of course.

Zhao Feng, the Beast Taming Master, will also take the time to help domesticate some of the unruly within the City Lord Mansion! Spirit Pet Mount.

To this end, Zhao Feng deliberately insight into a brilliant “Spirit Communicating Language Technique” by Beast Taming Master. This secret technique can be used to communicate with Demon Beast Spirit Pet, understand their “language”, and prescribe the right medicine.

In fact, “Spirit Communicating Language Technique” is also a branch application of Spiritual Secret Technique.

As long as you learn this technique, most Demon Beast Spirit Pets with Spiritual Consciousness can communicate.

In the City Lord Mansion, there are several Spirit Pet Mounts, the strength of which is True Spirit Realm, and the average Beast Taming Master cannot easily tame the heart.


Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat went on stage together. Each time, they can smoothly settle down, understand the symptoms of Spirit Pet, and prescribe the right medicine.

Small Thieving Cat does not need to learn the Spirit Communicating Language Technique, but can communicate with any Spirit Pet at will.

Hang Meng abducted all kinds of means, Small Thieving Cat can do everything, even the manic True Spirit Realm Demon Beast, in its communication with Zhao Feng’s, quickly resolved the symptoms.

Zhao Feng’s performance in City Lord Mansion, Great Lake City Lord is very satisfied.

What’s important is that Zhao Feng is at ease and does not do anything extraordinary, not even fiancée’s hand.

“Qinxin, don’t be too cold to him.”

The Great Lake City Lord persuaded the daughter several times.

Liu Qinxin was resentful and silent, she was very indifferent to Zhao Feng, but the other party even ignored her fiancée’s existence.

“Father, don’t tell me, do I really want to marry this one-eyed person?”

Liu Qinxin was a little glum.

Great Lake City Lord, with flashes in his eyes, Hehe smiled: “Do you really think he is a one-eyed person? Father’s vision would be so bad?”

“don’t tell me ……”

Liu Qinxin always felt that there was a secret in Zhao Feng’s left eye covered by eyepatch.

Because Zhao Feng is not like an ordinary one-eyed person, his temperament is calm, calm and sophisticated, without any cruel tendency.

“The Bloodline Inheritance of this child is not simple. If it is not mistaken, it should be a rare ‘Eye Bloodline.’ It is recorded in the Ancient Book that after the end of Immemorial Wild, Eight Great God Eyes were born in Ueno, Ruler world. “

There is a longing expression in Great Lake City Lord’s eyes.

“Eight Great God Eyes don’t tell me father.

Liu Qinxin was startled.


Great Lake City Lord shook his head and smiled: “This is after all is legend. However, it is said that Eight Great God Eyes is the originator of all Eye Bloodline. Many Eye Bloodline between heaven and earth have a trace connection with Eight Great God Eyes. Even if there is only Eight Great Godline’s extremely thin Bloodline has incomparable advantages over ordinary Bloodline. “

“Eight Great God Eyes, has never appeared in Continental history?”

“No. It was tens of thousands of years ago that a Legendary character with a special Eye Bloodline opened the ‘Heavens Secret Inheritance.’ That is the distinguished name of Three-eyed Heavenly Monarch in Continental history. In legend, he was promoted to Void. King Real Emperor of God Realm. “

Great Lake City Lord faintly smiled.

Just when City Lord was talking with Liu Qinxin.

“If City Lord Zhao Feng arrives on the outskirts of Great Lake City, does it need to be blocked?”

A ghostly silhouette emerges from the side as if it were just a shadow of a Void.

“Suburban? Don’t tell me he wants to leave Great Lake City?”

Great Lake City Lord.

“His goal seems to be Tie Qian Mountain.”

“Tie Qian Mountain? Hehe, does he want to find Master Tie Qian?”

The Great Lake City Lord gave a playful smile.

“Master Tie Qian? Is that hot-smelling Messy Old Man? At first, he didn’t even sell father’s face, and he was so upset. Zhao Feng went to him, not afraid to touch his nose?”

Liu Qinxin smiled sweetly.

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