King of Gods

Chapter 1175

After the azure clothed old man and Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God enters into the palace, the pressure of the Zhao Feng trio suddenly increased.

However, listening to the bang in the palace, the fighting inside seemed more fierce.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng destroys Yan Lei and the thunder power together, hits a shining palm of shining golden palm, and oppresses the Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

At present, only the three of Zhao Feng have pinned the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, and Zhao Feng must also use some appropriate means, otherwise Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi cannot support it.

However, the two are worthy to be called genius of Blue Scales Clan, and their innate talent is excellent. In this kind of headwind battle, their potential has also been squeezed out a lot, and the combat capability has been slightly improved.

“Brother Zhao, I didn’t expect your strength to be so powerful”

Wei Ke said slightly surprised this time.

The first few times Zhao Feng gets rid, are very short, he can’t see anything from his experience.

However, at this time, Zhao Feng’s combat capability was fully demonstrated, which surprised Wei Ke.

Ma Lingshi’s eyes also flashed a strange brilliance. Zhao Feng’s strength was on par with Blue Scales Clan’s strongest genius Quasi-God Lan Ye. The land of Inheritance, the ancestor of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, they can indeed get a share.


In the Palace of Flames, the sound of deafening battles continued, and from time to time the angry roar of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse was also heard.

Zhao Feng can’t help run Left Eye to penetrate the fighting situation inside the palace looked towards.

The inside of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse is twice as big as the outside. It is surrounded by flames and golden light, and the strength even covers the azure clothed old man.

However, the two Fire Wing Clan’s Quasi-God are not to be trifled with. The two’s Fire Type Bloodline is even higher than the Golden Horn Fire Mouse. They are flexible and use the Divine Tool to implement the God Level Battle Skill and continue to attack. Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

“Senior, if you don’t hurry, it will attract other experts”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, loudly shouted.

The azure clothed old man fighting the Golden Horn Fire Mouse in the Palace of Flame, the complexion suddenly sank.

Their luck was too bad, and it wasn’t long before they entered the palace that the Golden Horn Fire Mouse completed Inheritance.

But this proposal was proposed by them, and they only had brace oneself, and resolved this terrifying Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

“Two, you are both Quasi-God Chosen of Fire Wing Clan, it is impossible to have no cards”

azure clothed old man hit his idea on the body of Fire Wing Clan Chosen.

In the end, one of the Fire Wing Clan Quasi-Gods had no choice but to use a card he had prepared.

The Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God’s within the body released an extremely powerful Divine Power, which, in conjunction with his Divine Tool and Battle Skill, directly caused some injuries to the Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

Subsequently, the other two took the opportunity to attack, and the Golden Horn Fire Mouse slowly fell into a weak position and became increasingly injured.


Golden Horn Fire Mouse was seriously injured and rushed out of the palace without escaping or attacking Zhao Feng and the others, but rushing into the lava all around the palace.

“Well? This lava is not too hot and contains strange bloodline strength.”

Seeing this scene, Zhao Feng realized that the lava here was also a precious resource.

Not long after, in the palace, the azure clothed old man and Fire Wing Clan rushed out with joy.

“Brother Zhao, I feel that my people seem to be coming”

Wei Ke noticed the strangeness by messaging the command token, immediately said.

The azure clothed old man and Fire Wing Clan came directly to Zhao Feng and the others, and assisted the Zhao Feng trio to fight back the Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

“Three, this is all our gains this time, you can pick a part from them”

azure clothed old man took out a storage ring.

“I thought the three would leave us indifferent and flee with treasure.”

Zhao Feng said slightly with a smile.

In fact, after the azure clothed old man and the others came out, it obviously did not help Zhao Feng’s three.

It happened that Wei Ke’s sentence was heard by them, so they took the initiative to help the Zhao Feng trio resolve the crisis and take out the obtained treasure.

Zhao Feng’s ideas are directly explored into the storage ring. The contents are precious and various. There are various cultivation resources and cultivation technique Battle Skill.

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi naturally would not believe that these are all their gains in it, but seeing Zhao Feng didn’t say anything, they would just forget it. After all, they can get so many treasures, and the harvest already is very rich.

“You dare to steal the Inheritance resources of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, I will not let you go”

The huge Golden Horn Fire Mouse among the lava growled loudly.

“Not good, this beast’s injury is about to recover, let’s go”

The azure clothed old man took away the storage ring and flew directly to the entrance of the cave.

Zhao Feng did not hesitate to leave.


Zhao Feng, azure clothed old man and the others, emerged from the cave.

But Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi’s eyes changed suddenly, their eyes stared at them.

“Hu Cheng, you mean shameless villain”

Ma Lingshi scolded directly.

azure clothed old man and the others looked towards the group of Blue Scales Clan in front of them, expressing caution.

“Lingshi, immediately after I fled, I immediately went to the rescuers and prepared to come back to save you

Hu Cheng hurriedly explained, but there was no worries between expressions.

Standing next to him are three Daoist shadows, one of whom is Hu Cheng’s big brother Hu Fun, Blue Scales Clan Quasi-God Chosen, and the other two are Blue Scales Clan True God expert.

The people at Blue Scales Clan and the people at Fire Wing Clan glanced at each other without talking.

“Zhao Feng, you followed me to eat and drink, and even snatched my resources. Today my big brother and Blue Scales Clan Senior are here, and they will get back a fair for me.”

Hu Cheng stared directly at Zhao Feng, both eyes with provocation and compartnt.

“Hu Cheng, that day Zhao Feng followed you without taking any resources at all. When you are in danger, you directly abandon us and even fall down, and run away by yourself. If it weren’t for Zhao Feng, we would have died, and now you actually blame Zhao Feng. “

Wei Ke is very unpretentious and tells everything.


At this moment, Hu Fun stepped violently, invisible coercion aura rushed to Wei Ke.

Wei Ke actually said all this directly. Isn’t this hurt Hu Cheng and his face?

Aside, the azure clothed old man smiled.

They were originally afraid that the people of Blue Scales Clan would unite to deal with them. Now it seems that the contradiction between Blue Scales Clan is not so easy to resolve, they need not worry about the people of Blue Scales Clan robbing them of their gains.

Moreover, it is Zhao Feng that the Blue Scales Clan people have to deal with, which the azure clothed old man would like to see.

“Boy, hand over Storage Space and Blue Scales Clan will spare you”

Hu Fang stared at Zhao Feng with scorching eyes.

He can naturally see that Zhao Feng and Fire Wing Clan and the others enters into the cave, and they will definitely gain something. Fire Wing Clan and the others strength are strong and difficult to deal with. Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi are the people of Blue Scales Clan. He is not easy to grab. Only Zhao Feng, who has a low training base, is the easiest to start.

His behind, two True God experts of Blue Scales Clan also took a step forward, and invisible coercion rushed towards Zhao Feng.

Obviously, Hu Cheng’s big brother has a special status in Blue Scales Clan Quasi-God Chosen, and the True God expert in the family naturally guards him, dismissing the words of Ma Lingshi and Wei Ke.

“you guys……”

Wei Ke trembled slightly, not knowing what to say, but looked at Zhao Feng a glance apologetically.

“Get out, or treat you as a traitor”

Hu Bei coldly watched Wei Ke a glance.

Although the same is Blue Scales Clan Quasi-God genius, how can Wei Ke compare with him.

Hu Biao raised his right hand, Divine Power emerged, and it was about to get rid.

But at this moment, the whole piece of land trembled slightly, and then the trembling voice became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the whole earth was shaken by hong long long, and it was seen that the distant horizon was dark, and the terrifying spirit of countless terrifying burst into the sky.

“Is this … beast tide?”

Hu Funerally stayed on the spot, shocked looking towards the distance.

Similarly, Blue Scales Clan and Fire Wing Clan and the others are shocked. Looking at the terrifying Immemorial Races in the distance, they have not heard that there will be beast tide in the Wild Immemorial secret realm.

The cultivation base of these Immemorial Races is not strong, but the number is terrifying.


azure clothed old man left directly with Fire Wing Clan and the others.

“Younger brother, hurry up”

After saying a few words, Hu Fun left with Blue Scales Clan.

“What are you still doing here?”

Blue Scales Clan True God expert shouted coldly at Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

“Boy, spare you today”

Hu Cheng fiercely looked at Zhao Feng a glance.

The beast tide is about to come down. It’s important to save your life at this moment.

call out

Zhao Feng did not continue to stay, flying in a certain direction, no one found that at this crisis time, a smile was on his face.

These huge groups of Immemorial Races are naturally Zhao Feng’s Spirit Pet. They are always hidden near Zhao Feng’s, obeying Zhao Feng’s orders.

“The Man of Fire Wing Clan”

Zhao Feng’s eyes locked on the azure clothed old man and chased after him.

Soon, the beast tide changed direction directly, chasing directly to the direction in which Fire Wing Clan and the others escaped.

call out

Zhao Feng turned into a light golden light, flying between heaven and earth.

His speed is originally not weaker than the azure clothed old man, and this is in Immemorial Dreamland. He is faster and soon catches up with Fire Wing Clan and the others.

“Zhao Feng?”

azure clothed old man with a look of horror, looked towards the blond man in front, Mystic Light Realm Perfection, can catch up with them, some incredible.

“Not good, beast tide is coming at us”

At this moment, Quasi-God of a Fire Wing Clan suddenly exclaimed.

The three-person complexion suddenly changed, how could beast tide suddenly change direction and swarm towards them, unless this is not beast tide, these Immemorial Races are controlled by someone

Thinking of this, the three were complexion shocked, staring at Zhao Feng, a chill spread from the soles of their feet.

“Stay here”

In Zhao Feng’s index finger, a powerful Immemorial Bloodline Divine Power emerged, and at the same time terrifying the destruction of the Thunder Strength, surrounding it.

To keep the azure clothed old man and the others, Zhao Feng naturally cannot hide.

“Earth Extinguishing Finger”

A huge finger light, carrying endless red gold Thunder Light storm, like the pillar of Holding the Heaven, burst out.

Two Fire Wing Clan Quasi-Gods were directly injured by Zhao Feng with one finger. Looking at Zhao Feng incredibly, how could he be so strong?


azure clothed old man whole body Thunder Lightning Circle around, breaking Zhao Feng’s attack, without injury.

“Hmph, I don’t know how you tame the heart ut a lot of Immemorial Races, but your mestic Light Realm Perfection wants to stop us too?”

azure clothed old man Although Zhao Feng’s means frightened him, his mind was very clear.

Of course, beast tide is terrifying, but these Immemorial Races are far slower than him. As long as Zhao Feng is killed, everything will be solved.

“Thunder rolls Lightning Glow”

azure clothed old man waving with both palms, and between Heaven and earth, Thunder Light to rush forth into a Great Desolate Giant Beast, and went towards Zhao Feng strikes.

“God Eye Copy”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, a dreamy color flashed in the Left Eye, and then shone with countless layers of pale gold ripples.


A gigantic anomalous giant beast emerged from Zhao Feng’s Left Eye.

“How is that possible? This is my Battle Skill ‘Thunder rolls Lightning Glow,”

azure clothed old man’s mind trembled, his eyes staring dullly at the destruction of two terrifying lightning strikes.

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