King of Gods

Chapter 1139

“Zhao Feng, I want to talk to you”

At the corner of God Eye Space, there was a deep voice from the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness was faint, looked towards World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

This year, Zhao Feng basically did not try to enslave the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon with the Dark Heart Seal, but every time he entered into the God Eye Space, he abused him habitually.

“Will you do my mount?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

Hearing the word ‘mount’, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s deep complexion suddenly became overcast.

“I have the conditions”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon struggled for a moment, sighed, and said it seemed very humiliating.

“Say it”

Zhao Feng expression was indifferent and expected.

Without conditions, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will not find itself talking.

“I am willing to succumb to you, but you must provide a lot of resources to help me restore Peak strength, and I cannot intentionally hurt my life”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon stated his condition, and he was also worried that Zhao Feng would not agree.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is trapped in this space, the recovery of strength is limited, and when Zhao Feng’s strength is raised to a certain level, kill him with no difficulty.

After all, Zhao Feng’s original idea was to completely kill the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. It was only because he couldn’t kill it that he had the idea of ​​slavery.

Today, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon even sees many secrets of Zhao Feng’s. For the sake of insurance, the probability that Zhao Feng will eventually kill him is very high.

Therefore, during this time, Zhao Feng did not try to enslave the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, but made the Black Flood Dragon very worried, thinking that Zhao Feng already decided to kill himself.

In addition, the conditions proposed by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon are by no means ordinary. With a thin line of Bloodline from the World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is extremely powerful in all aspects. If you want to restore the strength, the resources required are also massive.

Otherwise, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has been restored to True God Realm long ago. Who else is his opponent in the Continent domain?

“Help you restore Peak strength, even if all the savings of an Ancient God are not enough”

Zhao Feng confessed the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon a glance, this guy thinks pretty beautiful.

Although the stronger the strength of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, the greater the help to Zhao Feng’s, but don’t forget that the period of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Peak is more powerful than True God.

If the strength of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon exceeds Zhao Feng too many levels, he must have a way to escape from Zhao Feng.

“Anyway, my cultivation base Realm cannot be lower than you”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon made some concessions.

Of course, from the perspective of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Feng may become the pupil of the Ninth God Eye, and there will be no less trouble.

Under the pressure of the crisis, Zhao Feng will certainly help himself to restore strength.

On the other hand, if Zhao Feng is really expected to become Ninth God Eye, then World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has no complaints and is willing to be a slave to Zhao Feng’s forever.

“It’s pretty much”

Zhao Feng agreed directly.

If the Realm of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is lower than himself, what would he do?

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement and signed a blood contract scroll.

After signing the scroll, Zhao Feng also forced World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon to plant a Dark Heart Seal.

Zhao Feng released the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon directly.

At this time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was only aura of the ordinary Saint Lord, and Soul was seriously injured.

“Raise Realm to Saint King level first”

Zhao Feng planned some resources in the Bewildering Space Realm and gave them to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Many thanks … Master”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is not used to it.

“Master, when are we going to the Wild God Region?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly asked about leaving.

“Of course wait for me to break through God Position”

Zhao Feng expression froze, then said silently.

With Zhao Feng’s ability, you can try assault God Position for at least twenty years, and then enter into the Wild God Region.

But if he needs to strengthen the strength for insurance purposes, it may take thirty years.

“Why doesn’t the Master go to the Wild God Region assault Heaven Rank God Position?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon asked in amazement.

In the center of the Brahma Universe, in all illusory and material source places, the probability of breakthrough God Position is undoubtedly greater and the achievement is higher.

“Without breaking Heaven Rank God Position, you can go to the Wild God Region without relying on external forces?”

This time, Zhao Feng was a bit shocked.

Although incredible, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon may have other methods.

“No one else, but the Master must do it”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon smiled profoundly, surely.

“Don’t tell me Master didn’t sense the existence of the Wild God Region?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon asked tentatively.

Zhao Feng expression was slightly sinking. Some time ago, he did notice faintly. There is a mysterious place in the vast Brahma Universe and his Soul, which has some vague feelings.

But how did the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon know this?

“Master should know that the focus of traveling to the Wild God Region is the gas of the Wild source. Assault Heaven Rank God Position, when going through the baptism of True God Thunder Calamity, he will get this aura, sense the existence of the Wild God Region, and then be able to Return to the Ancient God, enters into the Wild God Region ”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was slightly compartnt’s explanation for Zhao Feng.

“That is to say, in fact, there is no need for assault Heaven Rank God Position. As long as the inside contains enough wild source gas, you can enter into the Wild God Region. But this space is too low-level, here’s A creature can only gain the scent of a wild source if it experiences Thunder Calamity baptism. “

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression proudly said.

If the Foreign Territory Space is closer to the Distance Wild God Region, it can draw the wild source of the wild source in the Wild God Region, so you can enter the Wild God Region before the God Position, and then increase the breakthrough Heaven Rank God Position. Probability can even prove God Position above First-Rank.

“Does this work?”

Zhao Feng expression Great earthquake.

In fact, this is a very simple logic problem.

It’s just that everyone in the Continent domain has formed an inertia thinking that only breakthrough Heaven Rank God Position can enters into the Wild God Region.

In fact, in the final analysis, it’s just because this Space is too inferior, the creatures inside are too weak.

“Master’s within the body, contain the Immemorial source, should be very abundant.”

While staying at God Eye Space, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon saw Zhao Feng copying many Exotic Treasures of Immemorial Era.

Most of these Precious Materials contain a trace of Wild Source.

Therefore, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon asserted that Zhao Feng’s within the body must contain a rich wild source.

After explaining it.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon flew aside and used the resources given by Zhao Feng to restore the strength.

In fact, the reason why the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon stays in this low-level space is to destroy it in order to quickly restore the strength.

But now, he can’t destroy this space at all, simply follow Zhao Feng and go to the Wild God Region earlier, so he told Zhao Feng about this.

On the other side, Zhao Feng Still in the shock.

“So, as long as I settle everything, I can go directly to the Wild God Region.”

Zhao Feng was so excited.

Zhao Feng’s longing for the Wild God Region is the same as any Half-God in the Continental domain.

It was only because his body was carrying too many things that he refused the invitation of the Spirit Clan expert.

“Master, as a reminder, if you enter the Wild God Region in advance, the level of life is best to reach Half-God level”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly came to mind, and a word came.

The distance Wild God Region is too far away, and the level of life is too low, and it can’t bear the huge pressure brought by Space shuttle.

This was previously ignored by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

If Zhao Feng’s life level can’t withstand the pressure brought by the Space shuttle, he hurriedly entereds into the Wild God Region.I’m afraid that in the middle, it will have died out. Also suffer.

“Level of life?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered slightly.

Nowadays, in “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, he cultivated to the sixth layer Peak and consolidated it completely, and can break through to Perfection at any time.

The seventh layer of “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” corresponds to the level above Half-God.

“The distance Saint Thunder Body seventh layer has a distance, during which I can just settle everything down”

Zhao Feng’s mouth was lightly raised, and he couldn’t wait.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng had focused on Body Tempering.

“Bi Qingyue, what is the overall strength of the Ruler Palace today”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

“Except for Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng and Master, the strength of Ruler Palace is equivalent to the power of 3-Star and a half, but if many forces combined with Ruler Palace are added, the overall strength will rise to another level …”

Bi Qingyue faithfully to report.

Zhao Feng was lost in thought.

In fact, after the annexation of Ruler Palace by Nine Nether Palace, Tie Family, Dark Secrets Corner, Ji Family and other forces, the scale of Ruler Palace has fully reached the level of 4-Star, and even To surpassed.

It is just that these forces with the Ruler Palace alliance are, after all, external forces and cannot serve the Ruler Palace wholeheartedly.

“Continue to expand your power and cultivate Saint Lord-level experts”

After Zhao Feng told him, he began to retreat.

Actually, in the past year, the development of Ruler Palace has been shocking.

Today, the Imperial Court Imperial Court has no force blocking the Ruler Palace, and even the Supreme Emperor Palace is silent.

In this case, Zhao Feng didn’t care about the brittleness and expanded aggressively.

The most ideal situation that Zhao Feng has thought of is: the Ruler Continent domain is completely ruled by Ruler Palace.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng, Zhao Wan, Small Thieving Cat, and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon are staying in one place, using a lot of resources, crazy cultivate and improve strength.

Less than half a year, Zhao Feng found that his huge precious resources seemed to be insufficient.

One year later, even though Zhao Feng often uses Left Eye’s Copy Ability, the resources are still insufficient.

Zhao Feng glanced silently at a glance World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

He didn’t expect the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon to restore the strength, and he actually needed such massive resources.

“Master, there is no way. Although I have consumed so many resources, my strength already has been promoted to great accomplishment Saint Lord.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon doesn’t matter.

Insufficient resources, there is no way, Zhao Feng can only waste his cultivate time to go to Immemorial Dreamland to develop resources.

In the Demon Beast group of Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng also spends a lot of resources for cultivation. Only when their strength is strong, Zhao Feng can plunder more and more precious resources.

One day, in Bewildering Space Realm.

Zhao Feng The body surrounded by the dark yellow Thunder Light suddenly rises a bit, a terrifying gravity thunder field, covering the square circle of several li.

“Saint Thunder Body sixth layer Perfection”

Zhao Feng opened both eyes and spit out one mouthful of impure air.

On the other side, Zhao Wan, who is cultivate “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, has gained a deep cultivate experience, and the progress is also rapid.

“Master, I have reached Saint King Realm”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon said with joy.

He did not expect that after suffering such a severe injury this time, he could recover to Saint King Realm in just two years.

At the same time, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon once again felt that Zhao Feng’s was unfathomable.

Zhao Feng, like him, is also cultivate in Bewildering Space Realm, but he can take out some from time to time, making the Imperial Imperial Half-God expert eye-catching peerless Rare Treasures.

Just then, Bi Qingyue sent a message to Zhao Feng.

“Master, Supreme Emperor Palace Half God Dragon Emperor, it seems that Already started to assert Heaven Rank God Position”

Bi Qingyue has a serious tone.

In fact, during the retreat, Zhao Feng often contacted Bi Qingyue to learn about the outside world.

But this time, the message from Bi Qingyue made Zhao Feng a little moved.

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