King of Gods

Chapter 261

“… the person who lifted her veil, not me … the cat”

Zhao Feng can not help. Calling for injustice, the person who unveiled the veil himself is not himself. How can the count be counted on his body?

At the critical moment, he wanted to pull the Small Thieving Cat into the water, but that Little Brat had long been hiding in the Spirit Pet Pocket and hu hu fell asleep.

“Hugh to quibble that the Thieving Cat is your Spirit Pet, and its actions are also directed by you. As a Beast Taming Master, Spirit Beast is your weapon

There was a conspiracy smile in the corner of the Great Lake City Lord’s mouth.

The people nearby echoed and congratulated the Great Lake City Lord.

“Congratulations, City Lord, you have to be so kind.”

“Hehe, I’m ready to drink the Lord City Lord’s wine.”

Many of these congratulatory people are True Spirit Realm experts, respectful to the Great Lake City Lord, and flattering in words.

Zhao Feng finally understood that the Great Lake City Lord is basically covering the sky with one hand.

When the Great Lake City Lord came out, everyone agreed and there was no objection.

Now, even if he has a hundred mouths to scream injustice, he is still stunned.

Zhao Feng’s mind fluttered, he calmed down, and soon came up with a plan.

“To this day, I want to get rid of this marriage. It must be impossible. Only by continuing to beat somebody at their own game and gain the trust of the Great Lake City Lord, then I have the opportunity to get out.”

Zhao Feng is very clear that the opposite of the Great Lake City Lord is undoubtedly a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Since it’s not possible to go backwards, I’ll follow them first.

Soon, Zhao Feng pretended to be helpless only to accept reality.

“My kid, my daughter, she has ten thousand li, and she is difficult to pick, even for Competition for Groom Selection. It doesn’t deserve you.”

The Great Lake City Lord complexion sinks slightly, a True Spirit Prestige like a hegemon, diffused in void, and even the nearby True Spirit Realm feels pressure.

Zhao Feng said with a bitter smile: “The younger generation only wished to see the City Lord Daughter Fang Rong, and it was a worthwhile trip. As for marrying a Qinxin Young Lady as a wife, he thought he was not worthy and did not dare to have this delusion.

Hearing this, Great Lake City Lord complexion eases, smiles happily: “You don’t have to be arrogant, people who this City Lord sees will not be wrong.”

People around him laughed off.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhao Feng can become the Great Lake City Lord’s fast-track, naturally high.

At this moment, Zhao Feng felt the jealous, envious and unwilling eyes of many young talents in the audience.

In the eyes of Liu Qinxin, a pair of Autumn Water Spirit, there was a trace of resentment.

Apparently in her mind, Zhao Feng is not the ideal Husband.

Because, Zhao Feng’s is younger than her, and more importantly, her cultivation base and strength are not as good as hers.

In this regard, looking at the young contemporaries of Great Lake City, it is estimated that no one can meet the conditions of Liu Qinxin.

Her ideal Husband is a man who is able to support both heaven and earth, or a miracle that is unparalleled and a miracle.

At the moment, this one-eyed youngster with green hair, in terms of appearance, age, cultivation base, achievement, does not meet her requirements in all aspects.

However, before the death, Master left such a will and even asked her to change her name to Liu Qinxin.

Her original name was not Liu Qinxin.

“Don’t tell me is destined?”

Liu Qinxin faintly unwilling, looking at the “son of destiny” in front of him.

At this point, Zhao Feng resumed calm and joyfully said congratulations to the others, coping with saltiness.

“Liu Yuan, starting today, Zhao Feng will be stationed in the City Lord Mansion. You go back and tell Clan.”

Great Lake City Lord instructed.

Liu Yuan said respectfully.

Zhao Feng was originally recruited by Liu Clan, but now that he is the son-in-law of City Lord, he will be a family in the future, regardless of each other.

“Congratulations to Brother Zhao for having such a blessing to marry Qinxin Young Lady.”

Liu Yuan is in a mixed mood, envious, unwilling, secretly thought, this boy, what blessings have he cultivated in his life?

Liu Qinxin not only has a noble identity, beauty, and temperament, they are all the best in the world. Even the cultivation base innate talent is trying to crush the Great Lake City younger generation.

This kind of talented woman is a world of beauty, noble, beautiful, intelligent one woman, who can marry her as a wife, is the coveted desire.

“Qinxin, you first take Feng’er back to your home, and you will be there for a while.”

Great Lake City Lord to daughter.

Liu Qinxin slightly nodded, turned into a slender white shadow, like a snow white elegant swan, passed through the gate and flew into the City Lord Mansion.

Zhao Feng had to keep up, Lightning Cry sounded, the figure faded, and they entered into the City Lord Mansion together.

Liu Qinxin was very fast, and deliberately penetrated into the area where the pavilions, forests, and rockery intersected, Qian Ying quickly disappeared from view.

She seemed intentional and wanted to get rid of Zhao Feng.

However, no matter how big the City Lord Mansion is, it is also a city in the city. Zhao Feng’s left eye locks Liu Qinxin’s position and quickly follows.

Liu Qinxin was sitting in the living room, his eyes drifted lightly, thinking that the green hair kid must take some weeks to get there.

However, she just pouted for tea, and a Lightning Cry came from Outer Sect.

Afterwards, Zhao Feng slowly walked into the living room and sat with Liu Qinxin.

“Don’t tell me he is familiar with the terrain of City Lord Mansion? What bad intentions does this person have for me, or Liu Clan?”

Liu Qinxin was surprised and gave a hint of doubt.

Just at this moment, Zhao Feng was looking at his first “quasi-daughter” in his life, with a graceful and graceful figure, long and sturdy, but full of eyes. If there are two points of limb autumn water, black eyebrows are like a pen and a dignified serenity. There is a poetic empty nether aura quality.

From one point of view, Zhao Feng found that he could not find a reason to reject the woman as a wife.

But in his whole life, the beautiful women he met were not few, he had been calm like water, but he was occasionally touched.

Liu Qinxin saw Zhao Feng staring at himself this way. At first, he was disgusted, but he could not feel any thoughts from the other person’s eyes. It was a gesture of pure appreciation.

This made Liu Qinxin slightly unexpected. For all year round, despite wearing a veil, the overwhelming majority of men looked at their eyes, and it was difficult to conceal the various deep thoughts in their hearts.

The youngster, body in front of me seems to have a layer of fog-like color, and his eyes are sharp and bright.

The two just sat facing each other, silent of each other.

Until the Great Lake City Lord, step into the living room.

“Feng’er, starting today, you will stay in the City Lord Mansion safely, it is best not to leave Great Lake City. Everything about you will be properly placed.”

Great Lake City Lord is sitting.

Zhao Feng not at all objected, and he stood up and proposed: “With regard to marriage, the junior is not yet mentally prepared. Furthermore, the major event of life is related to the happiness of Qinxin Young Lady. I hope not to be too hasty …”

He was afraid of the Great Lake City Lord and forced himself to marry Liu Qinxin immediately.

In that case, Zhao Feng’s all plans and abacus will be abandoned.

Great Lake City Lord hearing this, instead said with a smile: “Relax, it won’t be that fast.”

In fact.

The Great Lake City Lord didn’t want to get Zhao Feng married as soon as possible. Before that, he wanted to find out the details of Zhao Feng’s.

It can be said that Great Lake City Lord and Zhao Feng have plot against each other in their hearts.

That night.

Zhao Feng was placed in the City Lord Mansion. The treatment he enjoyed was also very good. He had an independent villa residence, which was surrounded by mountains and rivers.

City Lord Mansion has been subordinated to those steward and respectful to Zhao Feng.

Everyone knows that he will be the future Young Master of City Lord Mansion.

Zhao Feng sat cross-legged, his God Eye, penetrated the pavilion, and observed the villa all around.

In order to prevent Zhao Feng from sneaking away, the Great Lake City Lord sent a total of four Half-Step True Spirit Realm to stare, and in addition there is a person Spiritual Master Level expert.

“This Great Lake City Lord really deserves me.”

Zhao Feng’s heart sank slightly, and the situation was worse than expected.

Fortunately, his plan has begun. As long as the Great Lake City Lord does not force him to get married right away, everything is hopeful.

A few days ago.

Zhao Feng remained calm. Except for cultivate, he was visiting the Book Collection Pavilion at City Lord Mansion to expand his knowledge.

As the Great Lake City Lord’s dragon ride, except for a few forbidden places, Zhao Feng is basically unobstructed in the City Lord Mansion.

Of course, the four Half-Step True Spirit Realm and a True Spirit Realm expert are also staring at Zhao Feng at any time.

Zhao Feng took it easy, added knowledge at the Book Collection Pavilion, and even got in touch with some advanced cultivation techniques.

Through City Lord Mansion’s library, Zhao Feng has a better understanding of the situation in Canopy Great Country and the entire North Continent.

After several more days, Zhao Feng’s pace slowly walked out of the City Lord Mansion.

According to the Great Lake City Lord, as long as Zhao Feng does not leave Great Lake City, no one will stop him.

Even if Zhao Feng were willing, there would be a lot of servant guards to follow.

These days, the Great Lake City Lord already finds out the origin of Zhao Feng’s, but it is not a Canopy Great Country native, but a backcountry from the Foreign Territory

Knowing this, the Great Lake City Lord was completely relieved. He was mainly worried that Zhao Feng came from a hostile force and had a bad attempt on Liu Clan.

The origin of Zhao Feng’s identity is very clear. He is not a Great Country person. He comes from a poor and poor Foreign Territory. There is no hostile relationship with Liu Clan.

This day.

Zhao Feng sits cross-legged, calmly cultivate.

In my mind, the Third Layer Pavilion represented by “Lightning Inheritance” is clearly visible.

The First Layer Pavilion is basically bright and clear.

“Lightning Inheritance First Layer, is about to reach great perfection.”

Zhao Feng was looking forward to it.

Lightning Inheritance, a total of Third Layer buildings, if you can cultivate to Third Layer great perfection, there is a certain opportunity to break through the Origin Core Realm Venerable realm, which shows the strongest Inheritance in Floating Crest Palace.

After all, on today’s Continental, the True Lord Level is the ruler of the Ruler side, and the Origin Core Realm Venerable is limited to rumors.

At this time.

Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and her escape plan in marriage was perfect, at least 80% sure.

That night, the Great Lake City Lord summoned Zhao Feng.

In the hall, in addition to the Great Lake City Lord and Liu Qinxin, there were several high-profile figures, and even Liu Clan’s Patriarch were present.

Today, the Great Lake City Lord summoned Zhao Feng to get engaged.

“Zhao Feng, what’s your thoughts after the marriage is set for half a year?”

Great Lake City Lord.

“No, everything is subject to City Lord.”

Zhao Feng looked respectful.

Great Lake City Lord ordered nodded with satisfaction.

The opposite Liu Qinxin, can not help, was a little disappointed. How she hoped that Zhao Feng would get up bravely, take out his courage, reject this marriage, and confront the City Lord on one side-though it would die miserably.

“It seems that he is the same as other men and cannot resist the temptations of glory, power, beauty …

Liu Qinxin faintly secretly sighed.

Since Zhao Feng has no objection, this marriage was settled smoothly: the time is half a year later.

Liu Qinxin, in desperation, officially became Zhao Feng’s fiancée.

Zhao Feng’s plan to escape marriage will also be carefully planned.

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