King of Gods

Chapter 1183

Looking at more than fifty anchovies attacking directly, everyone in the Sky Mist Clan team had only a single thought head, and that was to escape.

“Damn, why is Phoenix Tail Bird Clan only targeting us?”

“Can’t control that many, life-saving matters”

The Sky Mist Clan squad, desperate to show their fastest speed, fled.

However, the capuchin is originally good at speed and is very familiar with it, much faster than most people.

call out

Zhao Feng retreated at the forefront of the team. His cultivation base was low, but the speed was not slow, and at this time he had not yet started full speed to avoid doubt.

azure clothed old man, as Third-Rank True God, is good at Dao of Thunder, and is not slow, so there should be no problems.

“Ah … save me”

The crowd only heard a roar from behind, but the scream did not last long before it disappeared.

Feeling the death crisis behind them, many expert bodies and minds were completely cold, and they directly played some cards.

call out

The speed of several Quasi-Gods has soared, apparently using some escape Secret Technique.

There are also a few people who crushed a pearl, and immediately wrapped it with a deep Profound Truth strength, with a slight movement of thought, they could control this strength and make themselves have a speed close to Fourth-Rank True God.

When retreating, Zhao Feng was at the forefront, but some people soon caught up with Zhao Feng, such as the commoner old man, and Sky Mist Clan expert who was good at Profound Truth of Wind.

“Brother Zhao, you are so prescient that you have no choice to become the main attacker, and it is easier to escape now”

Yu Hen is slowly catching up with Zhao Feng’s, and he is accompanied by two Golden Arm Clan people.

The tall man relied on his own speed, while the woman in the pink palace showed a hole card, making her very fast.

“Good luck”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

At this time, everyone who attacked the Phoenix Nest had nothing to gain, and Zhao Feng, who was behind a weak one, had the most gains, and even got the tail feathers of the ancestors of the finches.

Zhao Feng was really a little embarrassed. Quasi-God Jian Feng pulled them into the team, but Zhao Feng pitted the whole team.

“Asshole, got nothing”

At this moment, a sound of angry roar came from behind, it was the silver-skinned man.

He is Ice Dao Cultivator, the main attacker of the Phoenix Nest, so he almost lost his life when the Finch flies to fight back.

At this moment, under his feet, there is a Profound Truth of Wind-Water, which is this Profound Truth strength, which makes him far faster than Third-Rank True God in a short time, and escapes Death Tribulation.

“You this waste, you are still alive”

The man with silver complexion saw Zhao Feng intact and was very upset.

When attacking Feng Chao, he also mocked Zhao Feng for being weak and incompetent, but it was because Zhao Feng was behind the team that he was safe and sound. As the main attacker himself, he almost lost his life when he attacked. He just cast a big hole card in his hand and escaped.

“Waste, give you an anise, give us some time.”

The silver-grey-tongued man showed a ruthless look, and shot a palm directly at Zhao Feng.


An icy ice force suddenly went to Zhao Feng assault, all around the plant immediately formed a layer of ice.

This man has a strong strength and is close to Yu Hen. If Zhao Feng is hit by this palm, his action will be greatly impaired and he will be overtaken by the capuchin.

Only Zhao Feng knew that the antlers were so angry because of themselves. Once Zhao Feng fell, it was undoubtedly dead.

“Thunder Light”

The Golden wing behind Zhao Feng was instantly transformed into a pair of thunderclap wings.


A thunderbolt of Lightning Strength burst, and Zhao Feng’s figure flickered straight ahead for a distance, and the silver-toned man’s attack failed.

“This Mystic Light Realm Perfection man has such a means”

“So advanced Space Escape”

Many experts who are escaping look at Zhao Feng a little bit.

“Stuck away”

The man with a silver-gray complexion was slightly surprised. A Mystic Light Realm Perfection man actually avoided his attack.

“I’ll give you a big gift too”

Zhao Feng turned back, and Chilly’s eyes looked towards this man.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng realized the new flying Secret Skill, ‘Thunder Light flashes, can be cast instantly, otherwise he can only reveal other cards.

He never met the silver-grey-skinned man, but the other party repeatedly made troubles. Zhao Feng didn’t pay much attention, but at the moment, the other party wanted to put him to death, and Zhao Feng was still kind to him.

鈥淭hunder Soul Strength Domain鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng waved his palm, an invisible dark yellow Domain, shrouded to the man.


When this thunderbolt gravity Domain wrapped the silver-grey complexion man, a terrifying thunderbolt gravity came out.

Lightning can paralyze disturbances, while gravity Domain can suppress the speed of the opponent.

“How could it be, your strength …”

The man with a silvery gray complexion was shocked.The speed at which he played his hole cards was actually suppressed.Zhao Feng’s this Domain power was extraordinary.

However, although his speed has been suppressed, he is not slow, so he will not be caught up by an anise.

“From Earth comes Metal, Gold Thunder Thorn”

With a wave of Zhao Feng’s palm, the Profound Truth of Earth shrouded in silver-gray-skinned men was instantly transformed into Profound Truth of Metal.


The terrifying golden light pierced the man’s body directly.

“How can it be鈥︹€?#8221;

The man did not expect that the Mystic Light Realm Perfection also has this method, which can suddenly change the gravity domain into a terrifying attack method.

Unexpectedly, the man with silvery gray complexion was seriously injured by Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Metal.

However, this Wind Thunder of Metal soon turned into a Wind Thunder Of Water, flowing into his within the body, crazy destruction.

“Ah, no鈥︹€?#8221;

Men with silver-grey complexion have decreased sensitivity and gradually slowed down.


His body was cut by several colored flames, divided into several pieces, and slowly disappeared in the flames.

“What a cruel means to transform the power of Five Elements”

“Even if it is a low-level True God, this cannot be done unless it is the owner of the Eye of Myriad Forms”

The expert who fled with Zhao Feng, was at a loss, and began to value the youth of the Mystic Light Realm Perfection.

Experts in assault God Position will almost always be Insight Five Elements Profound Truth, consolidating the Holy Force optical rotation, but they are also only appropriate insights, without that many time, each kind of strength is cultivated to a high Realm.

Therefore, some low-order True Gods can transform the power of Five Elements, but it can never be so easy and handy as Zhao Feng.

“I didn’t expect my already to be able to transform the power of Five Elements so well”

Zhao Feng showed a touch of joy, and there should be Zhao Wan’s reason among them.

Zhao Feng’s has a Soul Clone, but he has the cultivate experience of Eye of Myriad Forms, the kind of Myriad Forms Profound Truth, and constantly penetrates into Zhao Feng’s mind. Even if Zhao Feng studies, he also learns something.

Zhao Feng found that since the second Clone Zhao Wan, Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” has grown significantly in cultivate speed.

“Don’t chase, Already over Feng Chao was attacked by two other forces.”

A powerful aura anthemus suddenly said.


All the capuchins are immediately returned.

Although the ancestral tail feathers are important, they cannot be defeated by the enemy.

“Little Ling, you transform into a humanoid, follow this person secretly, recapture the ancestor tail feathers, and use your Fourth-Rank True God strength. There should be no problem.”

This capuchin said to another capuchin, the tail feathers of this capuchin were burning with the brilliant blue-purple flame, and aura was powerful.

call out

A flame light poured into its mind, showing Zhao Feng’s face.

“Little Ling obeys”

This crimson bird immediately performed the Secret Technique and turned into a human figure in a brilliant blue-violet flame.

A blue-purple long skirt, snow white lithe and graceful body, the delicate features can’t pick out any flaws, especially the smart both eyes glowing blue purple, touching.

Phoenix Tail Bird Clan, one of the four most beautiful races, still looks like a Celestial Immortal in human form.

Little Ling is the anemone that saw Thieving Cat swallow the ancestral tail feathers.

“This person should be the Master of the Thieving Cat”

Little Ling stared at Zhao Feng’s face in her head, both eyes emerged with an ice-cold killing intent.

Although they are very disdainful, and even hate to degenerate into a human form, in order to regain the ancestor tail feathers, little Ling has no way but to turn into a human form, mix in those humans, and take the opportunity to kill this person.

Outside Phoenix Forest, the Sky Mist Clan squad stopped.

At this point, there were only XNUMX players in the entire squad. Nearly ten experts with True God strength fell and none of the survivors were in the state. The body had large and small injuries.

“They went back”

“Abominable, we have led out a lot of capuchins. The forces from both sides must be taking the opportunity to attack. Maybe the alert obtained some treasure.”

In the crowd, one said angrily.

Sky Mist Clan’s commoner old man is also silent. Sky Mist Clan is good at Profound Truth of Wind and has less loss, but Phoenix Tail Bird Clan seems to be able to target them, which makes him afraid to attack the Phoenix Nest again.

“Adjust it here for now”

Commoner old man said to the people of Sky Mist Clan.

“Next, Sky Mist Clan will move to other places of opportunity, and those who wish to continue to follow Sky Mist Clan”

Commoner old man looked towards all around, and stopped for a few moments at Golden Arm Clan and Zhao Feng body.

In the Wild Immemorial secret realm, if you can follow a Fourth-Rank True God, you will undoubtedly get a greater opportunity, but the area that Four-Rank True God wants to explore is not as dangerous as ordinary Quasi-God and True God. living.

Take Phoenix Nest, for example, and there is also a Crested Finch reaching Fifth-Rank True God.

“Not good, Brother Yu, Brother Zhao, I pulled you in, but nothing was gained.”

Quasi-God Jian Feng slightly smiled, walk near Zhao Feng.

“Where can I see the strength of Fourth-Rank True God, and the legendary Phoenix nest, I am satisfied with the next allocation”

Zhao Feng smiled awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment that he had gained a lot.

Afterwards, everyone was here to restore Origin Energy and manage the injuries.

The Wild Immemorial secret realm is full of crises, not in its heyday, it is best not to act rashly.

Zhao Feng’s part of the idea, sink into God Eye Space and observe the gains, and part of the idea, cultivate its Five Elements Wind Thunder.

Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art is the next layer of Five Elements. It requires both resources and comprehension. Now Zhao Feng already can convert the power of Five Elements with the help of Zhao Wan. It should not be difficult for Five Elements to be unified. .

Suddenly, there was a strong aura oppression in front of the Sky Mist Clan squad.

Everyone’s immediate eyes opened, sweeping forward.

“What do you mean by this?”

The commoner old man stood up, the invisible momentum spread, affecting one side of heaven and earth Profound Truth.

“Hmph, Sky Mist Clan, hand over what you got in the Phoenix Nest”

A whole body covered with black scale armor, both eyes like old man of poisonous scorpion, loudly shouted.

On the other side is the team of Sky Water Demon clan.

Although Sky Mist Clan drove most of the capuchins and caused them to successfully break into the phoenix nest, when the capuchins returned, they almost besieged them.

Although the two forces have gained something, the damage has been more serious, and only XNUMX people remain.

They believe that Sky Mist Clan must be the important Rare Treasures in the arrived phoenix nest. Otherwise, how could Phoenix Tail Bird Clan suddenly become furious and attack Sky Mist Clan crazy.

So the two forces joined forces and forced the Sky Mist Clan squadron.

At this time, in the Sky Water Demon clan team, Hou Qing’s eyes suddenly shocked and fell on the youth body of a blonde gold pupil.

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