King of Gods

Chapter 1381

At this moment, the two Half-Step God Lords who are fighting, the complexion is very embarrassing. ? / p>

They didn’t expect that the strength cultivation base of all the Giant God Clan had a qualitative leap.

Plus other reasons, such as Perception Tower, the injury of Ancient God Han Yu and so on.

At this moment, the two major Half-Step God Lords have been temporarily suppressed by the Giant God Clan entire group.

If it lasts long, it will be the Ancient Soul Palace.

Suddenly, both Half-Step God Lords received a message at the same time: “We are coming!”

The person who spoke was Yu Heng.

Although Yu Heng is only Ninth-Rank Ancient God, to this day, he has formed an unpredictable impression in the hearts of the Ancient Soul Palace.

With Yu Heng’s cultivation base, innate talent, and methods, he will become a God Lord expert in the future.

Therefore, everyone at Ancient Soul Palace treats Yu Heng very carefully.

Ancient God Yu Hai and Ancient God Han Yu, after knowing this, complexion remains the same, without any changes.

Yu Heng’s team is arguably the most powerful of the three teams.

Now that Yu Heng and Mie Liu Ancient God are here, the three Half-Step God Lords have joined forces. Even if Xin Wuhen borrows God Lord-level strength, he will not be able to return to heaven.

But what the two didn’t know is that at this moment, the people of Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan already knew all this, even how far Yu Heng distance is here.

“Run away now, or you’ll be hit by a net …”

Zhao Feng sound transmission.

But trying to escape successfully is not that simple.

Later, Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen discussed countermeasures.

“Okay, let me push them back for a while!”

Xin Wuhen chop nails and sever Iron said.


He urged Bloodline with all his strength, and the huge body exuded crystal white Void Light, just like the Supreme Spiritual God.

His body is all around, gathering huge heaven and earth strength, with a concept of Only I Am Supreme.

“Not good, Xin Wuhen is pushing the Bloodline with all his strength, and it must be a taboo technique!”

Ancient God Yu Hai was immediately alert.

“Don’t worry, no matter what he is, when Yu Heng and Mie Liu Ancient God come, everything is over!”

Ancient God Han Yu said so, but she was still alert, can’t help step back a distance.

“The giant god fell into the sky!”

Xin Wuhen loudly shouted, the infinite strength of his savings, gathered towards his top of the head.

Gradually, an incomparable gigantic Holding the Heaven hand appeared on the sky, Covering the Sky, to make the whole earth darker.

“really strong ……”

Ancient God Yu Hai suddenly felt a heavy pressure.

If he is shot in that palm, he will definitely be hit again, causing great damage to the foundation.

Hong long long !

I saw the Pure Crystal palm of the incomparable gigantic, from Heavens above the sky.

At that moment, heaven and earth storm were around, and a terrifying pressure fell on the position directly under the palm of the hand.

At the moment when the palm was launched, Giant God Clan and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon immediately stepped back.

“Retreat temporarily, they will die anyway!”

Ancient God Han Yu immediately sound transmission.

The two then stepped back a distance.

At this moment, the huge Pure Crystal palm rushed down.

Hong long long !

The earth suddenly shattered, and a terrifying strength struck toward all around.

At the same time, a square notch suddenly appeared on the top of the Perception Tower.

Sou! sou!

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat immediately emerged.

Then fled directly with Giant God Clan and the others.

“Not good, they run away!”

Ancient God Han Yu cried out in surprise.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Yu Hai suddenly froze.

It stands to reason that Giant God Clan had an advantage, but they suddenly evacuated.

“Fast chase!”

Ancient God Han Yu suddenly shouted.

The two of them, as Half-Step God Lord, far surpassed Ancient Soul Clan and the others in terms of speed.

At this moment, Mie Liu Ancient God and Yu Heng came here.

“Run away!”

Mie Liu Ancient God, with frost on his face, is also preparing to chase it out.

But suddenly, Yu Heng complexion congealed and shouted: “Don’t chase, retreat!”

Yu Heng’s expression was more excited. This is also the crowd of Ancient Soul Palace. It was the first time that Yu Heng showed such an expression.


Ancient God Yu Hai is somehow good.

Although Xin Wuhen and the others escaped, he could definitely catch up.

This is a great time for him to make up for his work, but at this time, Yu Heng actually made them stop chasing.

Although somehow, they suddenly noticed a crisis, and they did not want to disobey Yu Heng’s orders.

call out! call out!

Ancient God Han Yu and Ancient God Yu Hai, immediately flew towards Yu Heng’s location.

The moment they retreated, they saw the Perception Tower, and suddenly there was a very strong wave of energy.

“Not good !”

The complexion of the two changed, and the crisis became more intense and suddenly accelerated.

Hong long!

The Perception Tower shattered and was engulfed by the endless Divine Light.

Those taboo strengths, even the Ninth-Rank Ancient God, will be wiped out.

The location of the Perception Tower presents a huge pothole.


Ancient God Han Yu escaped late, was attacked by some aftermath, and spit out blood in the air.

“It turned out to be this …”

Ancient God Yu Hai has a lingering fear.

If it wasn’t for Yu Heng’s prompt reminder just now, the two of them would be afraid that already would die completely.

At this moment, Mu Yu Ancient God also returned to arrived, with a look of shame, he just escaped by the Giant God Clan.

“Worthy to be called is Heavens Secret Cat!”

Yu Heng whispered.

Heavens Secret Clan Most buildings, more important ones, have self-destruct procedures.

This is also to prevent some confidential information and intelligence from falling into the hands of the enemy.

The three Yu Heng came next to Ancient God Yu Hai and Ancient God Han Yu, then shouted: “Go!”

“But where they are …”

Ancient God Yu Hai cheek hesitantly.

Because of the blocking of Xin Wuhen, the self-destruction of Perception Tower, Zhao Feng entire group, and alert have escaped the perception range of Crystal Ball.

“Now that I have been watching them, I can infer their approximate whereabouts!”

Yu Heng said flatly.

As soon as this word came out, the rest of the audience was relieved.

And, now, three teams come together!

Three Half-Step God Lords, plus Mu Yu Ancient God, Yu Heng, two Ninth-Rank Ancient Gods, and an Eighth-Rank Peak.

If they find Xin Wuhen and the others again, can they escape?

Even Ancient God Yu Hai, who failed twice in a row, would definitely say impossible.

“Ancient God Yu Hai, you lost again!”

Mie Liu Ancient God can’t help sarcastically.

In this case, Ancient God Yu Hai can only ignore it.


Then, Ancient Soul Palace and the others, under Yu Heng’s leadership, began to leave.

“Tell me about the fighting situation before!”

Yu Heng said flatly.

Just now his cross-space projection was defeated. I don’t know anything about the fighting situation.

“Is such that……”

Ancient God Yu Hai took the initiative to tell.


Zhao Feng entire group fled after leaving Perception Tower.

“Brother, you are amazing!”

Ancient God Po Yue said with a big smile.

“Just someone who didn’t know Ancient Soul Palace was killed!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said with a smile.

It is also difficult for everyone to judge this.

“Even if they kill one or two people, they still won’t let us go, so it is urgent to stay away from this place quickly!”

Zhao Feng suggested.

In the hands of Ancient Soul Palace, there are Items that sense the direction of everyone, which is more convenient to search.

After three consecutive days of flight, the speed of the crowd slowed down.

On a certain day, the crowd entered the subterranean and took a short rest.

Everyone, talking while healing his wounds and recovering from depletion.

“Next, where are we going?”

Ancient God Po Yue asked actively.

“Look for Cheng Yungu and see where he is now, if possible, take it away, maybe there is a way to expel his mind body within the body!”

Xin Wuhen thought for a moment and said directly.

Ancient God Cheng Yun is the man of Giant God Clan after all, and strength cannot be underestimated.

If you bring it back, maybe God Lord expert can restore Ancient God Cheng Yun.

This idea was immediately approved by the rest.

Take out the communication command token and send a message, Xin Wuhen probably perceives the direction.

“This side!”

Afterwards, the people fine-tuned their directions and moved on.

Moving forward shortly.

“Heavens Secret Clan building, less!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said suddenly.

Others also noticed this.

“The suppression of Profound Truth of Time has been enhanced!”

Zhao Feng immediately said.

The enhancement of Profound Truth of Time suppression is a gradual process, so it is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

And Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time is the highest among all the people present, reaching 6th Layer, so I didn’t know.

“It’s true!”

Ancient God Po Yue complexion startled.

Compared to the previous location of Perception Tower, the Profound Truth of Time suppression here is indeed stronger.

After walking for a long time, people rarely saw the Heavens Secret Clan building, at most some ruins.

Suddenly, in the ruins in front, there was an illusive white light exuding strange waves.

“Hey? Is that?”

Everyone can’t help lean on it.

The closer you get, the greater the suppression of Profound Truth of Time.

When the distance flickering unreal white light object was close, everyone finally saw it.

It was a huge gray-white slate with a font that no one knew. The font was flickering and Void white light, exuding the invisible Profound Truth of Time.

“With just one word, you have such a powerful Profound Truth of Time!”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion startled.

And, according to this stone slab, there are other incomplete things, it can be judged that this is not a Heavens Secret Clan building.

Subsequently, Xin Wuhen put this gray slate into Storage Space and everyone continued to move forward.

Soon after the journey, the ground suddenly became desolate, almost inadequate, and the suppression of Profound Truth of Time was still intensifying.

“What’s going on, there’s still life ahead, and it’s deserted here?”

Ancient God Po Yue asked in surprise.

chi chi! chi chi!

Just then, a slight urgency came from afar.

Everyone complexion settled, watch out.

After a while, a huge black mist flew quickly, and the confused voice became clearer.

“No, that’s not dark mist …”

Zhao Feng complexion was suddenly surprised.

That’s not a black thing at all, but countless black insects with similar appearances.

Each insect is only the size of a baby’s fist. They are densely packed together, and they number in the hundreds of millions. Wherever they go, heaven and earth Origin Energy is still alive.

“What? Insect!”

Giant God Clan and the others, complexion startled.

Soon, that dark mist approach, everyone finally saw it.

“so much!”

Zhao Feng complexion struck again.

The countless insects are like a sea of ​​insects.

Almost all insects reach the True God cultivation base.

Although True God, in the eyes of Ancient God, it looks like an ant.

But when the number of ants reaches a certain level, even elephants can be brought down.

“Don’t tell me is the tenth in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race …”

Ancient God Po Yue looks dull.

“The locust insect race!”

Xin Wuhen complexion has changed a lot.

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