King of Gods

Chapter 1400

“God Lord Xingxiang, everyone at my Ancient Soul Palace is dead!”

God Lord Tian Ming body trembled and whispered.

> those Eighth-Rank Peak and Ninth-Rank Ancient God are the next, the key is that the three Half-Step God Lords have fallen.

There is almost a glimmer of hope to be a Half-Step God Lord, and to reach the position of God Lord.

all around the atmosphere was extremely depressing, everyone shuddered.

Then Ancestral Lost Treasury, what kind of dangerous place, the people who entered, including the three Half-Step God Lord, all fell.

Many people who were scrambling to go in before were very grateful. Fortunately, he didn’t go in to die.

“My disciple also encountered an accident!”

God Lord Xingxiang whispered.

After hearing this, God Lord Tian Ming expression eased slightly.

To be a disciple of God Lord Xingxiang, Yu Heng must also be the one of Heavens Secret Clan.

In this way, the loss of God Lord Xingxiang is greater than that of Ancient Soul Palace.

However, if God Lord Tian Ming is to know that Yu Heng also owns the Bloodline of Immemorial Race, the value of Yu Heng will only be worth the entire Ancient Soul Palace.

“So where is Ancestral Lost Treasury? So dangerous?”

God Lord Tian Ming asked directly.

He felt that this Ancestral Lost Treasury must have extraordinary secrets, otherwise how could Heavens Secret Clan value it.

All around Ancient Soul Palace, immediately lifted spiritual and listened.

“What you call ‘Ancestral Lost Treasury’ is actually a ‘Divine Country’ of Light Clan, but it just fell into the hands of Giant God Clan!”

God Lord Xingxiang said briefly.

“Divine Country?”

Most of the Ancient Soul Palace complexion is startled.

The predecessor of Divine Country is the small world.

But the small world is too simple and fragile. With the improvement of the cultivation base, it gradually loses its effect.

After reaching God Lord Realm, you can use Law strength to transform and build it into “Divine Country”.

“It turns out!”

God Lord Tian Ming expression The sudden shock, he finally understood why Heavens Secret Clan cares so much about “Light Clan Divine Country”.


In the hands of God Lord Xingxiang, a broken top grade God Crystal appears.

“It still has!”

God Lord Tian Ming murmured secretly.

“This is not enough. Teleportation is too expensive for a God Lord. You call another God Lord. Our three God Lords work together …”

God Lord Xingxiang is directly shouted.

At this moment, he could not wait.


Next to Tree of Time.

All enters into the respective cultivate space, recovering injuries and depletion.

In particular, Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu, the two main forces, continuously use God Lord-level strength, which will cause a great load on themselves. If they are not properly adjusted, advancements will be hindered in the future.

Space-Time Robe Internal Space.

唰 Shua!

Zhao Feng took out several samples to treat Divine Physique and Soul, restored the consumed Precious Materials, and swallowed directly.

Then he split up two ideas.

Part of the idea is to absorb the gains of this war.

In this battle, he and Half-Step God Lord, Yu Heng fight with Immemorial Race Bloodline, have gained a lot.

The most obvious is that Zhao Feng’s understanding of some Profound Truth is deeper, and Realm has been greatly improved.

If all these are digested, it is estimated that the cultivation base of Zhao Feng Ninth-Rank Ancient God is almost stable.

The last part of the idea, Zhao Feng is used to explore God Eye.

He also remembered that when he rescued Small Thieving Cat before, his God Eye Vanishment was unsuccessful and he did not perform other Eye Techniques.

But the mysterious flame of Small Thieving Cat’s eyebrow suddenly abated.

Although Zhao Feng still can’t figure out the reason, but it must be related to his Left Eye.

“Try it!”

Zhao Feng’s mind moved slightly, and a void of red fire suddenly burned in void.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng mobilized the Strength of Source, and his Left Eye spun out layers of fantasy light and mist, integrating into heaven and earth void.

In a hurry, the world in front of Zhao Feng became gorgeous, everything was covered with fantastic colors, and even the distant World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon looked like a multi-colored Flood Dragon.


Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, staring at the gorgeous fire in void.

This time, Zhao Feng didn’t use God Eye Vanishment, just focused on the gorgeous flame.

But after a long time, the flame was still burning in void without any change.

“How can it be?”

Zhao Feng was a little confused.

Before, he was also staring at the mysterious flame of Thieving Cat’s eyebrow. If he did not perform any Eye Technique, the flame suddenly weakened. Why isn’t it working now?

“Yes, maybe it has something to do with my thoughts and ideas!”

Zhao Feng had a flash of light.

At the beginning, in addition to focusing all his attention on the mysterious flame, he also had a strong thought in his heart, that is to hope that the mysterious flame might weaken.

“Is it just because of single thought?”

Zhao Feng felt a little absurd.

Without the Eye Technique, it was because he wanted the mysterious flame to weaken, and the mysterious flame to weaken, which is incredible.

But there is no other doubt about already, you can only try.

Zhao Feng stared again at the flames in that void.

“Weak … weak …”

He kept thinking like this.

Suddenly, a shocking scene appeared.


The burning flame in the void was directly reduced by half.

“Is this really true?”

Zhao Feng was so shocked that he immediately went to be wild with joy.

Using the Strength of Source, he single-thought his head and changed one thing!

“try again!”

Zhao Feng focused on spiritual and thoughts again, condensing on that flame.

“Off … off …”

This time, Zhao Feng hoped that the flame would go out.

as predicted.

The flame suddenly disappeared, as if it did not exist.

“it is true!”

Zhao Feng 愣 on the spot.

There are such magical and weird events in the world.

But after thinking about it, he can only attribute it to God Eye.

“Try something else!”

Zhao Feng was immediately interested.


Zhao Feng hit directly with a huge muddy deep silver chaos.

He then urged the Strength of Source, staring above the Primordial Fist.

“The power doubles!”

This is the idea of ​​Zhao Feng this time.

But that huge Primordial Divine Fist, not at all appears anyhow different, but it is Zhao Feng’s Strength of Source, which is passing by quickly.

This makes Zhao Feng calm.

The power of Primordial Divine Fist has not been enhanced. Instead, the Strength of Source is rapidly passing away, because soon after the war ended, Zhao Feng’s source Divine Power was not much, and it was quickly exhausted.

“Why not!”

Zhao Feng sat down and thought carefully.

Weng weng!

At this moment, there was a slight shake in Space-Time Robe’s Space.

“What happened?”

Zhao Feng left this Space directly.

Outside, the rest stood on the barren ground.

“This Divine Country, there is a space fluctuation, it seems that there are outsiders, want to enter into the stronger!”

Mu Gu said directly.

The Tree of Time has not completely withered, and he has a touch to him, so he can detect it.

“Impossible, didn’t you interrupt Yu Heng’s means of communication?”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion changed slightly, asked immediately.

“It’s true, but once Yu Heng’s death, Heavens Secret Clan can’t help but not know!”

Mu Gu sighed.

Everyone was silent.

At this time, it is only Heavens Secret Clan who has the ability to enter into the Space.

“Heavens Secret Clan!”

Xin Wuhen complexion sank.

Just after the war, they have not fully recovered. If there are a few more Heavens Secret Clan people, they may all die here.

“Is there no way to stop it?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

“If newcomer is under God Lord, it can prevent …”

Mu Gu slowly said.

But it is clear that if Heavens Secret Clan sends someone again, it will definitely be the master expert.

“If Tree of Time doesn’t wither, no one can break into here!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun said unwillingly.

“Try it, maybe!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

The rest ordered nodded, and this is indeed not the time to give up.

“It’s there!”

Suddenly, Mu Gu felt instinctively and waved his hand.

A layer of grey misty white light suddenly appeared in the sky. The light mist showed a place outside the fortified castle. I saw a void there, violently shaking, and a ripple.

But at this moment, everyone’s eyes are not looking at the void with ripples, but looking under the void.

I saw that there were two complex formations of incomparable gigantic.

Next to the formation, there were two women, with their backs facing everyone.

One of the girls was petite, wearing green clothes and fair skin.

The other tall woman was wearing white clothed, exquisite body faintly discernible, and the waterfall-like black blue silk danced with the wind, giving people everything, noble and cold, mysterious and unpredictable.

In addition, on the shoulder of this white clothed woman, there is a silver black cat with a lazy posture.

“What’s going on, Heavens Secret Clan, they’re already?”

Mu Gu exclaimed.

It stands to reason that Heavens Secret Clan is trying to enter into the here, but why are there people in Heavens Secret Clan there?

The reason why the two women are Heavens Secret Clan is naturally because of the Heavens Secret Cat.

“Big Lazy Cat?”

Zhao Feng complexion was shocked.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat also called immediately.

A dusty memory appeared in their minds.

It was Liu Wu Tower in Canopy Great Country, and there was a Legendary character named Sage Liu Wu in it.

And beside Sage, there is a Lazy Cat.


“Big Lazy Cat, let’s get started!”

The white clothed woman said directly.

Meow meow!

Big Lazy Cat jumps directly onto a teleportation formation, fumbling for a while.

Hum bang!

That huge formation suddenly surged out a powerful Force of Space-Time, passing all around heaven and earth, and changing heaven and earth spacetime.

I saw that the ripples of void suddenly restored peace.

“Qin elder sister, what are we doing here?”

The green-clothed woman asked directly.

“I didn’t ask you to come. You forced to follow me!”

white clothed woman answered with a chuckle.

“Well, it’s time to leave!”

The white clothed woman said directly, and the green maiden, Big Lazy Cat, came to another huge formation.

Formation turned on, two people and one cat disappeared through the teleportation Channel.


“God Lord Xingxiang is in, it’s okay this time!”

God Lord Tian Ming complexion is slightly pale.

The three people just urged the teleportation great formation, and the consumption is not too light.

Weng weng!

Just then, the metal platform in front of them suddenly trembled.

The Space Channel in the formation was also twisted.


A Daoist shadow flew out of it, smashing not far away.

Take a closer look, it is God Lord Xingxiang!


God Lord Xingxiang directly spit out a large mouthful of blood, with a look of horror and anger: “In the Divine Country, there is an anti-transmission great formation, who did it?”

This kind of complex great formation is not the one of Heavens Secret Clan, it is difficult to arrange, let alone the reverse transmission of the great formation is more complicated than the transmission of the great formation.

At the same time.


That octagonal metal array burst directly.

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