King of Gods

Chapter 1202

To others, Zhao Feng is just an ordinary Quasi-God.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng is showing the second layer Space Profound Truth and the advanced Space Battle Skill.

Due to the increase in the space-time Battle Skill, Zhao Feng’s Battle Strength at this time is equivalent to a powerful Third-Rank True God.

“Really strong, which force’s genius is this Space Profound Truth actually reached the second layer Realm”

Said teammates fighting with Zhao Feng and the others, surprised.

Quasi-God Kong Yuan is the strongest Quasi-God Chosen of Space-Time Holy Land. Before enters into the Wild Immemorial secret realm, Space Profound Truth was also tripled. Later, due to some opportunities, he felt Space Profound Truth near the transparent palace. Only break through to the 4th Layer.

Some Quasi-God genius of Space-Time Holy Land, see Zhao Feng Space Profound Truth is so good, they are deliberately aimed at Zhao Feng.

But when they attacked Zhao Feng’s, they discovered that Zhao Feng had two expert guards beside him.

One is a Black Scaled Dragon man, Space Profound Truth is powerful, and he also owns Prorifying Truth of Destruction terrifying.

The other is a pretty woman with a perfect face. Her cultivation base is deep and Profound Truth of Fire is powerful.

Bang Bang

“Burning Flame”

“Tyrant Fist”

Between the two sides, there is a flood of fire.

Many experts on Zhao Feng’s side did not use the space-time Battle Skill. But there is no ordinary person who can come to this step, and they all have their own Domain.

Zhao Feng is still repeatedly performing “Heaven Covering Palm”.

Although it has become a battlefield today, it is still a cultivate Holy Land that realizes Profound Truth of Space-Time; Zhao Feng can be said to be fighting at this moment, but it is more like cultivate “ Heaven Covering Palm ” and realize Profound Truth of Space-Time .

Bang Bang

The thirty-six people’s battle was very chaotic and fierce, and a group of weaker strengths was quickly eliminated.

At this time, on the slate, there were twelve people on the Space-Time Holy Land side and sixteen on the Zhao Feng side.

“Eight to Eliminate Eighteen”

Zhao Feng’s eyes kept an eye on the entire battlefield.

The battle continued, and almost everything that was left in the end was an experience-rich, very ruthless expert. It is too difficult to continue to eliminate from this group of people

Perhaps in the end, the many experts temporarily joined by Zhao Feng on this side will get rid of their own people, just to eliminate the number of people and advance to the next round.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng has two helpers, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and little Ling. As long as you exercise caution, you should not be out.

Gradually, the fighting was not as fierce as before.

Many people have started secretly saving strength to recover consumption and injuries.

“The team at Space-Time Holy Land is too strong, and it will be too difficult to eliminate a few more people.”

On Zhao Feng’s side, a Fourth-Rank True God said.

Today, there are only XNUMX people left on the slate. None of them is good.

“We should unite and get rid of one person at the same time, so we can quickly reduce the number to ten people.”

Zhao Feng suggested.

“Yes, let’s attack the Quasi-God first.”

Zhao Feng’s team began to discuss countermeasures.

Sou sou

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s expert all rushed out, and the target was directed to a certain Quasi-God in Space-Time Holy Land.

“Heaven Covering Palm”

“Your Dragon Sword”

“Teana Sacred Dragon Wave”

hiding the sky and covering the earth’s attack, while rolling towards one person.

“help me……”

This Quasi-God was terrified.


The people on the Space-Time Holy Land side did not expect that the other party would do this. They wanted to get rid to help the Quasi-God stop, but it was too late.

Bang Bang

The Quasi-God was directly bombarded and the number was reduced by one.


Space-Time Holy Land’s team, immediately countered.

“To that middle-aged man gets rid in green”

Zhao Feng’s team reached a consensus and attacked one of the Space-Time Holy Land again.

Bang Bang

After some dragon wars, the tiger battles, the battle was deadlocked.

Now there are seven people left on the Space-Time Holy Land side and ten people left on the Zhao Feng side

On the slate, two people and horses confronted each other remotely.

Zhao Feng moved his mind slightly and entered into the God Eye Space. After watching the image of “Heaven Covering Palm” for a moment, his mind returned to the ontology and realized Profound Truth of Space-Time.

“Profound Truth of Time”

Zhao Feng seemed to touch anything but seemed to understand nothing.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time, only to break the last layer of yarn.

“I’ll give you an incense stick of time again. At that time, I will rank by the number of kills, take the top ten.”

Suddenly, the old man wearing Space-Time Robe in the sky smiled.

When the old man said this, the seventeen people who were being treated for healing had a sudden tremor.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier”

Someone complained.

Killing a Quasi-God or True God is basically a team of several people who can do it. Who happened to kill the opponent, everyone didn’t pay attention.

Even some strong people did not kill many people. Some weak people had good luck, just grabbed the last hit.


Suddenly, twenty people on the slate, simultaneously stood up.

No one knows exactly how many people they killed, but if they want to be successfully promoted, they must guarantee that they will kill a few more people.

Bang Bang

Everyone was forced to fight again.

Only the time of an incense stick of time, if the total number of people is more than ten in the end, the top ten will be taken as the number of kills.

“I don’t dispute”

A Third-Rank True God left the area outside the slate, and the figure disappeared into this Space.

This Third-Rank True God strength is very strong, but he doesn’t think he can win Space-Time Robe. It is too dangerous to stay here, so he gives up fighting for “Space-Time Robe”.

“go to death”

Some people directly exhibited the trump card.

Bang Bang

At this time, the remaining people on the Space-Time Holy Land side are all Experts on Space-Time Holy Land, and the terrifying space-time Battle Skill is invincible.

In Space-Time Holy Land, the Fourth-Rank True God and Quasi-God Kong Yuan play the most powerful Battle Strength.

“Heaven Covering Palm”

Zhao Feng is still cultivate this Palm Technique.

“Well, this guy’s Palm Technique contains a trace of Profound Truth of Time”

For Space-Time Holy Land’s expert, pay attention to advanced Zhao Feng’s attack.

“Second layer Space Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Time close to the first layer”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s eyes are locked on Zhao Feng body.

At this moment, Quasi-God Kong Yuan is a little jealous of Zhao Feng. Without Eye of Space-Time, Space Profound Truth will reach the second layer, and Profound Truth of Time will soon take shape.

Quasi-God Kong Yuan ’s Space Profound Truth has reached the 4th layer, but Profound Truth of Time is only the first layer.

“Kill this person”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan gives sound transmission directly to the owner of Space-Time Holy Land.

“OK, kill him”

The Fourth-Rank True God of Space-Time Holy Land ordered nodded.

It stands to reason that Zhao Feng has been guarding the two experts by their side. Their actions are unwise and they are likely to be caught by the opponent in the weak spot and attacked.

But Zhao Feng’s innate talent, everyone also sees.

With Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s innate talent, they are a little jealous of Zhao Feng, not to mention others in Space-Time Holy Land.


Suddenly, all the Expert-figure flickering of Space-Time Holy Land approached the direction of Zhao Feng.


“Ghost Airlock”

Hiding in the sky and covering the earth, Battle Skill, attack Zhao Feng.

“Not good, little black, use the Strength of Source soon”

Zhao Feng complexion changed slightly, he did not expect that he would be the target of everyone in Space-Time Holy Land.


The body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly emits a force of destruction from the ancient Heavens, countless black flames, divine light, venting frantically.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Little Ling hurriedly sprayed a web of flames, sweeping forward.

But the Space-Time Battle Skill is too powerful, and instantly destroys Little Ling’s attack.


Little Ling suffered some aftermath of the attack, took a few steps back, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Bang Bang

The remaining Battle Skill powers, all strikes are in the body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon maintains the human form, the whole body black flame divine light is tossing endlessly, his body is torn and broken, but it is immediate healing.

However, the split second, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon consumed a huge amount of destruction of the Strength of Source.

“How is that possible? Destroy the Strength of Source, Indestructible Physique, who is this race?”

Space-Time Holy Land’s expert was shocked.

But they can only feel the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body, Terring’s Bloodline aura, and can’t guess what race he is.


The expert on Zhao Feng’s side completely ignored Zhao Feng and took the opportunity to kill the opponent.

“Space-Time Cutting”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan runs Eye of Space-Time, which has accumulated a period of strength and has formed a silver Void Blade that runs across the four sides.


The terrifying Space Profound Truth, coupled with the ultimate Profound Truth of Time, made everyone nearby bewildered.

This silver Void Blade, which runs across heaven and earth, is directly integrated into void, and the next moment will appear in front of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Zhao Feng and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon felt that their own thinking ability and action ability were slowing down, and everything around them was slowing down, except for the fatal attack in front of them.

“Master, you owe me a lot of resources”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon continues to urge the destruction of the Strength of Source, and its claws surround the towering black flames and strikes out.

Pu chi

Withstand for a moment, this void silver blade cuts it directly in half.

call out

The silver Void Blade continues to cut towards Zhao Feng.

Ding Dong

Zhao Feng lifted up the Ancient God Seal in the form of a shield and penetrated a large number of devastating flames to resist.

“Profound Truth of Time”

Zhao Feng incorporated Profound Truth strength into the destruction of Yan Lei, spreading out to all around.

Suddenly, Profound Truth of Time on the attack of Quasi-God Kong Yuan was offset by Zhao Feng; the remaining power of this move was also resisted by Zhao Feng’s Ancient God Seal.

“Profound Truth of Time first layer”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s heart trembled.

Zhao Feng At that time of crisis, Profound Truth of Time breakthrough reached the first layer Realm.


The three Space-Time Holy Land experts killed Zhao Feng directly.

“You damn it”

Zhao Feng expression chilly, Left Eye emerged with amazing Eye Strength Will.

“Space-Time Cutting”

In Zhao Feng Left Eye, suddenly a silver Void Blade like the silver wings of Covering the Sky, a deep Space Profound Truth strength, made the three experts feel cold.

“4th Layer Space Profound Truth, or my Battle Skill for Eye of Space-Time”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan was shocked, 愣 on the spot.

He just made this move, and it took a while to accumulate power, but Zhao Feng showed no sign, and directly released the attack that was exactly the same as his power.

Pu chi

Such as the huge winged silver Void Blade, appeared directly in front of the three men, and cut them in half.

call out

The silver Void Blade continued to run backwards, and an injured True God in the melee was too late to be reacted and was directly killed by this move.

The same Space-Time Battle Skill as Quasi-God Kong Yuan, but Zhao Feng killed four people with this blow

“So Golden eyes, don’t tell me?”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan looks directly at Zhao Feng, and falls on his golden eyes, as bright and deep as amber, and seems to want to arrived something.

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