King of Gods

Chapter 1174

Originally Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi persuaded Zhao Feng to leave this place. After all, the strength of the azure clothed old man and the Golden Horn Fire Mouse was very strong.

But the azure clothed old man said that if they helped each other, the opportunities in the cave could be divided evenly, and they came out with Zhao Feng. But after azure clothed old man met their cultivation base, they immediately regretted it and made a contempt.

“Brother Zhao, let’s go”

Wei Ke persuaded that the two youths are Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God.Although Fire Wing Clan is also a 4-Star semi-power, it is much stronger than Blue Scales Clan. Besides, there is another one beside the two Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God The name Third-Rank True God helps.

“Since Senior doesn’t need our help, we don’t blend in”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled and Wei Ke and the others retreated to the Ancient Forest, as if they really intended to leave.

“Three wastes also want to cooperate with us, count them as acquaintances”

Fire Wing Clan, a youth coldly snorted, his eyebrows slightly replaced.

However, the brow of the azure clothed old man frowned slightly. His Spiritual Sense swept into the Ancient Forest and found that the Zhao Feng three did not all leave.

“What do you mean by this?”

azure clothed old man running Soul Strength directly shouted.

An invisible Soul attack rushed to Zhao Feng and the others in Ancient Forest.

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, Soul Will like thunderclap came out, blocking the Soul sonic attack of the azure clothed old man.

On the Soul level, even if the other party is Third-Rank True God, Zhao Feng has a comparison.

“The three of us have a low strength, and now we just want to watch and learn the battle between Senior and Golden Horn Fire Mouse. Maybe we can learn something from it”

Zhao Feng’s nonchalant voice came out.

At this moment, the three Zhao Feng were cultivating in the Ancient Forest with their knees crossed, leaving only a part of their thoughts on the azure clothed old man.

“Don’t worry, these three people will have to pay some price to get rid of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse. By then, their strength will be damaged and they will not be able to deal with us.”

Zhao Feng secretly provided Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi sound transmission.

“Okay, I listen to Brother Zhao”

Wei Ke’s eyes showed firmness. Danger and opportunity coexisted. If even this danger is feared, how does Martial Path advance along the way.

The Spiritual Sense of the azure clothed old man is condensed in Zhao Feng body. Zhao Feng just stopped his Soul attack with no difficulty just now, which made him a little bit surprised. Zhao Feng doesn’t seem as simple as it seems.

However, just now he already refused to Zhao Feng and the three now invite him again.

“Hmph, you have always been here when you have the ability”

azure clothed old man expression was cold, and a gleam of cold flashed in his eyes.

The other two Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God seemed to get any instructions, and immediately inspired within the body Bloodline, ran the Divine Tool, and went all out.


The azure clothed old man also activates the Bloodline, and the strength is greatly increased. The terrifying thunder Lightning Glow Hua surrounds its entire body and has terrifying destruction strength.

It takes time for azure clothed old man and Fire Wing Clan to defeat the Golden Horn Fire Mouse with the least damage, but now that others are watching, they no longer hide the strength. After they settle the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, they will deal with Zhao Feng and the three.

Bang Bang

The three took out all strength and immediately suppressed the Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

Fire Wing Clan is originally Chosen in the clan, both have attack Divine Tool, and the strength of the azure clothed old man is terrifying, holding the Lightning Strength of the hand to destroy everything.

“Abominable, you humans”

Several Golden Horn Fire Mouse were seriously injured and are no longer opponent of azure clothed old man and the others.


All the Golden Horn Fire Mouse fled directly, but the direction of the escape was within the cave.

At the same time, a terrifying wave of Divine Power suddenly came out of the cave, accompanied by Jin and Yan aura.

“There will be a treasure inside”

azure clothed old man suddenly flashed a gaze.

“Good luck guys, get out of here”

Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God also felt that there was a treasure in the cave, which must be obtained as soon as possible, and they did not have time to manage the Zhao Feng trio.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

azure clothed old man took the Fire Wing Clan three and directly entered into the cave.


Zhao Feng lightly shouted and stepped in with Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

The stone wall inside the cave is a rare metal attribute ore and emits a glowing aura, and there is a hidden Channel inside the cave.

“It seems that here is a place of Inheritance, but I don’t know what Inheritance is.”

Ma Lingshi was surprised.

I didn’t expect to encounter an inherited place in Immemorial Wild secret realm so soon.

Zhao Feng didn’t speak, he directly entered into the one, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi looked at each other a glance, chose to follow Zhao Feng, and went to the land of Inheritance to try one’s luck.

Just enters into the small hole, there is a terrifying Thunder Lightning Glow and flickering out.

“You are really act recklessly, dare to follow up”

The azure clothed old man’s cold voice came to Zhao Feng strikes with the huge Thunder Light palm shadow.

If it weren’t for the extraordinary opportunity found in the cave, azure clothed old man and the others would definitely solve the three of Zhao Feng first, but he didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be so act recklessly, and he dared to follow.

Zhao Feng had long noticed the azure clothed old man hidden here. Immediately inspired the Saint Thunder Body, and destroyed Yan Thunder.

Bang Bang

Within the narrow Channel, a burst of terrifying thunderous flames burst out. The entire subterranean shook violently, and the hard ore on the stone wall was shattered and dropped.


azure clothed old man took a step back and was surprised.

His Origin Energy was at a loss, and carelessly gave Zhao Feng the upper hand. However, Zhao Feng’s palm just now, Already To surpassed, Second-Rank True God, approaching Third-Rank True God.

“We followed up, and we were afraid that Senior would be in danger. Maybe we still have the opportunity to cooperate.”

Zhao Feng is always laid back.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body has the greatest resistance to lightning. The attack of the azure clothed old man has no great effect on Zhao Feng.

And Zhao Feng does not need to show how strong the strength is, just need to attract the attention of the other three.

“Okay, come here without fear of death.”

azure clothed old man waving his sleeve robes and taking the Fire Wing Clan quasi-san fly down.

Zhao Feng’s strength was far beyond his expectation, and it was not easy to solve them, so the azure clothed old man decided to let Zhao Feng temporarily.

“Brother Zhao hides so deep, this strength is on par with the strongest genius in my Blue Scales Clan”

Wei Ke was surprised and sighed.

“I just cultivated the Dao of Thunder Body Tempering Cultivation Technique, and restrained the Senior’s Dao of Thunder attack.”

Zhao Feng explained modestly.

Six people walked down the narrow Channel and continued to go deeper. The temperature of Space also became higher and higher. All around the walls were below this temperature.

Soon, everyone passed the Channel and came to a huge subterranean cave.

The caves all around are hard and abnormal metal minerals, and the ground is a hot lava, but in the center of the lava there is a flame palace of gold and jade in glorious splendour. The materials of this palace are very out of the ordinary, There is bound to be a treasure.

“Sure enough, Inheritance”

The azure clothed old man and Fire Wing Clan looked at the scene in front of them, looking excited.

Sou sou

The azure clothed old man and the others and Zhao Feng flew directly to the Flame Palace.

Suddenly, at the entrance of the palace, the Golden Horn Fire Mouse reappeared, eyes revealed fiercely staring at the crowd, and they all recovered from the serious injuries they had just fought.

“This is the land of Inheritance left by the ancestors of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse.

One of Aura’s most prosperous Golden Horn Fire Mouse was shouted.

At this moment, a strong aura wave came from the Golden Palace, which was burning with red gold flames.

“Not good, Golden Horn Fire Mouse accepts Inheritance in it”

azure clothed old man complexion.

Several Golden Horn Fire Mouse in front of them are all recovered, and it is not easy to deal with it. Once the Golden Horn Fire Mouse in the Palace of Fire accepts Inheritance strength, it must be more powerful.

“This little brother and Quasi-God of Blue Scales Clan, let’s do it together”

azure clothed old man directly looked towards Zhao Feng and the others.

Zhao Feng’s strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, at this time, to gain the treasure here, we must borrow the strength of Zhao Feng’s three.

“Since Senior is inviting, he is disrespectful”

Zhao Feng smiled mildly, but this smile made the azure clothed old man very disgusted.

“Do it yourself?”

Azure clothed old man suddenly drank, six people rushed out at the same time.

“Protection of Inheritance”

The Golden Horn Fire Mouse directly fires the Bloodline.


Deep in the palace, an invisible force of golden fire poured into the inside of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, their bloodline strength was increased, and Battle Strength was greatly increased.

“So it’s no wonder they are going to flee here”

Fire Wing Clan A Quasi-God complexion.

In this place of Inheritance, the battle strength of these Golden Horn Fire Mouse has been increased, which is much stronger than outside. If there are only three of them, they will certainly not be able to deal with these Immemorial Races.

Bang Bang

The six people directly collided with the Golden Horn Fire Mouse. Zhao Feng ran to destroy Yan Lei, and attack overbearing was powerful, which instantly caught everyone’s attention.

“This child’s battle strength is a bit stronger than the two Fire Wing Clan’s Chosen Quasi-God”

azure clothed old man has been paying attention to Zhao Feng, Mystic Light Realm Perfection has such a strength, which is really incredible.

However, their strength is strong, but they can help themselves to seize the opportunities here.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist”

“Thunderbolt Palm”

The six teamed up, and even if the Bloodline of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse was increased, they were still beaten back and forth.

Soon, a Golden Horn Fire Mouse was wiped out, and everyone’s battle strength directly crushed the Golden Horn Fire Mouse and approached the Palace of Fire.

“Boy, the three of you temporarily hold the Golden Horn Fire Mouse, we enter into the seizure treasure, how about splitting with you when you get it?”

At this time, azure clothed old man suggested.

“Yes, there is a Golden Horn Fire Mouse that is accepting Inheritance. We must interrupt it, otherwise even if the six of us join forces, I am afraid that we will not get the treasure inside.”

Quasi-God Chosen of Fire Wing Clan immediately echoed.

“Okay, here we are.”

Zhao Feng agreed crisply and decisively.

The azure clothed old man and the other two Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God were suddenly surprised. They originally thought that Zhao Feng would talk to them about the conditions. However, they did not expect that Zhao Feng agreed so directly that they felt unreal.

“Then you stop these Golden Horn Fire Mouse”

The azure clothed old man couldn’t control that many, and Fire Wing Clan Quasi-God flew directly into the Palace of Fire.

“Brother Zhao, how did you promise them, if they won treasure, no matter what we do?”

Wei Ke said with some concern.

At this time, although the Golden Horn Fire Mouse was seriously injured, their three people were still difficult to contain.

“Anyway, the treasure in the Flame Palace is not so easy to get.”

Zhao Feng smiled, reassuring Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

Zhao Feng dared to let them go in to get the treasure. Naturally, they weren’t afraid that they would leave after getting the treasure. Moreover, the treasure inside was really hard to get.

Shortly after azure clothed old man and the others entered, there was an angry hissing in the palace: “Dare to steal the Inheritance resources of the Golden Horn Fire Mouse Clan.

“Not good, this Golden Horn Fire Mouse accepts the strength of Inheritance, and the strength reaches Third-Rank True God”

The azure clothed old man was shockingly shouted. Although he is also Third-Rank True God, the strength that Golden Horn Fire Mouse can play here is more powerful.

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