King of Gods

Chapter 204

“Yes, I’ll be alone.”

Zhao Feng glanced at the white eyebrowed old man a glance, probably guessing what he thought.

At Broken Moon Sect, Fifth Level missions generally require a cultivation base above Ascended Fifth Sky Layer before they can take over.

Zhao Feng was alone, and the cultivation base obviously did not meet the requirements.

“The silhouette of the Ascended Seventh Sky Layer has appeared in the overseas Sect. Although we will not fight against it, the risk of this mission is extremely high, and it may be increased to level XNUMX.” white eyebrowed old man added, Seems to want Zhao Feng to retreat

He originally thought that sect should pay attention to such tasks as “Overseas Sect”. At least two Ascended Fifth Sky Layers and even one Ascended Sixth Sky Layer or more experts should be sent.

Unexpectedly, this mission only sent a junior disciple.

“Sect, since willing to give this task to me, naturally has its reason to live with Teacher: Wind Current student.”

Zhao Feng had a confidence in his tone and was so confident that he made the white eyebrowed old man feel astonished.

He thought for a while, according to the normal procedure, sect generally does not allow the task to be overstepped, let alone this sensitive and dangerous task?

But sect was approved! This is very strange in itself.

White eyebrowed old man can’t help. I looked at Zhao Feng both eyes more. This youngster is very young, but the calmness and calmness in the words and deeds, as well as the old spicy fruit juices previously shown, are definitely not comparable to the same age.

“This task must be completed within ten days.”

Zhao Feng continued.

“Ten days? I’m afraid it’s a little difficult. The clue of Sect outside the country is deep and complex in the Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, and looking for their traces is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.”

white eyebrowed old man is don’t tell me.

“Ten days later, the Small Assembly of 3 Sects is about to begin, so …”

Zhao Feng was decisive.

At the same time, he is confident and inquisitive. He is definitely a domain he is good at.

With a Spiritual God-like left eye, he is an invincible scout.

“Small Assembly of 3 Sects?”

The white eyebrowed old man was in full respect, looking at Zhao Feng’s eyes, suddenly different.

He naturally understands what it means to participate in the Small Assembly of 3 Sects.

This shows that Zhao Feng’s strength is at the top even in Core Disciple

Subsequently, the two began to discuss the task.

white eyebrowed old man takes out a map, and has some annotations for the clue “Overseas Sect”.


Zhao Feng felt familiar with some terrain on the map.


Another “map” came to his mind.

At Guangling Mansion, I went to Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest to perform a mission, annihilated Bandits, and appeared in this area.

That mission was finally ended because of mysterious Doraemon.

But shortly thereafter, mysterious Doosan controlled King-Rank Deadly Beast, led the Deadly Beast army, and attacked Guangling City.

And this time.

The clue direction of the mission also starts from this place.

“Is there a connection between the two?”

Zhao Feng brows tightly knit, meditate.

Zhao Feng couldn’t estimate the strength of mysterious fighting people, after all, his level was limited at that time.

But at that time, Zhao Feng intuitively felt that the other party was better than Lord Guangjun.

What impressed him the most was that mysterious Dorian had a pair of blue eyes, which deterred Soul.

“what’s your name?”

Zhao Feng asked coldly.

“Old man Baiyunlai, nicknamed ‘white eyebrows’, you can call me White Eyebrowed Old man.

white eyebrowed old man Campus special soldier with awkward smile and rebirth TXT download.

Until now, Zhao Feng had started to pay attention to his name, and this sense of existence was too low.

“White Eyebrowed Old man, I’ll do it alone.”

Zhao Feng instructed.


white eyebrowed old man with an unexpected face, Zhao Feng is alone and does not need his own assistance to perform such tasks?

“You go down, that area, I’ve been there before.”

Zhao Feng waved his hand impatiently.

“Yes Yes!”

The white eyebrowed old man did not dare to disobey, the figure flickered and disappeared from the house.

Watching the silhouette of the white eyebrowed old man leaving, Zhao Feng evoked a smile.

It was that night.

The white eyebrowed old man and Zhao Feng disappeared one after the other.

Late at night.

White eyebrowed old man figure fluttered like ghosts and quickly left Sun Feather City.

“Hmph! I don’t know if he’s arrogant or smart, he didn’t want me to help

The white eyebrowed old man whispered to himself, the silhouette blended into the night, and hurried towards Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest.

After enterings into the Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, the white eyebrowed old man is not much slower, and is unobstructed all the way, and seems to be familiar with the terrain.

He didn’t know that behind had a shadowy presence that blended into the night.


Shadow Cloak trembled, presenting a translucent silhouette with flowing green hair.


Zhao Feng sneered.

His left eye, in addition to hundred zhang, can clearly outline the three-dimensional figure formed by white eyebrowed old man body True Strength and blood.

Even the viscera that Zhao Feng can penetrate.

After the breakthrough Ascended Realm, Zhao Feng’s left eye mutation improved and his ability improved day by day.

The cyan Small Abyss in the left eye Space is more than four feet long, spinning endlessly.

If you look closely, you will find the True Strength in the depth of white eyebrowed old man dantian, revealing a trace of red, inside the body, viscera and blood, which is also very different from Righteous Faction Cultivator.

“The cultivate Devil Faction cultivation technique, the poison in the body, is so hidden.”

Zhao Feng can see clearly the situation of the white eyebrowed old man.

Under True Spirit Realm, no one can hide Zhao Feng’s eye. Of course, this must be the case when he deliberately urged his left eye.

In general, he is not so boring.

But this task was extraordinary. Zhao Feng believed that the Yu Tianhua cultivate Devil Technique was very strange. Out of caution, he peeped into the details of the white eyebrows, and the result surprised him.

It turns out that this white eyebrows already betrayed Broken Moon Sect.


Zhao Feng beating somebody at their own game, letting the white eyebrowed old man go, tracking all the way.

With his cultivation base, assisting Shadow Cloak, and wanting to track a Sect, it’s not with no difficulty top grade.

Zhao Feng even discovered that this Shadow Cloak doubled the effect at night!

At ten in the night, even if he didn’t deliberately urge True Strength, Shadow Cloak also has a certain hiding ability, allowing him to integrate well into the night.

enters into the Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, white eyebrowed old man speeds up sharply.

I saw him within the body vacating a crimson True Strength, the whole person’s aura, rising one level, the speed increased greatly.

Ascended Third Layer Peak!

Zhao Feng eyes flashed a bright glint, but this is also good. The other party is fast and can save time for himself.

After two or three hours.

white eyebrowed old man crosses a river.


Zhao Feng eyes shined, this river, I’ve been here before.

That’s the time when I performed the mission and walked through it again, I encountered arrived mysterious Doudou.

“It seems the clue is here. At that time, mysterious fighting people stopped us. Why did we want to control the Deadly Beast army and destroy Guangling City afterwards?”

Zhao Feng faintly realized that there must be something wrong here.

After crossing the river, the white eyebrowed old man slowed down a bit and expression became more restrained.

The next section of the road is more dangerous.

High-Rank Deadly Beast frequently appears near, and even in some areas, there is King-Rank Deadly Beast, which is the existence of Demon Beast.

Deadly Beast, beyond Peak Level, is the Demon Beast level. For example, Illusion Fox that Zhao Feng encountered in Trial can actually affect the mind of Core Disciple. Demon Beast King and Vine King on Sky Boundary Island are at least more like the existence of True Spirit Realm.

However, Zhao Feng has a clearly understood left eye for everything, and with Shadow Cloak, it is easier and more comfortable than the white eyebrows that “lead the way” in the front.


white eyebrows figure pause!

唰 Shua!

Between the trees in front, there are two dark shadows, aura da arrived extraordinary, 5th Layer

“White eyebrows, why are you back?”

One of the shadows, the voice glomyy and cold, said slightly vigilantly.

“I’m here to report the news. Broken Moon Sect sent a Core Disciple with a strong strength, and may follow from here.”

white eyebrows.

“Why don’t you seduce him?”

Another shadowy road.

“That kid is very arrogant and wants someone to get rid.”

white eyebrows 嗤 said with a smile.

“Okay! You go back first, you can control a Core Disciple, which is not bad.”

The two shadows quickly disappeared into the night.

white eyebrows did not dare to stay longer, and returned.

Zhao Feng thought for a while, but still didn’t start with white eyebrows, so as not to beat the grass to scare the snake.

Those two shadows seemed to be very good at hiding, blending into the night, naked eye could not see the country beauty.

But Zhao Feng’s left eye, how powerful, instantly captured one of the dark shadows and dived deep into the cloud forest.

“Hehe, it is.”

Zhao Feng followed with Shadow Cloak’s cover.

The shadow that stayed behind did not notice Zhao Feng at all.

As everyone knows, Zhao Feng slipped past him.

Tracking is still ongoing.

Along the way, the dark shadow staggered with some silhouettes.

The deeper you go, the more aura you encounter, the more terrifying.

Some moment.

In the forest ahead, there is a gloomy Ancient Shrine in the package of Illusion Array

Without Zhao Feng’s left eye penetrating the Illusion Array, Ancient Shrine would not be visible.


On the big tree in front of Ancient Shrine, stood a blue eyes of the blue dipper.

“It’s him!”

Zhao Feng’s heart beats!

The people on the tree are the mysterious Dou Ren who have been seen twice.

After Black Shadow reported the information to Dou Ren, he turned and left.

Doudou, standing on the big tree, a pair of blue eyes, looking around all around.

Zhao Feng felt only an invisible Spiritual Fluctuation, swept away.

He subconsciously stimulates bloodline strength, pushing the hidden effect of Shadow Cloak to the limit.

At this moment, his figure was completely distorted in the shadow, as if it had become transparent air.

Unable to detect the anomaly, mysterious Doudou ordered nodded and stood on the tree without much movement.

“He doesn’t enter Ancient Shrine? Or, a Core Disciple is not enough for him to report further.”

Zhao Feng frowned.

However, mysterious people did not move, Zhao Feng did not dare to act blindly without thinking, this person brought him an inexplicable warning sign.

He tried to urge his left eye and peer into the real situation.


Mysterious Doudou seems to have some sense, suddenly stood up, a pair of blue eyes pupil, looking in the direction of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng startled, immediately recovered the clearly understood power of the left eye.

The opponent clearly did not reach True Spirit Realm, how could he sense his left eye to peep.

Zhao Feng felt a subtle and powerful Spiritual Fluctuation again, gathering all over himself.

“This dreadful man seems to be good at Spiritual Domain, and his eyes are different from ordinary people.”

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath.

He determined that he had encountered a rival with similar abilities, and that the other party was better at Spiritual Domain. He could control Demon Beast and lead the Deadly Beast army.

At this moment, it is an invisible contest!

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