King of Gods

Chapter 1138

“Human, you follow us to the Wild God Region”

old man expression Hey, said with a smile.

After careful examination, the old man found that Zhao Feng within the body contained an extremely rich source of Immemorial source, with a solid foundation, and was even stronger than the Same rank in the Wild God Region in all aspects.

In his opinion, the only defect of Zhao Feng body, that is, Bloodline is too inferior.

To the surprise of the Spirit Clan old man, he couldn’t see through Zhao Feng’s eyes.


Zhao Feng side several people, including Zhao Feng himself, stand to place, dumbstruck.

“Zhao Feng’s luck, too”

Kun Yun couldn’t believe that the old man in the Wild God Region would actually say such a word.

enters into the Wild God Region To the creatures of the entire Continental domain, it is like an untouchable myth. But judging by the performance of the Spirit Clan old man, entering into the Wild God Region seems like a trivial matter.

Everyone looked towards Zhao Feng, eyes or envy or jealousy.

Half God Tai Ji confused, extremely jealous of Zhao Feng, can’t wait to immediately kill Zhao Feng at this moment. With Zhao Feng’s innate talent, if you enter the Divine Realm in advance, the future is also inestimable.

At this point, except Zhao Feng, everyone wanted to plead with the old man and take them to the Wild God Region.

But they didn’t dare to say a word.


Yuan Long next to the old man was also surprised.

What’s the point of taking ordinary people without Immemorial Bloodline in the lower space to the Wild God Region?

“Brother Feng”

Zhao Yufei complexion is pleased to reveal a beautiful smile that can make any man be impressed.

But when Zhao Yufei looked towards Zhao Feng, she found how happy Zhao Feng not at all was.

Immediately, Zhao Yufei realized that he thought too little and was too selfish.

“Yufei, go with Senior”

Zhao Feng apologized to Zhao Yufei after a moment of silence.

If this is the case, Zhao Feng will take care of himself and go to the Wild God Region.

Well, the Ruler Palace that he cultivated in his own hands has not become the treasure of Supreme Emperor Palace. Supreme Emperor Palace will never let anyone who has a relationship with Zhao Feng.

Moreover, in the entire Continent dynasty, the alliance with the Ruler Palace was full of stars. As soon as Zhao Feng left, they had to suffer.

In addition, Zhao Feng established Ruler Palace with another goal: to take full control of the South Overlook Sea.

Only in this way can he completely protect his hometown-Green Flower Continent.

“What? Zhao Feng actually …”

Saint King Yu Ling expression trembled and stared at Zhao Feng, even wondering if he heard it wrong.

“This kid knew that Supreme Emperor Palace would make things difficult for Ruler Palace, but he stayed …”

Half God Dragon Emperor was shocked, and he was horrified.

Whoever is in danger, instead of escaping, chooses to stay and face the crisis.

Kun Yun and Nangong Sheng were equally shocked and looked towards Zhao Feng.


Yuan Long was slightly surprised, and he did not expect that the humans of the lower space would reject the Master’s invitation.

This was equivalent to a beggar, rejecting a hearty table.

Yuan Long smiled a little with sarcasm. In his opinion, Zhao Feng’s behavior was extremely stupid and hopeless.

“Brother Feng, I am waiting for you in the Wild God Region”

Zhao Yufei wiped away the wetness of the corners of his eyes, both eyes stared at Zhao Feng affectionately.

She had expected that Zhao Feng would definitely make such a choice.

“Senior, I’m very sorry, the juniors are here to stay, there are some things to do.”

Zhao Feng faced the Spirit Clan old man with respect and worship, and the last four words of his discourse were very heavy.

After raising one’s head, Zhao Feng looked at the Supreme Emperor Palace and the others.

Suddenly, Spirit Clan, including Zhao Yufei, also swept towards Half God Dragon Emperor and the others.

The Supreme Emperor Palace four people, body and mind trembled suddenly, forehead cold sweat straight, a fear of death permeated the whole body.

Experts in the Wild God Region, depending on the creatures of the Foreign Territory Space, like ants, would not care about their lives.

At this time, the expert of these two Wild God Regions came for Zhao Yufei.

As long as Zhao Yufei opens his mouth, the four of them will surely die.

“Zhao Feng, what’s up, Supreme Emperor Palace will go all out to help you”

Half God Dragon Emperor barely squeezes out a kind smile, pretending to have a good relationship with Zhao Feng.

At the same time, the other three, along with Half God Tai Ji and Saint King Yu Ling who hated Zhao Feng, also immediately smiled, flattered and flattered Zhao Feng.


Above the sky, Yuan Long disdain coldly snorted, and stretched out the crystal bright arms.


Heaven and earth void suddenly trembled, a terrifying strength and Concept that instantly controlled one party heaven and earth.

Supreme Emperor Palace is four people around, as if solidified. The four people in it, including the Half God Dragon Emperor, are disabled to move even a little bit, and together with the Spiritual Sense cannot be extended.

that moment, all four of them within the body Matter, started Crystallization, including all around Space, also in Crystallization

As if to continue, everything in this Space will eventually be reduced to crystals.

“So terrifying the strength, this person …”

Half God Dragon Emperor was shocked and terrified.

This person named Yuan Long’s Spirit Clan is much stronger than the original True God Tian Fa

But this is also as it should be by rights, but this person owns the nineteenth Spirit Clan Bloodline in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, and even in the Wild God Region, there is an extremely dazzling Chosen.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of Realm his Master has reached.

An unprecedented death crisis shrouded the hearts of the four of the Supreme Emperor Palace.

“Yuan Long, let’s go”

The old man glanced faintly, as if looking at an arrived ant and a drop of water, he didn’t care.

“Hehe, all right”

Yuan Long grinned and lowered his arm.


That piece of completely solidified Space burst into pieces, and numerous crystals were broken and scattered in the air.

“Many thanks Senior”

Half God Dragon Emperor fell to his knees and said in horror.


Next to the two Half-Gods, Saint King Yu Ling and another Phoenix robe Saint King fell directly to the ground without aura.

Half God Tai Ji’s eyes suddenly trembled, looking at the two Saint Kings alady dead next to him, a look of uncertainty.

If Yuan Long closes again at XNUMX:XNUMX, maybe he will end like this.

One side of Ruler Palace, Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng, whole body, all looked up, and looked towards the Spirit Clan in awe.

Above the sky.

The body of the old man, emitting a sparkling and translucent radiance of Divine Power, wrapped Yuan Long and Zhao Yufei.


In the middle, a faint wave came from the center of the distant Brahma Universe.

All around the three, a strange space ripple appeared.

“Brother Feng, get things done quickly”

Zhao Yufei cleared his eyes with mist and water, bit his lips tightly, and lashes trembled.

The three figure’s figure faded in a strange wave of space and disappeared completely.

After the departure of Wild God Region’s expert and Zhao Yufei, heaven and earth also gradually returned to peace.


With a sound of Half God Dragon Emperor low roaring sound, roll up the bodies of the two Saint Kings and leave Ruler Palace.

Half God Tai Ji stared fiercely at Zhao Feng a glance, turned into a white light, and disappeared into the sky.

“Come back”

Zhao Feng gave Bi Qingyue sound transmission.

Fortunately, before the advent of the Wild God Region, he dismissed other members of the Ruler Palace.

Otherwise, these lower members of Realm, disciple, I am afraid that Already has been crushed into a flesh by the aura of True God.

After a day, Ruler Palace resumed as usual.

This incident quickly swept through the Great Heaven Dynasty.

The Supreme Emperor Palace Half-God, including Half God Dragon Emperor, who returned to Ruler Palace, returned with serious injuries, while Saint King Yu Ling and Fengyi Saint King fell directly.

This result has exploded throughout the Imperial Court, and all the experts have no doubt about the authenticity of this information.

But soon, another information gradually spread: the Spirit Clan expert in the Wild God Region came to Ruler Palace, took Zhao Yufei away, seriously injured Supreme Emperor Palace Half-God, and killed two Saint Kings.

When the news spread, it completely shocked the entire dynasty.

Within a few years, another expert from the Wild God Region came.

Invisibly, all the Half-Gods in the Continent domain, the desire for the Heaven Rank God Position, and the desire for the Wild God Region were completely stimulated.

“Bi Qingyue, quickly cultivate potential, innate talent disciple into Mystic Light Realm expert, and fully cultivate Mystic Light Saint Lord”

Zhao Feng communicates information to Bi Qingyue through the Dark Heart Seal.

Soon after, Zhao Feng sorted out some precious inferior grade God Crystal, Immemorial resources, and blood crystal resources and gave them to Bi Qingyue.

“In the short term, Supreme Emperor Palace should not take action again”

Zhao Feng guessed.

In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng begins to retreat.

The Wild God Region’s expert is also very exciting to Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng yearns for the Wild God Region in mythology more, wants to see what kind of heaven and earth it is, wants to see the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race among them, and wants to witness the legendary Eight Great God Eyes

“You have to work harder, or you will be thrown too far by Yufei”

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly.

At this time, Zhao Yufei returned to the Wild God Region Immemorial Spirit Clan, and her Bloodline will surely further awaken Ancestor Transformation.

At that time, the cultivate speed of Spirit Clan Bloodline will be fully revealed.

Moreover, with Zhao Yufei’s Bloodline natural talent, at least the Third-Rank God Position can also be proved

In Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body, a powerful Thunder Calamity destruction force erupted.

Countless Platinum Lightning Marks networks, roaring and roaring above Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, destroying everything.

At this point, the focus of Zhao Feng’s cultivate is still to use Thunder Calamity Strength, tempered Saint Thunder Body.

Of course, while using the Thunder Calamity Strength tempered Saint Thunder Body, Zhao Feng still differentiates many ideas, cultivate other aspects.

After half a day, Zhao Feng stopped for a moment and took a lot of precious medicine ingredients to restore his injury.

But Zhao Feng’s cultivate never stopped, he shifted the emphasis of Cultivation to the improvement of the power of Concept.

In front of Zhao Feng’s, three vine fruits appeared, and the strong Concept strength wrapped Zhao Feng in it.

When Concept’s perception reached a critical point, Zhao Feng turned his focus on the tempered of Saint Thunder Body.

In addition, the resources in Zhao Feng’s hands were reused too many times, resulting in a decrease in medicine efficacy.

Therefore, Zhao Feng occasionally enters into the Immemorial Dreamland to explore, further increase the number of pet animals, and expand Domain.

“Tianlei Purgatory Grass, Cryptic Soil Crystal Stone, Tianfeng Yuzhu …”

In front of Zhao Feng, higher quality Immemorial Precious Materials floated.

Running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” and “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, Zhao Feng began to extract the medical power from these Precious Materials.

For a year, Zhao Feng spent the retreat.

During this period, Zhao Feng did not think of raising the cultivation base Realm, but instead consolidated the foundation and strengthened the strength.

On this day, Zhao Feng enters into the God Eye Space, ready to copy the Immemorial Precious Materials that he needs.

“Zhao Feng, I want to talk to you”

At this moment, the corner of God Eye Space, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon took the initiative.

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