King of Gods

Chapter 1349

Within Sky Devil Hall, Zhao Feng and You Quan Ancient God and the others chased after each other (all of a sudden trembling.

Everyone felt as if there was a formidable strength hanging from their top of the head.

“What’s going on? This awe aura comes from the outside!”

Luo Ling Ancient God turned pale, surprised.

Only Weili aura penetrated the great formation from the outside and penetrated into the Sky Devil Hall, making everyone feel fear.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying the aura’s expert is.

“This aura, haha, you are all done!”

You Quan Ancient God, who was fleeing, suddenly stopped and laughed arrogantly.

Being able to make him as a Ninth-Rank Ancient God feel such a fearful strength, and the Death Aura and eye pupil induction, You Quan Ancient God determined that the God Lord expert above arrived at the Sky Devil Hall!

When the Heavens Secret Cat was captured, Sky Devil Hall sent a message.

Heavens Secret Cat is a big deal. It directly asks God Lord characters to come over in person.

Of course, the other party will also take away all the treasures and research results accumulated by Sky Devil Hall.

“what happened?”

Zhao Feng felt restless for a while, but at this moment, his Eye Strength Will was too expensive, and he wanted to penetrate the Sky Devil Hall and the tens of thousands of Extreme Cold abyss. It was impossible to get a glimpse of the situation outside.

“Haha, Lord God Lord, are you troublemakers still alive?”

You Quan Ancient God speaks without hesitation.

He just wanted to see Zhao Feng and the others, terrified.

“God Lord!”

Luo Ling Ancient God was shocked and felt that things were not good.

The team they came to this time, the most expert is Scarlet Firmament Ancient God.

However, they are the people of Space-Time Holy Land, and this God Lord should not embarrass them.

“God Lord is here!”

Zhao Feng whole body trembled.

In the Wild God Region, the superficial person is usually Ancient God.

God Lord belongs to the Paragon expert who has been rarely seen for tens of thousands or even thousands of years. It is rumored that God Lord is angry, Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth.

Rao was calm Zhao Feng, and he was alarmed at this moment.

Unlike Luo Ling Ancient God, he is covered by Space-Time Holy Land.

Behind him is Spirit Clan, which is far less deterrent than Divine Realm Holy Land, and Zhao Feng destroyed Sky Devil Hall like this. The number of members killed is also countless.

The God Lord has no reason to let go of himself.

At this time, Zhao Feng, even if he played all the cards, could not hurt God Lord by a penny, and even if some secrets were exposed, God Lord might be eyeed.

The only way to live is to pretend to be Space-Time Holy Land and let Luo Ling Ancient God help him.

But as soon as Zhao Feng went out and met the people of Space-Time Holy Land, he might be exposed.


Zhao Feng took out a few samples to nourish Soul’s Precious Materials, swallowed them directly, and resumed consumption.

At the same time, he put away Space-Time Robe and sealed the Strength of Source.

“God Lord!”

The flames of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body suddenly disappeared and turned into a black scale man with a look of panic.

His Master is Zhao Feng. At this moment, Zhao Feng can hardly take Self-destruction. His World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is more dangerous.

In addition, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is very unwilling. He now has a World Cultivation Dragon Clan reverse scale, and he has the opportunity to win the top of the Ancient God and even the Assault God Lord.


Heaven and earth are dark, like the dark world of endless death. All alive or death is in the hands of others.

Everyone shuddered, resisting tremendous pressure, looked towards the center of the world of death, the one who held them alive or death.

He had old white hair and a dull face showing a bit of majesty, a pair of dark and deep eyes, like a black hole of death, devouring all life.

“It’s God Lord!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God stared at each other with horror.

Only God Lord has such power.

And Scarlet Firmament Ancient God felt that the person in front of him was by no means an ordinary God Lord.

The God Lord appeared in this moment between heaven and earth. Everything was dominated by him. Scarlet Firmament Ancient God wanted to run Profound Truth of Space-Time to escape, and it was very difficult.

“How could God Lord come!”

The rest of the Space-Time Holy Land heard the words of Xiao Xiao Ancient God, and the complexion was shocked.

Deep in this dark world, they feel their vitality, slowly passing by all the time, this is the strength that the other side inadvertently emits.

“Master Tian Ji, I didn’t expect you to come here!”

Gray scale old man pay respect.

At the same time, all members of the Sky Devil Hall here knelt down.

“This power is really not simple, and there is such a powerful God Lord character!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God murmured.

“Are you Scarlet Firmament?”

God Lord Tian Ji’s eyes suddenly seemed to Scarlet Firmament Ancient God.

A casual glance gave pressure to Scarlet Firmament Ancient God endless.

Inadvertently, all around Death and Black Mist, gathered towards Scarlet Firmament Ancient God and swallowed his life faster.


Scarlet Firmament Ancient God runs all strengths, resists the heaven and earth power from God Lord Tian Ji, and looks directly at God Lord Tian Ji.

They are the people of Space-Time Holy Land, and he himself is the discipline of Ruler of Space-Time.

The average God Lord, dare not treat him.

What’s more, the God Lord in front of me seems not to be an expert of Divine Realm Holy Land.

So Scarlet Firmament Ancient God is not afraid, he believes that God Lord Tian Ji will not be difficult for them as long as he gives sufficient reasons.

God Lord Tian Ji looked towards Scarlet Firmament Ancient God with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.


He suddenly extended his palm, palm down, aiming at Sky Devil Hall in the Extreme Cold abyss subterranean.

A source strength undetectable by ordinary people emanates from God Lord Tian Ji.

The next moment, the entire Abyss of Extreme Cold shuddered.

a glance, as if the whole land was shaking, it was about to crack.

“This is God Lord’s ability. This is simply Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth …”

A Space-Time Holy Land Ancient God with wide eyes and shocked silence.

Everything at the feet of the people was shaking, and the mountains and the earth were shattered.

“What is he going to do!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God complexion was tight. He felt that the God Lord did not play cards according to common sense.

“Get up!”

God Lord Tian Ji whispered.

Hong long!

The ground under everyone’s feet broke apart.

Then I saw an incomparable gigantic black ball of light, which slowly floated up.


Scarlet Firmament Ancient God stared at the ball of light in shock.

Within the ball of light, there is a huge closed building complex, which is the entire Sky Devil Hall.

The protective formulation of the Sky Devil Hall all around is still open, and the many experts who perform the formulation are even at a loss.

God Lord Tian Ji, directly ingest a 4-Star Peak territory!

“Luo Ling Ancient God!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God suddenly thought of something.

God Lord Tian Ji’s approach is obviously to move the entire Sky Devil Hall, but Luo Ling Ancient God is still inside.

“Master Tian Ji really Divine Power Opening Heaven!”

The gray scale old man complexion was extremely excited, trembled.

This scene is really too assault!

In addition, this incident is so big that Sky Devil Hall already cannot exist. God Lord Tian Ji’s approach, he can naturally understand.


God Lord Tian Ji ordered nodded and didn’t speak.

And the dark ball of light that enveloped the entire Sky Devil Hall gradually shrank, and now it is only a few hunted red.

Relatively speaking, it is not too difficult to shrink a space.

The hardest part is that it is hard to imagine how much strength it takes to ingest such a large piece of land.


A dark ball of light floated out and came to God Lord Tian Ji’s side.

And the earth, the ruins of aleady ruins!

Within Sky Devil Hall.

“What happened just now?”

Everyone wondered.

They just felt that the entire Sky Devil Hall was shaking, the others were completely unaware.

“Let me see how it goes!”

Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will recovered a little, and he should fully see through, and should be able to see the situation outside.

shua shua Shua!

The layers of the scene penetrate directly.

p> Zhao Feng’s complexion, change over and over again!


Zhao Feng was shocked, I don’t know how to express it.

Seeing everything, he found that the Sky Devil Hall he was floating in.

And in the sky, there is an incomparable gigantic black clothed person, as if the center of the world.

That’s God Lord!

“What a power!”

Zhao Feng was amazed.

He knew that it wasn’t that the other party got bigger, but they got smaller, and the entire Sky Devil Hall got smaller.

Just then, God Lord Tian Ji looked towards Sky Devil Hall inside, sneaked.

“Sky Devil Hall is ruined like this, you have to pay the price!”

God Lord Tian Ji looked towards Scarlet Firmament Ancient God, said coldly.

As soon as this word came out, everyone in Space-Time Holy Land was shocked.

“Senior, the cause of this incident was that Sky Devil Hall caught the Space-Time Holy Land first!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God was also afraid, and hurriedly explained.

“How many people died in Space-Time Holy Land? How many more died in Sky Devil Hall?”

God Lord Tian Ji complexion remained unchanged, he asked coldly.

For a while, many people in Space-Time Holy Land were silent.

This is not the case.

“Can people at Sky Devil Hall be compared to people at Space-Time Holy Land?”

A Ninth-Rank Ancient God, finally unable to hold back, whispered.

He is the top Ninth-Rank Ancient God who came with Scarlet Firmament Ancient God, ranking second only to Scarlet Firmament Ancient God in the team.

God Lord Tian Ji complexion is unchanged, as if not heard, looked towards Scarlet Firmament Ancient God, and then said: “I don’t kill you, but they all have to die!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God is a discipline of Ruler of Space-Time, and God Lord Tian Ji did not dare to take him.

“Senior, this…”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God complexion.

Boom hu hu!

The black mist surged between heaven and earth, forming a black goblet’s claw, and attacked the talking Space-Time Holy Land staff just now.

“No, spare the life …”

After a few screams, the black mist dispersed and Ninth-Rank Ancient God disappeared.

The subject, God Lord Tian Ji, seemed to do nothing.

There was a moment of silence and a fear of death shrouded the top of the head of many personnel in Space-Time Holy Land.

This God Lord, even the people of Space-Time Holy Land, said to kill and kill.

This behavior will definitely annoy Space-Time Holy Land.

Unless God Lord Tian Ji’s forces can mention on equal terms with Space-Time Holy Land, otherwise God Lord Tian Ji escapes to any domain and will be subject to Spacesuit’s pursuit.

Inside Sky Devil Hall, Zhao Feng looked at it all too, and his heart was shocked.

He always thought that there was not much difference between God Lord and Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

He didn’t know his innocence until today!

God Lord can be regarded as the god of the Wild God Region!


The voice of God Lord Tian Ji is like the sentence of death.

At this moment, everyone except Space-Time Holy Land except Scarlet Firmament Ancient God was stiff, and Soul was trembling.


The silhouette of God Lord Tian Ji rings, and in the dark world, the dark mist of death suddenly surges.

But at this moment, God Lord Tian Ji complexion changed abruptly. This is the biggest time that he came here, complexion changed.


A vicissitudes of ethereal space, as if from a distant space, echoed in the dark world.

At the same time, everyone was over the sky, shining a bright light.

Then, the entire dark world slowly collapsed!

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