King of Gods

Chapter 1380

Looking at the sudden appearance of the Giant God Clan three, Ancient God Yu Hai’s old face is lightly red.

He also said that the Giant God Clan and the others dared to come out, but the next moment, the opponent would kill him.

“Okay, you actually took the initiative to die!”

Ancient God Yu Hai coughed, and then said with a big smile.

Ancient God Han Yu did not expect that the Giant God Clan would dare to rush straight out.

Xin Wuhen stood straight to place to, staring at Yu Heng’s cross-space projection, revealing the color of contemplation.

Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Po Yue, looked towards Ancient Soul Palace with a half-grave look, and two Half-Step God Lords.

If it weren’t for Xin Wuhen’s order, they were absolutely afraid to rush out.

“Sir, what can you do?”

Asked Ancient God Hua Cai sound transmission.

The opposite party is the cooperation of two Half-Step God Lords. On their side, only Xin Wuhen can fight against Half-Step God Lord!

“You don’t have to worry about this. At that time, the two of you will join forces to solve the Ninth-Rank Ancient God as soon as possible!”

Xin Wuhen’s face was dull.

“The two of us deal with Ninth-Rank Ancient God, then …”

Two Giant God Clan expression tweet.

There are two Ancient Gods, and Lord Wuhen must deal with one of them personally. What about the remaining Half-Step God Lord?

“Don’t care!”

In the sky, Yu Heng’s cross-space projection flatly said.

This remark made the two Half-Step God Lord slightly disdainful.

The two of them Half-Step God Lord, plus a Ninth-Rank Ancient God, don’t tell me can’t deal with Giant God Clan and the others?

Xin Wuhen’s eyes looked again towards Yu Heng, and the complexion sank slightly.

On the surface, Ancient Soul Palace had the advantage, but Yu Heng still kept them from being careless.

In addition, after Yu Heng said this, the two Half-Step God Lords did not refute, which shows that this person is by no means ordinary.

“Courting courting death, I’ll send you to death!”

Ancient God Yu Hai smiled, figure flew straight out, a heavy sense of Soul oppression, suddenly hiding the sky and covering the earth.


Xin Wuhen low roaring sound.


The virtual Pure Crystal lights up the sky, and the three giants suddenly appear on the ground.

Among them, Bloodline aura of Xin Wuhen body is the strongest, and it directly dispels the feeling of depression from Ancient God Yu Hai.

call out!

Xin Wuhen pointed out with one finger, crushing Yu Heng’s cross-space projection.

“Ancient God Han Yu, kill him together!”

Ancient God Yu Hai immediately shouted.

Only Xin Wuhen of Ninth-Rank cultivation base can continue with him.

Now that Xin Wuhen has made a breakthrough to Ninth-Rank Peak, strength cannot be underestimated, and the injury of Ancient God Yu Hai has not been fully recovered, and it is difficult for him to deal with Xin Wuhen alone.

“Ancient God Yu Hai, come and fight again!”

Xin Wuhen loudly shouted and stepped out.

call out!

Ancient God Han Yu also immediately approached Xin Wuhen. The Ancient God Seal in his hand was the first goal!

“Ancient God Han Yu, your opponent is me!”

A voice of Soul suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

Immediately, a silver dream eye appeared between heaven and earth.

After hearing this, Ancient God Han Yu suddenly turned on the spot, then turned around and burst into laughter.

An Eighth-Rank Peak Ancient God declared war on Half-Step God Lord.

This kind of thing is unheard of, even Xin Wuhen cannot do it!

“Okay, I’ll fix you first!”

Ancient God Han Yu complexion gradually chilly.

“What, Zhao Feng is going to fight a Half-Step God Lord?”

Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Hua Cai, the complexion suddenly struck, a little incredible.

In fact, Ancient God Han Yu was beaten by crowds in the Perception Tower, and his injuries were more serious. The strength that can be exerted at this moment is not as good as Ancient God Yu Hai.

Because of this, Zhao Feng dared to plan like this.

“go with!”

Ancient God Han Yu waved his hand, and a gloomy shark rolled in a layer of snow storm, heading for the Eye of Filling the Heaven strikes.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars!”

The Eye of Filling the Heaven gathers a mass of chaotic energy to form a huge ball of light.


The two collided with each other, and the black shark roared and released a huge strength to resist the damage of Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars.

At the same time, an Eye Strength water swirl suddenly appeared not far away.

Immediately, a group of Crimson Dragon Flame burst out!

“Ancient Soul Clan, Giant God Clan!”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon laughed heartily, the dark Dragon Flame keeps expanding, as if forming a black Sun, a devastating calamity flame, sweeping heaven and earth.

The flames weakened, and a dark giant dragon with five or six hunted zhangs emerged slowly.

“This aura!”

“Really strong Bloodline is stronger than Giant God Clan!”

Everyone present was attracted by the emergence of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, World Extinguishing Dragon Clan!”

Xin Wuhen complexion was shaken.

He naturally recognized that this Black Flood Dragon was the one in the original Divine Illusory Space.

I just didn’t expect that this Black Flood Dragon was actually subdued by Zhao Feng.

In addition, at this time, the Bloodline concentration of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has increased, and its Blood Dragon body is also transforming to True Dragon.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Clan!”

Except for Xin Wuhen, everyone screamed.

The World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, ranks ninth, and belongs to the terrifying race of battle strength Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth.

If it weren’t for the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon at this moment, it was just the cultivation base of Eighth-Rank Ancient God, Ancient Soul Palace and the others would have lost their Fighting Intent.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Breath!”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, without saying a word, directly spit out a mass of dark black raging taboo god inflammation.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon broke through the Eighth-Rank Ancient God very early. After entering into this place, Zhao Feng also gave him a lot of resources. Now the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is only one step away from the Eighth-Rank Peak.


Between heaven and earth, a huge Crimson Fireball emerged, like a Crimson Sun, burning and destroying everything.

Although there is only the Eighth-Rank cultivation base, the powerful Bloodline makes the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon attack powerful!

“Water Thunder Illusion Prison!”

That Eye of Filling the Heaven, released a bondage Illusion Dao Eye Technique.

A layer of blue water Lightning Glow hood, immediately wrapped Ancient God Han Yu, Water-Thunder Dao of Illusions strength, suddenly invaded.

“Ten thousand li ice cold!”

Ancient God Han Yu coldly snorted, a chill that froze through the bone marrow, gradually spread from the center of the Fireball.

Within a moment, Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique and World Extinguishing Dragon Breath of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon were all easily resolved.

“Half-Step God Lord, it really is extraordinary!”

Zhao Feng was extremely excited inside.

Fighting Half-Step God Lord is really thrilling!

Although Ancient God Han Yu was seriously injured at this moment, he was not in the heyday.

call out!

That gloomy shark, as ordered by Ancient God Han Yu, attacked the Eye of Filling the Heaven again.

“Just play with my pet!”

Zhao Feng sneered, performed Void Teleportation, and sent Small Thieving Cat out.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat suddenly stretched out his two claws, and after the flash of silver and rune flashed, a silver white cat flew out.

The silver cat’s body gradually became larger, larger than the gloomy shark, and it was killed directly.

“That’s Ancient Soul Clan Bloodline Secret Technique ‘Soul Devouring Strike’!”

The Ancient God Han Yu complexion was startled, then stared at the Small Thieving Cat.

But the Small Thieving Cat disappeared after the Soul Devouring Strike was exhibited.

“Not good !”

Ancient God Han Yu suddenly noticed something.


Small Thieving Cat suddenly appeared near her.

Small Thieving Cat has two claws extended, it releases a strange white aperture in its left claw, and a gray ice condensation on its right claw.

When Ancient God Han Yu was enveloped by the white aperture, all of his strengths felt suddenly suppressed, although the suppression was not great.

At the same time, the gray ice freezes, enters into the body of the Ancient God Han Yu.

Before, she didn’t feel any chill from the gray ice, but when she was touched by it, a force of icy cold suddenly appeared.

Even the Ancient God Han Yu of Profound Truth, cultivate, could not help a shiver.

“This is the strength of Sealed God Race and Ice Deep Clan in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race!”

Ancient God Han Yu suddenly screamed ф, who is you in this Small Thieving Cat?

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat grimaced and fled in an instant.

“Abominable cat, where do you escape!”

Ancient God Han Yu complexion It was cold, with a wave of the palm, and an Extreme Cold ice peak suddenly struck out.

Although seriously injured and suppressed by the mystery of Small Thieving Cat, the attack power of Ancient God Han Yu is still very powerful.

“God Eye breaks down!”

That Eye of Filling the Heaven, immediately staring at the condensed attack of Ancient God Han Yu, a layer of fantasy light glow bloomed inside.


The power of the Extreme Cold suddenly weakened, and it became more and more obvious.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Han Yu complexion was startled.

Today, these people have surprised her too much.

After the power was weakened, the Small Thieving Cat escaped smoothly, and entered again into the Perception Tower, returning to the top floor.

Just at this time.

“God Eye Copy!”

In Eye of Filling the Heaven, a cloud of dreamy light suddenly released.

In that light and mist, an Extreme Cold ice peak flew out, whistling away to Ancient God Han Yu.

Zhao Feng’s cultivation base has made some progress. Coupled with Ancient God Han Yu this move, it is far worse than Ancient God Yu Hai’s soul-crushing roar. Copying it is less difficult.

“This … is exactly what Ancient God Yu Hai said!”

Ancient God Han Yu’s eyes widened and shocked.

At this moment, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon urged the destruction of the Strength of Source, releasing a Crimson Dragon Shadow, and the Dragon Shadow burned and flared, sweeping towards Ancient God Han Yu.

Boom hu hu!

The attack of the two men drowned the Ancient God Han Yu figure.

At the same time, Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Hua Cai joined forces to flee Mu Yu Ancient God.

The two of them, immediately, went to help Xin Wuhen.

In a hurry, Ancient God Yu Hai was in crisis.

He was just about to ask Ancient God Han Yu for help, but found that Ancient God Han Yu was temporarily held by Zhao Feng.

This is incredible. As Half-Step God Lord, he was pinned down by an Eighth-Rank Peak.

p> Although Zhao Feng has many means, including World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Small Thieving Cat and other helpers, it is not the case!

“Ancient God Yu Hai, this time, you still lost!”

Xin Wuhen suddenly made a force, raised his hands and pitched his feet, inspiring infinite heaven and earth strength,

He joined forces with two other Giant God Clan people, engulfing the ancient fists and engulfing Ancient God Yu Hai.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion is somewhat pale.

The two Half-Step God Lords joined forces, but neither is the opponent of Xin Wuhen Zhao Feng and the others.

Of course, the main reason for all this is that Zhao Feng pinned down Ancient God Han Yu, which no one had expected.

On top of the Perception Tower, once the Small Thieving Cat returns, he controls the Perception Tower again.

Today, the Small Thieving Cat ’s authority over Perception Tower is highest to the highest level, and Perception Tower ’s perceived range is 10 million miles.

Suddenly, three white light spots appeared on the edge of the Perception Tower.


Nine-sided light barrier flickering slightly white light, the picture near those three light spots is quickly enlarged.

I saw two people from Ancient Soul Palace, and a handsome youth, who were rushing towards the Perception Tower.

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