King of Gods

Chapter 1348

Outside of Sky Devil Hall, above the Cold Abyss, Space-Time Holy Land and Sky Devil Hall face off.

“That was just now?”

The gray scale old man, the dark Eye slightly flashes, glanced at the Sky Devil Hall deep in the subterranean.

At that moment, there was a sudden strength in Sky Devil Hall, which made him unable to predict the strength.

He even wondered if that was the hole card prepared by Space-Time Holy Land.

“what happened?”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God complexion.

The unknown strength induction just now, even his Eye of Space-Time is slightly trembled.

The specific situation cannot be known, but it can be speculated that the unknown strength was definitely not exhibited by Luo Ling Ancient God.

Therefore, Scarlet Firmament Ancient God has some concerns about the safety of Luo Ling Ancient God.


In Sky Devil Hall, You Quan Ancient God stared at Zhao Feng, with resentment and anger in his heart, beyond words.

This Infiltrator completely ruined the Sky Devil Hall and overthrew all the strategies of You Quan Ancient God.

He failed, in the hands of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng secretly observed God Eye after destroying God Eye’s unification.

Just now, he released a lot of Strength of Source.

At this moment, the Strength of Source in Illusory Silver Ball is slightly stabilized, not as violent as before.

According to observations, it won’t be long before Illusory Silver Ball will resume as usual.

However, Zhao Feng always felt that taking God Gudan this time, God Eye’s abnormalities seemed to bring him some changes, but he didn’t notice it.


Zhao Feng also stopped thinking.

Now, let’s just settle things before us.

The next moment, Luo Ling Ancient God, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Wang, and Small Thieving Cat, simultaneously launched an attack.

They ordered Zhao Feng’s to kill the weak first.


Zhao Feng figure flashes, approaching an Eighth-Rank Ancient God, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in the hands is shining dazzling Thunder Light.

split second, seven thunderclap chains rushed out, imprisoning Soul.

“Death erosion!”

This Eight-Rank Ancient God is a descendant of Death God Eye. He immediately launched the death Soul Eye Technique to resist the power of Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

But did Zhao Feng give him a chance.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

In the second split, Thunder Calamity Eye Flame condensed successfully and launched directly.

At this moment, Zhao Feng did not seal the Strength of Source. The power of this Thunder Calamity Eye Flame is far beyond usual.

Hum pu!

The second split, Soul of the Eighth-Rank Ancient God, is wrapped in infinite lightning.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng’s use of Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to reduce the power of this Thunder Calamity Eye Technique, I’m afraid that the Eighth-Rank Ancient God would be killed by Zhao Feng in one shot.


thunderclap dragged by the chain, the opponent Soul is sucked by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!

On the other side, the speed of Luo Ling Ancient God is far faster than that of Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon. When fighting with it, there is still a chance to get rid of other lower-level Ancient God.

The Small Thieving Cat is even more intriguing. There are so many ways to prevent it, even You Quan Ancient God.

Within a short time, Sky Devil Hall had a lot of casualties on its side, leaving only a few people.

Especially some weak strengths, expression flustered, and always be vigilant.

“Gather together!”

You Quan Ancient God directly ordered.

Today, they are fighting directly. They are not the opponent of Zhao Feng and the others, and they still adopt the strategy of killing the weak first.

In addition, God Eye Unification can no longer be used.

Everyone just saw it. The eight who performed God Eye unification, because the Secret Technique is out of control, they can’t die anymore.

sou sou!

All the remaining staff gathered towards You Quan Ancient God.


Cried Twin God Xie Sheng.

Ever since they became the Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God, they have not been so humiliated.

Only the remaining members of Sky Devil Hall are very angry.

“Retreat to the core area!”

You Quan Ancient God leads the remaining members and fights and retreats.

The core area is an important place for Sky Devil Hall, and there are many mechanism traps.

The core secret hall is all around, and even more taboo mechanical weapons capable of killing Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

As long as they return to the secret hall, they are basically safe.

“Gathered together, for the sake of my convenience?”

Zhao Feng sneered.

His Thunder Calamity Eye Flame, but the target was launched instantly without an attack trail.

When these people come together, it is more inconvenient to move, that is, it is easier to be locked by Zhao Feng.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng locked one at random, and Thunder Calamity Eye Technique was launched.

Hum pu!

Defendable, an Ancient God fell directly in You Quan Ancient God’s squad.

This scene made other Ancient God tremble and panic.

“Void Spirit cut!”

The face of Luo Ling Ancient God ice-cold was faintly agitated.

She had been hiding around before to avoid pursuit, but now she has a chance, the man at pursuit Sky Devil Hall.

Luo Ling Ancient God’s attack is also very powerful. Except for You Quan Ancient God and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon, others can only watch.

The distance here is the core secret hall, the distance is far away.

Less than halfway away, the rest of the Sky Devil Hall were all dead, leaving only Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon, Twin God Xie Sheng and You Quan Ancient God.

It can be said that only You Quan Ancient God is left, because the other three are his Immortal Samsara Body.

However, the consumption of Zhao Feng, Luo Ling Ancient God and the others is also huge.

Zhao Feng has always been using the Strength of Source, and Eye Strength Will is almost time consuming due to the continuous use of Eye Technique.

Luo Ling Ancient God has just broken through Ninth-Rank, and its heritage has not been consolidated, far less than Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon and You Quan Ancient God.

“Anyone can make mistakes, and besides you get that many benefits from Sky Devil Hall …”

You Quan Ancient God stared at Zhao Feng with a resentful face.

Although Luo Ling Ancient God cultivation base is the highest among the two Infiltrators, Zhao Feng is the most terrifying existence and the culprit that made him look like this.

“I got it on my own strength!”

Zhao Feng complexion is unchanged.

Wild God Region, strength is everything, weak people have no say!

> Imagine, if Zhao Feng had no current strength and was besieged by Sky Devil Hall, would they let Zhao Feng go?

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s killing intent for these people will not change.

“Kill both of you first!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly stared at Twin God Xie Sheng.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Among Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, seven thunderclap chains are rushed out.


Twin God Xie Sheng shocked, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is a Divine Tool that restrains the Immortal Samsara Body. Once Soul is extracted, it is really over.


You Quan Ancient God and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon are getting rid.

Although Twin God Xie Sheng is only the Eighth-Rank Peak, the two of them have the strength of the continuous Ninth-Rank, which is also considered to be the powerful Battle Strength in the hands of You Quan Ancient God.

“Tianfeng Void Spirit cut!”

Luo Ling Ancient God suddenly gets rid, swings out a rapidly rotating silver-white Void Blade, and shrouds it towards Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon.

The Small Thieving Cat urged Rune Silver Blade to release a seal strength and block You Quan Ancient God.


Seven thunderclap chains tie Twin God Xie Sheng together.

At the same time, Zhao Feng aimed at the two of them and launched a Thunder Calamity Eye Flame.

The Thunder Calamity Eye Flame of contain Strength of Source is terrifying. Even if they share the burden, it is difficult to resist its power.


Zhao Feng fully urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to drag Twin God Xie Sheng’s weak Soul away.

After doing all this, Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will was almost deficient.

On the opposite side, only Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon and You Quan Ancient God are left.

Both are Ninth-Rank Ancient God and even Immortal Samsara Body, which is harder to kill.

But even if they can’t kill them, they won’t make them both better!

Zhao Feng and the others, constantly chasing You Quan Ancient God, launching a powerful attack in desperation.

Although they are Samsara’s immortal body, the pain of torn body is still present.

Zhao Feng and the others’ attack, tearing their body again and again, the screams continued.


Above the Extreme Cold abyss, the battle between Scarlet Firmament Ancient God and the grayscale old man is getting fiercer.

At some point, Greyscale Old Man received a message from You Quan Ancient God.

When he died, his complexion changed dramatically, surprised and angry.

The dark clouds roared between heaven and earth, showing the dramatic fluctuation of his mood.

“It’s like this!”

Grey scale old man The cold voice floated out.

Heavens Secret Cat escaped, the treasure house was stolen, and Sky Devil Hall was destroyed.

And You Quan Ancient God, there is no way to deal with those two Infiltrator!

According to You Quan Ancient God, the gray scale old man as it should be by rights treats the two Infiltrators as those of Space-Time Holy Land.


Scarlet Firmament Ancient God complexion.

His opponent suddenly became abnormal, as if not happy.

From the anger of the gray scale old man, Scarlet Firmament Ancient God can infer that Luo Ling Ancient God should not have been unexpected.

“Don’t think you are Space-Time Holy Land people, you can do whatever you want!”

Grey scale old man ice-cold uttered.

Although You Quan Ancient God showed everything, it made him very angry.

But the end result will not change!

“You are doing whatever you want!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God was also angry.

“I did look down on you, I didn’t expect Space-Time Holy Land to have such a character!”

The gray scale old man smiled faintly. The character he was referring to was naturally Zhao Feng.

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God shows weirdness.

In his opinion, the planted agent of Sky Devil Hall should still have experts, and Luo Ling Ancient God’s operation will not go smoothly.

But from the words of the gray scale old man, Sky Devil Hall seems to be suffering a lot.

“But it’s over, you will be buried here!”

Grayscale old man continued.

Having said this, the grayscale old man hurried back, pulled away from Scarlet Firmament Ancient God, and stopped fighting.

“What do you mean?”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God’s eyes turned, and a bad feeling rose in his heart. Suddenly, he felt an alive or death crisis.

He suddenly turned around, looked towards the rear.

I saw that the distant Heavens, dark, Death Qi, and no vitality.

And in the endless dark cloud, there is an unobtrusive body.

The moment he saw this person, Scarlet Firmament trembled in ancient Spiritual God, revealing the color of terror.


The next moment, the inconspicuous black silhouette appeared directly in the Extreme Cold abyss, and appeared in the battlefield center of the two high-level forces.

At the same time, all the people here felt a sudden shock from heaven and earth, an irreversible divide might that enveloped heaven and earth Heavens.

When they died, they simultaneously spits out blood, and the Soul body shuddered uncontrollably.

Heaven and earth is dark, and there is endless dark fog in the eyes. Everyone seems to come to another world, alive or death is out of control.

“God Lord!”

Scarlet Firmament Ancient God pale color, both eyes, staring in horror at the dark shadow in the center of this dark world!

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