King of Gods

Chapter 1180

Blue Scales Clan and the rest of Golden Arm Clan consciously stepped back several dozen li.

Among them, Golden Arm Clan is relatively optimistic about Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng has even pursuited Hou Qing. Although it may be the help of azure clothed old man, Zhao Feng’s strength is by no means as simple as it seems.

Blue Scales Clan is naturally full of confidence. You must know that Quasi-God Lan Ye has had a record of slaying Second-Rank True God. Mystic Light Realm Perfection, how can it resist the blue-three tricks.

However, the Blue Scales Clan is unknown to everyone, and Zhao Feng also killed Second-Rank True God, and it is also the extremely powerful True God Gui Li in Ghost Dao.

“It’s too late to regret it, as long as you kneel on the ground and confess your mistakes, give me the Holy Spirit Flower, and Blue Scales Clan will not kill you”

Quasi-God Lan Ye is condescending, expression is proud, and for him, the fight with Mystic Light Realm Perfection is a shame.

“If Blue Scales Clan could kill me, it would have been killed”

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

This is naturally a contempt for Blue Scales Clan. I met two times in succession, but I failed to kill myself.

“I don’t know what to do”

Quasi-God Lan Ye’s eyes were slightly cold. Zhao Feng’s attitude made him very unhappy. He must step on Zhao Feng’s feet to vent his hatred.

“Bibo Palm”

Quasi-God Lan Ye whole body erupted into a turquoise water wave and merged into his right palm.


A palm shot, such as a big wave, the power is endless, there is a huge Immemorial Races phantom in the palm of your hand.

Quasi-God Lan Ye seems to have a free hand, but contains a trace of Bloodline Power, because he wants to defeat Zhao Feng with the advantage, but does not want to show a powerful hole card.

“Earth Thunder Saint Armor”

Zhao Feng immediately runs Saint Thunder Body, condenses Wind Thunder of Earth, and forms a dark yellow flickering armor in all around.


Quasi-God Lan Ye slaps away and hits the dark yellow thunder armor of Zhao Feng all around.


For a moment of stalemate, Zhao Feng’s Earth Thunder Saint Armor was broken, and the palm of Quasi-God Lan Ye strikes over Zhao Feng’s chest.

deng deng stare

Zhao Feng took three consecutive steps to stabilize the figure, and the complexion was slightly pale.

“Good luck, this palm just happened next”

Quasi-God Lan Ye looked indifferent.

“It seems that three moves are agreed, Zhao Feng will lose”

“Quasi-God Lan Ye was just tentative.”

Blue Scales Clan communicated with the three Elder sound transmissions, and there was a comparnt and pride among the eyebrows.

The Golden Arm Clan’s eyes were dull, and Zhao Feng didn’t look relaxed.

“He hides the strength”

At this moment, the tall Golden Arm Clan man gave sound transmission to the other two.

“It turns out so”

Yu Hen ordered nodded. Based on Zhao Feng’s performance just now, it is not impossible to stop the hand of Quasi-God Lan Ye, but Zhao Feng deliberately showed weakness.

“Second move”

Quasi-God Lan Ye proudly said.


Quasi-God Lan Ye waved his palm, and the invisible Profound Truth of Water was in his hands. After understanding Zhao Feng’s strength, Quasi-God Lan Ye was convinced that this move would defeat Zhao Feng.


Quasi-God Lan Ye directly inspired the Blue Scales Clan Bloodline, and the blue scale pattern on his body was extremely clear, and the skin tone became blue and deep, just like Wang Yangbihai.


Quasi-God Lan Ye made a move directly, a terrifying blue-scale ripples took the light and whistled away towards Zhao Feng.

“Earth Thunder Saint Armor, Protection Thunder Glow”

Zhao Feng showed his full expression, exerted two defense battle skills, and stimulated Saint Thunder Body to a greater extent.


Palm light and defense collided together, intertwined for a moment, Zhao Feng’s defense was broken, and the remaining palm power strikes went to Zhao Feng body.

Deng deng ……

At this time, Zhao Feng stepped back four steps, and the complexion was even more ugly, as if the arrived arrived to the limit.

“Well, blocked?”

Quasi-God Lan Ye was slightly surprised. Zhao Feng was barely blocked in the first move, and his second move was at least twice as powerful as the previous one. Zhao Feng actually blocked it.

Not only were Quasi-God Lan Ye surprised, the three old men at Blue Scales Clan, including the Hu Family brothers, were equally surprised.

They could feel the gap between the two moves of Quasi-God Lan Ye, but Zhao Feng actually reluctantly resisted.

“He calculated the attack power of Quasi-God Lan Ye, so he could barely block it every time.”

Golden Arm Clan The tall man, sound transmission with the other Golden Arm Clan.

“Zhao Feng actually has this ability?”

Yu Hen was slightly shocked.

Zhao Feng actually calculated the attack power of Quasi-God Lan Ye. Only in this way can he explain why the two moves with different powers can be exactly blocked by Zhao Feng.

If Zhao Feng showed super strong battle strength at the beginning, then Quasi-God Lan Ye will go all out to show his powerful hole attack.

“Really good plan”

The woman in the pink palace dress smiled.

“Third move, you will definitely lose”

Quasi-God Lan Ye brows slightly wrinkle, the boy looks a little weird in front of him, and can actually block his two moves.


The Quasi-God Lan Ye whole body Bloodline Power is even worse, all around the waves of the Bitao surging back and forth, accompanied by a very high Concept offensive.

Everyone knows that Quasi-God Lan Ye is going to perform God Level Battle Skill.

“Lan Ye, this guy calculated your attack power. He was also pretended to be injured. Don’t be fooled by him, just use killing strike.”

Just then, a Third-Rank True God from Blue Scales Clan eagerly gave Quasi-God Lan Ye sound transmission.


Quasi-God Lan Ye’s mind was booming, although it was unbelievable, but it was true to think about it carefully.

This is the so-called fan of the authorities. Onlookers are clear. The innate talent of Quasi-God Lan Ye is better than several old man, but he can’t see it.

However, Quasi-God Lan Ye did not act blindly without thinking, and still acted like a God Level Battle Skill.

“Bibo Palm”

Quasi-God Lan Ye Concept A huge palm shot directly.

Suddenly, there was a light blue long sword in his hand, and there was a cold current flowing on it.


Quasi-God Lan Ye was already ready. When he took out the Divine Tool, he ran Bloodline Divine Power and cut it out directly. The speed was too late to react.

“Dirty shameless”

Yu Hen showed contempt.

dignified Blue Scales Clan Chosen, Quasi-God Lan Ye with top Second-Rank strength, actually uses such a mean method when dealing with a Mystic Light Realm Perfection.


The three old men at Blue Scales Clan showed a smile, but they did not expect them to inform Quasi-God Lan Ye about this, and Quasi-God Lan Ye beating somebody at their own game, at the last moment, they performed a lore. Suddenly, Zhao Feng is likely to be killed by Quasi-God Lan Ye.

Everyone’s attention was attracted by Quasi-God Lan Ye at this moment.


The deep blue sword was chopped, carrying the infinite cold water, and stroked towards Zhao Feng.

However, everyone was surprised to find that Zhao Feng’s hands did not know when a black iron long sword appeared.


Destruction inflammation Thunder Strength penetrates into it, the green glow fine lines on the black iron long sword suddenly flickering sparkling and translucent.

Jeer laugh

Running Saint Thunder Body, Zhao Feng also chopped out a fierce red golden sword.


The two fierce sword moves collided together, the terrifying sword edge energy swept away all around, and the extremely hard huge ancient trees on both sides were directly blown off.


In the storm of destruction, a dim golden light chopped and flew towards Quasi-God Lan Ye.

“How are you …”

In shock, Quasi-God Lan Ye was caught off guard and was hit by this less powerful sword. He stepped back a few steps, and a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Quasi-God Lan Ye touched the body’s wound, dumbstruck, and he was actually injured by a Mystic Light Realm Perfection

“Dare you hurt me”

Quasi-God Lan Ye was burning with Bloodline Power, and the terrifying Immemorial coercion pushed forward.

“What? Blue Scales Clan’s genius loses it yet?”

Yu Hen showed no weakness, urging Golden Arm Clan Bloodline to come next to Zhao Feng.

He didn’t even think that Zhao Feng was so hidden. Yu Hen finally knew that when Quasi-God Lan Ye performed his third move, Zhao Feng was ready to come up with a true strength, so when facing Quasi-God Lan Ye’s mutant attack, Zhao Feng was still fearless.

What he didn’t expect is that the attack that was also exhibited by Divine Tool turned out to be Zhao Feng’s attack in the end.

Although Quasi-God Lan Ye rushed to attack and was not ready, the Divine Power of Quasi-God Lan Ye was stronger than Zhao Feng. In this way, it should be that Zhao Feng’s Divine Tool is of higher quality than Quasi-God Lan Ye.

“Lanyu, stop!”

At this time, the three Elders of Blue Scales Clan hurriedly stopped.

They were also very angry, but Blue Scales Clan was not sure to kill all five people in front of it. Once the people in the Wild God Region knew that Blue Scales Clan bet and lost, they relied not to get rid attack on each other, even if they finally killed Zhao Feng, Blue Scales Clan has a greater loss of reputation.

If all five people can be killed, the three old men will certainly not stop Quasi-God Lan Ye.

And just now Quasi-God Lan Ye fought with Zhao Feng’s, it seems to attract other experts in the arrived Phoenix Forest.

“Zhao Feng, I Quasi-God Lan Ye remember you”

Quasi-God Lan Ye suppressed the anger in her heart, expression gradually eased down, but the ice-cold killing intent in the eyes was stronger.

call out

A golden crystal pearl flew towards Zhao Feng, and the person at Blue Scales Clan already went away quickly.

“Sure enough it is Gold God Crystal”

Zhao Feng looked at the shining golden pearl in the golden light in his hand and put it into the Storage Space.


As soon as the Blue Scales Clan people left, there was a clap of applause.

“Brother Yu Hen, what kind of force is this genius, can’t introduce me yet”

A black silhouette came to me.

“Quasi-God Jian Feng”

Yu Hen’s gaze was fixed, looking towards this chic silhouette.

“I happened to meet Brother Zhao pursuit Hou Qing on the way, and went with them …”

Yu Hen started to introduce Zhao Feng, but he found that he didn’t know much about Zhao Feng’s, so he could only introduce a few sentences.

Zhao Feng saw Yu Hen being so serious with this person. The strength set by the other party must be very strong. Zhao Feng can’t help look carefully.

“Pursuit Hou Qing”

Quasi-God Jian Feng stared at Zhao Feng for a moment.

Quasi-God Jian Feng’s Sky Mist Clan and Sky Water Demon clan are both 4-Star Peak forces. Hou Qing’s reputation in Sky Water Demon clan is not ordinary. Zhao Feng pitted Quasi-God Lan Ye is nothing, but He dares to pursuit Hou Qing, then it is completely different.

Yu Hen did not say what kind of Zhao Feng is, don’t tell me Zhao Feng is very powerful?

“It must be, otherwise how dare this person come to Phoenix Forest, Phoenix Forest is the main offensive place of Sky Water Demon clan, with a large number of members of Sky Water Demon clan”

Tianfeng Quasi-God pays more attention to Zhao Feng.

“Brother Yu Hen, there are only five of you. It is difficult to have a big opportunity in Phoenix Forest. It might as well help Sky Mist Clan.”

Quasi-God Jian Feng speaks directly.

Quasi-God Jian Feng originally discussed the strategy of Feng Chao, the center of attack, and unexpectedly felt the Bloodline of Golden Arm Clan before coming to see it.

Golden Arm Clan and the others Battle Strength are very strong. If they would help Sky Mist Clan, they would have a better grasp of the attacking center Phoenix Nest.

“Brother Zhao, Sky Mist Clan, where Quasi-God Jian Feng is, is preparing to attack the Phoenix Nest, so let’s take a look”

Yu Hen looked towards Zhao Feng, seemingly asking for opinions.

“Center Phoenix Nest”

Zhao Feng was so moved that he dared to attack the center’s Phoenix Nest. It must be the 4-Star Peak force.

The main reason why Zhao Feng came to Phoenix Forest was to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain.

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