King of Gods

Chapter 1184

“It’s you”

On the side of Sky Water Demon clan, Hou Qing smiled a little.

“What’s wrong, Hou Qing?”

Aside, the Fourth-Rank True God of Sky Water Demon clan asked directly.

Although Hou Qing is crazy for overbearing, he has strength and innate talent, and has a strong background, so he has a high status in Sky Water Demon clan.

Hou Qing suddenly laughed at this moment. From this laughter, he felt a killing intent.

“The one who offended me before is here”

Hou Qing whispered.

Some people at Sky Water Demon clan knew that someone had offended Hou Qing before, but how exactly offended him, Hou Qing did not say.

“Who offended Hou Qing?”

“Should be someone from Golden Arm Clan, maybe Quasi-God Jian Feng”

Sky Water Demon clan and another team of experts were curious.

“You, come out for me”

Hou Qing looked down at Zhao Feng and reached out.

When Zhao Feng killed the Sky Water Demon clan who accompanied him, he almost killed him. After successfully escaping, Hou Qing contacted the people of Sky Water Demon clan as soon as possible, came to Phoenix Forest, and prepared to wait for the Phoenix Nest, and then led several clansman to find Zhao Feng’s revenge.

But he did not expect that Zhao Feng was also in the Phoenix Forest, which saved him a lot of effort.

Today, he needs to shatter Zhao Feng

By Hou Qing’s finger, the eyes of all the personnel on the 3 sides team were directed towards Zhao Feng.

They never thought that this person who offended Hou Qing was actually a Mystic Light Realm Perfection.

“Young Master Hou Qing, don’t have to remember it so much. I didn’t know you were the Sky Water Demon clan at first, otherwise you would never pursuit you.”

Zhao Feng showed some fear.

“What? This man actually pursuited Hou Qing, how could this be?”

Many people on the 3 sides were surprised.

With Zhao Feng’s cultivation base strength, how is it possible to pursuit Hou Qing.

Hou Qing, aloof and remote, also completely stunned. He thought that Zhao Feng was facing the crisis of alive or death and would definitely ask him for mercy on his knees.

But Zhao Feng actually said this directly, and stomped Hou Qing’s face completely.

“you are courting death ”

Hou Qing both eyes, cold, and killed Zhao Feng directly.

There are a lot of Sky Water Demon clan people, and there is another team, even Sky Mist Clan is afraid to conflict with the other two teams for Zhao Feng.

If the azure clothed old man gets rid beside Zhao Feng, the True God of Sky Water Demon clan would also stop it.

At this time, Hou Qing must kill Zhao Feng in the presence of everyone and restore his face.

“Hou Qing, Brother Zhao is my friend”

At this moment, Yu Hen, not far from Zhao Feng, said softly.


Above, the Fourth-Rank True God coldly snorted by Sky Water Demon clan.

A terrifying power rolled over the Golden Arm Clan, as if they were placed in the Stormy Sea and could be swallowed at any time.

Based on the Sky Water Demon clan’s Fourth-Rank True God, the three teams reached a consensus, and after Hou Qing killed Zhao Feng, they would solve the problem just now. Of course, the Sky Mist Clan team was forced. The situation at this time cannot be tolerated. They don’t agree.

call out

A pair of golden light feathers condensed behind Zhao Feng, straight into the sky.

At this time, the situation was not optimistic. There were Super Experts from Sky Water Demon Clan. Many of Zhao Feng’s hole cards could not be displayed, otherwise these experts would directly get rid and kill Zhao Feng to capture the treasure.

Moreover, due to the current situation, no one at the scene could help Zhao Feng.

“Can you just escape?”

Hou Qing showed a trace of bloodthirsty smile and ran Profound Truth of Wind-Water to quickly approach Zhao Feng.

“Strangling the Water Curtain”

Hou Qing held one hand with one hand, above Zhao Feng’s, heaven and earth stormy, a deep Profound Truth of Wind-Water, condensed into a huge feng shui vortex, accompanied by a terrifying suction, sucked everything.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt that the whole body was attracted by this vortex, and the use of Profound Truth strength was also hindered.

call out

Hou Qing waved his left hand, a huge feng shui blade, swept away towards Zhao Feng, powerful and unstoppable.

“Hou Qing worthy to be called is Heaven’s Chosen Child from Sky Water Demon clan. Using Profound Truth of Wind-Water, already brought to the point of perfection, I’m afraid it won’t be long before Profound Truth of Wind-Water can Reached the level of the first layer “

That black scale old man, eyes like poisonous scorpion, looked towards Hou Qing.

“First layer Profound Truth of Wind-Water”

Many powerful True Gods were present, and their hearts shook slightly.

In addition to Divine Power, the true symbol of Divine Power is Profound Truth strength.

Divine Power does not have any attributes, but if it is integrated with Profound Truth of Fire, Divine Power will have a powerful destruction and burning power, with Profound Truth of Wood, and with Space Profound Truth, Divine Power can even penetrate void.

Divine Power only needs to continuously cultivate to become strong, but Profound Truth needs innate talent and comprehension to grow. Therefore, overwhelming majority True God is a powerful Divine Power, and the understanding of Profound Truth is very low, resulting in weak overall strength. .

For example, Zhao Feng’s slave azure clothed old man, his Divine Power contains Profound Truth of Thunder, but Profound Truth of Thunder only entered the threshold of the first layer. If the Profound Truth of Thunder of the azure clothed old man reaches the triple Realm, I am afraid I can fight against Fourth-Rank True God.

“First layer Profound Truth of Wind-Water?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed, but for the first time he heard that Profound Truth still had a few points.

However, if you look closely, Hou Qing’s Profound Truth of Wind-Water is indeed extremely powerful, otherwise the last time Zhao Feng would kill it.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng ran to destroy Yan Lei, and strikes out a brilliant golden giant palm.


The two strengths were intertwined for a moment and burst apart, and a Profound Truth of Wind-Water went to Zhao Feng assault.

“The powerful Profound Truth of Wind-Water, combined with Divine Power, is really strong”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

His Destruction Yan Lei only possesses the power of Equivalent to Divine Power, but Hou Qing’s Divine Power incorporates the powerful Profound Truth of Wind-Water, which is stronger.

“Hou Qing already has such innate talent, I don’t know the strongest Chosen of Sky Water Demon clan, what kind of strength does he have?”

“It seems that the Ancient Long Region Quasi-God Chosen list, Sky Water Demon clan needs another place”

Among the two teams opposite Sky Mist Clan, many expert admirers flattered and admired the battle leisurely.

The Quasi-God Chosen list only includes Quasi-God Chosen in one domain, for a total of twenty rankings. The future achievements that can be included are at least under the Ancient God, Sixth-Rank True God.

All Quasi-God in the Ancient Long Region are basically moving towards the Quasi-God Chosen list, with the goal of the expert on the Quasi-God Chosen list.

Of course, these people just casually said that with Hou Qing’s strength and wanting to enter the Ancient Long Region Quasi-God Chosen list, there are still some difficulties.

“It offended me at the beginning, and it was destined to end your life.

Hou Qing also listened to many of the True God expert’s arguments and was compostnt in her heart.

“Strangling the Water Curtain”

Zhao Feng’s all around, already appeared three huge feng shui vortex, terrifying sucking power, as if to swallow everything in.

“Believe oneself infallible”

Zhao Feng expression Indifferent, Left Eye always locked Hou Qing.


In Zhao Feng’s hand, a black long sword appears, which is the Ancient God Seal in the form of a sword.


Running to destroy Yan Lei, Zhao Feng cut out a terrifying dark golden sword blade.

“Do you think only you have the Divine Tool?”

Hou Qing said nothing, and also took out a Divine Tool.

In addition to Divine Power and Profound Truth strength, Divine Tool is another method of True God. Depending on the Profound Truth Divine Power attack performed by Divine Tool, the power is even stronger.

“Void Matter Transfer”

When Hou Qing took out the Divine Tool, a layer of ripples vortex and a layer of Space Eye Strength ripples appeared in Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, which appeared in Hou Qing within the body.

“Not good”

Hou Qing was shocked to turn pale, and Zhao Feng was also good at Space Profound Truth.

Jeer laugh

A black dreary ripple streaks his chest, and a Silhouette out of thin air of Small Thieving Cat appears.

“Junior, don’t want to hurt Hou Qing”

In the distance, the Sky Water Demon clan True God expert watching the battle with a smile on his face, suddenly roared.

Small Thieving Cat took off the dark silver Dragon Snake whip on his neck and tied Hou Qing firmly into a ball.


Hou Qing’s heart, although severely wounded, was not dead.

Hum hu hu

Hou Qing all around, a terrifying Profound Truth of Wind-Water moved with his thoughts, and slaughtered to the Small Thieving Cat.

“Lying obediently”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, Left Eye once again launched a terrifying Eye Technique, Thunder Calamity Eye Flame.


A mass of thunder and lightning exploded and burst apart on Soul’s body in Hou Qing.


The severe pain suddenly made Will fall, and all around Profound Truth of Wind-Water collapsed.

Hong long long

A surge of terrifying Wind Thunder Strength, Zhao Feng directly included Small Thieving Cat and Hou Qing into the Wind Thunder small world.


At this moment, Sky Water Demon clan already came with four people, one Fourth-Rank True God and three Third-Rank True God.

“One more step forward, my Self-destruction little world”

Zhao Feng immediately drank.

Beside him, a Wind Thunder light barrier appeared, showing the pictures of Hou Qing and Small Thieving Cat.

Suddenly, the people of Sky Water Demon clan stopped.

“Junior, let Hou Qing go, my Sky Water Demon clan can spare you not to die”

The Fourth-Rank True God of Sky Water Demon clan is directly shouted.

If Zhao Feng was going to hit Hou Qing directly, they would not be afraid, because with Zhao Feng’s ability, it would be difficult to kill Hou Qing directly.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng included Hou Qing in the Wind Thunder small world. Once the small world is self-destruction, the terrifying power can certainly kill Hou Qing.

“help me”

In Wind Thunder’s small world, Hou Qing’s cry for help came.


Small Thieving Cat is sitting on his body, holding a shovel in his hand, and banging on his head.

“I put Hou Qing, and there is still a way out?”

Zhao Feng sneered, Sky Water Demon clan people really treat him as a fool.

“If you dare to kill Hou Qing, Sky Water Demon clan will never let you go”

The Fourth-Rank True God coldly said that Hou Qing’s ancestors were Elder-level figures of Sky Water Demon clan, which is why they must take care of Hou Qing alive or death.

“Don’t keep up. When I leave 200,000 miles, I will release Hou Qing.”

Zhao Feng complexion was indifferent, the wings of the back bloomed with bright rays of light, his figure flashes died.

Three squads at the scene, quiet

Just now they still praised Hou Qing and flattered Sky Water Demon clan, but the next moment, Hou Qing was caught by Zhao Feng suddenly.

If it weren’t for the expert of Sky Water Demon clan, I’m afraid Zhao Feng already would kill it.

Sky Mist Clan everyone was so happy that they were so troubled by Zhao Feng that it was impossible for the two other teams to cooperate to deal with them.

“Golden Arm Clan leaves first”

Yu Hen of Golden Arm Clan said with a smile.

The Golden Arm Clan and the azure clothed old man left.

“Wait here, wait for this kid to leave 200,000 miles and kill him directly”

The Fourth-Rank True God of Sky Water Demon clan, cold coldly shouted.

Through the communication command token, he can sense the approximate location of Hou Qing. Once it exceeds 200,000 miles, they will leave directly.

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