King of Gods

Chapter 1401

Separate Space inside the old castle.

As everyone stood, beneath the tree, complexion was shocked and confused.

“Big Lazy Cat, and that silhouette!”

Zhao Feng fell into a moment of contemplation.

It stands to reason that Big Lazy Cat followed Sage Liu Wu.

Even more strange is that the mysterious noble white clothed woman also gave Zhao Feng a sense of inexplicability, making Zhao Feng eager to see each other’s true colors.

Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, the two women left only the back to the crowd.

“They’re gone and left this space!”

Mu Gu opened the mouth and said.

“I rely on the Ancient God Seal and can’t open the Channel to the outside world, they can leave directly!”

Xin Wuhen was shocked.

“They know where the loopholes in this Space are, and that Heavens Secret great formation is also very advanced …”

Mu Gu experience is rich and hot.

“The two women are Heavens Secret Clan. They should have been here before. Why did they leave?”

Ancient God Hua Cai is full of doubts.

If the two women are Heavens Secret Clan, they are likely to be Yu Heng’s associates.

Now that Yu Heng is dead, the two women did not come to take revenge, but left the space directly.

“I don’t know this either, but I do know that they and the Heavens Secret Cat, the first activation form, will be breaking into the Outsider here and blocked!

Mu Gu said slowly, not even he himself believed it was true.

“How can this be?”

Ancient God Hua Cai was shocked.

After a big war, Light Clan and Giant God Clan trust and accept each other, and the two sides are very friendly.

“Sir, like that, are the two Heavens Secret Clan women helping us?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun is incredible.

Heavens Secret Clan actually helps them.

“That is, the crisis alert is gone?”

Ancient God Hua Cai showed surprise.

Originally, Mu Gu said that there was an Outsider who wanted to break in, which made everyone very nervous.

Later, they even found two women suspected of Heavens Secret Clan.

But the end result was that the two women helped them and resolved the crisis.

“Not necessarily. Those who want to break in here are just blocked, maybe there will be another action!”

Mu Gu complexion Sinks.

“Sir, can there be a way to revive Tree of Time?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun respectfully asked.

Tree of Time is the core of the entire Divine Country. Once it has fully recovered, Mu Gu can take initial control of this Divine Country.

If an Outsider wanted to break in, everyone’s resistance would be much higher.

And at that time, Mu Gu will be able to fix the vulnerabilities in Divine Country, which will greatly increase the difficulty for Outsiders to break in.

“Let me try!”

Mu Gu brows slightly wrinkle, ordered nodded.

It wouldn’t matter if he wanted to revive Tree of Time at Peak.

With his current methods, it is very unlikely that he wants to revive the Tree of Time, but he must also try it.

“Everyone, when you want to leave, I will send you out!”

Suddenly, Mu Gu turned and looked towards Giant God Clan and Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen and Ancient God Hua Cai said they all wanted to stay here for a while.

After all, their injuries have not been fully recovered, and this place is also a great place to cultivate Profound Truth of Time. If Profound Truth of Time can be realized to a certain level, the overall strength will be greatly improved.

“Well, if you want to go out, just tell me!”

Mu Gu laughed.

After all, this time, Light Clan Divine Country can be kept, they can live alive, thanks to Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan.

Mu Gu naturally won’t get cheap, and immediately evict everyone.

Moreover, today’s Light Clan also needs allies …

“Mu Gu Senior, Ancient God Cheng Yun is the man of Giant God Clan …”

Xin Wuhen brings up the matter of Ancient God Cheng Yun.

Ancient God Cheng Yun was originally from Giant God Clan, Eighth-Rank Peak, and innate talent is also good.

At this moment, Giant God Clan needs more manpower and stronger Battle Strength. If you can try to recover Ancient God Cheng Yun!

“This person’s Soul, Already is integrated with me. If I break away, his Soul will be severely damaged, and the foundation and potential will be lost …”

Ancient God Cheng Yun speaks directly.

In other words, if the mind body is detached, the Ancient God Cheng Yun at this moment is also not the previous Ancient God Cheng Yun.

“Let ’s do this. Just when I have a deal with you Giant God Clan, Ancient God Cheng Yun belongs to us, and we will give you a large number of precious resources. The value of these resources can at least cultivate How about two or three Ninth-Rank Ancient God? “

Mu Gu thought for a moment and made suggestions.

Xin Wuhen and Ancient God Hua Cai negotiated that although they are more profitable in terms of resource compensation, Ancient God Cheng Yun is their clansman and the owner is a decent Giant God Clan Bloodline.

“By the way, I read some information from his memory. Before Ancient God Cheng Yun, it seemed that there was a contact with Ancient Soul Palace!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun said again.

“What, Ancient God Cheng Yun?”

Ancient God Hua Cai suddenly shouted out.

At this moment, everything is clear.

No wonder Xin Wuhen just got the Ancient God Seal, and Ancient Soul Palace attacked. It turned out to be Spy from Ancient God Cheng Yun.

In addition, the reason why the people of Ancient Soul Palace can come to this space may be related to Ancient God Cheng Yun.


Xin Wuhen agreed directly.

Although he wanted to return Ancient God Cheng Yun to the original, let him leave it to clansman for disposal.

But compared to this, reviving the Giant God Clan is more important.

In addition, if we have a good relationship with Light Clan and draw in a great help from Mu Gu, Giant God Clan ’s grasp of fighting against Ancient Soul Palace will be even greater.

“Okay, in a few days, I will deliver things to you!”

Mu Gu said directly.

This time, Giant God Clan also contributed, but not at all how much benefit it has.

That’s why Mu Gu gave this proposal, and the value of the resources given is far more than an Ancient God Cheng Yun.

“Zhao Feng, Ancestral Item fragments is yours!”

Subsequently, Mu Gu looked towards Zhao Feng.

Compared to Zhao Feng, Giant God Clan’s benefit can hardly be mentioned.

Xin Wuhen and Ancient God Hua Cai were surprised and somewhat envious.

“Many thanks!

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

“Zhao Feng, now Light Clan has other things to do. I follow Light Clan first. When you leave this place, I will follow you …”

Ancestral Item fragments floated in front of Zhao Feng and discussed with Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng thought for a moment and agreed.

Looking at Mu Gu, it seems that Ancestral Item fragments are not needed very much.

After all, he is a Light Clan and is very good at time Profound Truth. At its Peak time, it must be very powerful, and time type Ancestral Item fragments are not very demanding.

But looking at the appearance of Ancestral Item fragments, it seems that there is still some reluctance to accept Zhao Feng.

Ancestral Item fragments have always been in Light Clan. They were born and died. If it is not about the survival of Light Clan, it is naturally impossible for Ancestral Item fragments to agree with Small Thieving Cat’s proposal.

In addition, although the image of Zhao Feng in his eyes has improved, it is still not as good as Light Clan.

Sou! sou!

Mu Gu and Ancient God Cheng Yun leave here with Ancestral Item fragments.

Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan and the others continued to retreat.

Within Space-Time Robe, one hundred Tianyi passed by, and Zhao Feng returned to Peak status.

shua shua ~

An Eye Strength water vortex appears in void, and the same Exotic Treasure emerges slowly, with up to 40 pieces.

These are the cultivate Precious Materials of Zhao Feng Copy during this time.

The value and rank of these Precious Materials are not high, so copying them is relatively simple.

“Little Black, these are all yours!”

Zhao Feng directly sounded the transmission, calling for the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

At the same time, he also took out a large amount of cultivate Precious Materials from the Storage Space, all of which were given to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

For a long time, Zhao Feng’s Precious Materials are top notch.

And he just broke through at the moment, so don’t rush to continue to improve.

Therefore, Zhao Feng decided to use all the Precious Materials that he did not need much to cultivate the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“This … this, many thanks Master!”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly lighted both eyes and kneeled down.

You know, most of these cultivate Precious Materials are in the Light Clan Divine Country. They are very old and very rare.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has never seen so many rare Precious Materials in its lifetime.

After doing all this, Zhao Feng was ready to retreat and strengthen the cultivation base strength.

It is at this time.

Weng weng!

A strong time assault wave passed through heaven and earth, making the internal space of Space-Time Robe somewhat unstable.

“what’s the situation?”

Zhao Feng left Space-Time Robe directly.

I saw, Mu Gu and Ancient God Cheng Yun, standing in front of the Tree of Time.

In front of them, there are many extremely precious Rare Treasures.

“Fruit of Life, Spirit Fruit …”

Zhao Feng suddenly murmured that only a small part of these precious Precious Materials he knew.

Fruit of Life, contains an extremely strong strength of Life. If a Bloodline race such as Giant God Clan is severely damaged and the body is about to be destroyed, taking one of these fruits will instantly recover.

Crystal Blood Spirit Fruit also promotes the level of life, strengthens the physique, and instantly restores the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the Divine Physique injury.

In addition to life-like Precious Materials, there are many Rare Treasures that contain the essence of time.

Weng weng!

Mu Gu performs mysterious Light Clan secrets, extracts the essence of these Rare Treasures, and imports them into the Tree of Time.

But Tree of Time absorbs less than one ten thousandth of all the essence.

And that essence, enters into the Tree of Time, like stones falling into the sea, has no effect on the whole sea.

sou sou!

At the same time, Giant God Clan and the others were also shocked and appeared here.

Seeing this, they naturally understood that Mu Gu wanted to revive the Tree of Time.

But things don’t seem to go well.


After a while, Mu Gu stopped mysticism.

“With my cultivation base strength today, it’s not enough!”

Mu Gu sighed.

Without control of Divine Country, they always have to be careful of outsiders, but they can’t rest assured to do anything.

“Let me try it!”

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s voice broke the silence.

Everyone present was suddenly surprised towards Zhao Feng.

“Brother Zhao, do you have a way?”

Even Feng Zhao’s Xin Wuhen, who had always trusted him, was very skeptical.

On the understanding of Tree of Time, Light Clan is definitely the first.

At the moment Mu Gu can’t do anything, can Zhao Feng do it?

Similarly, Mu Gu and Ancient God Cheng Yun are extremely disbelieving.

However, living medicine to a dead horse, since Zhao Feng wants to try, it’s nothing to let him try.

Zhao Feng came to Tree of Time in a few steps, and Left Eye suddenly started.

his left eye, constantly turning out layers of fantasy light and mist.

The next moment, the world in front of Zhao Feng became colorful, like a dream heaven.

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