King of Gods

Chapter 205

Douren a pair of blue-eyed eyes, glanced at the range where Zhao Feng was.

A hint of Spiritual Fluctuation, like a spider-web weave extension, is obscure and powerful, unpredictable and mysterious.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng shook his mind, felt the ground beneath his feet, shattered and collapsed, and turned into an endless abyss. In the midair, countless gigantic flame Fireballs, each weighing more than XNUMX pounds, roared and shouted at himself.

The destruction of strength is catastrophic, and strong as True Spirit Realm will be dangerous.

In the moment of alive or death, Zhao Feng moved a layer of sharp azure light in his left eyeball, and in the left eye Space, cyan Small Abyss, quickly rotated and extended.


Zhao Feng takes a deep breath, an illusion in front of her, Annihilation suddenly, cold sweat oozing from the back.

The ridiculous Spiritual Illusion Technique was so powerful that it almost made Zhao Feng preach.

You know, in Trial, even Illusion Fox, who is good at the Spiritual Illusion Technique, did not affect Zhao Feng.

“No! This is not only the Illusion Technique, but also a spiritual attack. If it is not resolved by my left eye, it will inevitably hurt the mind, which is more terrifying than the fleshly body ….”

Zhao Feng secretly analyzed the attack that Dou Ren just made.

The use of the other party in the Spiritual Domain is superb, and the spiritual attack made by Illusion Technique is just as essential.

At this moment, Zhao Feng has a clear understanding of the strength of Dou Ren. Its cultivation base reaches at least Ascended Seventh Sky Layer, and the spiritual level is comparable to True Spirit Realm.

“Don’t tell me is an illusion?”

The Dorian stood on the tree in front of Ancient Shrine, slightly puzzled.

He has always been very confident about his intuition. This is a unique innate talent specializing in Spiritual Domain.

But he launched the Illusion Technique attack on that range without any reaction.

Even if the expert of Ascended Seventh Sky Layer is facing his Illusion Technique attack, he will still be injured or even show a weak spot.

“Dippers haven’t been able to identify me in hiding.”

Zhao Feng slightly heave a sigh of relief.

Shadow Cloak, worthy to be called is the inheritance class treasure. At night, the stealth effect doubles, allowing his figure to fully integrate into the night.

Furthermore, at the critical moment, Zhao Feng did not reserve the bloodline strength, and played Shadow Cloak’s strength vividly and thoroughly.

Meow meow!

Just at this key eye, a little gray cat jumped into the big tree opposite.


Zhao Feng said “ge-deng” in his heart, and cursed, “Small Thieving Cat, when will it be bad, you have to come out now.”

Small Thieving Cat bared teeth smiled, standing on a big tree, facing the Dorians far away.

“Yi! A stealthy cat? What kind of Demon Beast is this?”

Dolls face surprising colour.


Small Thieving Cat figure disappears into the night.


This Small Thieving Cat will also hide the Dragonary of Online Games.

Zhao Feng was thoroughly arrested by Thunder, but after a while, the cats were good at night, not to mention the mysterious race of Small Thieving Cat.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat appeared on another big tree, and was in a straight line with Dou Ren, about ten zhang apart.

“This cat is interesting, maybe there is any special Bloodline within the body …”

Doudou people’s hearts moved, intending to capture this kitten that will only be invisible.

Small Thieving Cat smiled and threw an ancient copper coin in his mouth.

That ancient copper coin was tossed to midair by Small Thieving Cat, kept flipping, and fell to palm, quite like a Little Divine Stick.

“Isn’t this the treasure of Small Thieving Cat in Trial?”

Zhao Feng stared at the ancient copper coin.

The Dooren started, it seemed that he did not understand the intention of Small Thieving Cat, but he could see the expression on the face of Thieving Cat to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes. not good! He suddenly whispered and looked back. 鍜?鍡?鈥斺€擜 soaring sky, flying from the other side of Ancient Shrine. Suddenly, the fluctuation of Origin Energy between heaven and earth intensified, True Spirit Prestige, oppressing the square several li, and countless creatures trembled.

Aura of True Spirit Realm!

The dipper already could not care about the weird Small Thieving Cat, the True Spirit Realm aura, and the already rushed to lock him.

Small Thieving Cat swallowed an ancient copper coin into his stomach and sat on a tree, looking like a tiger looking across the mountains.

The Hongxia soon paused, floating in the midair, showing a red-robe old man and a red-haired youngster of seventeen or eighteen years old.

“Master! That’s it! Disciple is here to be fooled by them!”

The red-haired youngster was breathing tightly, and at the same time he stretched his fingers towards the dipper.

The dipper was sneered, and a strange cold transparent ripple bloomed in the pupils of the blue eyes, swept away instantly.

red-robe old man frowned, it can handle it, but the red-haired youngster grunt beside him screamed.


The red-robe old man quickly guarded the youngster, the powerful True Spirit Qi, turned into a scarlet-red storm, forming a fan shape, and rushed towards the dipper.

In a short time, the fan-shaped area with a diameter of more than ten square meters turned into a scorched ashes.

In that panic-stricken panic, he kept going backwards and forwards, apparently unable to continue with True Spirit Realm. If he was swept up by the strength, even if he reached Seventh Sky Layer Peak, he would not escape.


The Doosan spit out blood, and the figure retreated to the Ancient Shrine shrouded in Illusion Array behind.

“Hmph! Originally from ‘Ancient Hidden Palace’, and also a member of the Thirteen Sects Alliance, why did you strike Hong’er?”

The red-robe old man feeds youngster a Spirit Pill and chases Ancient Shrine.

Depending on the situation, the forces in Ancient Shrine not only attacked the people of Broken Moon Sect, but also the surrounding Sect forces.

The redheaded youngster’s cultivation base, Arrived Ascended Fifth Sky Layer, when it is good, is placed on the Broken Moon Sect, which is at least the top five in the true biography.

Taking advantage of this chaotic moment, Zhao Feng soared from place to and leapt to an ancient tree in nearby hunted zhang.

Standing at the top of the ancient tree, Zhao Feng opened his left eye, penetrated the Illusion Array, and watched the situation in Ancient Shrine.

After red-robe old man raids Ancient Shrine, he was ambushed in the dark, but as a True Spirit Realm expert, he was strong, and instantly killed the latest chapters of five or six people in the world.

Those that were beheaded were at least above the Ascended Fifth Sky Layer, all were killed in seconds, and none could resist.

“This is the strength of True Spirit Realm!”

Zhao Feng murmured secretly.

“Tsk tsk, worthy to be called is True Spirit Realm Elder of ‘Silver Moon Sect’, don’t tell me, don’t you see, ‘Heart Controlling Seed’ in this child body?”

Dou Ren laughed evilly.

“What! Heart Controlling Seed?”

red-robe old man complexion


A Divine Weapon short blade pierced the red-robe old man’s chest.

The person who gets rid is the red-haired youngster who is close at hand.

“Hong’er you …”

Red-robe old man distraught, a True Strength blasts the youngster out.

Immediately, the red-robe old man roared: “Today I will exterminate the others, as long as the person who casts the” Heart Controlling Seed “is killed, Hong’er will be free.

On the ancient tree, Zhao Feng showed a thoughtful expression.

The Silver Moon Sect subordinate to the red-robe old man is one of Three Sects, and Pure Moon Sect and Broken Moon Sect stand side by side are one of the Sects participating in the “Small Assembly of 3 Sects”.

The “Ancient Hidden Palace” where Douglas are located is just like Three Sects and belongs to the Thirteen Sects Alliance.

Just then, the situation in Ancient Shrine changed again.

“ji茅 ji茅 ……”

A Silver Marks Blood Corpse emerges from a deep temple inside Ancient Shrine.

That Silver Marks was blood-stiff, exuding a shocking gloomy and cold Corpse Qi, with red eyes showing red blood light in both eyes, aura was stronger than the Douglas.

“It turned out to be him! Blood Corpse Branch Protector!”

Zhao Feng watching from a distance, my heart jumped.

This Silver Marks was bloody. He had dealt with it. Last time in the scarlet moon cave, he had a thrilling game, but he was only half-risk.

At that time, the Blood Corpse Branch Protector was so weak that it had just woke up and had little strength. Even so, Zhao Feng and the others almost wiped out.

Up to now, Blood Corpse Branch Protector has at least restored to half-Step True Spirit Realm’s cultivation base, fleshly body strength, and terrifying.

I saw that he resisted the attack of the red-robe old man and struck away. The body of the Blood Corpse Branch Protector is extremely hard and can withstand the attack of True Spirit Realm.

The Dooren, in the distance, performed a spiritual attack to interfere.

“Even so, it’s hard to beat True Spirit Realm expert together.”

Zhao Feng thought.

In fact, the Blood Corpse Protector did not intend to defeat the red-robe old man. Instead, they fight and retreat, and the non-stop kills each other.

From the spiritual level, the fighting people kill non-stop old red-robe men.

After a while, Blood Corpse Branch Protector and Dou Ren returned to the temple of Yousen.

The red-robe old man and youngster successively entered the temple.

Strange situations appeared Strange Sects TXT download.

As soon as a few people entered the temple, the entire Ancient Shrine range fell into deathly stillness without any further movement.

As if the red-robe old man and youngster were swallowed up by a giant beast.

Zhao Feng faintly felt the mighty spiritual power of the horror, surging in the hall.


The red-robe old man and youngster, expressionless, walked out of the great hall and left.

As if nothing had happened.

“It’s too weird!”

Zhao Feng was frightened.

He takes a deep breath and urges his left eye to the limit.

The next moment, his eyes penetrated the deep entrance of the palace, and he saw the situation inside vaguely. Inside the palace. Both the Dollman and the Blood Corpse Protector had injuries to their bodies. In particular, the Blood Corpse Branch Protector, bearing the violent attack of True Spirit Realm, almost fell apart. This is still him, and he has been dead a few times for the Half-Step True Spirit Realm.

In the center of the hall, there is a futon, on which sits a dead skeleton frame.

But in the eyes of that skeleton frame, there were two dark red flame lights.

Subconsciously, Zhao Feng didn’t dare to look into the skeleton with his left eye.


The two red flames in the skeleton’s eyes were getting darker and darker, with a sense of weakness.

“Adult worthy to be called is one of Scarlet Moon Religion’s XNUMXth Hall Master, and even in this weak state, he can control a True Spirit Realm expert.”

In the eyes of Doudou people, there was deep awe.

A mysterious voice came from the skeleton: “It’s just the” Spiritual Master Level “of True Spirit. It’s such a small character that I didn’t know how many killed in the past. This time you can succeed, your killing him will also play a role Certain effect. This Majesty needs to recover half a month.

Zhao Feng stared in the distance and could not hear the dialogue in the temple, but had a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

“Master Hall Master, this stronghold is probably not safe. We penetrated too fast, and maybe alert was aroused by the Thirteen Sects Alliance.”

Blood Corpse Branch Protector, worried.

“That makes sense, but before that …”

In the dim eyes of the skeleton, a faint red light line shot suddenly.

not good!

Standing on the top of the tree, Zhao Feng felt a pain in his heart, as if he was contaminated by something disgusting and very uncomfortable.

“Wuyou, you go to capture the little ghost outside, This Majesty already hit ‘Ghost Mark’ on his body, now only you can sense and have the power to pursuit him.

mysterious skull frame instructed.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat made a sudden jump back to the Storage Bracelet.

“The mission is complete, go!”

Zhao Feng behind The dark cloak shook, like a lightning arc phantom, blending into the night, flashes and died.

“You devil, you can’t escape.”

The Dorian flew out of Ancient Shrine, a pair of cyan blue cold eyes, and locked Zhao Feng.

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