King of Gods

Chapter 1181

Quasi-God Jian Feng took Golden Arm Clan, Zhao Feng and the others, and approached the center of Phoenix Forest.

From a distance, the crowd saw a team of nearly twenty people, who were gathering together at the moment to discuss the plan of attacking the Phoenix Nest.

Among these twenty people, each aura is good, and almost all of them are Second-Rank True God and above strengths. Among them, Zhao Feng can’t judge each other’s Realm.

A hundred miles in front of these twenty people, there is a phoenix nest as large as a palace. The colors are gorgeous and beautiful, exuding a fragrant fragrance.

“This is the Central Phoenix Nest”

Zhao Feng Left Eye stared at it and instantly penetrated it.

Within the Phoenix Nest, the various colors of light are even more gorgeous. They are heaven and earth Precious Materials’ rays and light with a strong aroma. Sparrows can distinguish between strong and weak based on the length and color of their tail feathers.

“Good terrifying quantity”

Zhao Feng was shocked. If he changed himself, even if he relied on the Immemorial Demon Beast group, it would be impossible to attack here, even Zhao Feng would not dare to attack.

“Quasi-God Jian Feng is back”

“That’s the Golden Arm Clan.”

Yu Hen is also a powerful Quasi-God Chosen in the Golden Arm Clan, so he was heard by some expert experts.

Zhao Feng looked at the reaction of the crowd. It seems that everyone has great respect for Quasi-God Jian Feng. It seems that this person’s status in Sky Mist Clan is not low.

“Why is there a Mystic Light Realm Perfection guy”

A Quasi-God Chosen with silver skin was slightly disdainful.

The eyes of the others fell on Zhao Feng body, and they felt very surprised.

Enters into the Wild Immemorial secret realm are basically Quasi-God and True God, Mystic Light Realm expert. They met for the first time, and even in past history, I have never heard of Mystic Light Realm enters into the Wild Immemorial.

“This is Brother Yu Hen of Golden Arm Clan. This is Brother Zhao. They are here to help us attack the Phoenix Nest.”

Quasi-God Jian Feng introduces Golden Arm Clan and Zhao Feng and the others with a smile.

Everyone expressed Wei, when Quasi-God Jian Feng introduced these five people, they focused on introducing Yu Hen and Zhao Feng, which made them very curious, which race Chosen is Zhao Feng, even with Yu Hen mention on equal terms.

“With the addition of Golden Arm Clan, our grasp naturally increased a little, but this Brother Zhao of Mystic Light Realm Perfection, Zou Mou never heard of it”

Quasi-God with silvery gray complexion and gloomy and cold swept towards Zhao Feng, biting the words Mystic Light Realm Perfection very heavily.

Many experts present did not speak, which is also their curiosity.

“Haha, I haven’t heard of it, but don’t underestimate him”

Quasi-God Jian Feng laughed without saying a word.

Don’t underestimate don’t tell me this Mystic Light Realm Perfection person, strong?

However, seeing that Quasi-God Jian Feng is very friendly to Zhao Feng, the expert who slightly discriminated against Zhao Feng in the team did not say much.

Subsequently, Golden Arm Clan and Zhao Feng and the others approached this team and participated in the discussion of the center Phoenix Nest’s offensive strategy.

“On the south and north, there are two great influences, we must enter them into the center Phoenix Nest before them”

Said a True God, chop nails and sever Iron.

“It turns out so”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

If you only rely on the more than XNUMX people here, it will never be the opponent of the phoenix in the phoenix nest, or even be killed by the group.

If there are three such teams, then Equivalent to work with nearly 70 True God experts, strength and Phoenix Tail Bird Clan are almost the same.

Although these three forces have their own ills, it is impossible to jointly attack. But the 3 sides already reached an agreement. The forces on the 3 sides must attack at the same time. Only in this way can the captivity in the entire Phoenix Nest be contained.

Later, Zhao Feng learned that Sky Water Demon clan was actually the other of these three forces, and it was still the strongest one.

“The anchovies are good at using fire, so after the cultivation base is lower than the Fire Dao Cultivator pad of Third-Rank True God, Cultivator of the Ice Water Way is the main attacker …

Sky Mist Clan a commoner old man indifferently said.

When the old man spoke, almost everyone in the room was silent and listened quietly.

Zhao Feng understands that this Sky Mist Clan True God is probably the most expert of this team.

“After the Fire Dao pad, and the waterway as the main attack”

Zhao Feng hesitated.

The antlers are good at using fire. If the expert base is too low in the cultivation base, the flame strength can even be extracted by the antlers.

Therefore, the cultivation base is too low after the Fire Dao Cultivator pad. Although this is relatively safe, they also have the least gain.

As the main attack, Cultivator of Bingshui, they rushed to the front, the crisis was great, and they definitely got the richest.

Zhao Feng is good at both Fire Dao and Bingshui. Therefore, he is a little entangled in whether he is the main attacker or behind him.

“Okay, everyone is clear about their positioning.”

Commoner old man expression serious.

The people present were nodded, and each had a position in their hearts.

“Brother Zhao, your cultivation base is relatively weak, so you should take it behind so as not to lose your life.”

At this time, Quasi-God with a silver complexion smiled and said to Zhao Feng, but his smile was slightly cold.

Everyone understands that this person is deliberately stimulating Zhao Feng and let Zhao Feng be the main attacker. However, how is this possible? Even if Zhao Feng is good at ice water, the cultivation base is too low to serve the main task at all.

In addition to this silver-grey-colored Quasi-God, there are several experts who also looked slightly towards Zhao Feng with a contemptuous look.

Zhao Feng saw this person a glance, but did not speak, he was still thinking about this issue.

Zhao Feng’s Quasi-God expert, who saw Zhao Feng did not speak, nor continued to provoke. After all, the other party has relations with Quasi-God Jian Feng and Golden Arm Clan. Now it is a crucial moment to attack Feng Nest.


Just then, the commoner old man suddenly spoke, apparently receiving information from another 3 sides expert.

Sou sou

Nearly XNUMX True Gods rushed out, and Zhao Feng followed the team.

“Hmph, waste”

Quasi-God with silver-grey complexion saw Zhao Feng at the back of the team, and can’t help make a mockery.

“Of these three forces, Sky Water Demon clan is the strongest, so I cannot be the strongest.”

This is why Zhao Feng did not choose to be the main attacker.

Hou Qing’s status in Sky Water Demon clan must be very high. If he saw it and caught the opportunity, he would definitely not let himself go. And here Sky Water Demon clan has a lot of experts. Zhao Feng couldn’t take him at all. Zhao Feng looked at the glance of the Golden Arm Clan in front.

In the field of vision, the colorful phoenix nest was getting bigger and bigger.

Uh …

Suddenly, there are many birdtails flying out of the phoenix nest. The tail feathers of each birdtail are different in color, but they are extremely beautiful.


In Sky Mist Clan, the commoner old man rushed forward, his arms waving, terrifying True God’s coercion spread out.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

The old man all around is surrounded by countless light blue Wind Blades. The mind moves slightly. All Wind Blades are controlled by the old man.

“Fourth-Rank True God”

Zhao Feng expression was shocked. The aura emanating from the old man was definitely Fourth-Rank True God.

According to Zhao Feng, almost every faction in the Ancient Long Region has a Fourth-Rank True God, and even the Fifth-Rank True God comes to the Wild Immemorial secret realm, but the huge Wild Immemorial secret realm is difficult to meet a Fourth -Rank True God expert.

This commoner old man is also Zhao Feng’s first Four-Rank True God in Immemorial Dreamland.

Uh …

Suddenly, there were many capuchins behind the Sky Mist Clan squad.

These are the capuchins that live outside the central phoenix nest, and they will come when the central phoenix nest is attacked. However, correspondingly, the strength and bloodline of these anises are weaker.

“Up, stop them, don’t let them interfere with the main attacker in the team”

A powerful Second-Rank True God shouted directly, and a terrifying green flame surged after his whole body was spoken.

“Get started, although your cultivation base is low, but since you are involved, don’t want to be lazy”

A Sky Mist Clan Quasi-God Chosen shouted to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng runs Wind-Thunder of Fire, and directly slaps a light palm of Thunder Light flickering.

Bang bang

Three weak antlers were backed away by several ten zhang by Zhao Feng’s giant palm, and eroded by Thunder Calamity Strength.

The Sky Mist Clan Chosen saw Zhao Feng so terrifying with his palms, both eyes startedled, and didn’t speak again.

Although Zhao Feng is a Fire Dao Cultivator, in Wind-Thunder of Fire, it also contains Wind Thunder Strength and Thunder Calamity Strength, and the anchovies cannot extract the power of the fire at all.

“It’s the safest at the end, but it’s hard to get good things.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes glanced forward from time to time.

Bingshui Cultivator and Sky Mist Clan expert constantly assaulted the group of anchovies and approached the center of the Phoenix Nest.

At the same time, the other two directions of Feng Chao also heard the sound of huge fighting boom.

The 3 sides attack at the same time, and the Battle Strength of the Phoenix Tail Bird Clan is scattered. The 3 sides have the opportunity to rush into the center’s phoenix nest, and the gain depends on luck.

“Everyone wants to break into the heart of Phoenix Tail Bird Clan”

At this moment, a gorgeous colorful flame light assaulted to the Sky Mist Clan crowd.


In void, densely packed colored flames, like the thread of death, are cut from everyone.


Two Second-Rank True Gods were cut by a flame, and the body was divided into two halves. The flame at the gap was constantly burning, and Soul inside the body was burning.

Within seconds, two Second-Rank True Gods fell

“An Finch reaching Fifth-Rank True God”

The whole team was shocked, and their pace was halted.

“Don’t step back”

At this moment, Sky Mist Clan’s Fourth-Rank True God, carrying two Ice Dao experts, rushed straight out to contain the Fifth-Rank Finch.


The densely packed flame silk is intertwined with the blue wind blade, which is dazzling.

“Well, there are only a few capuchins in the center phoenix nest.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes, through everything, looked towards within Fengchao.

At this moment, almost all the capuchins are led by the three teams, and even the Fifth-Rank capuchin is no exception.

“This is, Water Mark Holy Spirit Flower, ground spirit fruit, Tai Xuan clotting …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards Rare Treasures-grade Precious Materials in the Phoenix Nest.

Among these Rare Treasures, the Water Mark Holy Spirit Flower is still the lowest value, and the quality of these Water Mark Holy Spirit Flowers is much higher than the one that Zhao Feng just got.

“Maybe, I can directly ingest these heaven and earth Precious Materials …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes turned, and his heart beat fast.

In these many melees of Quasi-God, True God, and even Fourth-Rank True God, Fifth-Rank, it is a very dangerous operation to ingest the heaven and earth Rare Treasures in the phoenix nest in the center.

“The fighting is so fierce that they can’t find …”

Zhao Feng has a bit of luck, but he still decided to start with Rare Treasures with lower outer value, and try it first.

“Void Matter Transfer”

A faint ray of Eye Strength ripples emerges from some heaven and earth Rare Treasures in the center phoenix nest. At the center of Eye Strength ripples, a faint vortex outline is presented.

That blue gold colored flowers and plants, out of thin air disappeared.

The next moment, in Zhao Feng’s Left Eye Space, a blue gold-colored exotic flower appeared.

The captive finch who is defending the Phoenix Nest does not seem to find that the Sky Mist Clan side is not particularly good at the Expert of Space Profound Truth, but even if they perceive the space fluctuations, they will not think that Zhao Feng is secretly ingesting the Phoenix. Rare Treasures in the nest.


Zhao Feng was slightly excited.

From hundreds of experts with True God strength, stealing the same cultivate Rare Treasures, Zhao Feng has a little sense of accomplishment.

However, compared to the cultivate Precious Materials just taken by Zhao Feng, there are countless heaven and earth Precious Materials in the entire Phoenix Nest.

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