King of Gods

Chapter 1203

“So Golden eyes, don’t tell me?”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan looks directly at Zhao Feng, and falls on his golden eyes, as bright and deep as amber, and seems to want to arrived something.

Although he has long noticed the characteristics of Zhao Feng’s blonde gold pupil, the Wild God Region has many races, regardless of skin color, hair color and pupil color.

Therefore, Quasi-God Kong Yuan has never thought about it. Zhao Tian ’s gold pupil was played by Zhao Feng.

After all, in his eyes, Zhao Feng was too weak and insignificant.

It was only when Zhao Feng Left Eye showed incredible abilities that Quasi-God Kong Yuan suspected that Zhao Feng was the master of the heavenly gold pupil and the one who had defeated himself with Cross-Space Eye.

“Killed four people in an instant”

A Fourth-Rank True God, his heart is pounding.

He was originally a team with Zhao Feng, but when Space-Time Holy Land’s expert besieged Zhao Feng, he did not choose to support Zhao Feng, but took the opportunity to attack the Space-Time Holy Land’s people.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng was besieged by the Expert of Space-Time Holy Land, and finally he was safe and sound.

Hu hu

On the slab, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon cut into two halves, the body glued together by itself, and slowly repaired.

However, at this time, Aura was very weak and did not have combat capability.

“What the hell is Bloodline?”

Expert-shocked of Space-Time Holy Land.

The three Space-Time Holy Land experts were completely killed by “space-time cutting”, while the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was split into two halves and still lived well.

“Well, now there are exactly ten people left, and you have all been promoted.”

Transparent old man in void, said with a smile.

Everyone glanced away, and indeed there were only ten people left; four of them were Space-Time Holy Land, and the remaining six were definitely experts in Heavenly Fate Region and Ancient Long Region.

“You are here first, recover for a while, no one is allowed to do it”

Dressed in the old man of Space-Time Robe, this sentence disappeared immediately.

“This little brother, what you just did is really amazing”

A brown-haired middle-aged man came next to Zhao Feng.

The reality of Zhao Feng’s watch is too amazing, coupled with the special Physique of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, the cultivation base of little Ling True God Fourth-Rank, and the team of Zhao Feng has become a strength that cannot be ignored.

“Senior has won”

Zhao Feng politely said.

God Eye Copy’s ability is indeed powerful, but everyone present didn’t understand what that means, which is why this person came close to Zhao Feng.

At the end of the second round of trials, ten people remained and were temporarily rested here to heal their injuries.

No one knows what will happen in the next round, and the only thing they can do is to maintain the best condition.

“If there is danger in the next round, you will abstain directly”

Zhao Feng told World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon consumes a lot of the Destroyed Strength of Source. Now that it is extremely weak, the cultivation base is going backwards and cannot be recovered in a short time.

Fortunately, without the help of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Feng also has little Ling, a Fourth-Rank True God.

After taking some healing Precious Materials, Zhao Feng began to feel Profound Truth of Space-Time; Zhao Feng believed that no matter what the next round of tests, Profound Truth of Space-Time should have some bonuses.

A few days later, all the injuries were basically healed, but the transparent old man had not yet appeared.

After another ten days, some people became impatient.

“Will the old fellow forget us?”

Many people are a little irritable.

But Zhao Feng always sat on the spot and never moved.

In Zhao Feng’s view, it is also a very good thing to be able to understand Profound Truth of Space-Time here before the third round of testing.

Zhao Feng’s second layer Space Profound Truth and first layer Profound Truth of Time were all realized here.

Zhao Feng came to God Eye Space, a Deep Green Hair old man, and continued to practice “Heaven Covering Palm”.

“I am able to integrate Profound Truth of Space-Time into Palm Technique”

Zhao Feng said with joy.

“Heaven Covering Palm” with Profound Truth of Space-Time is the real “Heaven Covering Palm”.

Ignoring Space, Palm Technique shrouded in one palm, the flow of time slowed down, and the enemy could not hide if he wanted to hide, but could only be crushed.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s body noticed something different, and his mind returned to the ontology.

Bang bang bang

The slate where everyone was standing was shaken violently.

In the slate center, numerous large and small stones float out and fly upward.


Everyone was immediate back to the edge.


In front of everyone, there are countless white stones floating

Hong long long

All the stones began to condense and instantly formed a giant peak up to thousand zhang.

This white giant peak is composed of all stones, and there is a step all around, leading to the top of mountain peak.

At the top of the mountain peak, the translucent old man appeared again.

“The first one to reach the top is the winner”

At this moment, the body of the translucent old man suddenly burst into a deep layer of silver Void Glow.

“Last test?”

Many were a little surprised.

“The first one to get on top will get ‘Space-Time Robe,”

A middle-aged man was excited.

The final test was completely different from what he thought. Perhaps he also had a chance to get “Space-Time Robe”.

“What is the secret of this mountain peak?”

An old man, in doubt, embarked on a step.

When he stepped on the steps, the old man understood that the road to the top of mountain peak could only be climbed by one step by step, and could not fly.

In addition, he also felt a sudden gravity.

In the Wild God Region, all major forces have many Trial and tests, of which the gravity test is the most common one.

This test is generally related to strength and perseverance.

“Just nothing?”

Zhao Feng also embarked on a step and felt a gravity repression.

But Zhao Feng did not believe that the final test was pure gravity.

“Space-Time Robe is mine”

A Body Tempering expert, seeing this round of testing was gravity, so excited, he quickly climbed the steps and ran all the way.


This Body Tempering expert feels something wrong.

Looking back, I saw the steps under his feet, actually going backwards.

“How is this going?”

The Body Tempering expert was shocked.

As he kept going upwards, the steps under his feet kept going backwards.

In other words, he can only continue to move forward unless he moves faster than the steps backward.

But each time he advances a distance, the gravity on the steps will increase a little, and it is too difficult to do this.

“Hmph, isn’t it a test of strength and perseverance?”

The Body Tempering expert did not give up, exuding amazing physical strength, carrying the suppression of gravity, rushing up.


“Can’t fall behind”

The rest stepped on a separate step, suppressed by their gravity, and ran up.


Zhao Feng also stepped up the steps and walked out ten steps directly.

“Gravity is indeed increasing”

Zhao Feng whispering.

At the same time, the steps are going backwards. If Zhao Feng does not continue, he will eventually return to the original point.

However, even if Zhao Feng continued to move forward, he could not reach the end.

Therefore, Zhao Feng stood still on the spot, waited for the steps to retreat, and sent him back to the starting point.

“Xiao Hei, what’s your opinion?”

Zhao Feng asked on his own initiative.

The last round of tests didn’t seem that simple. The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was well-informed and might find a breakthrough.

“Every path’s gravity should be determined by cultivation base. Therefore, Quasi-God and True God, which can be challenged, have more advantages.”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon complexion is deep, slowly speaking.

These are what he observed from other people’s reactions.

“It turns out I have an advantage over others”

Zhao Feng thoughtfully.

However, if, as World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon said, Quasi-God Kong Yuan is Half-God Realm, but it has the strength of Fourth-Rank True God, wouldn’t it be the biggest advantage.

“If we say that the first round is testing our comprehension of space-time Battle Skill, the second round can be considered to test our combat capability, and the third round is very likely to test our potential.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s eyes are very deep.


Zhao Feng took a deep breath.

Who knows the potential?

Although the major forces also pay more attention to potential when selecting genius, it is generally believed that potential refers to Bloodline natural talent, but it is not true.

At least for Zhao Feng, a person’s temperature is also part of the potential.

“This road must be completed in one breath, once it stops, it will return to its origin.”

At this moment, Zhao Feng aside said.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon eyes flashes.

Thinking carefully, Zhao Feng is indeed correct.

Zhao Feng can analyze this so quickly, this is not a potential.


Halfway up the mountain, the Body Tempering expert couldn’t resist the suppression of gravity, and was suddenly discouraged.

Hu hu

The steps quickly reversed, and the Body Tempering expert will soon return to the origin.

On the other steps, many people are still insisting on climbing up, but the steps are constantly backwards, and they have not advanced much.


Zhao Feng sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

“Master, what are you doing?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon eyes reveal color of surprise.

He was on the spot to heal because he was seriously injured and was not in the state. He didn’t want to compete for “Space-Time Robe”, so what is Zhao Feng?

“There is no way, cultivate and think about it”

Zhao Feng responded.

Although there is an additional mountain peak here, it is still a cultivate Holy Land that realizes Profound Truth of Space-Time.

On the top of the mountain, the translucent old man, watching the person climbing on mountain peak, shook his head slightly: “Innate talent strength strong people can come here directly; if there is no strong innate talent strength, they are unwilling to admit themselves Incompetence, not thinking about how to solve the problem, can not tolerate failure, but just rushing forward, what can be achieved in the future …

“Ah? Able to use Profound Truth of Time”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan, who was climbing, found that he could use the strength of time to slow down the steps.

In this way, he saved a lot of effort and climbed a lot faster.

The rest of the Space-Time Holy Land, see this scene, immediately Clear Comprehension.

However, in addition to the Quasi-God Kong Yuan, only one of the four Space-Time Holy Land people here has reached the first layer of Profound Truth of Time.

“Sure enough, this round of testing is also good for Profound Truth of Space-Time”

Space-Time Holy Land’s Fourth-Rank True God, smiles lightly, and runs Profound Truth of Time to slow down the speed of the steps backwards.

“Hateful and unfair”

Some people complained, but they were helpless.

Quasi-God Kong Yuan saw himself ahead of everyone and immediately compaltnt smiled.

Space-Time Robe, it must be his.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng at the foot of the mountain, Quasi-God Kong Yuan looked towards, smiled even more.

“I originally planned to defeat you in this round. I didn’t expect you to give in.”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan aloof and remote, looking down at Zhao Feng, dismissive.

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