King of Gods

Chapter 1114

True God Tian Fa complexion.

Whether in Clan or Ancient Soul Palace, he is Heaven’s Chosen Child. Cultivation has not suffered such a serious injury so far.

And his strength is as high as Third-Rank True God, even if the Realm strength is suppressed, Divine Physique plus the powerful Bloodline, its defense is impeccable.

Nowadays, not only his Divine Physique and Bloodline are damaged, but also the defense Divine Tool Seven Sea Devil Dragon Armor has been greatly damaged.

What made him even more surprised was that Divine Physique, which was hit hard by that mysterious strength, recovered very slowly.

He also did not expect that several ordinary God Eye descendants could actually send out such a terrifying strength.

“Is this not dead?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was shocked.

The strange Void strength just now, even he couldn’t see through.

“Really strong strength”

Half God Hidden Dragon is shocked.

The strength of the five God Eye descendants is indeed strong, but this will not completely kill the True God.

It can be seen that the true strength of this True God is definitely extraordinary, and the quality of the body Divine Tool may also be extremely high.

“However, with this True God injury, it should not be our opponent.”

Half God Dragon Emperor said.

“Is this the strength of True God?”

Zhao Feng was shocked when he looked at True God Tian Fa.

The gap between True God and Half-God is too large.

This result can only show that this True God is also extremely powerful in the Wild God Region.

“You guys, it’s too early to be happy”

True God Tian Fa The purple stripes on the dark complexion, violent ups and downs, a terrifying Immemorial Bloodline Divine Power, spread out.

“Not good”

Half God Dragon Emperor shockingly shouted.

All Half-God immediately became vigilant, Saint King and Saint Lord of Half-God behind stepped back again several hundred li.

Bai Lin seems to predict something, directly entering into the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s source space.

“Divine Law ・ Nether Soul Wave”

True God Tian Fa surges into the strong Soul Will, releasing a dark and violent Soul assault wave.

The gloomy Soul attack of Profound Mysteries traverses the Quartet at an extremely fast speed, ten thousand li away.

Heaven and earth seem to be in the dim, all the experts in the divine corpse, bear a terrifying Soul Strength attack, and even Half-God feels that the Soul level seems to fall into the abyss of hell and endure the endless torture.

The following Saint King and Saint Lord distanced True God Tian Fa distance, but still could not resist this terrifying Soul Profound Truth attack.

In the split second, dozens of Saint Lords and five Saint Kings were killed under the Soul attack of True God Tian Fa, and many Half-God injuries were further aggravated. A few Half-God already lost the combat capability.

However, the five God Eye descendants, Bloodline Inheritance with Eight Great God Eyes, have inherent resistance to the Soul attack.

Half-God Annihilation was considered less injured, Bai Lin hid in the Black Flood Dragon within the body, and Myriad Forms Saint Lord was promptly recovered by Zhao Feng.

“So terrifying Battle Strength”

A Half-God hissing with a split headache.

Soul Divine Law with Single-handedly, sweeping the entire battlefield

If this True God, at the beginning, he took out all his strength and directly launched the trump card. I am afraid that everyone who was present was not spared.


True God Tian Fa locked his eyes near Saint King Samsara, but found five descendants of God Eye and survived.

Obviously, the Divine Law of True God Tian Fa just now intends to target the five God Eye descendants, but the result is not satisfactory.

True God Tian Fa turned into a dim gloom, eyes revealed the killing intent of the fierce ice cold, and rushed directly to the descendants of God Eye.

“I will slaughter you all,”

True God Tian Fa is brutal.

However, before he can achieve this goal, he must resolve the God Eye descendants.

“Block him”

Half God Dragon Emperor loudly shouted.

Today, the greatest hole cards of the two great dynasty are the descendants of the five God Eyes.

In the face of the True God Tian Fa who completely turned his face, they must not allow the descendants of God Eye to be unexpected, otherwise the entire Continental domain would suffer the disaster.


All Half-God and St. Royal Capital know this truth.

Therefore, they were seriously injured and still came forward and joined together.


True God Tian Fa expression gloomy ice-cold, eyes always focus on the body of the descendants of the five God Eyes.


True God Tian Fa wields black long spear, and directly draws a terrifying strength, tearing void.


The digital Half-God teamed up with Saint King, still unable to resist its terrifying power.

Hong long long

The divine corpse is broken, heaven and earth crash.

Despite being seriously injured, True God Tian Fa is desperate to attack and is called Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth

“Everyone, do the Secret Technique just now.”

Half God Dragon Emperor gave five God Eye descendants sound transmission.

This is their last hope

In addition, True God Tian Fa, which was hit hard by Already, will inevitably be unable to withstand the second offense of the five God Eyes. Therefore, True God Tian Fa went all out to target the descendants of the Five God Eyes.

“Should there be no problem?”

Saint King Samsara communicates with others.


No other God Eye descendants have shirk.

After all, this is about the fate of alive or death, they have to go all out and fight hard.

“Zhao Feng, this time, you can get involved too”

Eye of Samsara thought for a moment and said.

“What is this?”

Half-God Annihilation was surprised.

Bai Lin and Great Emperor of Death are silent.

“His eyes, with a trace of God Eye aura, have the potential and trend to become Ninth God Eye …”

Saint King Samsara spoke straight.


The Half-God slope complexion is startled.

At this moment, he thought that in the head of the divine corpse, his Eye of Annihilation suddenly felt an aura of God Eye.

At that time, he thought it was an illusion, don’t tell me, that was from Zhao Feng’s eyes?

“Go ahead, if it works, I will get involved”

Zhao Feng complexion sank.

Saint King Samsara told Alien Race his secret in this way, which disturbed him.

However, it seems that Alien Race hasn’t seen Zhao Feng much.

Hu hu

Five God Eye descendants, including Zhao Feng, also picked up the tactics.

“Strength of Source”

Bang Bang…

Five God Eye descendants, once again lead to the Strength of Source in God Eye Space.

“En? How can I use God Eye’s Strength of Source?”

Zhao Feng was at place to.

Since Cultivation, God Eye has exploded several times within it.

However, it seems that those strength is not the true Strength of Source of God Eye, and Zhao Feng doesn’t know the Strength of Source of God Eye. What is it and where is it hidden?

“Hmph, Ninth God Eye, nothing more than speculation and legend”

Half-God Annihilation See Zhao Feng for half a day without a reaction, can’t help with a smile.

God Eye and its descendants, the Strength of Source, are born, and cannot be owned by other Eye Bloodlines.

On the other side, True God Tian Fa had his eyes fixed.

“How could the same trick work for me”

True God Tian Fa eyes are fierce.

For the first time, True God Tian Fa was negligent, and was hit hard by the strength of the five God Eye descendants.

And this time, True God Tian Fa will not give the five God Eye descendants the opportunity to perform this move.

“Give me to die”

True God Tian Fa surges into Bloodline Divine Power, sinking into Divine Tool.


In the black long spear, a terrifying aurora suddenly erupted, like an energy cannonball ejected, penetrated ten thousand li, and destroyed everything.

Bang Bang

The five joint Half-Gods were directly blown away by this terrifying energy, and one of the seriously injured Half-Gods died directly here.

call out

Breaking through the obstacles of Half-God, True God Tian Fa displayed the wonderful Body Movement and rushed directly to the five God Eye descendants.

“Not good, True God Tian Fa broke the line”

Half God Ku Si exclaimed.


Saint King Samsara felt a deadly crisis and hurriedly formed hand seals.

On his top of the head, the Five Strength of Source is dominated by his Strength of Samsara, twisted together …

“Late, let me die”

True God Tian Fa smiled and waved the black gun in his hand.

But at this moment, the mysterious golden sphere in Zhao Feng God Eye Space was shaking more violently.

It seems that the fusion of the source strength of the descendants of God Eye can motivate the Strength of Source in Zhao Feng God Eye.

Zhao Feng followed the changes of mysterious golden sphere and pulled out the strenght within it.


Zhao Feng’s both eyes opened suddenly, and a dreamy blurry color emerged from it.

In the moment when the strength emerged, the five strands of the Strength of Source twisted together on the sky stopped working and shuddered.

“Immemorial Strength of Source”

True God Tian Fa couldn’t tell what the strength was, but he felt the immemorial strength of source

“This strength?”

True God Tian Fa was trembling.

At that moment, his Divine Physique, Soul, and Divine Power seemed to be suppressed by the poor and couldn’t work at all.

In the face of this mysterious Illusion Strength, he felt as if he had become a common man, extremely small, and everything he willingly surrendered under this strength.

“How is this going?”

“Very different from just now”

A lot of Half-God and Saint King in front of him were shocked, completely stunned on the ground, their thoughts were blank.

“Immemorial Origin Aura”

Half God Dragon Emperor has a tough time.


This mysterious strength, like a dream, rushed directly to the Strength of Source of God Eye’s descendants.

The Strength of Source of the five God Eye descendants was directly engulfed by this fantastic mysterious strength.

The sky is distorted, flickering, colorful, heaven and earth Profound Truth rules, affected by endless, a mess

“this is?”

Zhao Feng opened both eyes.

At that moment, he seemed to turn into a whole piece of heaven and earth heaven and earth, controlling heaven and earth, everything, Profound Truth rules, and a thought, affecting everything in the world.

It seems that as long as Zhao Feng has an idea, everything here will disappear and no longer exist.

“Divine Law ・ Nether Soul 遁”

True God Tian Fa is guilty, Soul trembles, burns all Divine Power and Soul Will, the whole body swells and turns into a dark mist.

“go with”

At this time, Zhao Feng became the leader of this mysterious strength, inspiring this taboo strength to rush to True God Tian Fa.

Hum bang bang bang

At that moment, the square 10 Million Li, simultaneously shook, all the creatures worshipped under this terrifying strength like the only Ruler in the world.

“What is this strength?”

All the Half-God and Saint King experts in divine corpse were terrified, gave up defense to resist, and desperately withdrew to the sides.

Hong long long

Where the taboo Illusion Strength is shrouded, heaven and earth Void is one piece, and everything loses its original essence.

The subterranean shattered, heaven and earth seemed to be missing a part, and the second half of the divine corpse was destroyed.

In heaven and earth void, there are countless void cracks, and each split power can kill ordinary Half-God

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